Calling a getter without assigning it to anything (lazy loading) - apache-flex

I have a DTO which can be fully loaded or lazy loaded using Lazy Load Pattern. How it is loaded depends on what the Flex Application needs. However, this DTO will be sent to a Flex application (swf). Normally, a collection for instance, will only be loaded when called. In my case however, the collection will only be called in Flex, so my implementation on the .NET side will obviously not work in this case (except if Flex would do a server call... something I would like to avoid).
In the getter of the collection, the data is retrieved from the database. If I would be working with ASP.NET pages, it would work, but not if the DTO is sent to Flex.
How would you deal with this? I could call the getter before sending the DTO to Flex, but that seems awful... + calling the getter can only be done if it is assigned to something (and the local variable that will hold the collection will never be used...).

You can introduce a method to load dependents - loadDependencies - that should take of all lazy loading for your DTO object before being sent over the wire (to Flex). You can abstract this method to an interface to streamline such process across different DTOs. There is nothing against using getters the way you described it inside this method.

I would probably introduce a Finalize method for the class and perhaps a FinalizeAll extension method for various collections of the class. This method would simply go through and reference all the getters on the public properties of the class to ensure that they are loaded. You would invoke Finalize (or FinalizeAll) before sending the object(s) to your Flex app. You might even want to make this an interface so that you can test for the need for finalization before transfering your objects and invoke the method based on a test for the interface rather than checking for each class individually.
NOTE: Finalize is just the first name that popped into mind. There may be (probably is) a better name for this.


In Meteor.js, what's the difference between method-based database API design and the subclass approach?

Namely, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the following approaches to building a server-side database API in Meteor?
import Db from 'Db';
Meteor.method({"insert": (data) => {Db.insert(data)});
import {Mongo} from "meteor/mongo";
class MyCollcetion extends Mongo.Collection {
insert: (data) => {super.insert(data);}
This problem has been solved below; there is a similar question for further reading: Meteor method vs. deny/allow rules
This is mainly a matter of ease vs control. Subclassing may be easier for simple things, and methods are more powerful.
This can also be affected by your state of mind (or affect it): CRUD vs. action-based mutation.
insert/update/remove go well with a CRUD state-of-mind, while you can associate methods with action-centric RPC mutators.
Eventually, this is a matter of personal preference, so I will try to give a short factual description and let the readers to decide based on their taste.
By default, Meteor automatically generates mutation methods (insert, update, remove) when a collection is instantiated.
Those methods are called behind the scenes when calling MyCollection.insert(mutator, cb) on the client side (outside client-side method code). When arriving to the server, the data are first passed through allow/deny rules and then executed.
When subclassing, you override those methods and get a 'hook' into the process.
Using methods
When defining a Meteor method you get full control of the process.
You set the parameters and the name of the method and you can perform the validation and authorization as you wish.
You can also create a method stub for client-side use, which generates optimistic UI until the results of the method server execution are received.
You can use something like a validatedMethod to get some extra validation logic and modularity to your method.
You can also prevent the creation of the default mutation methods by setting a false value for the defineMutationMethods option when instantiating the collection. You can also forbid direct mutation from the client by supplying the appropriate deny rules.
While subclassing allows you to use MyCollection.insert(...), etc. on the client, you need to call the method name with the arguments that you defined in order to mutate data.

Where should I instantiate the Entity Framework's ObjectContext in a 3-tier applicaiton

I have a 3-tier web application wit ha bunch of simple forms. One to list records, one to edit a single record, etc. The works.
I have a DataLayer where my EDMX is.
I have an App Layer where my POCOs are.
I haev a BusinessLayer with all my controller classes, etc. (not MVC!)
I have a UI layer where my web UI is.
The EDMX has many, many tables wit ha lot of navigation properties.
Of course, when I fetch the data in one of my controllers, e.g. GetCustomerById(int id), I create the Object context and close it when I'm done.
However, the ObjectContext is out of scope when I try to access the navigation properties in the UI layer.
Should I do (using MyContext = new MyContext()) {... } in the web layer?? that does not seem right.
Should I create another set of POCOs that I populate from the entities' data from the BizLayer?
What happens when I want to save data entered in a web form? Would I call a BizLayer controller e.g. SaveCustomer()?
My question is, how do you design the web UI layer if I want to be able to properly access the navigation properties of an entity?
EDMX is set to LazyLoading.
You want to use lazy loading in UI but it means that UI defines lifetime of your ObjectContext. There are many ways to achieve this without exposing the context to UI. You can for example use this simple approach:
You mentioned some controller which uses context and disposes it. So make your controller disposable and instead of disposing context in every method use single context for whole lifetime of the controller. Dispose the context in controller's Dispose method.
Instantiate your controller per request. So for example you can create instance of controller in Page.Load and dispose it in Page.Unload.
Use your controller and entities as you want. Whole processing of the request (between Load and Unload) will be in scope of single living context.
Anyway you should not need lazy loading in Web application too much. In your form you usually know exactly what entities you need so you should request them directly with eager loading.

Right place to initialize an object in ASP.NET MVC

I am new to the MVC way of programming so please bear with my basic question !
I have a Status class with a default constructor (in an ASP.NET MVC application).
public Status()
this.DatePosted = DateTime.Now;
I noticed Fluent NHibernate calls this constructor each time it fetched a list of existing Status objects from the database. Hence, the constructor does not seem like the right place to initialize the date.
Where should I move this initialization ? Moving it to the Controller (Add action of Status controller) also seems to violate the principle that the Controller should not make any business decisions. Should I move it to the Status DAO then ? (In traditional ASP.NET Web Form applications I worked with, a DAO simply accepted a business object and saved it to the database and did not contain any logic)
I would like to know the right way to accomplish this. Is there another layer I am missing here where this initialization should take place?
I noticed Fluent NHibernate calls this
constructor each time it fetched a
list of existing Status objects from
the database. This does not seem right
This is exactly what is supposed to be happening. Why wouldn't an ORM call the default constructor for an object? I think every hand rolled DAL and ORM in the world would trigger DatePosted to be reset because thats just how constructors work.
Your DatePosted property should probably set via ModelBinding or manually in the controller and not be part of a constructor. Can a delegate ("Action") be serialized into control state?

I am implementing a user control that has a method that takes an Action delegate as a parm.
Attempting to store the delegate in Control State yields a serialization error. Is it even possible to serialize a delegate into Control State?
Not easily - and it could open the door for potential problems.
It is theoretically possible to use reflection to determine which method of an object the delegate is invoking, and write a custom serialization process for it. Upon deserialization you would once again need to write logic to convert the information into a delegate reference.
The problem is that in the general case, discovering the object at runtime that you need to re-generate the delegate for is not always possible. If the delegate refers to a lambda or anonymous method that complicates things even more because their may be closures involved.
You are probably better off either:
Not preserving the Action delegate between requests and having the ASP.NET code re-attach the delegate on postback. This is the least risky option IMHO.
Storing the delegate reference in session state and reattach it to the deserialized object on postback. This option is risky for two reasons:
a) holding on to object references indefinitely in memory if the end user never posts back, or you forget to clear the object from server state.
b) if the delegate references page elements (controls, etc) you may run
into subtle bugs because the delegate will operate against the objects from the previous request, and not the new request.
In this post the author serializes an Action object to be executed later in time.
You can extend at your own action serializing to a string instead to a file.
Very interesting:

Does Prism/Unity have a "service preloader"?

I've got a number of modules in a Prism application which load data that takes 3-8 seconds to get from a service.
I would like to be able to say in my bootstrapper something like this:
Customers allCustomers = Preloader(Models.GetAllCustomers);
And this would run in a background thread and when the user actually needs the variable "allCustomers" it would be fully loaded.
Is there an automatic service in Prism/Unity which does this type of preloading?
No, there is not.
What you can consider is adding your ViewModel with a ContainerControlledLifetime to the container in your ConfigureContainer method that the views can use. You'd kickoff your threaded request in the constructor of your ViewModel and allow Views to pull this ViewModel out of the Container.
Even if they grab the ViewModel out of the container before the GetAllCustomers method is done firing, they will be notified correctly if the property you store the customers in implements INotifyPropertyChanged correctly.
If it was more appropriate, you could also do this from the Modules (in the Initialize method), rather than in the bootstrapper (for instance, if your Module was what actually knew about your Customer's Model).
