What characters are unsafe in query strings? - query-string

I need to prevent the characters that cause vulnerabilities in the URL.
My sample URL is http://localhost/add.aspx?id=4;req=4.
Please give the list of characters that I need block.
I am using an ASP.NET web page. I am binding the information from an SQL Server database.
I just want to list the characters to stay away from hackers to enter unwanted strings in the URL.

Depending on what technology you're using, there is usually a built-in function that will handle this for you.
ASP.NET (VB) & Classic ASP
myUrl = Server.UrlEncode(myUrl)
myUrl = Server.UrlEncode(myUrl);
$myUrl = urlencode($myurl);
If you simply would like to remove unsafe characters, you would need a regular expression. RFC 1738 defines what characters are unsafe for URLs:
Characters can be unsafe for a
number of reasons. The space
character is unsafe because
significant spaces may disappear and
insignificant spaces may be introduced
when URLs are transcribed or
typeset or subjected to the treatment
of word-processing programs. The
characters "<" and ">" are unsafe
because they are used as the
delimiters around URLs in free text;
the quote mark (""") is used to
delimit URLs in some systems. The
character "#" is unsafe and should
always be encoded because it is used
in World Wide Web and in other
systems to delimit a URL from a
fragment/anchor identifier that might
follow it. The character "%" is
unsafe because it is used for
encodings of other characters. Other
characters are unsafe because
gateways and other transport agents
are known to sometimes modify such
characters. These characters are "{",
"}", "|", "\", "^", "~", "[", "]",
and "`".

I need to prevent the characters that cause vulnerabilities
Well, of course you need to URL encode, as the answers have said. But does not URL encoding cause vulnerabilities? Well, normally not directly; mostly it just makes your application break when unexpected characters are input.
If we're talking about web ‘vulnerabilities’, the most common ones today are:
Server-side code injection, compromising your server
SQL injection, compromising your database
HTML injection, allowing cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks against your users
Unvalidated actions, allowing cross-site request forgery (XSRF) attacks against your users
These are in order of decreasing seriousness and increasing commonness. (Luckily few web site authors are stupid enough to be passing user input to system() these days, but XSS and XSRF vulnerabilities are rife.)
Each of these vulnerabilities requires you to understand the underlying problem and cope with it deliberately. There is no magic list of “strings you need to block” that will protect your application if it is playing naïve about security. There are some add-ons that do things like blocking the string ‘<script>’ when submitted, but all they give you is a false sense of security since they can only catch a few common cases, and are usually easy to code around.
They'll also stop those strings being submitted when you might genuinely want them. For example, some (stupid) PHP authors refuse all incoming apostrophes as an attempt to curb SQL-injection; result is you can't be called “O'Reilly”. D'oh. Don't block; encode properly.
For example, to protect against SQL injection make sure to SQL-escape any strings that you are making queries with (or use parameterised queries to do this automatically); to protect against HTML injection, HTML-encode all text strings you output onto the page (or use a templating/MVC scheme that will do this automatically).
My sample URL http://localhost/add.aspx?id=4;req=4
Is there supposed to be something wrong with that URL? It's valid to separate two query parameters with a ‘;’ instead of the more common ‘&’, but many common web frameworks lamentably still don't understand this syntax by default (including Java Servlet and ASP.NET). So you'd have to go with ‘id=4&req=4’ — or, if you really wanted that to be a single parameter with a literal semicolon in it, ‘id=4%3Breq%3D4’.

See also: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986#section-2.2

I wrote this, for pretty URLs, but it's of course not complete:
And then I translate spaces " " and repeating spaces for "-".
A better thing is to do it or combine it with a regular expression.


Encoder.HtmlEncode encodes Farsi characters

I want to use the Microsoft AntiXss library for my project. When I use the Microsoft.Security.Application.Encoder.HtmlEncode(str) function to safely show some value in my web page, it encodes Farsi characters which I consider to be safe. For instance, it converts لیست to لیست. Am I using the wrong function? How should I be able to print the user input in my page safely?
I'm currently using it like this:
I think I messed up! Razor view encodes the values unless you use #Html.Raw right? Well, I encoded the string and it encoded it again. So in the end it just got encoded twice and hence, the weird looking chars (Unicode values)!
If your encoding (lets assume that it's Unicode by default) supports Farsi it's safe to use Farsi, without any additional effort, in ASP.NET MVC almost always.
First of all, escape-on-input is just wrong - you've taken some input and applied some transformation that is totally irrelevant to that data. It's generally wrong to encode your data immediately after you receive it from the user. You should store the data in pure view to your database and encode it only when you display it to the user and according to the possible vulnerabilities for the current system. For example the 'dangerous' html characters are not 'dangerous' for SQL or android etc. and that's one of the main reasons why you shouldn't encode the data when you store it in the server. And one more reason - when you html encode the string you got 6-7 times more characters for your string. This can be a problem with server constraints for strings length. When you store the data to the sql server you should escape, validate, sanitize your data only for it and prevent only its vulnerabilities (like sql injection).
Now for ASP.NET MVC and razor you don't need to html encode your strings because it's done by default unless you use Html.Raw() but generally you should avoid it (or html encode when you use it). Also if you double encode your data you'll result in corrupted output :)
I Hope this will help to clear your mind.

HTTP query and URI encoding doubts [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Recently I was researching HTTP query strings while wondering about possibilities on web service access interface API. And it seems very underspecified.
In fact RFC 3986 (Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax) doesn’t say anything about format of the query string fragment and ends on defining which characters are allowed and how to encode other characters. (I will return to this later.)
The only thing I found was HTML specification on how forms are mangled into query string (HTML 4.01; 17.13.4 Form content types, application/x-www-form-urlencoded). HTML 5 algorithm seems close enough ( URL-encoded form data).
This might seem OK. After all why would anyone want to set a query string format for everyone else. What for? But are there any other (than HTML) well established standards? Is anyone else using a different format?
A side question here is dealing with [] in form fields names. PHP uses that to ensure that multiple occurrences of a field are all present in $_GET superglobal variable. (Otherwise only last occurrence is present.)
But from RFC 3986 it seems that neither [ nor ] are allowed in query string. Yet my experiments with various browsers suggested that no browser encodes those characters and they are there in the URI just like that...
Is this real life practice? Or am I testing it incorrectly? I tested with PHP 5.3.17 on IIS 7. Using Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. Then I compared what is in $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] and $_GET.
Another question is real life support for semicolon separation.
HTML 4.01 specification (B.2.2 Ampersands in URI attribute values) recommends HTTP servers to accept semicolon (;) as parameter separator (opposed to ampersand &).
Is any server supporting it? Is anyone using this? Is it worth to bother with that (when considering allowed formats of query string for a web service)?
Then how about non-ASCII characters support?
HTML 4.01 specification (B.2.1 Non-ASCII characters in URI attribute values) restates clearly what URI describing RFCs stated in the first place: non-ASCII characters are not allowed in URI. Yet specification takes into account existing practice (of use of illegal URIs) and advices to change such characters into UTF-8 encoding and then treat each byte with URI-standard hex encoding.
From my tests is seems that for example Chrome and Firefox do so. But Internet Explorer did not and just sent those characters like they were. PHP partially coped with that. $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] and $_GET contained those characters. But $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] contained ? instead.
Are there any standards or practices how to approach such cases?
And another connected question is how then should authors publish (by URI) resources with names containing non-ASCII (for example national) characters? Considering all the various parties (HTML code, browser sending request, browser saving file do disk, server receiving and processing request and server storing the file) it seems nearly impossible to have it working consistently. Or at least I never managed.
When it comes to web pages I’m already used to that and always replace national characters with corresponding Latin base characters. But when it comes to external files (PDFs, images, …) it somehow “feels wrong” to “downgrade” the names. Especially if one expects users to save those files on disk.. How to deal with this issue?
Have you checked HTTP specyfication (RFC2616)?
Take a look at those parts:
The practical advice would be to use Base64 to encode the fields that you expect to contain risky characters and later on decode them on your backend.
Btw. Your question is really long. It decreases the chance that someone will dig into it.
In fact RFC 3986 (Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax) doesn’t say anything about format of the query string fragment
Yes, it does, in Section 3.4:
query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
pchar is defined in Section 3.3:
pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "#"
and ends on defining which characters are allowed and how to encode other characters.
Exactly. That is defining the format of the query string fragment.
But from RFC 3986 it seems that neither [ nor ] are allowed in query string.
Officially, yes. But not all browsers do it, and that is broken behavior on their part. All official specs I have seen (and 3986 is not the only one in play) say those characters must be percent-encoded.
Then how about non-ASCII characters support?
Non-ASCII characters are not allowed in URIs. They must be charset-encoded and percent-encoded. The actual charset used is server-specific, there is no spec that allows a URI to specify the charset used. Various specs recommend UTF-8, but do not require UTF-8, and some foreign servers indeed do not use UTF-8.
The IRI spec (RFC 3987), which replaces the URL/URI specs, supports the full Unicode charset, but IRIs are still relatively new and many servers do not support them yet. However, The RFC does define algorithms for converting IRIs to URIs and vice versa.
When in doubt, percent-encode everything you are not sure about. Servers are required to support an decode them when present, before then processing the decoded data as needed.

Semicolon as URL query separator

Although it is strongly recommended (W3C source, via Wikipedia) for web servers to support semicolon as a separator of URL query items (in addition to ampersand), it does not seem to be generally followed.
For example, compare
results. (In the latter case, semicolon is, or was at the time of writing this text, treated as ordinary string character, as if the url was: http://www.google.com/search?q=nemo%3Boe=utf-8)
Although the first URL parsing library i tried, behaves well:
>>> from urlparse import urlparse, query_qs
>>> url = 'http://www.google.com/search?q=nemo;oe=utf-8'
>>> parse_qs(urlparse(url).query)
{'q': ['nemo'], 'oe': ['utf-8']}
What is the current status of accepting semicolon as a separator, and what are potential issues or some interesting notes? (from both server and client point of view)
The W3C Recommendation from 1999 is obsolete. The current status, according to the 2014 W3C Recommendation, is that semicolon is now illegal as a parameter separator:
To decode application/x-www-form-urlencoded payloads, the following algorithm should be used. [...] The output of this algorithm is a sorted list of name-value pairs. [...]
Let strings be the result of strictly splitting the string payload on U+0026 AMPERSAND characters (&).
In other words, ?foo=bar;baz means the parameter foo will have the value bar;baz; whereas ?foo=bar;baz=sna should result in foo being bar;baz=sna (although technically illegal since the second = should be escaped to %3D).
As long as your HTTP server, and your server-side application, accept semicolons as separators, you should be good to go. I cannot see any drawbacks. As you said, the W3C spec is on your side:
We recommend that HTTP server implementors, and in particular, CGI implementors support the use of ";" in place of "&" to save authors the trouble of escaping "&" characters in this manner.
I agree with Bob Aman. The W3C spec is designed to make it easier to use anchor hyperlinks with URLs that look like form GET requests (e.g., http://www.host.com/?x=1&y=2). In this context, the ampersand conflicts with the system for character entity references, which all start with an ampersand (e.g., "). So W3C recommends that web servers allow a semicolon to be used as a field separator instead of an ampersand, to make it easier to write these URLs. But this solution requires that writers remember that the ampersand must be replaced by something, and that a ; is an equally valid field delimiter, even though web browsers universally use ampersands in the URL when submitting forms. That is arguably more difficult that remembering to replace the ampersand with an & in these links, just as would be done elsewhere in the document.
To make matters worse, until all web servers allow semicolons as field delimiters, URL writers can only use this shortcut for some hosts, and must use & for others. They will also have to change their code later if a given host stops allowing semicolon delimiters. This is certainly harder than simply using &, which will work for every server forever. This in turn removes any incentive for web servers to allow semicolons as field separators. Why bother, when everyone is already changing the ampersand to & instead of ;?
In short, HTML is a big mess (due to its leniency), and using semicolons help to simplify this a LOT. I estimate that when i factor in the complications that i've found, using ampersands as a separator makes the whole process about three times as complicated as using semicolons for separators instead!
I'm a .NET programmer and to my knowledge, .NET does not inherently allow ';' separators, so i wrote my own parsing and handling methods because i saw a tremendous value in using semicolons rather than the already problematic system of using ampersands as separators. Unfortunately, very respectable people (like #Bob Aman in another answer) do not see the value in why semicolon usage is far superior and so much simpler than using ampersands. So i now share a few points to perhaps persuade other respectable developers who don't recognize the value yet of using semicolons instead:
Using a querystring like '?a=1&b=2' in an HTML page is improper (without HTML encoding it first), but most of the time it works. This however is only due to most browsers being tolerant, and that tolerance can lead to hard-to-find bugs when, for instance, the value of the key value pair gets posted in an HTML page URL without proper encoding (directly as '?a=1&b=2' in the HTML source). A QueryString like '?who=me+&+you' is problematic too.
We people can have biases and can disagree about our biases all day long, so recognizing our biases is very important. For instance, i agree that i just think separating with ';' looks 'cleaner'. I agree that my 'cleaner' opinion is purely a bias. And another developer can have an equally opposite and equally valid bias. So my bias on this one point is not any more correct than the opposite bias.
But given the unbiased support of the semicolon making everyone's life easier in the long run, cannot be correctly disputed when the whole picture is taken into account. In short, using semicolons does make life simpler for everyone, with one exception: a small hurdle of getting used to something new. That's all. It's always more difficult to make anything change. But the difficulty of making the change pales in comparison to the continued difficulty of continuing to use &.
Using ; as a QueryString separator makes it MUCH simpler. Ampersand separators are more than twice as difficult to code properly than if semicolons were used. (I think) most implementations are not coded properly, so most implementations aren't twice as complicated. But then tracking down and fixing the bugs leads to lost productivity. Here, i point out 2 separate encoding steps needed to properly encode a QueryString when & is the separator:
Step 1: URL encode both the keys and values of the querystring.
Step 2: Concatenate the keys and values like 'a=1&b=2' after they are URL encoded from step 1.
Step 3: Then HTML encode the whole QueryString in the HTML source of the page.
So special encoding must be done twice for proper (bug free) URL encoding, and not just that, but the encodings are two distinct, different encoding types. The first is a URL encoding and the second is an HTML encoding (for HTML source code). If any of these is incorrect, then i can find you a bug. But step 3 is different for XML. For XML, then XML character entity encoding is needed instead (which is almost identical). My point is that the last encoding is dependent upon the context of the URL, whether that be in an HTML web page, or in XML documentation.
Now with the much simpler semicolon separators, the process is as one wud expect:
1: URL encode the keys and values,
2: concatenate the values together. (With no encoding for step 3.)
I think most web developers skip step 3 because browsers are so lenient. But this leads to bugs and more complications when hunting down those bugs or users not being able to do things if those bugs were not present, or writing bug reports, etc.
Another complication in real use is when writing XML documentation markup in my source code in both C# and VB.NET. Since & must be encoded, it's a real drag, literally, on my productivity. That extra step 3 makes it harder to read the source code too. So this harder-to-read deficit applies not only to HTML and XML, but also to other applications like C# and VB.NET code because their documentation uses XML documentation. So the step #3 encoding complication proliferates to other applications too.
So in summary, using the ; as a separator is simple because the (correct) process when using the semicolon is how one wud normally expect the process to be: only one step of encoding needs to take place.
Perhaps this wasn't too confusing. But all the confusion or difficulty is due to using a separation character that shud be HTML encoded. Thus '&' is the culprit. And semicolon relieves all that complication.
(I will point out that my 3 step vs 2 step process above is usually how many steps it would take for most applications. However, for completely robust code, all 3 steps are needed no matter which separator is used. But in my experience, most implementations are sloppy and not robust. So using semicolon as the querystring separator would make life easier for more people with less website and interop bugs, if everyone adopted the semicolon as the default instead of the ampersand.)

File names containing non-ascii international language characters

Has anyone had experience generating files that have filenames containing non-ascii international language characters?
Is doing this an easy thing to achieve, or is it fraught with danger?
Is this functionality expected from Japanese/Chinese speaking web users?
Should file extensions also be international language characters?
Info: We currently support multilanguage on our site, but our filenames are always ASCII. We are using ASP.NET on the .NET framework. This would be used in a scenario where international users could choose a common format and name for there files.
Is this functionality expected from Japanese/Chinese speaking web users?
Is doing this an easy thing to achieve, or is it fraught with danger?
There are issues. If you are serving files directly, or otherwise have the filename in the URL (eg.: http://​www.example.com/files/こんにちは.txt -> http://​www.example.com/files/%E3%81%93%E3%82%93%E3%81%AB%E3%81%A1%E3%81%AF.txt), you're generally OK.
But if you're serving files with the filename generated by the script, you can have problems. The issue is with the header:
Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="こんにちは.txt"
How do we encode those characters into the filename parameter? Well it would be nice if we could just dump it in in UTF-8. And that will work in some browsers. But not IE, which uses the system codepage to decode characters from HTTP headers. On Windows, the system codepage might be cp1252 (Latin-1) for Western users, or cp932 (Shift-JIS) for Japanese, or something else completely, but it will never be UTF-8 and you can't really guess what it's going to be in advance of sending the header.
Tedious aside: what does the standard say should happen? Well, it doesn't really. The HTTP standard, RFC2616, says that bytes in HTTP headers are ISO-8859-1, which wouldn't allow us to use Japanese. It goes on to say that non-Latin-1 characters can be embedded in a header by the rules of RFC2047, but RFC2047 explicitly denies that its encoded-words can fit in a quoted-string. Normally in RFC822-family headers you would use RFC2231 rules to embed Unicode characters in a parameter of a Content-Disposition (RFC2183) header, and RFC2616 does defer to RFC2183 for definition of that header. But HTTP is not actually an RFC822-family protocol and its header syntax is not completely compatible with the 822 family anyway. In summary, the standard is a bloody mess and no-one knows what to do, certainly not the browser manufacturers who pay no attention to it whatsoever. Hell, they can't even get the ‘quoted-string’ format of ‘filename="..."’ right, never mind character encodings.
So if you want to serve a file dynamically with non-ASCII characters in the name, the trick is to avoid sending the ‘filename’ parameter and instead dump the filename you want in a trailing part of the URL.
Should file extensions also be international language characters?
In principle yes, file extensions are just part of the filename and can contain any character.
In practice on Windows I know of no application that has ever used a non-ASCII file extension.
One final thing to look out for on systems for East Asian users: you will find them typing weird, non-ASCII versions of Latin characters sometimes. These are known as the full-width and half-width forms, and are designed to allow Asians to type Latin characters that line up with the square grid used by their ideographic (Han etc.) characters.
That's all very well in free text, but for fields you expect to parse as Latin text or numbers, receiving an unexpected ‘42’ integer or ‘.txt’ file extension can trip you up. To convert these ‘compatibility characters’ down to plain Latin, normalise your strings to ‘Unicode Normal Form NFKC’ before doing anything with them.
Refer to this overview of file name limitations on Wikipedia.
You will have to consider where your files will travel, and stay within the most restrictive set of rules.
From my experience in Japan, filenames are typically saved in Japanese with the standard English extension. Apply the same to any other language.
The only problem you will run into is that in an unsupported environment for that character set, people will usually just see a whole bunch of squares with an extension. Obviously this won't be a problem for your target users.
I have been playing around with Unicode and Indian languages for a while now. Here are my views on your questions:
Its easy. You will need two things: Enable Unicode (UTF-8/16/32) support in your OS so that you can type those characters and get Unicode compatible editors/tools so that your tools understand those characters.
Also, since you are looking at a localised web application, you have to ensure or atleast inform your visitor that he/she needs to have a browser which uses relevant encoding.
Your file extensions need not be i18-ned.
My two cents:
Key thing to international file names is to make URLs like bobince suggested:
I had to make special routine for IE7 since it crop filename if its longer then 30 characters. So instead of "Your very long file name.txt" file will appear as "%d4y long file name.txt". However interesting thing is that IE7 actually understands header attachment;filename=%E3%81%93%E3%82%93%E3.txt correctly.

Cross Site Scripting and HTML Encoding

If I HTML encode any data entered by website users when I redisplay it, will this prevent CSS vulnerabilities?
Also, is there a tool/product available that will sanitize my user input for me, so that I don't have to write my own routines.
There are various subtleties to this question, although the answer in general is yes.
The safety of your website is highly dependent on where you put the data. If you put it as legit text, there is essentially no way for the attacker to execute XSS. If you put it in an attribute, if you forget to escape quotes or don't check for multibyte well-formedness, you have a possible attack. If you put it in a JSON variable, not escaping properly can lead to arbitrary JavaScript. Etc. etc. Context is very important.
Other users have suggested using XSS removal or XSS detection functions. I tend to think of XSS removal as user unfriendly; if I post an email address like <foo#example.com> and your remove XSS function thinks it's an HTML tag, this text mysteriously disappears. If I am running an XSS discussion forum, I don't want people's sample code to be removed. Detection is a little more sensible; if your application can tell when someone is attacking it, it can ban the IP address or user account. You should be careful with this sort of functionality, however; innocents can and will get caught in the crossfire.
Validation is an important part of website logic, but it's also independent of escaping. If I don't validate anything but escape everything, there will be no XSS attacks, but someone can say that their birthday is "the day the music died", and the application wouldn't be the wiser. In theory, strict enough validation for certain data types can perform all the duties of escaping (think numbers, enumerations, etc), but it's general good practice of defense in depth to escape them anyway. Even if you're 100% it's an integer. It might not be.
Escaping plaintext is a trivial problem; if your language doesn't give you a function, a string replace for <, >, ", ' and & with their corresponding HTML entities will do the trick. (You need other HTML entities only if you're not using UTF-8). Allowing HTML tags is non-trivial, and merits its own Stack Overflow question.
encoding your HTML is a start... it does not protect from all XSS attacks.
If you use PHP, here is a good function you can use in your sites: Kallahar's RemoveXSS() function
If you don't use PHP, at least the code is well commented, explaining the purpose of each section, and could then be adapted to another programming language.
The answer is no, encoding is not enought. The best protection for XSS is a combination of "whitelist" validation of all incoming data and appropriate encoding of all output data. Validation allows the detection of attacks, and encoding prevents any successful script injection from running in the browser. If you are using .NET you can check this library http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa973813.aspx
You can check also some Cheat sheets to test your protections: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
HtmlEncoding input gets you a good portion of the way by not allowing the HTML to render to the page.
Depending on your language items should exist there to sanitize the data. In .NET you can use Server.HtmlEncode(txtInput.Text) to input data from a textbox named txtInput.
As others have mentioned more items are needed to be truly protected.
