ASP.NET code inside Google Maps info window -

Put simply, I'd like to put an ASP.NET UpdatePanel inside the info window of Google Maps. This would mean that users could interact with my application from within an info window, without refreshing the page and without closing the currently open info window.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
Thank you to all those who have so far responded. Very much appreciated.
What I have gleaned from the answers is that:
the update panel has it's own "mysterious mechanics" which might be causing the UpdatePanel to not work correctly inside the InfoWindow. Going down the more direct route of using JQuery to make ajax calls to simple web services should eliminate the hidden complexity of the UpdatePanel and enable the functionality I want.
I am still intrigued as to why the UpdatePanel approach does not work, and as to why using one would "break the model" of Google Maps, when surely an UpdatePanel merely renders as HTML and javascript with a link to the XMLHttpRequest object.
Is it possible to place ASP.NET code inside Google Maps info window?
I'd like to place an UpdatePanel with some AJAXified asp:Button's inside the info window.
AFAICT you simply provide the HTML to place in the info window as a string, so was thinking of rendering a UserControl to a string and placing that string in the info window for the browser to render. Does anyone know if this is likely to work?
If this is not possible in Google maps, does anyone have any idea whether such an implementation would be possible with the corresponding Virtual Earth technology?

José Basilio is right. Instead, use $jquery Live Events and put regular HTML in the Info Window then use Ajax calls with jQuery to get the interactivity you want. Reframe the problem.

VirtualEarth has tigether integration with SilverLight, which should mean that you'll have greater .NET control over your web mapping application. With most Google Maps implementations that we've done we typically just use pure HTML/JavaScript/CSS solutions to create AJAX functionality. Thus we would inject HTML/javascript into the InfoWindow class, for any custom functionality that we needed.

Consider another approach and possibly. What you are really looking for is to be able to respond to a server side event. Maybe something like this if you really and truely need to respond to server side events.
Once you are handling the events on the client in javascript you can do whatever you like to the map

I'm not sure I'd take this approach, but if you want to get ASP.NET code within an info window, you could use an iframe.
Alternatively have you considered an ASP.NET control such as GoogleMap Control, which would handle all the integration for you?

UpdatePanel != AJAX. Take a look at using jQuery to make Ajax calls ($.ajax) and creating simple web services/etc. to achieve what you're after. While technically you could wiggle an UpdatePanel into there somehow, it just isn't worth it.
Look here for an excellent example on calling AJAX/web methods with jQuery.

Have you looked at the ExtInfoWindow control? Since you did not state your problem, I can't say whether it is a solution, but it seems that it should be mentioned here.


Any suggestions for a nice ASP.NET Ajax tooltip?

I am looking for a nice tooltip control (with delay) in ASP.NET AJAX. I know there are many nice Javascript libraries out there, but since I am already using ASP.NET AJAX, I may just as well use that.
An "oldie-but-goodie" that I have used many times for tooltips would be overlib It's quite nice, VERY flexible and can be used independent of any particular AJAX platform.
Telerik seems to have the mojo in this area, but since I assume you're looking for free...
The nicest ones appear to be jQuery plugins, like this one:
There is also this ASP.Net AJAX TooltipExtender:
I was able to make a pretty nice balloon popup using the PopupControlExtender from the ASP.Net AJAX Control Toolkit. You can specify the target control to invoke the popup, the control or div that contains the popup content, and you can also dynamically populate the content using an AJAX callback to a service method.
I recommend:
Pure JavaScript with Ajax capability:
Menucool Tooltip
ASP.NET version, with Ajax Load On Demand:
Menubasic Tooltip
If you don't need the Ajax feature, Menucool has a very easy-to-use CSS tooltip either.
One option is WZ_Tooltip. Most tooltips are basic javascript; you should not expect to find much in the way of .NET integrated tooltips, since there is not much reason to use it rather than just using a javascript.

Is there a way to add client methods to ASP.NET user controls?

I recently discovered the client-side methods of some of the controls in the Microsoft ajax control toolkit. For instance, with the TabContainer, I can do something like this:
without having to resort to server side code. Is there a way to do this in your own custom user controls without too much work?
UPDATE: I was going to implement show and hide methods: although setting display to none would probably work just fine, they would prefer an explicit method. I know that the ajax control toolkit controls have a set_visible method. Do user controls get this too?
The approach the ajax control toolkit is a managed approach, so you should check out this walkthrough as a good overview of what it is and how you create it:
There is both a server-side and client-side piece; it can be confusing at first, but it isn't that difficult to setup once you are used to it. But it does require some reading up on it first and a some considerable planning.
I've built a few of my own, and you have to think about all the interations you want to include and at what point certain pieces of code should run, all of the events, etc.

ASP.NET jQuery Ajax posting forms

I can't seem to get the jQuery.ajax() function posting back any of my generated form controls.
I've put a break point on the server side and there aren't any values.
Is there a way around this or do I have to build up a list of what I want sent back?
Another question slightly off topic, but it seems that although jQuery is a great JS library, it doesn't seem to integrate too well with .net.
Has anyone given up with jQuery to perform server side interaction and just gone with ms ajax implementation?
The reason for this is because webforms doesn't use a normal post (ie. with an input/submit button). if you take a look at how those are posted, there is some javascript handler that ends up calling a built-in function that writes out to the page called __doPostBack.
Check out this other stackoverflow answer that might give you additional clues:
Jquery Button Click Event via ajax
To your second question, once you work out a few of the kinks, jQuery is a fantastic lib that has a ton of support and reference material both on the web and in books. Keep at it and you won't regret it :-)

Add a new item to html-select list without leaving the page. How?

I've always wondered what is the best way to add a new item to html-select in a website.
Yes, this may sound silly but it is a great problem from the usability perspective. I don't want the user to be taken to a new page every time they need to add new item to a html-select.
I like the way Google Reader and Gmail handle this problem in there "add folder" and "add label" functionality. I would like to mimic that but i have no clue how they did that.
I'm using jQuery, so any reference to plugins, code examples or tutorials are welcome.
I would like it to be as modular as possible so i can reuse it anywhere.
I'm using ASP.NET 3.5 web-forms, Microsoft Access 2003, jQuery, IIS 5 and Win XP Professional as web server.
there's a jquery select plugin that might help you with this. I've manipulated select lists client side and had no problem with subsequent form-submits but you'd need to do some experiments w
The standard technique of doing this is called ajax, which basically means replacing only parts of the page. JQuery ajax and maybe a tutorial should get you going.
A common mistake for this scenario is to add the item on client (using jQuery or plain javascript). It may look that it works until the next post-back. Unfortunately the Asp.NET post-back model does not allow to alter the controls contents on client side only. So basicaly there are two choices:
Use ajax (the simplest would be to
use an UpdatePanel)
Make a normal
postback to add the item (simple and
fast to code, if performance is not
an issue - for intranet applications
for example)

ASP.NET Custom Controls and "Dynamic" Event Model

OK, I am not sure if the title it completely accurate, open to suggestions!
I am in the process of creating an ASP.NET custom control, this is something that is still relatively new to me, so please bear with me.
I am thinking about the event model. Since we are not using Web Controls there are no events being fired from buttons, rather I am manually calling __doPostBack with the appropriate arguments. However this can obviously mean that there are a lot of postbacks occuring when say, selecting options (which render differently when selected).
In time, I will need to make this more Ajax-y and responsive, so I will need to change the event binding to call local Javascript.
So, I was thinking I should be able to toggle the "mode" of the control, it can either use postback and handlle itself, or you can specify the Javascript function names to call instead of the doPostBack.
What are your thoughts on this?
Am I approaching the raising of the events from the control in the wrong way? (totally open to suggestions here!)
How would you approach a similar problem?
Edit - To Clarify
I am creating a custom rendered control (i.e. inherits from WebControl).
We are not using existnig Web Controls since we want complete control over the rendered output.
AFAIK the only way to get a server side event to occur from a custom rendered control is to call doPostBack from the rendered elements (please correct if wrong!).
ASP.NET MVC is not an option.
Very odd. You're using ASP.NET server controls and custom controls, but you're not using web controls? And you're calling __doPostBack manually?
Do you like to do things the hard way?
If I was still using the server control model rather than MVC, I would slap ASP.NET Ajax controls on that sucker and call it a day. What you're doing is like putting a blower on a model T. It may be fun and interesting, but after you're done with all the hard work, what do you really have?
I have been doing some more digging on this, and came across how to inject Javascript in to the client when required. This will obviously play a huge part in making the controls more responsive and less round-trips to the server.
For example: RegisterClientScriptBlock.
Look forward to playing with this more, feel free to get invovled people!
