Reconciling Data in Synchronized Systems - biztalk

I have a situation where a single Oracle system is the data master for two seperate CRM Systems (PeopleSoft & Siebel). The Oracle system sends CRUD messages to BizTalk for customer data, inventory data, product info and product pricing. BizTalk formats and forwards the messages on to PeopelSoft & Siebel web service interfcaes for action. After initial synchronization of the data, the ongoing operation has created a situation where the data isn't accurate in the outlying Siebel and PeopleSoft systems despite successful delivery of the data (this is another converation about what these systems mean when they return a 'Success' to BizTalk).
What do other similar implementations do to reconcile system data in this distributed service-oriented approach? Do they run a periodic dump from all systems for comparison? Are there any other techniques or methodologies for spotting failed updates and ensuring synchronization?
Your thoughts and experiences are appreciated. Thanks!
Additional Info
So why do the systems get out of synch? Whenevr a destination syste acknolwedges to BizTalk it has received the message, it means many things. Sometimes an HTTP 200 means I've got it and put it in a staging table and I'll commit it in a bit. Sometimes this is sucessful, sometimes it is not for various data issues. Sometimes the HTTP 200 means... yes I have received and comitted the data. Using HTTP, there can be issues with ordere dlivery. All of tese problems could have been solved with a lot of architehtural planning up front. It was not done. There are no update/create timestamps to prevent un-ordered delivery from stepping on data. There is no full round trip acknowledgement of data commi from destinatin systems. All of this adds up to things getting out of synch.

(sorry this is an answer and not a comment working my way up to 50 points).
Can the data be updated in the other systems or is it essentially read only?
Could you implement some further validation in the BizTalk layer to ensure that updates wouldn't fail because of data issues?
Can you grab any sort of notification that the update failed from the destination systems which would allow you to compensate in the BizTalk layer?
FWIW in situations like this I have usually end up with a central data store that contains at least the datakeys from the 3 systems that acts as the new golden repository for the data, however this is usually to compensate for multiple update sources. Seems like we also usually operate some sort of manual error queue that users must maintain.
To your idea of batch reconciliation I have seen that be quite common to compensate for transactional errors especially in the financial services realm.


Best .Net Actor/Process framework for coordinating Local and Networked clusters

We have a process that involves loading a large block of data, applying some transformations to it, and then outputting what has changed. We currently run a web app where multiple instances of these large blocks of data are processed in the same CLR instance, and this leads to garbage collection thrashing and OOM errors.
We have proven that hosting some tracked state in a longer running process works perfectly to solve our main problem. The issue we now face is, as a stateful system, we need to host it and manage coordination with other parts of the system (also change tracking instances).
I'm evaluating Actors in Service Fabric and Akka at the moment, there are a number of other options, but before I proceed, I would like peoples thoughts on this approach with the following considerations:
We have a natural partition point in our system (Authority) which means we can divide our top level data set easily. Each partition will be represented by a top level instance that needs to organise a few sub-actors in its own local cluster, but we would expect a single host machine to be able to run multiple clusters.
Each Authority Cluster of actors would ideally be hosted together on a single machine to benefit from local communication and some use of shared local resources to get around limits on message size.
The actors themselves should be separate processes on the same box (Akka seems to run local Actors in the same CLR instance, which would crash everything on OOM - is this true?), this will enable me to spin up a process, run the transformation through it, emit the results and tear it down without impacting the other instances memory / GC. I appreciate hardware resource contention would still be a problem, but I expect this to be more memory than CPU intensive, so expect a RAM heavy box.
Because the data model is quite large, and the messages can contain either model fragments or changes to model fragments, it's difficult to work with immutability. We do not want to clone every message payload into internal state and apply it to the model, so ideally any actor solution used would enable us to work with the original message payload. This may cause problems with restoring an actor state as it wants to save and replay these on wakeup, but as we have state tracking internally, we can just store the resulting output of this on sleep.
We need a coordinator that can spin up instances of an Authority Cluster. There needs to be some elasticity in terms of the number of VM's/Machines and the number of Authority Clusters hosted on them, and something needs to handle creation and destruction of these.
We have a lot of .NET code, all our models, transformations and validation is defined in it, and will need to be heavily re-used. Whatever solution will need to support .Net
My questions then are:
While this feels like a good fit for Actors, I have reservations and wonder if there is something more appropriate? Everything I have tried has come back to a hosted processes of some kind.
If actors are the right way to go, which tech stack would put me closest to what I am trying to achieve with the above concerns taken into account?
IMO (coming at this from a JVM Akka perspective, thus why I changed the akka tag to; I don't have a great knowledge about the CLR side of things), there seems to be a mismatch between
We do not want to clone every message payload into internal state and apply it to the model, so ideally any actor solution used would enable us to work with the original message payload.
The actors themselves should be separate processes on the same box (Akka seems to run local Actors in the same CLR instance, which would crash everything on OOM - is this true?)
Assuming that you're talking about the same OS process, those are almost certainly mutually incompatible: exchanging messages strongly suggests serialization and is thus isomorphic to a copy operation. It's possible that something using shared memory between OS processes could work, but you may well have to make a choice about which is more important.
Likewise, the parent/child relationship in the "traditional" (Erlang/Akka) style actor model trivially gives you the local cluster of actors (which, since they're running in the same OS process allows the Akka optimization of not copying messages until you cross an OS process boundary), while "virtual actor" implementations as found in Service Fabric or Orleans (or, I'd argue Cloudstate or Lagom) basically assume distribution.
Semantically, the virtual actor models implicitly assume that actors are eternal (though their eternal essence may not always be incarnate). For your use-case, this doesn't necessarily seem to be the case.
I think a cluster of Akka.Net instances with sharded Authority actors spawning shorter-lived child actors best fits, assuming that you're getting OOM issues from trying to process multiple large blocks of data simultaneously. You would have to implement the instance scale-up/down logic yourself.
I have not worked with so I can't speak to that at all, but I'd be happy to speak to what you're talking about in a Service Fabric context.
Service Fabric has no issue with the concept of running multiple clusters. In its terminology, the whole of your system would be called an Application and would have a version when deployed to the SF cluster. If you wanted to create multiple instances of it, all you'd need to do is select what you wanted to call the deployed app instance and it'll stand up provisioning for you.
SF has a notion of placement constraints, metric balancing and custom rules that you can utilize if you think you can better balance the various resources than its automatic balancing (or you need to for network DMZ purposes). While I've never personally grouped things down to a single machine, I frequently limit access of services to single VM scale sets (we host in Azure).
To the last point though, you'll still have message size limits, but you can also override them to some degree. In your project containing service interfaces, just set the following attribute above your namespace:
[assembly:FabricTransportRemotingSettings(MaxMessageSize=<(long)new size in bytes>)] and you're good to go.
Services can be configured to run using a Shared or Exclusive process model.
Regarding your state requirement, it's not necessarily clear to me what you're trying to do, but I think you're saying that that it's not critical that your actors store any state since they can work from some centrally-provided model.
You might look then at volatile state persistence then as it'll mean that state is saved for the actors in memory, but should you lose the replicas, nothing is written to disk so it's all lost. Or if you don't care and are ok just sending the model to the actors for any work, you can configure them to be stateless.
On the other hand, if you're still looking to retain state in the actors and simply are concerned about immutability, rest assured that actor state isn't immutable and can be updated trivially. There are simply order of operation concerns you need to keep in mind (e.g. if you retrieve the state, make a change, save it, 1) you must commit the transaction for it to take and 2) if you modify the state but don't save it, it'll obviously not persist - pull a fresh copy in a new transaction for any modifications). There's a whole pile of guidelines here.
Assuming your coordinator is intended to save some sort of state, might I recommend a singleton stateful service. Presumably it's not receiving an inordinate amount of use so a single instance is sufficient and it can easily save state (without the annoyance of identifying which state is on which partition). As for spinning up services, I covered this in the first bullet, but use the ApplicationManager on the built-in FabricClient to set up new applications and the ServiceManager to create instances of necessary services within each.
Service Fabric supports .NET Core 3.1 through .NET 5 as of the latest 8.0 release though note a minor serialization issues with an easy workaround with .NET 5.
If you have an Azure support subscription, I'd encourage you to write to the team under Development questions and share your concerns. Alternatively, on the third Thursday of each month at 10 AM PST, they also have a community call on Teams that you're welcome to join and you can find past calls here.
Again, I can't speak to whether this is a better fit than Akka.NET, but our stack is built atop Service Fabric. While it has some shortcomings (what framework doesn't?) it's an excellent platform for distributed software development.

Approach for disconnected application development

Our company has people in every catastrophic event here in the U.S. and parts of Canada. An example is they were quite prevalent in Katrina immediately after the event.
We are constructing an application to improve their job in the field which may be either ASP.NET or WPF, and the disconnect requirement makes us believe it will be a WPF application. Our people need to be able to create their jobs, provide all of the insurance and measurement data, and save it as if in the database whether or not the internet is available.
The issue we are trying to get our heads around is that when at catastrophic events our people need to be able to use our new application even when the internet is not available. (They were offline for 3 days in Katrina)
Has anyone else had to address requirements like this and suggestions on how they approached functioning on small-footprint devices while saving data as if they were still connected to the backend services and database? We also have to incorporate security into this as well, and do it well enough that their entered data loads into the connected database without issues.
Our longterm goal is to also provide this application for Android and IPad Tablet devices as well as laptops. Our initial desire for ASP.NET was it gave us an immediate application for the tablet environment. In the old application they have, they run a local server, run remote connections on the tablets and run the application through terminal server. Not pretty. Not pretty.
I feel this is a serious question that is not subjective so hopefully this won't get deleted.
Our current architecture on the server side is Entity Framework with a repository pattern, WCF services to satisfy CRUD requests returning composite data transfer objects, and a proxy for use by the clients.
I'm interested in hearing other developers' input and this design puzzle.
Additional Information Added to the Discussion
Lots of good information provided!!! I'll have to look at Microsoft Sync for sure. For the disconnected database I would be placing only list tables (enumerations) in the initial database. Jobs and, if needed, an item we call dry books, will be added for each client we are helping. (though I hope the internet returns by the time we are cleaning and drying out the homes) These are the tables that would then populate back to the host once we have a stable link. In the case of Katrina we also lost internet connectivity in our offices which meant the office provided no communication relief for days as well.
Last night I realized that our client proxy is the key to everything working! The client remains unaware of the fact that it is online or offline and leaves the synchronization process within that library. We are discovering how much data we are talking about today. I also want to make it clear that ASP.NET was a like-to-have but a thick client (actually WPF with XAML) may end up being our end state.
Now -- for multiple updates. The disconnected work will be going to individual homes by a single franchise. In fact our home office dispatches specific franchises to specific events. So we have a reduced likelihood (if any) of the problem of multiple people updating a record. The reason is that they are creating records for each job (person's home/office/business) and only that one franchise will deal with it. Of course this also means that if they are disconnected for days that the device that creates the job (record of who, where, condition, insurance company, etc) is also the only device that knows of the job. But that can be lived with. In fact we may be able to have a facility to sync the franchise devices on a hub.
I'm looking forward to hearing additional stories of how you've implemented your disconnected environment.
Looking at new technology from Microsoft
I was directed to look at a video from TechEd 2012 and thought I might have an answer. The talk was on using ASP.NET and MVC4 along with 2 libraries for disconnected behavior. At first I thought it would be great but then as it continued it worried me quite a bit.
First the use of a javascript backend to support disconnected I/O does not generate confidence. As a compiler guy (and one who wrote two interpretive languages) I really do not like having a critical business model reliant upon interpretive javascript. And script at that! It may be me but it just makes me shudder.
Then they show their "great"(???) programming model having your ViewModel exist as just javascript. I do not care for an application ( and javascript) that can be, and may as well be (for lack of intellisense ) written in notepad.
No offense meant to any asp lovers, but a well written C# program that has been syntactically and type checked gives me stronger confidence in software than something written with a hope and prayer that a class namespace has been properly typed without any means of cross check. I've seen too many hours of debugging looking for a bug that ended up in a huge namespace with transposed ie in it's name. I ran my thought past the other senior developers in my group and we are all in consensus on this technology.
But we continue to look. (I feel this is becoming more of a diary than a question) :)
Looks like a perfect example for Microsoft Sync Framework
A comprehensive synchronization platform that enables collaboration
and offline access for applications, services, and devices with
support for any data type, any data store, any transfer protocol, and
any network topology.
I often find that building a lightweight framework to fit my specific needs is more beneficial to me than using an existing one. However, always look at what's available and weigh the pros and cons before making that decision.
I haven't use the Microsoft Sync Framework, but it sounds like that's a good one to research first. If you have Sql Server Standard (or some other version other than the Express version) then replication might also be an option.
If you want to develop your own homegrown solution, then be sure to put lastupdated and dateadded fields on any tables that need to stay in sync. It doesn't 'sound' like your scenario will be burdened by concurrency issues (i.e. if person A and B both modify a field at the same time, who wins?). If that's the case then developing your own lightweight solution will be pretty straightforward.
As Jeremy pointed out, you will need a way to get the changes. In addition to using a web service, you can also use WCF which is similar to a web service in some ways. But my personal bias would be towards just accessing a SQL server remotely over the internet. The downside of that solution is added security concerns, while the upside is decreased development overhead (i.e. faster/easier development now and less maintenance over time). Also, the direct SQL solution is also assuming that this is an internal application... that you're in charge of all development and not working with 3rd parties who need access to your data and wouldn't be allowed to access it this way.
Not really a full answer but too much for a comment.
I have two apps one that synchs one way and the other two way.
I do a one way synch to client for disconnected operation. At the server full SQL Server and at the client Compact Edition. TimeStamp is a prefect for finding any rows that needs to be synched. I also don't copy the whole database as some of the largest table are non nonessential. The common use is the user marks identified records they want to synch.
If synch does what you need great +1 for Jakub. For me I don't have the option to synch the whole MSSQL both based on size and security.
Have another smaller application that synchs two way but in this case it has regions and update are only within the region. So a region only synchs their data and in disconnected mode they can only add new records. Update to an existing records must be performed in connected mode. That was mangeable. In that case MSSQL for the master and used XML for the client.
No news to you but the hard part of a raw synch is that two parties may have added or revised the same record.

Adding more hardware v/s refactoring code under a time crunch

Enterprise application - very will written for its time in 2004.
.NET, Heavy use of Remoting, ASMX style web services, SQL Server
The application allows user to go through various wizards for lack of a better term, all of their actions are stored in what we call "wiz state", which is essentially XML that is persisted to a SQL server database very frequently because we allow users to pause/resume their application. Often in these wizards, the XML that comprises the wizard state grows very large, I'm talking 5-8 MB of data, and we noticed that when we had a sudden influx of simultaneous users, we started receiving occasional timeouts against the database, because a lot of what the wizard state is comprised of, is keeping track of collections of "things". Sometimes these custom collections grow very large.
We were in a meeting today and we're expecting a flurry of activity in October that will test the system like never before, and possibly result in huge wizard states that go back and forth from the web server to the database. The crux of the situation is that there is only one database and one web server.
For arguments sake, because of the complexity of the application, lets say adding any kind of clustering/mirroring to increase database throughput is out of the question. I spoke up in the meeting and said the quickest way to address this in the shortest time period would be to add more servers to the front end web application so the load could be distributed amongst web servers. The development lead said I was completely wrong and it would have no effect because we only have one database, so adding more web power would do nothing. He is having one of the other developers reduce the xml bloat that we persist frequently to the database. Probably in the long run, reducing the size of the xml that we pass back and forth is the right idea, but will adding additional web servers truly have no effect, I just think in terms of simultaneous users, it should help.
Any responses thoughts are appreciated, proof that more web servers would help would be pure win.
EDIT: We use binary serialization to store the XML in the database in an image field.
I haven't heard anything about locating the "bottlenecks". Isn't that the first thing to do? Here's the method I use.
Otherwise you're just investing in guesses. That won't work.
I've been in meetings like that, where everybody gets excited throwing ideas around, and "management" wants to make "decisions", but it's the blind leading the blind. Knuckle down and find out what's going on. You can't do that in meetings.
Some time ago I looked at a performance problem with some similarity to yours. The biggest "bottleneck" was in writing and parsing XML, with attendant memory allocation, setup, and destruction. Then there were others as well. You might find the same thing, or something different.
P.S. I keep quoting "bottleneck" because all the performance problems I've found have been nothing at all like the necks of bottles. Rather they are like way over-bushy call trees that need radical pruning, such as making and reading mountains of XML for no good reason.
If the rate at which the data is written by SQL is the bottleneck, feeding data to SQL more quickly should have no effect.
I am not sure exactly what the data structure is, but perhaps compressing the XML data on the web server(s) before writing may have a positive effect.
If the bottleneck is the database, then more web services will not help you a lot.
The problem may be that the problem is not only the size of the data, but the number of concurrent request to the same table. The number of writes will be the big problem. If your XML write is in a transaction with other queries you may try to break out the XML write from that transaction to reduce locking time of the XML table.
As stated by vdeych you may try compression to reduce the data size. (That would increase the load on the web servers.)
You may also try caching the data. Only read from the SQL server if the data is not already in the cache. Make sure you don't update the SQL server if your data has not changed.
No one seems to have suggest this, what about replacing your XML serialization of your wizard with JsonSerialization.
Not only should this give you a minor boost in performance in the serialization itself since both the DataContractSerializer (faster) and Newtonsoft Json.NET (fastest) out perform the XML serializers in .NET. This should easily reduce the size of your object graph by upwards of 50% or more (depending on number of properties vs large strings in the XML).
This should dramatically lower the IO that is inflicted upon Sql server. This should also limit the amount of scope required to alter your application significantly (assuming it's well designed and works through common calls for serialization/deserialization).
If you choose to go this route also invest time comparing BSON vs JSON as I think it would be likely that the binary encoded one will offer even more space savings (and further IO reduction) due to the size of your object graphs.
I'm not a .NET expert but maybe using a binary serialization would increase throughput. Making sure that the XML isn't stored as text (fairly obvious but thought I'd mention it). Also relational databases are best for storing relational data, so perhaps substituting an ORM layer in place of the serialization (sounds feasible) could speed things up.
Mike is spot on, without understanding the resource constaint leading to the performance issues, no amount of discussion will resolve the problem. I'll add that socket timeouts that affect running statements are a symptom, and are never imposed by SQL Server, they're an artifact of your driver configuration or a firewall or similar device between app and db imposing them (unless you're talking about timeouts for new connections, then you have a host in serious distress under load).
Given your symptom is database timeouts, you need to start there. If they're indicative of long running statements that result in a socket timeout, use SQL Server profiler to capture the workload while simultaneously monitoring system resources. Given it's a mature application and the type of workload you mention, it's unlikely to be statement tuning related, it probably boils down to resource limitations CPU, memory or disk IO capacity
This Technet guide is a very good place to start:
If it's resource contention, then it's a simple discussion about how the resource contention can be tuned, configured for or addressed by adding more of whatever is needed.
Edit: I should add that given a database performance issue, more applications servers is likely to worsen the problem as you increase the amount of concurrency, that might otherwise be kept in check by connection pool, request processing or other limits.

How many is too many databases on SQL Server?

I am working with an application where we store our client data in separate SQL databases for each client. So far this has worked great, there was even a case where some bad code selected the wrong customer ids from the database and since the only data in the database belonged to that client, the damage was not as bad as it could have been. My concerns are about the number of databases you realistically have on an SQL Server.
Is there any additional overhead for each new database you create? We we eventually hit a wall where we have just to many databases on one server? The SQL Server specs say you can have something like 32000 databases but is that possible, does anyone have a large number of database on one server and what are the problems you encounter.
The upper limits are
disk space
Rebuilding indexes for 32k databases? When?
If 10% of 32k databases each has a active set of 100MB data in memory at one time, you're already at 320GB target server memory
knowing what DB you're connected too
The effective limit depends on load, usage, database size etc.
Edit: And bandwidth as Wyatt Barnett mentioned.. I forgot about network, the bottleneck everyone forgets about...
The biggest problem with all the multiple databases is keeping them all in synch as you make schema changes. As far as realistic number of databases you can have and have the system work well, as usual it depends. It depends on how powerful the server is and how large the databases are. Likely you would want to have multiple servers at some point not just because it will be faster for your clients but because it will put fewer clients at risk at one time if something happens to the server. At what point that is, only your company can decide. Certainly if you start getting a lot of time-outs another server might be indicated (or fixing your poor queries might also do it). Big clients will often pay a premium to be on a separate server, so consider that in your pricing. We had one client so paranoid about their data we had to have a separate server that was not even co-located with the other servers. They paid big bucks for that as we had to rent extra space.
ISPs routinely have one database server that is shared by hundreds or thousands of databases.
Architecturally, this is the right call in general. You've seen the first huge advantage--oftentimes, damage can be limited to a single client and you have near zero risk of a client getting into another client's data. But you are missing the other big advantage--you don't have to keep all the clients on the same database server. When you do get big enough that your server is suffering, you can offload clients onto another box entirely with minimal effort.
I'd also bet you'll run out of bandwidth to manage the databases before your server runs out of steam to handle more databases . . .
What you are really asking about is Scalability; Though, ideally setting up 32,000 Databases on one Server is probably not advantageous it is possible (though, not recommended).
Read -
I know this is an old thread but it's the same structure we've had in place for the past 2 years and current run 1768 databases over 3 servers.
We have the following setup (not included mirrors and so on):
2 web farm servers and 4 content servers
SQL instance just for a master database of customers, which is queried when they access their webpage by the ID to get the server/instance and database name which their data resides on. This is then stored in the authentication ticket.
3 SQL servers to host customer databases on with load spread on creation based on current total number of learners that exist within all databases on each server (quickly calculated by license number field in master database).
On each SQL Server there is a smaller master database setup which contains shared static data that is used by all clients, therefore allowing smaller client databases and quicker updating of the content.
The biggest thing as mentioned above is keeping the database structures synchronises! For this I ended up programming a small .NET windows form that looks up all customers in the master database and you paste code in to execute and it'll loop through getting the database location and executing the SQL you past.
Creating new customers also caused some issues for us, so I ended up programming a management system for our sale people and it create a new database based on a backup of a inactive "blank" database, therefore we have the latest DB without need to re-script the entire database creation script. It then inserts the customer details inside the master database with location of where the database was created and migrates any old data from an old version of our software. All this is done on a separate instance before moving, therefore reducing any SQL locks.
We are now moving to a single database for our next version of the software as database redundancy is near impossible with so many databases! This is a huge thing to consider as SQL creates a couple of waiting tasks which mirror your data per database, once you start multiplying the databases it gets out of hand and the system almost solely is tasked with synchronising and can lock up due to the shear number of threads. See page 30 of Microsoft document below:
SQLCAT's Guide to High Availability Disaster Recovery.pdf
I do however have doubts about moving to a single database, due to some concerns as mentioned above, such as constantly checking in every single procedure that the current customer has access to only their data and also things along the lines of one little issue will now affect every single database, such as table indexing and so on. Also at the minute our customer are spaced over 3 servers, but the single database will mean yes we have redundancy, but if the error was within the database rather than server going down, then that's every single customer down, not just 1 customer database.
All in all, it depends what you're doing and if you are wanting the redundancy; for me, the redundancy is now key and everything else in a perfect world shouldn't happen (such as error which causes errors within the database for everyone). We only started off expecting a hundred or so to move to the system from the old self hosted software and that quickly turned into 200,500,1000,1500... We now have over 750,000 users use our system each year and in August/September we have over 15,000 concurrent users online (expecting to hit 20,000 this year).
Hope that this is of help to someone along the line :-)

Caching data and notifying clients about changes in data in ASP.NET

We are thinking to make some architectural changes in our application, which might affect the technologies we'll be using as a result of those changes.
The change that I'm referring in this post is like this:
We've found out that some parts of our application have common data and common services, so we extracted those into a GlobalServices service, with its own master data db.
Now, this service will probably have its own cache, so that it won't have to retrieve data from the db on each call.
So, when one client makes a call to that service that updates data, other clients might be interested in that change, or not. Now that depends on whether we decide to keep a cache on the clients too.
Meaning that if the clients will have their own local cache, they will have to be notified somehow (and first register for notifications). If not, they will always get the data from the GlobalServices service.
I need your educated advice here guys:
1) Is it a good idea to keep a local cache on the clients to begin with?
2) If we do decide to keep a local cache on the clients, would you use
SqlCacheDependency to notify the clients, or would you use WCF for
notifications (each might have its cons and pros)
Thanks a lot folks,
I like the sound of your SqlCacheDependency, but I will answer this from a different perspective as I have worked with a team on a similar scenario. We created a master database and used triggers to create XML representations of data that was being changed in the master, and stored it in a TransactionQueue table, with a bit of meta data about what changed, when and who changed it. The client databases would periodically check the queue for items it was interested in, and would process the XML and update it's own tables as necessary.
We also did the same in reverse for the client to update the master. We set up triggers and a TransactionQueue table on the client databases to send data back to the master. This in turn would update all of the other client databases when they next poll.
The nice thing about this is that it is fairly agnostic on client platform, and client data structure, so we were able to use the method on a range of legacy and third party systems. The other great point here is that you can take any of the databases out of the loop (including the master - e.g. connection failure) and the others will still work fine. This worked well for us as our master database was behind our corporate firewall, and the simpler web databases were sitting with our ISP.
There are obviously cons to this approach, like race hazard, so we were careful with the order of transaction processing, error handling, de-duping etc. We also built a management GUI to provide a human interaction layer before important data was changed in the master.
Good luck! Tim
