Calling a Class in ASP.NET -

I know my ASP.NET but i have to admit, i am dumb with classes and not sure how they work exactly. Also have not worked with them yet but i want to. But what I do know is that it's a place where i can keep code for re-use correct? How will my class look with my code?
So this is my code i use on about 3 forms - but i want to save it in 1 spot and just call it from like when i click on btnSubmit.
Dim strConnection As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ConnectionString
Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(strConnection)
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand
Dim objDs As DataSet = New DataSet
Dim dAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT distinct FIELD FROM TABLE order by FIELD"
dAdapter.SelectCommand = cmd
If (objDs.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0) Then
lstDropdown.DataSource = objDs.Tables(0)
lstDropdown.DataTextField = "FIELD"
lstDropdown.DataValueField = "FIELD"
lstDropdown.Items.Insert(0, "Please Select")
lstDropdown2.Items.Insert(0, "Please Select")
lblMessage.Text = "* Our Database seem to be down!"
End If
What must i put here to execute my code above?
Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
End Try
End Sub

A class is (in VB.Net) is defined as so
Public Class Person
private _firstName as string
private _lastName as string
'''Constructor with no params
public Sub New()
_firstName = ""
_lastName = ""
End Sub
'Contructor with params
Public Sub New(FirstName as String, LastName as String)
_firstName = FirstName
_lastName = LastName
End Sub
Public Property FirstName As String
return _firstName
End Get
Set(value as String)
_firstName = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property LastName As String
return _lastName
End Get
Set(value as String)
_lastName = value
End Set
End Property
Public Function HitHomeRun() As Boolean
....'Do some stuff here
End Function
End Class
You can then instantiate the class and call its members.
Dim p as New Person()
p.FirstName = "Mike"
p.LastName = "Schmidt"
dim IsHomeRunHit As Boolean = p.HitHomeRun()
Learn more about creating and consuming classes in VB.Net.
This is a very big topic and can be defined in many different ways. But typically what you are venturing into is an N-Tier architecture.
Data Access Layer
Business Logic
UI Logic
Now the way a class can be built in your question can be done, but in the long run is prone to maintenance horror and modifiiability is cut short. Not to mention very much prone to bugs. Putting any type of data access code in your UI layer is bad practice.
This is where the power of having separate layers of classes (separation of concerns) in each layer gives you the ability to reuse code and ability to easily modify for future expansions/features etc. This is getting into Software Architecture is a very broad topic to put into one post.
But if you are really interested here are some links to point you into the right directions.
N-Tier Architecture from Wikipedia
Data Access Layer
Business Logic Layer
Martin Fowler is an expert in Architecture
There is software that eases the pain of the DAL.
1. Linq-To-SQL ability to query your data via .Net Objects (compiled queries)
2. Entity Framework Version 2 of Linq-To-SQL
And this effectively could replace all of your SQL code.

If you want to reuse the code, you should put it in a separate project. That way you can add that project to different solutions (or just reference the compiled dll).
In your web project you add a reference to the project (or to the dll if you have compiled it before and don't want to add the project to the solution).
In your new project you add a class file, for example named UIHelper. In the class skeleton that is created for you, you add a method. As the class is in a separate project, it doesn't know about the controls in the page, so you have to send references to those in the method call:
Public Shared Sub PopulateDropdowns(lstDropdown As DropDownList, lstDropdown2 As DropDownList)
... here goes your code
End Sub
In your page you call it with references to the dropdown lists that you have in the page:
UIHelper.PopulateDropdowns(lstDropdown, lstDropdown2)
This will get you started. There is a lot more to learn about using classes...

I sometimes create a "Common" class and put public Shared methods in it that I want to call from different places.
Something along these lines:
Public Class Common
Public Shared Sub MyMethod
'Do things.
End Sub
End Class
I'd then call it using:
Obviously, you can a sub/function definition that takes the parameters you require.
Sorry if my VB.NET code is a bit off. I usually use C#.

I think you should look into using visual studio designer tools to do your data access and data binding. Search for typed datasets


How to open varbinary word doc as HTML

I have a problem which I have not been able to find an answer to in months. I store word doc resumes as varbinary(max). I can retrieve the resumes based on a full-text search – no problem. But the resumes are retrieved as word documents in a .ashx file with the following code. I really need to implement hit highlighting on the site so that users can see if the returned resume is a good fit or not. I don’t think this can be done from an .ashx file, so I think I need to be able to open the resume as html in an aspx page and maybe use javascript to do the hit highlighting or perhaps return the text only content of the word document somehow and manipulate the text before display with html tags. I cant find anything anywhere which addresses the problem. I am really hoping that someone can point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class ReadResume : Implements IHttpHandler
Const conString As String = "Data;Initial Catalog=SQL2008R2_284060_resumedata;User ID=SQL2008R2_284060_resumedata_user;Password=mypwd2314;"
Public Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal context As HttpContext) Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest
Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(conString)
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("Select ResumeDoc, DocTypeExtension From ResumeTable WHERE CandidateId=#CandidateId", con)
Dim CId As String = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString("Para")
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#CandidateId", CId)
Using con
Dim myReader As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
If myReader.Read() Then
Dim file() As Byte = CType(myReader("ResumeDoc"), Byte())
Dim doc_type As String = CType(myReader("DocTypeExtension"), String)
context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
context.Response.ContentType = "Application/msword"
context.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "Candidate Resume")
End If
End Using
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property IsReusable() As Boolean Implements IHttpHandler.IsReusable
Return False
End Get
End Property
End Class
You can use Microsoft Office COM components to deal with Word documents. For example, that is the way to convert Word to HTML:
There are other solutions.
If you have only .docx (not .doc) documents then you can use this simple code to extract plain text from docx documents: This is the same code:
There are some commercial libraries for reading/writing Word documents:

How to add Transactions with a DataSet created using the Add Connection Wizard?

I have a DataSet that I have added to my project where I can Insert and Add records using the Add Query function in Visual Studio 2010, however I want to add transactions to this, I have found a few examples but cannot seem to find one that works with these.
I know I need to use the SQLClient.SQLTransaction Class somehow. I used the Add New Data Source Wizard and added the Tables/View/Functions I need, I just need an example using this process such as How to get the DataConnection my DataSet has used. Assuming all options have been set in the wizard and I am only using the pre-defined adapters and options asked for in this wizard, how to I add the Transaction logic to my Database.
For example I have a DataSet called ProductDataSet with the XSD created for this, I have then added my Stock table as a Datasource and Added an AddStock method with a wizard, this also if a new item calls an AddItem method, if either of these fails I want to rollback the AddItem and AddStock in this case.
In this example, I have a dataset called "dsMain" and a few direct queries in a "QueriesTableAdapter". I extend the partial class for the TableAdapter with a function that will create a transaction based on the first (0) connection and then apply it to every connection in the table adapter.
Namespace dsMainTableAdapters
Partial Public Class QueriesTableAdapter
Public Function CreateTransaction() As Data.IDbTransaction
Dim oConnection = Me.CommandCollection(0).Connection
Dim oTrans = oConnection.BeginTransaction()
For Each cmd In Me.CommandCollection
cmd.Connection = oConnection
cmd.Transaction = oTrans
Return oTrans
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
You begin the transaction by calling the new function
Dim qa As New dsMainTableAdapters.QueriesTableAdapter
Dim oTrans = qa.CreateTransaction()
Then you can call TableAdapter queries within your transaction
When you are done with your queries you commit the transaction
You can do the same thing for any TableAdapter that was created for your datasets.
If you have multiple TableAdapters that need to use the same transaction, then in addition to a "CreateTransaction" you should make a "SetTransaction" and have the Transaction be a parameter.
first of all thanks for your answer carter, it helped me very much!
but iam not able to handle the part with the parameters
You can do the same thing for any TableAdapter that was created for your datasets. If you have multiple TableAdapters that need to use the same transaction, then in addition to a "CreateTransaction" you should make a "SetTransaction" and have the Transaction be a parameter.
so iam able to handle 1 transactions with 1 tableadapter, but not 1 transaction with 2 tableadapters:
iam doing this for a school project, and i really need your help!!
here is the code to add a new material and a historical price to it(a changing price, like by fuel; iam saving it in an related table to material in the database):
Namespace DataSetTableAdapters
Partial Public Class MaterialPriceTableAdapter
Public Function SetTransaction() As Data.IDbTransaction
Dim oConnection = Me.CommandCollection(0).Connection
Dim oTrans = oConnection.BeginTransaction()
For Each cmd In Me.CommandCollection
cmd.Connection = oConnection
cmd.Transaction = oTrans
Return oTrans
End Function
End Class
Partial Public Class MaterialTableAdapter
Public Function CreateTransaction(ByVal MaterialPrice As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcTransaction) As Data.IDbTransaction
Dim oConnection = Me.CommandCollection(0).Connection
Dim oTrans = oConnection.BeginTransaction()
For Each cmd In Me.CommandCollection
cmd.Connection = oConnection
cmd.Transaction = oTrans
Return oTrans
End Function
End Namspace
and now the code in the form the form:
Public Class AddMaterial
Dim material As New DataSetBATableAdapters.MaterialTableAdapter
Dim materialprice As New DataSetBATableAdapters.MaterialPriceTableAdapter
Dim oTrans = material.CreateTransaction(materialprice.SetTransaction())
Private Sub Save_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Save.Click
material.InsertQuery(NameTextBox.Text, UnitComboBox.SelectedValue)
materialprice.InsertQuery(Date_BeginDateTimePicker.Value, PriceTextBox.Text, Date_EndDateTimePicker.Value, Me.LkwTableAdapter.ScalarQuery())
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error by Insert")
End Try
End Sub
End Class
if i save a new record the materialprice.insertquery isnt commited by otrans.commit. what am i doing wrong? if you have an idea what it is, please tell me
This is untested, but this is how I imaging the CreateTransaction/SetTransaction combo should be written (with your OdbcTransaction object).
Public Function CreateTransaction() As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcTransaction
Dim oConnection = Me.CommandCollection(0).Connection
Dim oTrans = oConnection.BeginTransaction()
Return oTrans
End Function
Public Sub SetTransaction(ByVal oTrans As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcTransaction)
For Each cmd In Me.CommandCollection
cmd.Connection = oTrans.Connection
cmd.Transaction = oTrans
End Sub

CascadingDropDown taking two parameters

I have a page with 3 dropdownlist, 2nd and 3rd dropdownlist are added with CascadingDropDown. 3rd dropdownlist will take parameters from 1st and 2nd dropdownlist. So, in current example for CascadingDropDown i have found from google, they are only passing one parameter to the WebService method. How can pass two parameters to the service method, so that my 3rd dropdownlist will based on the SelectedValue of 1st and 2nd dropdownlist?
<WebMethod()> _
Public Function GetTeams(ByVal knownCategoryValues As String, ByVal category As String) As CascadingDropDownNameValue()
Dim strConnection As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("nerdlinessConnection").ConnectionString
Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(strConnection)
Dim strTeamQuery As String = "SELECT * FROM TEAM WHERE conf_id = #confid"
Dim cmdFetchTeam As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(strTeamQuery, sqlConn)
Dim dtrTeam As SqlDataReader
Dim kvTeam As StringDictionary = CascadingDropDown.ParseKnownCategoryValuesString(knownCategoryValues)
Dim intConfId As Integer
If Not kvTeam.ContainsKey("Conference") Or Not Int32.TryParse(kvTeam("Conference"), intConfId) Then
Return Nothing
End If
cmdFetchTeam.Parameters.AddWithValue("#confid", intConfId)
Dim myTeams As New List(Of CascadingDropDownNameValue)
dtrTeam = cmdFetchTeam.ExecuteReader
While dtrTeam.Read()
Dim strTeamName As String = dtrTeam("team_name").ToString
Dim strTeamId As String = dtrTeam("team_id").ToString
myTeams.Add(New CascadingDropDownNameValue(strTeamName, strTeamId))
End While
Return myTeams.ToArray
End Function
This is the sample code i found! As you can see in the code, '#confid' will be passed from 2nd dropdownlist! So, hw do i modify this code to get the selected value from 1st dropdownlist as well??
Which web service are you referring to? Is it something you have written or someone else's webservice?
In case it is your webservice, update the method definition in it and pass two parameters. In case it is somone else's, contact the concerned person to know what best can be done.
It appears the poster is not asking about Web Services really, but about SqlCommand and adding parameters.
First, you should never EVER run sql straight from your web application like that. Put it in a stored procedure.
Second, you should run checks on the values coming in, because this is a good way for your web site users to use SQL injection attacks.
Now... Here is what you were looking for:
Dim strTeamQuery As String = "SELECT * FROM TEAM WHERE conf_id = #confid"
Dim strTeamQuery As String = "SELECT * FROM TEAM WHERE conf_id = #confid AND second_id = #secondId"
Then just add another one of these:
cmdFetchTeam.Parameters.AddWithValue("#confid", intConfId)
(with the other value, of course, like this)
cmdFetchTeam.Parameters.AddWithValue("#confid", intConfId)
cmdFetchTeam.Parameters.AddWithValue("#secondId", intSecondId)

Update SINGLE field of a table in Access db

How do you update a single field in an Access database using an website in VisualStudio08. Assuming that the connection has been established, give step to step instructions of what to do in the design view.
Here is a console app that shows you how to use ADO.NET to update an Access DB.
An alternate is to use Linq.
You could add a method to your CodeBehind that does something like this, and call it from your OnClick event handler.
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Program
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim connectionString As String = GetConnectionString()
Dim queryString As String = _
"UPDATE Categories Set CategoryName = 'ABC' WHERE CategoryID = 1;"
Using connection As New OleDbConnection(connectionString)
Dim command As OleDbCommand = connection.CreateCommand()
command.CommandText = queryString
Dim rowsAffected As Integer = command.ExecuteNonQuery()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Using
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetConnectionString() As String
' To avoid storing the connection string in your code,
' you can retrieve it from a configuration file.
' Assumes Northwind.mdb is located in c:\Data folder.
Return "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" _
& "c:\Data\Northwind.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;"
End Function
End Class
Assuming you want this done on some postback event like a button click, you need to (this is from memory, I don't have it in front of me!):
click on the button, show its properties, then the events tab.
double-click in the OnClick space to create a new event handler (or enter a name directly)
In the event handler in the code window, invoke some SQL something like
update table set field=value where field2=identifier
(or you could use the LINQ equivalent) Where table, field, field2, value and identifier should be replaced with specific names to suit your database.
You could create a SqlCommand::ExecuteNonQuery instance to run the SQL.

ASP.NET multi language website?

How can I transform a website to be able to handle multi language (example : english, french, spanish)?
I do not like the resource file because I feel limited and it's pretty long to build the list. Do you have any suggestion?
For the moment the best way we found is to use an XML file and with some Xpath et get values.
Implicit localization (on the Visual Studio - Tools menu - Generate Local Resources) is about as easy as it can be. Write your pages in your default language, pick the menu option, and your resource files are created and can be sent to someone to translate.
The resx file is just xml, so if the translation company wants you can transform it into (and out of) spreadsheets easily.
Using a databases instead of resx as your backing store is not difficult. Rick Strahl has a good explanation and example code for a database-driven localization provider here - there's a nice built in localization editor too with interface to Google translations and Babelfish.
We store resources for multilingual sites in a database. We've created a couple of tools to make it easy to create and access these. There's a custom ExpressionBuilder that allows us to use this syntax:
<asp:linkbutton runat='server' text='<%$ LanguageStrings:ClickMe%>' />
And a custom label that contains the default text, and adds a row to the database if there's not already one.
<r:languagelabel runat="server" name="AboutUs">About Us</r:languagelabel>
The table containing the strings has one column per language. This makes it very easy to create the site in English (or whatever the default language is), then hand off the table (which populates itself) to a translator. It's also very easy to see what languages you need to have stuff translated for. With resources, every time you need to add a new string, you have to stop what you're doing, and then go to the resource file for each language and add the resource.
Here's the code for the language label:
''' <summary>
''' Retrieves a language-specific string.
''' </summary>
Public Class LanguageLabel
Inherits Label
Private _Name As String
Public Property Name() As String
Return _Name
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_Name = value
End Set
End Property
Private Sub Populate()
If Len(Me.Name) > 0 Then
Dim LanguageString As String = GetLanguageString(Me.Name, Me.Text)
If Len(LanguageString) > 0 Then Me.Text = LanguageString
End If
End Sub
Private Sub LanguageLabel_PreRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.PreRender
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub Render(ByVal writer As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
' By default a label wraps the text in a <span>, which we don't want in some situations
End Sub
End Class
and the utility function:
Public Function GetLanguageString(ByVal Name As String, Optional ByVal DefaultText As String = "") As String
Dim DefaultLanguage As Language = Languages.GetById(1)
Name = StripPunctuation(Name).Trim.Replace(" ", "") ' Remove punctuation, spaces from name
Dim SelectSql As String = String.Format("Select {0},{1} from LanguageStrings where Name=#Name", Languages.CurrentLanguage.Code, DefaultLanguage.Code)
Dim LanguageStringTable As DataTable = ExecuteDataset(cs, CommandType.Text, SelectSql, New SqlParameter("#Name", Name)).Tables(0)
If LanguageStringTable IsNot Nothing AndAlso LanguageStringTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
Dim LanguageText As String = LanguageStringTable.Rows(0)(Languages.CurrentLanguage.Code).ToString
Dim DefaultLanguageText As String = LanguageStringTable.Rows(0)(DefaultLanguage.Code).ToString
If Len(LanguageText) > 0 Then
' We have a string in this language
Return LanguageText
' Nothing in this language - return default language value
Return DefaultLanguageText
End If
' No record with this name - create a dummy one
If DefaultText = "" Then DefaultText = Name
Dim InsertSql As String = String.Format("Insert into LanguageStrings (Name, {0}) values (#Name, #Text)", DefaultLanguage.Code)
ExecuteNonQuery(cs, CommandType.Text, InsertSql, New SqlParameter("#Name", Name), New SqlParameter("#Text", DefaultText))
Return Name
End If
End Function
Resource files are the way to go. We ship our product in 12 languages. We pull all strings out into resource files and ship them to a translation company. It's a pain at times, but that is the defacto way to do it.
It also gets fun when 4-letter English words get translated into 17-letter phrases and you have to tweak your UI.
How late in the design process are you? If not too late, and if the budget allows, consider porting to a multi-lingual CMS like Ektron (which has built-in translation tools). If not, then you've got a huge task ahead of you.
Another solution I am using is to create the language folders which contain the aspx pages containing all the required text in that particular language.
The only problem here is how can you inject as little code as possible into those replicating pages. I am using a controller pattern here to do this, and then a object data source to get the data and bind it to the controls in all pages.
In this way I have achieved the goal of getting rid of the resource files and I can keep the code behind in one place without replicating it (unless necessary).
Edit: I would recommend a good CMS framework as well.
One of the web apps I develop has this NLS requirement too.
I found that there are at least 3 locations where you have localized texts:
user interface
database tables ("catalogs" or whatever you want to call them)
backend code (services etc)
My solution has one table for the pages, tables, etc ("Container"), one table for each item in that container (e.g. labels, buttons by ID, record identifiers), and one table for the translated items (plus language identifier).
A translation application helps me keep the translations up-to-date, and exports all translations in XML.
The product ships with translations, but customers can adjust the translations, changes taking effect immediately.
Sample code i have done using resource file
add global.asax
void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs on application startup
HttpCookie cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["CultureInfo"];
if (cookie != null && cookie.Value != null)
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(cookie.Value);
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(cookie.Value);
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en");
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en");
