Application level checksumming as the tcp checksumming might be too weak? - tcp

This Paper (When the CRC and TCP checksum disagree) suggests that since the TCP checksumming algorithm is rather weak, there would occur an undetected error every 16 million to 10 billion packets using TCP.
Are there any application developers out there who protect the data against such kind of errors by adding checksums at the application level?
Are there any patterns available to protect against such errors while doing EJB remote method invocation (Java EE 5)? Or does Java already checksum serialized objects automatically (additionally to the underlying network protocol)?
Enterprise software has been running on computers doing not only memory ECC, but also doing error checking within the CPU at the registers etc (SPARC and others). Bit errors at storage systems (hard drives, cables, ...) can be prevented by using Solaris ZFS.
I was never afraid of network bit errors because of TCP - until I saw that article.
It might not be that much work to implement application level checksumming for some very few client server remote interfaces. But what about distributed enterprise software that runs on many machines in a single datacenter. There can be a really huge number of remote interfaces.
Is every Enterprise Software vendor like SAP, Oracle and others just ignoring this kind of problem? What about banks? What about stock exchange software?
Follow up: Thank you very much for all your answers! So it seems that it is pretty uncommon to check against undetected network data corruption - but they do seem to exist.
Couldn't I solve this problem simply by configuring the Java EE Application Servers (or EJB deployment descriptors) to use RMI over TLS with the TLS configured to use MD5 or SHA1 and by configuring the Java SE clients to do the same? Would this be a way to get reliable transparent checksumming (although by overkill) so that I would not have to implement this at application level? Or am I completely confused network-stack wise?

I am convinced that every application that cares about data integrity should use a secure hash. Most, however, do not. People simply ignore the problem.
Although I have frequently seen data corruption over the years - even that which gets by checksums - the most memorable in fact involved a stock trading system. A bad router was corrupting data such that it usually got past the TCP checksum. It was flipping the same bit off and on. And of course, no one is alerted for the packets that in fact failed the TCP checksum. The application had no additional checks for data integrity.
The messages were things like stock orders and trades. The consequences of corrupting the data are as serious as it sounds.
Luckily, the corruption caused the messages to be invalid enough to result in the trading system completely crashing. The consequences of some lost business were nowhere near as severe as the potential consequences of executing bogus transactions.
We identified the problem with luck - someone's SSH session between two of the servers involved failed with a strange error message. Obviously SSH must ensure data integrity.
After this incident, the company did nothing to mitigate the risk of data corruption while in flight or in storage. The same code remains in production, and in fact additional code has gone into production that assumes the environment around it will never corrupt data.
This actually is the correct decision for all the individuals involved. A developer who prevents a problem that was caused by some other part of the system (e.g. bad memory, bad hard drive controller, bad router) is not likely to gain anything. The extra code creates the risk of adding a bug, or being blamed for a bug that isn't actually related. If a problem does occur later, it will be someone else's fault.
For management, it's like spending time on security. The odds of an incident are low, but the "wasted" effort is visible. For example, notice how end-to-end data integrity checking has been compared to premature optimization already here.
So far as things changing since that paper was written - all that has changed is we have greater data rates, more complexity to systems, and faster CPUs to make a cryptographic hash less costly. More chances for corruption, and less cost to preventing it.
The real issue is whether it is better in your environment to detect/prevent problems or to ignore them. Remember that by detecting a problem, it may become your responsibility. And if you spend time preventing problems that management does not recognize is a problem, it can make you look like you are wasting time.

I've worked on trading systems for IBs, and I can assure you there is no extra checksumming going on - most apps use naked sockets. Given the current problems in the financial sector, I think bad TCP/IP checksums should be the least of your worries.

Well, that paper is from 2000, so it's from a LONG time ago (man, am I old), and on a pretty limited set of traces. So take their figures with a huge grain of salt. That said, it would be interesting to see if this is still the case. However, I suspect things have changed, though some classes of errors may still well exist, such as hardware faults.
More useful than checksums if you really need the extra application-level assurance would be a SHA-N hash of the data, or MD5, etc.


Can i ignore UDP's lack of reliability features in a controlled environment?

I'm in a situation where, logically, UDP would be the perfect choice (i need to be able to broadcast to hundreds of clients). This is in a very small and controlled environment (the whole network is over a few square metters, all devices are local, the network is way oversized with gigabit ethernet and switches everywhere).
Can i simply "ignore" all of the added reliability that needs to be tossed on udp (checking messages arrived, resending them etc) as those mostly apply where the is expected packet loss (the internet) or is it really suggested to handle udp as "may not arrive" even in such conditions?
I'm not asking for theorycrafting, really wondering if anyone could tell me from experience if i'm actually likely to have udp packets missing in such an environment or is it's going to be a really rare event as obviously sending things and assuming that worked is much simpler than handling all possible errors.
This is a matter of stochastics. Even in small local networks, packet losses will occur. Maybe they have an absolute probability of 1e-10 in a normal usage scenario. Maybe more, maybe less.
So, now comes real-world experience: Network controllers and Operating systems do have a tough live, if used in high-throughput scenarios. Worse applies to switches. So, if you're near the capacity of your network infrastructure, or your computational power, losses become far more likely.
So, in the end it's just a question on how high up in the networking stack you want to deal with errors: If you don't want to risk your application failing in 1 in 1e6 cases, you will need to add some flow/data integrity control; which really isn't that hard. If you can live with the fact that the average program has to be restarted every once in a while, well, that's error correction on user level...
Generally, I'd encourage you to not take risks. CPU power is just too cheap, and bandwidth, too, in most cases. Try ZeroMQ, which has broadcast communication models, and will ensure data integrity (and resend stuff if necessary), is available for practically all relevant languages, and runs on all relevant OSes, and is (at least from my perspective) easier to use than raw UDP sockets.

Web server tolerance to high client poll rate: Cowboy vs. Yaws web servers

I have been building a real-time notification system. It’s part of a web application, but events have to be seen as soon as they occur. Long polling was not an option because it would be expensive for the web server to hold on to connections when no events are available, so I had to go for short-lived polls.
Each client hits the web server every, say, 2 seconds (this is a fairly high rate). When events are available, they are sent as JSON to the JavaScript client. Now, this requires a server set-up to handle a high number of short-lived connections. I have implemented one such system using the Yaws web server. However, because Yaws starts quite a number of many other services, it feels heavy and connections begin to get either refused or aborted when they go beyond 30,000 (maybe because I am running some ETS Tables in the same Erlang VM as Yaws is running on [separating these may require rpc:call/4, which—I fear—will increase latency]). I know that there are operating-system-specific tweaks to do, and those have been done.
This would not be a problem if it was easy to cluster up several Yaws instances. In Yaws, i am using a few appmods, and I am doing things RESTfully. I was thinking that the Cowboy web server might enhance things a bit here. I have not used Cowboy before, but I have used Misultin. Looking at Cowboy, it is a full fledged OTP Application and it seems to be easy to cluster, and being lightweight, may perhaps increase on the number of clients the overall system can handle. Storage is on Mnesia, which I can distribute easily to add more nodes (maybe by replication), so that there is a Cowboy instance in front of every Mnesia instance.
My questions are:
Is my speculation correct, that if I switched from Yaws to Cowboy, I might increase the performance significantly?
Yaws has a clean API via Appmods and the #arg{} record. Does Cowboy have an equivalent of these two things (illustrate please)?
Can Cowboy handle file uploads? If so, which server (Yaws or Cowboy), in your opinion would be better to use in the case of frequent file uploads? Illustrate how file uploads are done with Cowboy.
It is possible to run several Yaws instances on the same machine. Do you think that creating many Yaws instances per server (physical box) and having the client-load distributed across these would help? What do I need to know about doing this?
When I set the yaws.conf parameter max_connections = nolimit, how would I specify the same in Cowboy?
Now, I followed the interview with Cowboy author and he discusses the reasons why Cowboy is more lightweight than Yaws. He says that
The biggest difference is the use of binaries instead of lists. The generic acceptor pool is another. I could list a lot of other small differences but I figure these aren’t the most interesting.
That because Cowboy uses the listener-pool library Ranch, it somehow ends up with a higher capability of handling more connections, plus the use of binaries and not lists.
Another quote from the same interview:
Since we use one process per connection instead of two, and we use binaries instead of lists, we end up using a lot less memory than other projects without user intervention. Cowboy is also lazy, it doesn’t do anything unless required. So we don’t have much in memory until the user starts calling functions.
I wonder how yaws handles this case. Somehow, my problem domain needs lightweight HTTP handling. It’s actually true that Yaws will lead to more memory consumption as compared to say, Mochiweb, Misultin or Cowboy. My greatest concern is that Yaws has the best/cleanest API whereby it gives us access to the #arg{} containing everything we need as an Erlang record, so that we can get them out ourselves, than the others which have numerous functions for extracting stuff outside. Even the documentation: Yaws docs are pretty good and straightforward. Perhaps I need to look at more Cowboy code for things like file uploading and simple GET and POST request handling.
Otherwise, the questions I asked earlier, remain as pressing concerns. Yaws is pretty good, but seems to be overkill for this fast light-weight short-lived high rate poll situation, what do you think?
Your 30000 refusal limit sounds an awful lot like a 32k limit somewhere. Either the default process count, which is 32k, or some system limit on file descriptors and so on. You should not rule out the possibility that the limitation is on the kernel side of things. I've seen systems come to their limits quite easily due to kernel configurations which can be really hard to handle.

How to avoid crashing my user's router?

It appears that cheap consumer routers are fairly easy to crash: hanging around in various backup/sync software forums, I see this mentioned from time to time. Developers seem to be putting a fair amount of effort into making sure they don't crash the routers.
What are the "do"s and "don't"s for my network-heavy application to ensure that it doesn't cause issues with badly designed routers? Especially one that intends to connect to a number of peers?
IMO trying to workaround bad hardware is the road to nowhere, because every router fails in its own remarkable way :).
What you can do in the network-heavy application is assume that network is not stable media (routers can crash, etc) and design application network operations accordingly.
For instance, provide reconnect logic, connection timeouts, some sort of state caching to allow users work with app even if network connectivity is gone.
Concerning faulty routers - they usually crash because of great number of simultaneous connections (e.g. downloading via bittorrent or other p2p protocol). So, maintaining minimum number of connections can help.

Networking problems in games

I am looking for networking designs and tricks specific to games. I know about a few problems and I have some partial solutions to some of them but there can be problems I can't see yet. I think there is no definite answer to this but I will accept an answer I really like. I can think of 4 categories of problems.
Bad network
The messages sent by the clients take some time to reach the server. The server can't just process them FCFS because that is unfair against players with higher latency. A partial solution for this would be timestamps on the messages but you need 2 things for that:
Be able to trust the clients clock. (I think this is impossible.)
Constant latencies you can measure. What can you do about variable latency?
A lot of games use UDP which means messages can be lost. In that case they try to estimate the game state based on the information they already have. How do you know if the estimated state is correct or not after the connection is working again?
In MMO games the server handles a large amount of clients. What is the best way for distributing the load? Based on location in game? Bind a groups of clients to servers? Can you avoid sending everything through the server?
Players leaving
I have seen 2 different behaviours when this happens. In most FPS games if the player who hosted the game (I guess he is the server) leaves the others can't play. In most RTS games if any player leaves the others can continue playing without him. How is it possible without dedicated server? Does everyone know the full state? Are they transfering the role of the server somehow?
Access to information
The next problem can be solved by a dedicated server but I am curious if it can be done without one. In a lot of games the players should not know the full state of the game. Fog-of-war in RTS and walls in FPS are good examples. However, they need to know if an action is valid or not. (Eg. can you shoot me from there or are you on the other side of the map.) In this case clients need to validate changes to an unknown state. This sounds like something that can be solved with clever use of cryptographic primitives. Any ideas?
Some of the above problems are easy in a trusted client environment but that can not be assumed. Are there solutions which work for example in a 80% normal user - 20% cheater environment? Can you really make an anti-cheat software that works (and does not require ridiculous things like kernel modules)?
I did read this questions and some of the answers but other answers link to unavailable/restricted content. This is a platform/OS independent question but solutions for specific platforms/OSs are welcome as well.
Thinking cryptography will solve this kind of problem is a very common and very bad mistake: the client itself of course have to be able to decrypt it, so it is completely pointless. You are not adding security, you're just adding obscurity (and that will be cracked).
Cheating is too game specific. There are some kind of games where it can't be totally eliminated (aimbots in FPS), and some where if you didn't screw up will not be possible at all (server-based turn games).
In general network problems like those are deeply related to prediction which is a very complicated subject at best and is very well explained in the famous Valve article about it.
The server can't just process them FCFS because that is unfair against players with higher latency.
Yes it can. Trying to guess exactly how much latency someone has is no more fair as latency varies.
In that case they try to estimate the game state based on the information they already have. How do you know if the estimated state is correct or not after the connection is working again?
The server doesn't have to guess at all - it knows the state. The client only has to guess while the connection is down - when it's back up, it will be sent the new state.
In MMO games the server handles a large amount of clients. What is the best way for distributing the load? Based on location in game?
There's no "best way". Geographical partitioning works fairly well, however.
Can you avoid sending everything through the server?
Only for untrusted communications, which generally are so low on bandwidth that there's no point.
In most RTS games if any player leaves the others can continue playing without him. How is it possible without dedicated server? Does everyone know the full state?
Many RTS games maintain the full state simultaneously across all machines.
Some of the above problems are easy in a trusted client environment but that can not be assumed.
Most games open to the public need to assume a 100% cheater environment.
Bad network
Players with high latency should buy a new modem. I don't think its a good idea to add even more latency because one person in the game got a bad connection. Or if you mean minor latency differences, who cares? You will only make things slower and complicated if you refuse to FCFS.
Cheating: aimbots and similar
Can you really make an anti-cheat software that works? No, you can not. You can't know if they are running your program or another program that acts like yours.
Cheating: access to information
If you have a secure connection with a dedicated server you can trust, then cheating, like seeing more state than allowed, should be impossible.
There are a few games where cryptography can prevent cheating. Card games like poker, where every player gets a chance to 'shuffle the deck'. Details on wikipedia : Mental Poker.
With a RTS or FPS you could, in theory, encrypt your part of the game state. Then send it to everyone and only send decryption keys for the parts they are allowed to see or when they are allowed to see it. However, I doubt that in 2010 we can do this in real time.
For example, if I want to verify, that you could indeed be at location B. Then I need to know where you came from and when you were there. But if you've told me that before, I knew something I was not allowed to know. If you tell me afterwards, you can tell me anything you want me to believe. You could have told me before, encrypted, and give me the decryption key when I need to verify it. That would mean, you'll have to encrypt every move you make with a different encryption key. Ouch.
If your not implementing a poker site, cheating won't be your biggest problem anyway.
With a lot of people accessing games on mobile devices, a "bad network" can occur when a player is in an area of poor reception or they're connected to a slow-wifi connection. So it's not just a problem of people connecting in sparsely populated areas. With mobile clients "bad networks" can occur very very often and it's usually EXTREMELY hard to diagnose.
UDP results in packet loss, but even games that use TCP and HTTP based can experience problems where the client & server communication slows to a crawl while packets are verified to have been sent. With communication UDP compensation for packet loss USUALLY depends on what the packets contain. If you're talking about motion data, usually if packets aren't received, the server interpolates the previous trajectory and makes a position change. Usually it's custom to the game how this is handled, which is why people often avoid UDP unless their game type requires it. Often to handle high network latency, problems games will automatically degrade the amount of features available to the users so that they can still interact with the game without causing the user to get kicked or experience too many broken features.
Optimally you want to have a logging tool like Loggly available that can help you find errors related to bad connection and latency and show you the conditions on the clients and server at the time they happened, this visibility lets you diagnose common problems users experience and develop strategies to address them.
Players leaving
Most games these days have dedicated servers, so this issue is mostly moot. However, sometimes yes, the server can be changed to another client.
It's extremely hard to anticipate how players will cheat and create a cheat-proof system no one can hack. These days, a lot of cheat detection strategies are based on heuristic analysis of logging and behavioral analytics information data to spot abnormalities when they happen and flag it for review. You definitely should try to cheat-proof as much as is reasonable, but you also really need an early detection system that can spot new flaws people are exploiting.

Distributed network monitoring - how to tell if the monitored resource has fallen over, or the monitor it's self is at fault

I'm building a system for monitoring several large web sites (resources), using distributed web services controlled by a central controller.
I'm coming to a specific part of the design - the actual reporting of resources that are thought to have fallen over.
My problem is that there is always the chance that the actual monitor it self is at fault, or has lost its network connection to a resource, and the resource is actually fine. I don't want to report issues if they are not really there.
My plan at the moment is to have the monitor request, that all other monitors check the resource if it encounters a problem, and then make a decision as to whether the resource has really fallen over based on collective results.
I'm sure there's someone out there with more experience of this type of programming than myself.
Is there a common solution to this type of problem? Is my solution a decent way of looking at this?
Your solution is about one of the only pragmatic ones.
There is nothing new under the sun. The IETF Routing Information Protocol wasn't the first attempt at addressing this problem, but it is well documented and works.
Note well, that there is no optimal (or perfect) solution to the class of problems which you are facing, the best you can do with in-band monitoring is make good guesses about where the fault is. In systems that need a very high degree of accuracy of fault information (e.g. the public switched telephone network) a parallel out-of-band monitoring network is established which itself must necessarily be monitored by humans.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Who will watch the watchers?) -- Juvenal, "Satires"
