Emulate Excel Web Query in .net - asp.net

I need to emulate an Excel Web Query in .net Below is the sample code. I get an Error500 when I attempt to do this in .net, however in Excel it works fine. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? When I change the URI to a normal website it works fine, and returns the html from the page, which i what i am after. I wonder if the problem lies from the fact that I am trying to return a datatable
Dim oHttpWebRequest As System.Net.HttpWebRequest
Dim oStream As System.IO.Stream
Dim sChunk As String
oHttpWebRequest = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("http://somesite/foo.jsp"))
Dim oHttpWebResponse As System.Net.WebResponse = oHttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
oStream = oHttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream
sChunk = New System.IO.StreamReader(oStream).ReadToEnd()
Here is the Query from Excel
I am getting the error when I getReponse from the server

I found the problem I was having.
I used fiddler to figure out the headers that were being sent via excel and compared those with the headers .net was sending
I had to add the following lines of code to add these two headers in order for it to work
oHttpWebRequest.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Pragma, "no-cache")
oHttpWebRequest.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.AcceptLanguage, "en-us")


HttpRequest not getting the full Response

Im trying to create a HttpRequest using asp.net with this simple code:
Dim request As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(url)
request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
Dim responsee As HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse() ''Fell
Dim dataStream As Stream = responsee.GetResponseStream()
Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)
Dim html As String = reader.ReadToEnd()
the code works fine, but the web sites im trying to get with this code doesnt get the full answer.
For example: Travelocity (this link will take you seaching flighs between New York and Los angeles.
what actually happens, that the request return as finish quite fast, but in the meanwhile the search is working, and just after few second later the page is finished his load.
When im using the code above, im getting the first response which is incomplete.
How can i solve this? can i set the request object with waiting time to assure the full response? or is there any other solution for sites like this?
Thank you.

DotNetZip download works in one site, not another

EDIT - RESOLVED: the difference was that in the "main" case the download was initiated via a callback cycle, and in the "test" case it was initiated through a server side button click function. My guess is that the download request and the callback cycle interfered with each other, both stopping the download and causing the page to become inactive (as described below). When I rewired the download on the main page to start with a submit instead of a callback, it did initiate the download.
This is in VS2013 Ultimate, Win7Pro, VB.Net, websites (not projects),IISExpress.
I built a test site to develop functionality for creating OpenXML PPTX and XLSX memorystreams and zipping and downloading them using DotNetZip. Got it to work fine. I then merged all that code into my "main" site. Both sites are on the same machine; I can run the test site and the main site at the same time. The main site processing is somewhat more complicated, but only in terms of accessing and downloading more files.
However, the Zip and Download function (below) works fine in the test site, but the exact same code doesn't work in the main site (with or without the test site up and running).
There's an error trap (see below) around the Zip.Save function where the download occurs but no error shows up.
Same overall behavior in Chrome, Firefox and IE11.
One peculiarity that might be a clue is that when the main site download fails, the server side functionality "goes dead". Local JS functions work, but the app doesn't respond to callbacks. When I do an F5 on the browser it works again.
I did a refresh on the DotNetZip package in the main site. The Zip object appears to be working properly, because it generates an error on duplicate file names.
I thought it might be the download function as written, however, it works in the test site. Also, another piece of the main site does a non-zipped download of a memory stream (included as the second code block below) and that works fine.
I thought it might be the data. So I kludged the main site to access, convert to memorystream and download the same file that the is accessed and downloaded in the test site. Still the main site download doesn't work.
When I compare the watch values on the Zip object in the two sites, they look identical. The length of the wrkFS.ContentStream is identical in both cases. The file names are different, however, they are:
Test_2EFVG1THK5.xlsx (main)
6-18_12-46-28_0.xlsx (test)
which are both legal file names.
EDIT: I saved the zip file to disk from the main program, instead of trying to download it, using this:
wrkFilePath = "D:\filepath\test.zip"
And it worked fine. So that possibly isolates the problem to this statement
EDIT: Base on help I received here:
Convert DotNetZip ZipFile to byte array
I used this construct:
Dim ms as New MemoryStream
wrkBytes = ms.ToArray()
to get around the ZipFile.Save(to context), and that didn't work either; no download, no error message, and page goes dead. However, at least I can now assume it's not a problem with the ZipFile.Save.
At this point I'm out of ways to diagnose the problem.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Here is the code that works in the test site but not in the main site.
Public Sub ZipAndDownloadMemoryStreams(ByVal context As HttpContext) _
Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest
Dim rtn As String = ""
Dim wrkAr As ArrayList
wrkAr = SC.ContentArrayForDownLoad
If wrkAr.Count = 0 Then
Dim wrkStop As Integer = 0
Exit Sub
End If
Dim wrkFS As ZipDownloadContentPair
Using wrkZip As New ZipFile
'----- create zip, add memory stream----------
For n As Integer = 0 To wrkAr.Count - 1
wrkFS = wrkAr(n)
wrkZip.AddEntry(wrkFS.FileName, wrkFS.ContentStream)
context.Response.ContentType = "application/force-download"
context.Response.AddHeader( _
"content-disposition", _
"attachment; filename=" & "_XYZ_Export.zip")
'---- save context (initiate download)-----
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
Dim exmsg As String = ex.Message
Dim wrkStop As String = ""
End Try
End Sub
Below is the non-zip download function that works fine in the main site.
It might be possible to convert the Zip content to a byte array and try the download that way, however, I'm not sure how that would work.
(SEE EDIT NOTE ABOVE --- I implemented a version of the below, i.e. try to download byte array instead of directly ZipFile.Save(), however, it didn't help; still doesn't download, and still doesn't give any error message)
Public Sub DownloadEncryptedMemoryStream(ByVal context As HttpContext) _
Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest
Dim wrkMemoryStream As New System.IO.MemoryStream()
wrkMemoryStream = SC.ContentForDownload
Dim wrkFileName As String = SC.ExportEncryptedFileName
wrkMemoryStream.Position = 0
Dim wrkBytesInStream As Byte() = New Byte(wrkMemoryStream.Length - 1) {}
wrkMemoryStream.Read(wrkBytesInStream, 0, CInt(wrkMemoryStream.Length))
Dim wrkStr As String = ""
wrkStr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(wrkMemoryStream.ToArray())
context.Response.ContentType = "application/force-download"
context.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" & wrkFileName)
wrkBytesInStream = Nothing
(Per the note now at the top of the question): The difference was that in the "main" case the download was initiated via a callback cycle, and in the "test" case it was initiated through a server side button click function. My guess is that the download request and the callback cycle interfered with each other, both stopping the download and causing the page to become inactive (as described below). When I rewired the download on the main page to start with a submit instead of a callback, it did initiate the download.

Illegal characters in path asp.net and utf

i want get content of web page but when try to access it show this error
"Illegal characters in path"
my question is how i solve it and there is a better way to get content of a page
now i get content with windows application and webbrowser and have no error but cant do in asp
my code
Dim client As New Net.WebClient
TextBox1.Text = client.DownloadString("www.url.com/")
and content of page is
if i change url to http://www.url.com/ the problem solve but character not support like
`‹�طG[T�ے-تAہ0ءI±°M/ùے«Z✖پ$¼×ى(م´;اy­iص)—½؛‚C%%û`
and i add this code but nor work
client.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8
You should include http:// along with the URL to execute the query(TextBox1.Text = client.DownloadString("www.url.com/")) properly, so your code will be like the following:
Dim client As New Net.WebClient
TextBox1.Text = client.DownloadString("http://url.com/")

get a website data and display on my web page

I am Trying to display a website portion on my web page.and for this i dnt want to use iframe.But any other idea which can get data from a website and then display it on my web page like.
this is website
and want to display this portion on m y web page
Please any one tell me is there any way to do this except using iframe?
Shared Function GetHtmlPage(ByVal strURL As String) As String
Dim strResult As String
Dim objResponse As WebResponse
Dim objRequest As WebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(strURL)
objResponse = objRequest.GetResponse()
Using sr As New StreamReader(objResponse.GetResponseStream())
strResult = sr.ReadToEnd()
End Using
Return strResult
End Function
Dim responses As String = GetHtmlPage(theurl)
Refer existing posts
Using HTTPWebRequest in ASP.NET VB
or simply Google this
If you are using PHP, try using CURL, it is a server side request which fetches the data from the target site and then you can embed it in your page.
On the other hand, if you are using .Net, you can use httpwebrequest to do the same.
In short, you will have to make a server side request from your server to the target website to fetch the data and you can embed that data on your page as if it has come from your website.
Please check out this post
How to use httpwebrequest to pull image from website to local file
Here all you need to do is
when you have the image bytes ready, you need to write those bytes to response but before that, you will have to send proper headers to let the browser understand that you are now going to send the image.

.Net Streamwriter putting exclamation mark in XML feed

When using HttpWebRequest to submit xml post data to a remote server, it inserts exclamation marks throughout the xml data when it sends it, causing the SOAP server to reject it and abort the connection. I have a HTML form submitter and it submits the xml in a textarea just fine without errors.
Here is my basic page logic for submitting the xml data, I have tried using the byte array as well but got the same errors.
Dim submitPage As HttpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(requestUrl)
submitPage.Method = "POST"
Dim postData As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
postData.Append("Submit+XML=Submit&xmldata=" & System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(CompiledXML))
Dim writer As StreamWriter = Nothing
submitPage.ContentLength = postData.ToString().Length
writer = New StreamWriter(submitPage.GetRequestStream())
So what happens here is is takes my XML string and puts it in the post but it also puts in exclamation marks about every 10 lines.
I have been working on this problem a couple days with no luck.
This was a bug in PHP on the remote server, where if you had a string over a certain length and you stuff it into the email function without line breaks it puts in exclamation points for you. Very odd behaviour but that was what was happening here.
