Data mapping code or reflection code? - reflection

Getting data from a database table to an object in code has always seemed like mundane code. There are two ways I have found to do it:
have a code generator that reads a database table and creates the
class and controller to map the datafields to the class fields or
use reflection to take the database field and find it on the class.
The problems noted with the above 2 methods are as noted below
Method 1 seems to me like I'm missing something because I have to create a controller for every table.
Method 2 seems to be too labor intensive once you get into heavy data
access code.
Is there a third route that I should try to get data from a database onto my objects?

You normally use OR (Object-Relational) mappers in such situations. A good framework providing OR functionality is Hibernate. Does this answer your question?

I think the answer to this depends on the available technologies for the language you are going to use.
I for one am very successful with the use of an ORM (NHibernate) so naturally I may recommend option one.
There are other options that you may wish to take though:
If you are using .NET, you may opt to use attributes for your class properties to serve either as a mapping within a class, or as data that can be reflected
If you are using .NET, Fluent NHibernate will make it quite easy to make type-safe mappings within your code.
You can use generics so that you will not need to make a controller for every table, although I admit that it will be likely that you will do the latter anyway. However the generics can contain most of the general CRUD methods that is common to all tables, and you will only need to code specific quirks.

I use reflection to map data back and forth and it works well even under heavy data access. The "third route" is to do everything by hand, which may be faster to run but really slow to write.

I agree with lewap, an ORM (object-relational mapper) really helps in these situations. You may also want to consider the Active Record pattern (discussed in Fowler's Patterns of Enterprise Architecture book). It can really speed up creation of the DAL in simple apps.


Is reflection actually useful apart from reverse engineering?

Languages such as Java and PHP support reflection, which allows objects to provide metadata about themselves. Are there any legitimate use cases where you would need to be able to do something like ask an object what methods it has outside of the realm of reverse engineering? Are any of those use cases actually implemented today?
Reflection is used extensively in Java by frameworks which are leveraged at runtime to operate with other code dynamically. Without reflection, all links between code must be done at compile time (statically).
So, for example, any useful plug-in framework (OSGi, JSPF, JPF), leverages Reflection. Any injection framework (Spring, Guice, etc) leverages Reflection.
Any time you want to write a piece of code that will interact with another piece of code without having that piece of code available when compiling, Reflection is the way forward in Java.
However, this is best left to frameworks and should be encapsulated.
There certainly are good use cases. For example, obtaining developer-provided metadata. Java APIs are increasingly using annotations to provide info about methods/fields/classes and their use. Like input validation, binding to data representations... You could use these at compile-time to generate metadata descriptors and use those, but to do it at runtime would require reflection. Even if you used the metadata descriptors, they'd end up containing things like class, method and field names that'd need to be accessed via reflection.
Another use case: dynamic languages. Take Ruby... It allows you to check up-front whether an object would respond to a method name before trying to call that method. Something like that requires reflection.
Or how about when a class or method name must be provided from outside compiled code, like when selecting an implementation of some API. That's just gonna be a bit of text. Looking up what it resolves to comes down to reflection.
Frameworks like Spring or Hibernate make extensive use of reflection to inspect a class and see the annotations.
Frameworks for debugging, serialization, logging, testing...

Asp.Net MVC and Entity Framework Architecture

I'm working on a fairly large project at the moment and am currently in the planning stages. I've done a lot of reading into the various patterns suggested for development, somthing that has split the team at the moment is when using Entity Framework should the classes be passed through the applciation layers so that a view accepts an Entity Framework class or should these classes be mapped to BLL Classes and if so at which point (Controller or Library) should this be done?
I'm interested in hearing some positives and negitives for each solutions.
This is one of those great "it depends" questions ....
For me it's a matter of pragmatism. I use the raw entity classes where ever I can for expediency. I start using DTOs when either the object graph in question starts becoming too cumbersome or the object in question has sensitive data I don't want sent over the wire.
This is again one of those questions that doesn't really have a right or wrong answer, its personal taste really. Personally I would opt for using DTO's or interfaces when passing data to the Views. I don't tend to pass around entity objects to different layers of my application they are strictly confined to the DAL, or if I do need to pass it up a layer I would almost always use an interface never the concrete type.

Best Practices: What to use Reflection for?

I was toying with the idea of allowing module to with a class in a properties file ; something like
My framework will use reflection to instantiate the relevant modules, and thereafter call methods on the relevant base classes, or pass the objects as parameters as required.
Is the above a good place to use reflection?
Are there any best practices on where to use reflection already posted on SO (I couldnt' locate one)? Could we start a list along those lines with any responses posted here?
Here's another example of the kind of scenarios I have in mind.
Some core code needed to determine the point of call.
One application I saw achieved this by using reflection, another application used an exception. Would you deem the former to be a recommended scenario where reflection may be applied?
For a great framework supporting your idea have a look at the IOC container of the spring framework.
Is the above a good place to use
I'd say no. If you want to do this kind of thing, you should probably be using one of the (many) existing mature frameworks that support Inversion of Control aka Dependency injection. Spring IOC is the most popular one, but there are many others. Google for "ioc framework java".
Underneath the hood, these frameworks most likely use reflection. But that doesn't mean you should reinvent the wheel.
I usually used reflection if I want to dynamically use a class which information (assembly name, class name, method name, method parameters, etc) are stored in a string (text files or database).

Passing dataset to different layers(design related)

i read in one article that its not a good practice to pass dataset between different layers of .net web application.(DAL->BAL->Pages vice versa).Is that correct?
please give your suggestions.
On the one hand, the problem with datasets and datatables is that they expose database implementation details like column names and types outside of your data access layer. Change a column name in your database or query and odds are that change is propogated to your dataset as well, forcing a re-compile of any tier that uses the dataset. So if you retrieve data into a dataset you should convert it to use strongly-typed business objects before passing it on.
On the other hand, a dataset doesn't care what kind of database it belongs to. You can use them with access, oracle, sql server, mysql, anything. So there is some generic-ness there that can make them useful when passing data between tiers. And just like the business layer shouldn't care about database details the data layer shouldn't really need to know what the the business objects are, so there's a good argument that you should use them for data interchange at that level.
My normal procedure is to have a sort of one-way "translation" tier between the business and data access layers, so that the business layer only deals with business objects and the data layer only returns generic data. This currently takes one of two forms:
I'll write my data access methods to return datatables or datareaders, the the translation tier will use a factory pattern to convert those rows into the desired strongly-typed business objects.
I'll use C# iterator blocks to convert a datareader into an IEnumerable<IDataRecord> in the data access layer and the translation tier will use them to change that IEnumerable<IDataRecor> into an IEnumerable<MyBusinessObject>, such that the code only ever iterates over the result set one time.
There is nothing wrong with passing around datasets but it's not a great practice.
Easy to pass around and use in .NET apps
No having to code wrapper classes
Lots of functionality built into DataSets
Data type that is not really type safe.
Your data field names can change all parts of your app will compile fine until they blow up at runtime.
Heavy object. Dataset does a ton of stuff and you probably don't need 90% of it.
Having non .NET apps talk to your DAL or BAL is going to be very clean.
There's nothing wrong about passing DataSets from your DAL to your BAL.
I think this stackoverflow question on DAL best practices sums up the two schools of thought pretty well.
I am in the middle of a "discussion"
with a colleague about the best way to
implement the data layer in a new
One viewpoint is that the data layer
should be aware of business objects
(our own classes that represent an
entity), and be able to work with that
object natively.
The opposing viewpoint is that the
data layer should be object-agnostic,
and purely handle simple data types
(strings, bools, dates, etc.)
There is no problem with passing dataset across layers. If you observe, you will notice that passing dataset is by reference and not by value.So there is no issue of performance here.
Now what you read is also right, but you have to understand the context. If you are passing the dataset across remote boundaries, that is not a recommended practice.
There's nothing fundamentally wrong with that doing that. Although the basic idea of having a DAL, BLL and UI layer is so that each layer can abstract what's beneath it. E.g. the BLL shouldn't have any knowledge of how the database is structured because the DAL abstracts that away. If a dataset is being loaded in the DAL then passed straight through the BLL to the pages, it kind of sounds like the BLL is pointless.
The strongest statements often seen about DataSet is not to pass it into or out of a web service. That goes beyond exposing implementation details, and includes exposing details of the platform (.NET).
Although it's possible to change "table" and "column" names in a DataSet from those in the underlying database, you're still largely stuck with the underlying structure of the database. To abstract that, I would use Entity Framework. It allows you, for instance, to define a "Customer" entity which takes data from multiple tables and puts it into a single entity. Code using the entity doesn't need to know whether it is implemented as one table, two tables, or whatever.
Even there, you should not pass these entities outside of a web service boundary. They still pass implementation details outside of the implementation. For instance, properties of the base classes get serialized, even though these are just implementation details.
As far as I've understood, the DataSet requires the db connection to be open, for as long as it is used, which will reduce performance in your application as it keeps the connection open until the content is rendered.
Instead, I recommend using generic collections, such as IEnumerable<myType> or IQueryable<myType>, where myType is a custom type which you fill with your data.

ASP.NET Data Access Layer. Is using sqlhelper.cs bad?

I'm about to start a new .net web project.
Previsouly for my n-layer web apps i've used the "Microsoft Data Access Application Block" (sqlhelper.cs) for the data access, then an interface class to interface with the object classes. I'm aware this technique is a bit dated and was looking to use something a little more with the times.
I've looked into LINQ to SQL for data access but was restricted by lacking the many to many relationship.
The entity framework was a whole differnet approach that appears to have too larger learning curve.
Would there be anything wrong with using the sqlhelper.cs class to handle my data access?
Not at all. It supports the creation of multi-tier layers which separates our data access from our logic. I usually have business and data classes in separate folders and include the SqlHelper class with my Data DALC class.
I'm looking forward to the move towards LINQ and the use of generics. That's my next step and I think the the use of the SqlHelper promotes good coding practice in the meantime.
I first started using it when I "borrowed" it from the Enterprise Library which was huge. Ditto for the Entity Framework which I have yet to come to grips with in the workplace. but all in good time :-)
You can get simple and good example of sql helper class on
The last 8 months I've been using Linq and it works great for all the little jobs. The strong typing and drag-and-drop development makes it fantasticlly easy and super quick.
Previous to that, and still when Linq doesn't seem right I use SQLHelper. It cuts out all the donkey work of ADO.NET. I don't see any problem using it.
