3.5 + update panel doesn't work in mozilla -

I show/hide few images basing on the button clicks in update panel. I use an update progress also for this. Everything works fine in IE7. But in Firefox Version 3.0.14 when I click on the button in the update panel the event itself is not getting fired.
What may be the problem?

I dont think there is any reason for it to work in IE and not in FF.
What plugins you have installed on Firefox?
Disable all plugins and then check.

I found the issue. This is because, I didn't set the CausesValidation property to false. I need this because there are usercontrols which performs their own validations.
But now, I am wondering why IE allowed the button click?


Opening Web Page in IE6 Triggers an OnClick Event

I have written a web page that provides a drop down list of reports that can be viewed. The fiddle is here: The image in the fiddle is exactly what you see when you open the page in Firefox (13.0.1) but when the page is opened in IE6 it seems that the "View Report" event is triggered with the visible selection in the drop down list thus immediately rendering that report.
Any advice is appreciated.
Weird. The problem simply went away.

stop postback for RadEditor with spellcheck

When I use a RadEditor I want to enable the editor's spell check (working thus far). After a spell check the user can either click on the radmodule (toolbar thing) to either "finish spellcheck" or "cancel." Which is all fine and dandy except the "finish" button causes a postback!! I don't want that at this point!! "cancel" more or less does what I want to happen - I mostly just want a "done" or a way to stop the postback. Does anyone have any clues?
I've tried an Update panel but that just grays out the text area after it does the update.
The "finish" button should not do a postback - verify this by going to the Telerik online demos - If it does postback, then there is a problem with some JS code on the page or some customization you did on the editor. Try starting with a blank editor page in your project and see if the behavior changes.
I think its cause we have a relatively old version of Rad now... Talked to my boss about buying new licenses..

Validator on UpdatePanel causes Chrome not to exit UpdateProgress

I have encountered a weird problem that does not exist in Firefox or IE. I have a user control that has a text box and a required field validator. When the user control is hosted in an update panel, the UpdateProgress tag never closes the first time that the UpdateProgress is triggered on the page when the page is viewed in Chrome. Has anyone else encountered this, and if so, is there any solution other than removing the validator? I could manually validate, but who wants to do that to support a browser bug?
The workaround simply tells ASP.NET AJAX that Safari 3 and Google Chrome are a new type of browser instead of the old Safari for which workarounds had to be programmed.

Ajax Control Toolkit Calendar doesn't show in IE8 when inside UpdatePanel

I'm having this problem. When the calendar extender is outside an UpdatePanel, it works perfectly on IE8, however, when inside it, it doesn't show. Anybody having this issue?
This might sound crazy, but I had the same issue, and fixed it by removing the TabIndex from the image (that opens the calendar). IE8 doesn't like it when you have a TabIndex on the image.
My calendar opens up inside the update panel ok now :)
Hope this helps!

Help! basic ASP.NET 3.5 radiobuttonlist not working right inside a updatepanel

So I have a radiobuttonlist inside an updatepanel. I seem to be hitting a really simple yet vexing problem -
Even though I've set AutoPostBack=true, when I click on a radio button, I see the postback happen but the SelectedIndexChanged event does not fire at all. Not only that, even in the postback, when I check SelectedIndex it shows -1 instead of the button I clicked.
this is so annoying and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It's plain and simple postback and server side processing to know which radio button in the list got clicked, there is nothing fancy in the code on either the server or client sides.
Please help!
(PS - I tried with/without adding the rbList control and the SelectedIndexChanged as triggers for the update panel and it still doesn't work..the SelectedIndexChanged does not fire)
Try testing it outside the UpdatePanel to see if in a non-ajax situation it does fire. Maybe your mistake is somewhere else.
OK, I don't know what the deal was - but I fixed it. Perhaps some others facing similar issues will find it helpful.
I was modifying the text property of the rbList,
e.g. rbList.Items[0].Text = "xxx"
and for whatever reason, this will killing the overall functionality. So finally I figured that this piece of code was causing issues, so I replaced it with
and it started working, Also note that when I had rbList.Items.Add(text), it was causing problems as well!
no idea - but whatever, it fixed it.
