Visual Studio - 'Browse UDDI Servers' -> 404? -

I have a ASP.Net application which implements a web service. Within the ASP.Net application there's a test script which consumes the web service and it all works etc.
I have built a .NET console application and want to 'Add a Web Reference' so that the console app can consume the web service provided by the ASP.NET application. When I use the 'Browse UDDI Servers on the local network' to do that any plausible URL I use results in a 404.
I'm guessing I need to do something to my ASP.Net application so that it acts as an UDDI server ? Does anyone know what ?
I just wanted to clarify something - I'm not desperate to use UDDI it just seems that's the only option in my circumstances which are :
I'm actually doing this for another developer who is used to using Visual Studio to do this stuff
The other developers system will need to run on another machine within the same network.

OK I'm going to answer my own question here.
The key thing for me was that I didn't need an UDDI server in the first place - instead what I needed to do was to simply supply the 'Add Web Reference' dialog box with the URL for the .ASMX file within the ASP.NET application which defined the service I was after (and ignore the whole 'Browse UDDI Servers' thing). (I've actually done this before but was having a bad-brain day today)
More generally however if I did wish to use UDDI the answer I wanted appears to be here MSDN Forum post dated July 2007 -
> How do we add the UDDI server that we
> created to the local network? ...
> Just found where to do that :
> - Go to the UDDI Service Control MMC
> - Right click on the server and go to properties
> - Go to the "Active Directory" Tab
> - Click "Publish"

UDDI is a dedicated service on the network for registering Web Services and also for discovering/consuming web services. Think of it as a directory of web services for a local intranet.
Windows Server 2003 includes UDDI Services. You have to install it via Add/Remove -> Windows Components (similar to IIS, FrontPage Extensions, etc.).
If the problem is having a single repository of web services that can be discovered, then UDDI is a solution.
If the problem is using a single service on another machine, then just referencing an endpoint (asmx/svc) will suffice. UDDI is overkill in that scenario.

For the record, the OP did not actually want anything to do with UDDI. His assumption was false. UDDI is not actually used for anything.


a second ASP.NET web app hangs after deployed as IIS 'nested' Application onto primary web site

My IIS nested application hangs when I browse from IIS -- browser's busy spinner just spins forever.
I added a 2nd VS ASP.NET web app project to my primary web site, as a IIS 'nested' application.
The 2nd web app project debugs from VS OK and opens browser to it.
Is it possible to break in with debugger to see if code is in a loop or something?
IIS 6.5 on my Windows Server 2012 R2 Azure VM
VS is 15.3.4
IIS > Sites > my primary web site > TEST (this Application added to primary) > Advanced Settings:
App Pool = DefaultAppPool
Physical Path = path to TEST's VS project
Virtual Path = /TEST
IIS 6.5...
Test Settings...
If you aren’t sure what issue is causing your website to spin forever, look at the live requests within IIS. From the IIS Management Console select Worker Processes.
Right click on your running application pool and select “View Current Requests”.
This will bring up a list of the currently running ASP.NET web requests as shown below.
I would suggest looking at the “Time Elapsed” to see if you have a lot of requests that are taking a very long time. You should also see if they are all stuck in the same module. This could be a clue that the issue is all related to ASP.NET Sessions or some other step within the ASP.NET request life cycle. You may also be able to identify a specific URL that is causing the problem.
Also in addition to that , I would highly suggest using a logging framework like NLog, log4net or Serilog. You can then send them to a log management service to make it easier to search them across multiple servers. Application logs are good way to trace your application trace across server.
If your web request is returning a 500 Internal Server Error, you need to check your server-side logs for exceptions. As mentioned above about application logs in general, it is important to have good exception handling in place and properly logging all of your errors.
Also you could use some open source diagnostic tool like Glimpse to trace. Glimpse is a thriving and growing family of open source NuGet packages that provides detailed performance, debugging and diagnostic information for ASP.NET apps. It's trivial to install, lightweight, ultra-fast, and displays key performance metrics at the bottom of every page. It allows you to drill down into your app when you need to find out what's going on at the server. Glimpse provides so much valuable information we recommend you use it throughout your development cycle, including your Azure test environment. While Fiddler and the F-12 development tools provide a client side view, Glimpse provides a detailed view from the server. You can try using that too.
Hope it helps.

IIS7 MVC Routing Not Working

Our company ships an MVC based product (targeting v4.5) which has stopped working on a customer site for what appear to be environmental issues - a build which worked with no problems once upon a time now gives a 403.14 - The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.
What I think is happening...
The user accesses http://server/AppName
Because it's an MVC app, the default route (Reports/Index) should be used.
Instead IIS is looking for a default document...
... and, not finding one, it assumes the user wants to list the contents of the directory...
...which is not enabled so it throws a 403.14.
What I've tried so far...
Accessing the route directly.. results in 404 error. So I'm pretty
sure IIS doesn't realise it should use routing.
Use aspnet_regiis to register ASP.Net with IIS. This was done from the Framework64 folder since...
OS is 64 bit - Windows Server 2008 (Standard without Hyper-V)
IIS is 64 bit - though Enable 32-Bit Applications is true
Checked AppPool is targeting v4 of the framework - it is.
Changed AppPool mode to Classic - was pretty sure it should be integrated but was worth ruling it out. It is now back to Integrated
Confirmed RunAllManagedModulesForAllRequests is set to true in the web.config.
Checked permission conditions defined in <system.webServer> section of web.config are met - they are.
Created the simplest of MVC applications and deployed it - same problem.
Running the command shell as Administrator unregistered ASP.Net using aspnet_regiis -ua and re-registered using aspnet_regiis -enable -i. We hit a couple of permission problems - and the Temporary ASP.NET Files directory was missing but once they were address we were back to the same error.
Added a simple default.htm - when present, this is served in response to the http://server/AppName request.
I'm clean out of ideas and all google hits suggest some combination of the above - or enabling directory browsing (which I think is just a symptom rather than the root cause).
Also, not sure if it's relevant but the amount of configurable elements available for the application in IIS seems a bit below what I would have expected...
Have you Checked the user the application pool process is running under? I think Your site needs to run with permissions to execute the .net libraries and I've seen this just change for seemingly no reason (probably related to an overzealous update to the system).
You can try with the Enabling directory browsing .
assuming you are under Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2012 R2
On the taskbar, click Server Manager.
In Server Manager, click the Manage menu, and then click Add Roles
and Features.
In the Add Roles and Features wizard, click Next. Select the
installation type and click Next. Select the destination server and
click Next.
On the Server Roles page, expand Web Server (IIS), expand Web
Server, expand Common HTTP Features, and then select Directory
Browsing. Click Next.
On the Select features page, click Next. On the Confirm installation
selections page, click Install. On the Results page, click Close.
if you using the Windows PC try this in your command prompt as follows:
go to C:\Program Files\IIS Express
then press Enter:appcmd set config
/section:system.webServer/directoryBrowse /enabled
Maybe this is your case
SQL Server Reporting Services creates a folder called Reports by
default if you install it on IIS. If you install SQL 2008 then
Reporting Services doesn't need to use IIS and instead will try to
reserve the URL with the HTTP.Sys service.
I believe this is the cause of the conflict you are seeing. What you
could try is changing the URL that Reporting Services uses via the SQL
Server Configuration Wizard.
Also I found that
Report Manager of SQL Server can use reports path http://<server name>/reports
Configure a Native Mode Report Server for Local Administration (SSRS)
I think the problem is IIS features that are not installed yet. I have met this kind of problem frequently in Windows Pro. Make sure to turn on every feature under Internet Information Service -> World Wide Services because by default IIS is configured to use WebForms. So there might be some features that not installed yet to use MVC, especially ISAPI filters. In my case, that was the solution. I hope it helps.
Something similar i encountered using VS 2017 & ASP.NET MVC.
Was working on the project for long with no problems at all but suddenly the routing started misbehaving & stopped working.
So I changed the Port in Project Properties Page & it started working.
I really don't know what is the relation between a port & MVC routing modules. Someone else can enlighten if at all this helps.
I had the same problem and I just created an application pool out of the Default Web Site in IIS and stoped the default web site. With that difference you will not have the application pool's path
I know it's been a long time since this question but i've had the same problema recently. I've tried every single configuration, just like #amcdermott did, but the only action that solve the problem was reinstalling .NET Framework.
My app was built under .NET Framework 4.5.2. The application server had the version 4.6.1 and 4.5.2 installed. So, i uninstalled all framework versions and installed the one that i needed.
Please, make sure that no other applications use superior versions of .NET Framework if you going to try this solution.
Here are some quote I find on Microsoft official site which I think may help:
For site administrators
This problem occurs because the Web site does not have the Directory Browsing feature enabled, and the default document is not configured. To resolve this problem, use one of the following methods:
Method 1: Enable the Directory Browsing feature in IIS (Recommended)
To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
Start IIS Manager. To do this, click Start, click Run, type inetmgr.exe, and then click OK.
In IIS Manager, expand server name, expand Web sites, and then click the website that you want to modify.
In the Features view, double-click Directory Browsing.
In the Actions pane, click Enable.
Method 2: Add a default document
To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
Start IIS Manager. To do this, click Start, click Run, type inetmgr.exe, and then click OK.
In IIS Manager, expand server name, expand Web sites, and then click the website that you want to modify.
In the Features view, double-click Default Document.
In the Actions pane, click Enable.
In the File Name box, type the name of the default document, and then click OK.
Method 3: Enable the Directory Browsing feature in IIS Express
Note This method is for the web developers who experience the issue when they use IIS Express.
To do this, follow these steps:
Open a command prompt, and then go to the IIS Express folder on your computer. For example, go to the following folder in a command prompt:
C:\Program Files\IIS Express
Type the following command, and then press Enter:
appcmd set config /section:directoryBrowse /enabled:true

service discovery during "Add Service Reference"

i'm building an Asp.Net app (contains the service) with Silverlight control (need to use the service) and having a problem after i discover the service and press OK button, can anyone help me please?
Try/Check the following:
Your service project is being properly build with no errors.
There is no other IIS / IIS express servers running in background.
Try to open the service address that you are trying to consume in the browser and see if it is loaded OK.
This should give you a lead on the problem.

What does IIS consist of and how does it work?

I have created and configured websites for some time now, but I never really understood what IIS is.
Is it an executable? A group of executables? Some DLLs? What is its relationship with W3wp.exe?
Is this explained anywhere in MSDN?
[EDIT] Ok, it's inetinfo.exe. I have found a detailed description here:
IIS is a server process that hosts web applications in a Windows environment.
Learn about it here:
As I mentioned in the comment above: w3wp.exe is a web process spawned by IIS for each application pool that you have configured and running.
From Wikipedia
Internet Information Services (IIS) –
formerly called Internet Information
Server – is a web server application
and set of feature extension modules
created by Microsoft for use with
Microsoft Windows
It is an exe (InetMgr.exe)
IIS stands for Internet Information Services – a web server for web application, API, web services etc. Current version: 10.0
It is part of operating system and if we are configuring desktop/server for first time then we need to configure in control panel(cmd: appwiz.cpl) –> click Turn windows features on or off –> please checked option “Internet information Services” and next select latest .net framework. It will take few seconds to install. Now you are ready to use IIS. We can access it using inetmgr command in run command. For more, please refer

Why does ASP.NET show this error?

I have installed Visual Studio .NET 2005. But when I am trying to execute an application then I am getting the following error:
Unable to open the Web 'http://localhost/adiii'. Could not find a Web server at 'localhost' on port 80. Please check to make sure that the Web server name is valid and your proxy settings are set correctly. If you are sure that everything is correct, the Web server may be temporarily out of service.
Click here to view screenshot of the error I am getting
Can anyone please tell me the solution of this problem. As we know there is embedded Web deployment server inside VS2005 then why its giving me this error??
It looks like when you created the project, you selected HTTP for the location instead of the default, File System. HTTP means you have an existing web server (not Visual Studio) that you want to run and test your project on (and where Visual Studio will attempt to find your source code).
Create a project and select File System to create a project on your harddrive that will be run using Visual Studio's internal web server (you can then publish/deploy the project to a real web server when you want)
Are you explicitly have defined that the internal web server should run the application on port 80?
The default behavior is that it runs on a random port.
If your settings are ok, then it might be a port conflict with another web server on your machine (Apache, IIS).
Sometimes even a Skype can okuppy port 80 and cause similar problems.
Now i see - you're using Web Site project, and we assumed you're working with Web App project instead.
In this case, the procedure is slightly different:
You select the project in Solution Explorer and open Property Pane. Here you should be able to identify two properties for the project: Port number and Use dynamic ports. I assume your first property is set to 80, and second one to false. Change the second one to true and you should be able to fix the problem.
There's a very good chance that you created the project in VS2003 and upgraded it to VS2005. VS2003 uses HTTP (a local installation of IIS for example), whereas VS2005 projects use the built-in server -- most likely, the upgraded project is still trying to use the local IIS which doesn't exist.
Do this: Right click on your project, choose "properties", and navigate to the "Web" tab on the window which pops up. You'll get a screen which allows you to choose which server you want to develop on, then make sure the buttons next to "Use Visual Studio Development Server" and "Auto-assign port" are checked.
Here's a visual reference if you need one:
You should be be good to go now.
Visual Studio does have an embedded web server, but it never operates on port 80. Your URL clearly points to port 80.
The most likely problem is your program itself working inappropriately, but without code I can't help much more.
