ASP.NET global events -

which event is the most suitable to check for Session expired? i'm trying to trap each server request, and if Session is null, redirect to a different page.

You can determine if a new session is being created by hooking Session_OnStart -
You can handle the Session_OnStart
event by adding a subroutine named
Session_OnStart to the Global.asax
file. The Session_OnStart subroutine
is run at the beginning of a request
if the request begins a new session. A
new session will be started if a
request is made that does not contain
a SessionID value or if the SessionID
property contained in the request
references a session that has expired.
This will tell you effectively when a new session is being created, regardless of if the user just arrived or the session had expired.
It would be hard to reliably differentiate between both scenarios. I guess you could try to get a hold a the session id in the either the session cookie or embedded in the url (cookieless), but you would need to check it before getting to the above event, and later check whether the request had a session id originally. Check if you can get to the session id in the cookieless version, because it is stripped out of the urls gives you (not sure if early in the lifecycle you get to see it).

This is often best achieved by using a base Page class for all otehr classes, and implementing this in the Page_Load method.

Use BasePage class, which inherits from Page class. Let every aspx page inherits that BasePage class. In BasePage class, override OnInit event, in which you can check for Session or Cookie, and redirect user to login page (for example).
I use this approach for all mine webforms apps, because it's easy to implement and use.


How to get session value in code file while session is created in httphandler

How to get session value in code file while session is created in httphandler .it gives error like Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
The session is connected with a page request, to work is require to read the cookie of the user from the browser, or the url in case that is with out cookies.
So in the session if you do not have the httphandler, you can not have the session, because you can not know who is calling and see the page at that time.
Maybe in a custom solution session, you can send the session id to some other code with out the httphandler and use that id to read the session data, but the did not give this option.

How to access value from code behind in global asax

In my page I'm regenerating session id on every button click to go to the next page. I've already saved username in my session variable (session["uname"]=txtusername.text) in the time of log in. But as I'm regenerating new session id ,session["uname"] is having null reference because of new session id.That's why I want to set the session variable value using a Global.asax in session start function.
void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
But here in Global.asax page I'm unable access any value from my log in page..
The main problem is accessing any value in global.asax from code behind.
How can I solve this......Plz help......Thanking in advance..............
First don`t write business logic in Global.asax .
I want to point you out 3 basic things:
When session_start() called
How sessions are maintained
Where you should set your session variables.
For the following details I am assuming you have login.aspx, login.aspx.cs:
As you know HTTP is stateless protocol, so every request is new request.
So for every request session_start() will get executed.
When user request the resource for the first ever time, unique session will be generated, and cookie containing session Id will be sent to client.
For any further request from the user, HTTP client will pass the cookie to server, so user can be tracked by the server. This is how session works.
Now lets come to your code you are setting Session["uname"] in session_start() of Gloabl.asax, keep in mind that Globlax.asax is called before the page life-cycle begins
so it does not have access to page data.
Instade you should set your Session["uname"] in login.aspx.cs file. Here check if users credentials are correct then:
set Session["uname"]=value.
Now for every other request Session["uname"] for that user will be available. And you can also retrieve/update the values at session_start() of Global.asax too.

HttpContext.current.Session returns Nothing

I access some session variables from within a class library, the properties/methods are being called from a ASP.NET page. But the Session returns nothing why would this be?
Does your code run before HttpApplication.AcquireRequestState event?
Is SessionState http module enabled? If thats disabled, your session would return null. ajax calls to user controls

When calling page methods or web services with either jquery or MSAjax, the Session object appears to be null so Im finding it hard to track users who execute them.
Seeing that the session id is sent with the cookie on each request, is it possible to obtain the session object from somewhere?
You can enable the session in your WebMethod attribute like so.
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
This should enable you to access the Session object. System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session null in global.asax

I have a custom security principal object which I set in the global.asax for the current thread and all is well, no problems normally.
However, I'm just adding a dynamic image feature by having a page serve up the image and whenever that dynamic image page is loaded the System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session is null in global.asax which prevents me from setting the security principal as normal and cascading problems from that point onwards.
Normally the Session is null in global.asax only once during a session at the start when the user logs in, afterwards it's always available with this single exception.
The dynamic image page is loaded when the browser comes across an image tage in the original page i.e.
I'm guessing that this is some aspect of the fact that the browser is requesting that page without sending some credentials with it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm assuming you're using an ashx handler for the handler. If so, be sure to derive from IRequiresSessionState for example:
public class Images : IHttpHandler, System.Web.SessionState.IRequiresSessionState
{ }
If you're not using an ashx can you describe what you mean by dynamic image page?
in Global.asax.cs Session_Start() and Session_End() you need to use "this.Session" !!
The reason for this is that HttpContext is only available when there is a request that is being processed. That is why you are getting a NULL on HttpContext.Current.Session!
From Microsoft website:
"HttpContext Class: Encapsulates all HTTP-specific information about an individual HTTP request."
But don't feel bad ... i fell for this one too! :)
Session has nothing to do with being logged in or not.
What event are you overriding when you want access to the session? Session isn't available until AcquireRequestState has been fired.
For more information, see:
yes you are right This happens because the object dependancy might conficts in case of other page transferance parallel which may break down the firewall between sessions
