Drupal issue accessing custom content type - drupal

I'm having an issue where a certain content type is not accessible by standard user accounts and anon users. The content type is Page (not the Drupal one but one I created). It contains nothing special, just static text.
When I try and view a page I see the title displayed but below that, the html from the tpl isn't included. So the issue is NOT that I get an access denied page. (The text is displayed in box with rounded corners top and bottom. The top ones are there but not the bottom ones, that's how I know the HTML isn't all being displayed)
This account can access all other content. In Permissions, access content is checked of course and I could find no entries that would determine simple viewing of a specific content type.
What could cause this?

If you use CCK fields with your new content type, you should recheck your permissions. CCK fields have their own view and edit permissions and will default to the most restrictive permissions by default.
(Note: Comment turned into answer)


Mysterious Display & Edit form customization?

I have a custom list in O365, with 2 content types. Displaying/editing items of one content type shows a custom display/edit form, items of the other content type does not.
I did not create this site or list, so I'm trying to figure out how the customizations are done.
I don't see any InfoPath templates in the folders of the list.
SharePoint Designer is showing the DispForm.aspx and EditForm.aspx as
I see no form links, when looking at the content types themselves.
What other customizations are possible, where am I not looking?
If you have the right permission level, you should be able to go into the list settings, Advanced Settings and select Yes to allow management of content types. Then once you are in the List Settings, you can see the content types available on that list and click into them to view what edits were done there. Normally, most people will hide certain questions or reorder how they are displayed.

Drupal 6: Want to remove access restrictions on a View

I have a View with a Page display that only allows the returned data to be linked if the user is authenticated/logged in.
I simply want to remove that restriction. There is another view that looks the same except it's for Public and shows all the same data but not linked. (the data are pdf files).
On the authenticated display, next to Access in the Basic Settings it has: authenticated user. If I click that user role (not the gear for options), then I'm allowed a list of:
…for access restrictions. I click "None", save. But, the links are not there as an anon visitor. Same if I try by changing the user to Anonymous User. Note: In the permissions, anon has the right to see webfm attachments.
I noticed the url is like: documents-public or documents-auth so I made it just documents. No luck.
I visited the actual custom-page-type which puts the View in a content pane. I re-ordered the variants, removed all Selection Rules and that didn't do anything either.
Flushed all caches.
Somewhere, the view is still only showing a view based on whether a user is authenticated or not even though I've removed the access (it says "unrestricted" next to access) on both displays and removed all selection rules on the actual page.
I'm stuck where else to look.
The setting you're changing (Access restrictions) is for the entire page - the page URL will return a 403 error if the criteria are met.
As to where the logic is to display/not display the link, four things come to mind:
If the "view mode" is set to node or teaser, it could be in the node template file.
The logic might be in a specific view template (click on the theme information link and see if any of the templates have been overridden).
The developer might have user Views Custom Fields to put the logic directly in the fields.
The linked content is actually restricted.
I'm sure there are other possibilities too. The main point here though is that if access was restricted for anon users, they would see a 403 error, not just some missing fields.

Drupal custom content type is not displayed

I am building a website using drupal which allows users to create projects and then invite other users to join their projects.
I have created a content type- "project" for the main task. I can successfully edit this content type and publish it, however, when I get to the screen pictured here: http://imgur.com/t49pl the "view" tab is always empty. Any ideas?
what tulvit said, however...
I would recommend creating a View to display this content anyway. anything generated by the node is always difficult to present as you want, so to solve this issue, just create a View to output the content.

Getting nodes to update with content type changes in Drupal 7

I have a local build of Drupal 7 with Xampp on windows. When I add a field to a node's content type, I see the field appear last, no matter what order I put the field in Content types > [myType] > Manage fields. I would tend to think this is a cache problem... but I've tried Configuration > Performance > Clear all caches, and the order of the fields does not update.
For example, I currently have an image field, a display title field, and a body field. In the Manage Fields lightbox, the order of the fields is:
Display Title (New field, I'm not using the default title because Drupal always places is above the image instead of after)
However, on the page the order is
Display Title
This is not just a trick caused by funky CSS—the PHP is actually creating the HTML in the wrong order.
I'm guessing that Drupal updates when you add a new field (which appears last by default when created). It does not update when fields are repositioned in Manage Fields, leaving the title last on the page, although it's second in Manage Fields.
And yes, I did save the configuration after repositioning the fields in Manage Fields. I've also cleared the browser cache, and restarted the browser.
How can I get Drupal to display the fields in the order they appear in Manage Fields?
P.S. I also downloaded Drush to see if it could clear the cache. The Drush command line works, but none of the tutorials I found actually explain how to hook Drush up to a local install, only how to SSH into remote server... I typed in 'drush cc' my drupal folder, but I don't know if Drush actually did anything since I don't know how to make drush connect to my localhost.
Not a complete answer, but 'Manage Display' does not, in fact, Manage the Display. It manages the order of the fields when editing a content type, but does not influence the order in which they are displayed.
So, I was looking at it again (figuring I would have to edit into printing individual fields in the content)... and I was looking at the Devel tab (Developer module), and clicked 'render.' Some how that fixed / updated the page, and the title jumped from the bottom to above the body text.
Still not sure exactly what controls the order that fields display in... Maybe I'm a complete n00b, but if the info's out there, it's hard to find.

How to display blocks of text in drupal?

I'm trying to build a module that lets users with a certain role post messages that will be displayed for users with a different role. I'd like this to simply be one module that handles both these things, however, the furthest I've gotten is setting up the form to post messages.
I'd like to show the posted messages on the same page as the input form (and hide the form for the unauthorised users), but I just can't figure out what I have to do to show the messages. How hard can it be to display some simple text?
So far I've added an item to the menu that links to the page with a form on it.
You could make use of the boxes module to have online editing of this text that other users will see. If you're set on Using your custom Form you could put your text in a block.
The Content Access module will let you restrict view permission for a given content type to users having a certain role.
For setting up the layout, you might want to put the posted messages in a block or use Panels.
