DataTable Wrapper or How to decouple UI from Business logic -

I am using web forms, C#,
As we all know, in this model UI and business logic are often mixed in. How do I separate these effectively?
The example I would like to use is:
I have a GridView and a DataTable (GridView binds to the DataTable and DataTable is fed from the stored procedure).
I would like the GridView (UI) and DataTable (business logic) to be decoupled.
Is it worth it to write an wrapper for DataTable? Are there practical patterns that have been proved and tested that you could recommend to be followed?
If someone with experience could shed some light, that would be awesome.
And, as a final note I would like to say that ASP MVC is not an option right now, so don't recommend it.
My database access layer returns a DataTable.
Note that I HAVE to use this database layer as this is a company policy.

I went through this recently while decoupling much the same thing from our UI layer.
You can see my progress here and here.
In my opinion, A DataTable does not represent business logic. Specifically, it's data pulled directly from the database. Business logic turns that data into a truly useful business object.
The first step, then, is to decouple the DataTable from the Business object.
You can do that by creating objects and List<object> that make up DataTables and Collections of DataTables, and then you can make a ListView that displays those Objects. I cover the latter steps in the links I posted above. And the former steps are as easy as the following:
Create a class that will represent your object.
iterate through your DataTable (or DataSet, or however you retrieve the data) and shove those fields into properties of that object (or that List<T>);
return that List to the Gridview or ListView to display.
This way your ListView or Gridview won't be tightly coupled to the method that you are retrieving your data. What happens if you decide to get your data from a JSON query or a XML file later on? Then you'd have to build this into there.
Step 1 - Getting Data From Database
There are multiple methods to get data from a database, there's no way I can go through all of them here. I assume that you already know how to retrieve data from a database, and if you don't, there are quite a few links to follow. Let's pretend you've connected to the database, and are using an SQLDataReader to retrieve data. We'll pick up there.
Class Diagram
And here's the method:
private void FillDefault(SqlDataReader reader, Foos foo)
{ = Convert.ToInt32(reader[Foo.Properties.ID]);
foo.Name = reader[Foo.Properties.NAME].ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(
foo.Description =
else foo.Description = string.Empty;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(
string.Format("Invalid Query.
Column '{0}' does not exist in SqlDataReader.",
Once that happens, you can return a list by going through that process in a while loop that targets the SQLDataReader.Read() function.
Once you do that, let's pretend that your Foo being returned is a List. If you do that, and follow the first link I gave above, you can replace Dictionary<TKey, TValue> with List<T> and achieve the same result (with minor differences). The Properties class just contains the column names in the database, so you have one place to change them (in case you were wondering).
DataTable - Update Based on Comment
You can always insert an intermediate object. In this instance, I'd insert a Business Layer between the DataTable and the UI, and I've discussed what I'd do above. But a DataTable is not a business object; it is a visual representation of a database. You can't transport that to the UI layer and call it de-coupled. They say you have to use a DataTable, do they say that you have to transport that DataTable to the UI? I can't imagine they would. If you do, then you'll never be de-coupled. You'll always need an intermediate object in between the DataTable and the UI layer.

I'd start by decoupling the data table right into the trash can. Build a domain layer, and then some type of data access layer which deals with the DB (ORM recommended).
Then build a servicing layer which provides the data to the UI. All business logic should be within the service or the entities themself.

Consider implementing MVP (model view presenter) pattern. It gives you separation of biz logic through presenter interface, which also allow better unit testing capabilities. Your codebehind of aspx page is then just connector of events and getter/setter of properties. You can find it in MS pattern&practices enterprise application blocks (CAB - composite application block - if i'm not mistaking).
You can read more about it here:
But also going from DataTable/DataSets to objects (POCO) is preferred.


MVC & Basic Data Access

I have experience with webForms and now i am starting to learn MVC, oh boy....everything looks so different. Since my background is webForms, I just want to make sure If am doing this properly. I am pulling data (Queries, Stored Procedures etc) from MS SQL Server & Goal is to represent them within view. here is what I have done so sar.
Here is my Model
Class Product ' Just a Template
private _title
private _price
' property implementation etc
End Class
Class ProductModel ' Returns Actual Data
Function getProducts as list(of product)
' use SqlDataReader to Execute the Stored Procedure
' Populate a list(of product)
' list.add(new product(title,price))
' Return the List
end function
Function getTopProducts() as list(of products)
End Function
End Class
Now Here is my ProductsController index() ActionMethod.
Dim p as new ProductModel
return view(p)
Then within my View (Which is strongly typed for ProductModel Class), I am using a For each on Model.getProducts or Model.getTopProducts and showing the data on screen.
Now Few questions...first of all, is my approach reasonable? is it a standard way of setting up Models with MVC? If not then please correct me.
Secondly, all the examples I see online, i see people using LINQ, EF etc....however in my environment performance is very important, and i am almost always returning data using Stored procedures, so is it OK to use pure ADO.NET or using LINQ/EF can help me out in some way? my approach reasonable? is it a standard way of setting up
Models with MVC? If not then please correct me.
Yes, it's best practice to use a viewmodel than work with your entities directly on your views.
is it OK to use pure ADO.NET or using LINQ/EF can help me out in some
It's perfectly fine to use pure ADO.NET if you feel doing all the dirty works an ORM provides.
You approach is the one that is mostly shown when you learn about MVC. However, if you want to be a bit picky about naming convention then your ProductModel would be called ProductViewModel. This ViewModel will allow you to pass more information to View than it is available in your Product class (which is your model class). But this is insignificant although you should get used to using View with ViewModels.
As for your second question you can use anything you want as data access technology. Entity Framework is promoted by Microsoft as one of its technologies for manipulating with the information in a database. However, if you want you can use ADO.NET with stored procedures, or you can use RavenDB with its own client interface. It's really up to you.

ASP.NET DataView - problem with RowFilter and application cache

Good afternoon ladies and gents --
I've been tasked with finding and fixing a bug in an unfamiliar legacy application that had some recent changes made to it, but I don't have an easy way (that I know of) to test my theory. I'm hoping your collective knowledge will verify the test for me.
This application lazy loads lookup lists (tongue-twister?) into DataTables from a database and stores them as an object in HttpContext.Current.Application (an HttpApplicationState).
Before the changes were made, one of the lookup tables was bound to a DropDownList in the following manner (contrived):
Me._lookupList = TheSession.LookupCache.SomeLookupListName.DefaultView
ddl.DataSource = Me._lookupList
where 'SomeLookupListName' is a read-only property that returns a DataTable from HttpContext.Current.Application. The changes added some code that filters the private Me._lookupList (DataView) before being bound to the DropDownList:
Me._lookupList.RowFilter = "SomeTableIDColumn <> " & ...
What's happening, if you haven't guessed it already, is that that DataView is now filtered for every user of the application. I looked around the code and found that most other lookup lists are copied to local members in this fashion:
Me._lookupList = New DataView(TheSession.LookupCache.SomeLookupListName)
Since I don't know how to attack my local debug session pretending to be multiple users, will changing the code to use the latter method actually be any different than the former? Does filtering the result of DataTable.DefaultView actually apply the filter to the underlying DataTable differently than if wrapping the table with a New DataView(...)?
Would it make sense to simply clear the row filter after the DropDownList is bound (seems like a bad solution)? I'd like to stick to the ugly conventions this application uses so that I don't surprise another developer down the road who gets a similar task, otherwise I'd just bypass the application state and grab the items right out of the data repository.
I appreciate your feedback.
Does filtering the result of
DataTable.DefaultView actually apply
the filter to the underlying DataTable
differently than if wrapping the table
with a New DataView(...)?
Yes. It creates a new view which the filter is applied to. The filter is not applied to the table directly. Following the pattern to use the new view will work.
BTW, easy to test multiple sessions against your debugger. Just open up two different browsers (IE and FF) and point to the same app. User login might be the same, but the sessions will be unique.

How to call stored proc from ASP.Net MVC stack via the ORM & return them in json?

i'm a total newbie with mvc and here's my jam:
i have a 3 level list box which selection on box A shows options on box B and selection on box B will show the options for box C.
I'm trying to do the whole thing in MVC and what i see is that the nerd dinner tutorial uses the ORM method.
so i created a dbml to the database and drag the stored proc inside.
i create a datacontext object but i don't quite know how to connect the result from the stored proce which should be multiple rows of data and make it into a json.
so i can keep all the json data inside the html page and using jquery i could make the selection process faster.
i don't expect the data inside the three boxes to change so often thus i think this method should be quite viable.
So how do i get the stored proc part
to return the data as json?
i've noticed some tutorial online
that the json return result part is
at the controller and not at the
model end.
Why is that?
FYI, i find what i mostly wanted to do here.
For the json part, i referenced here.
Return a JsonResult from your controller action. You may need to coerce the result from your stored procedure into a C# class serializable to Json.
Json conversion should be done in the controller because it's not really part of the domain. More a DTO in the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) style.

Business/Domain Object in ASP.NET

Just trying to gather thoughts on what works/doesn't work for manipulating Business/Domain objects through an ASP.NET (2.0+) UI/Presentation layer. Specifically in classic ASP.NET LOB application situations where the ASP.NET code talks directly to the business layer. I come across this type of design quite often and wondering what is the ideal solution (i.e. implementing a specific pattern) and what is the best pragmatic solution that won't require a complete rewrite where no "pattern" is implemented.
Here is a sample scenario.
A single ASP.NET page that is the "Edit/New" page for a particular Business/Domain object, let's use "Person" as an example. We want to edit Name and Address information from within this page. As the user is making edits or entering data, there are some situations where the form should postback to refresh itself. For example, when editing their Address, they select a "Country". After which a State/Region dropdown becomes enabled and refreshed with relevant information for the selected country. This is essentially business logic (restricting available selections based on some dependent field) and this logic is handled by the business layer (remember this is just one example, there are lots of business situations where the logic is more complex during the post back - for example insurance industry when selecting certain things dictates what other data is needed/required).
Ideally this logic is stored only in the Business/Domain object (i.e. not having the logic duplicated in the ASP.NET code). To accomplish this, I believe the Business/Domain object would need to be reinitialized and have it's state set based on current UI values on each postback.
For example:
private Person person = null;
protected void Page_Load()
person = PersonRepository.Load(Request.QueryString["id"]);
if (Page.IsPostBack)
protected void CountryDropDownList_OnChange()
this.StateRegionDropDownList.Enabled = true;
this.StateRegionDropDownList.DataSource = person.AvailableStateRegions;
Other options I have seen are storing the Business object in SessionState rather than loading it from the repository (aka database) each time the page loads back up.
I'd put your example in my 'UI Enhancement' bucket rather than BL, verifying that the entries are correct is BL but easing data entry is UI in my opinion.
For very simple things I wouldn't bother with a regular post back but would use an ajax approach. For example if I need to get a list of Cities, I might have a Page Method (Or web service) that given a state gives me a list of cities.
If your options depends on a wide variety of parameters, what your doing would work well. As for storing things in Session there are benefits. Are your entities visible to multiple at the same time? If so what happens when User A and User B both edit the same. Also if your loading each time are you savign to the database each time? What happens if I am editing my name, and then select country, but now my browser crashes. Did you update the name in the DB?
This is the line I disagree with slightly:
this.StateRegionDropDownList.DataSource = person.AvailableStateRegions;
Person is a business/domain object, but it's not the object that should be handling state/region mapping (for example), even if that's where the information to make the decision lives.
In more complicated examples where multiple variables are needed to make a decision, what you want to do in general is start from the domain object you're trying to end up with, and call a function on that object that can be given all the required information to make a business decision.
So maybe (using a static function on the State class):
this.StateRegionDropDownList.DataSource = State.GetAvailableStateRegions(person, ipAddress);
As a consequence of separating out UI helper concerns from the Person domain object, this style of programming tends to be much "more testable".

Gridview sorting challenge when moving from Winforms to ASP.NET 2.0 Webforms

I have a problem with Gridview sorting that is similar to others but I'm binding to a collection object as opposed to a data table.
The existing business rules and data access layers of an application follow the pattern of having an object and, if you need a collection of objects of that type, to have another class inheriting CollectionBase and implementing IBindingList.
For desktop applications, it was easy to databind a gridview to one of these objects and there weren't any problems with turning on column sorting. Everything was 'in state' in the desktop app's presentation layer.
Now that code is being moved to a new web application (ASP.NET 2.0, VB codebehind pages).
I've played around with what I had to do to only have certain columns of the collection show up in the gridview and the gridview looked pretty good. When I turned on 'allow sorting', that's when the problems showed up.
I'm getting the error about not having a .Sorting method, etc. In researching this, I found all sorts of solutions that were easily implemented with dataviews if my source was a data table. But it's not - it's a collection. I tried to "cheap shot" a datasource by converting the collection to an XML memory stream and them trying to .ReadXML back into a dataset but that didn't work [Root element is missing error was as far as I got in the dataset.ReadXml(ioTemp) where ioTemp was the System.IO.MemoryStream used in the xml serializer].
Because of the old desktop apps, I've never had to worry about sorting a collection since the gridview handled it once it was loaded. In fact, it's a 'standard' that the collection's .SortProperty, .SortDirection and .ApplySort all through NotSupportedExceptions (I inherited this code from programmers long gone).
Is there an easy way to convert the collection to a data table or a way to sort the collection without having to go back to the database each time? Object Data Sources won't work becuase of the intricate rules in how the objects are built - the wizards in VS2005 just can't handle what we need to do (grabbing data from several tables conditionally to make an object).
Thanks in advance.
Have you considered client side sorting instead?
I have used the jquery tablesorter plugin in the past with ASP Gridviews.
I had a similar issue and i needed to implement IComparable on the objects. Basically to sort a collection of objects you need a way to distinguish their order. The IComparable interface has one method called Compare which allows the .Net framework to work out the order of the objects when you sort them. You need to implement this method yourself to get the sort method to work.
Google results
You don't mention the error message so i cant be sure if this is the case, can you post the error?
In regards to your comment; you can implement multi column sorting, it just requires more work. You can specify the fields to sort the collection by and then use this information within the CompareTo Method.
Have a look at this
Given that you apparently are populating the grid with a collection of your own objects, this sounds like a perfect job for Linq for Objects. With just a little elbow grease you can achieve what is effectively an SQL Select statement against your collection. Very cool stuff.
Also, do you really just want to sort the data in the grid? If so, then'd definitely pursue using Linq against your objects. However, rarely does sorting the contents of the grid really answer the problem ("sorting the grid" usually translates into changing the access path of the data used to fill the grid.) Browser apps aren't like Windows apps and don't have a full-time connection to the underlying data source to make things happen quite as magically as the DataGridView in Windows makes things seem.
You can put link buttons with an On_Click event as the header's of each column.
When the event is triggered, figure out which header was clicked on (one method per header or a commandArgument value). Once that is know, do a .orderBy or .OrderByDescending by on the collection of objects, and put the result back in as datasource of the gridview and databind on that.
In the year since I originally asked this question, I managed to get a new 'standard' implemented so that collections of business objects were now generic lists.
So now a "Collection class" that is little more than a "Inherits List(Of MyBusinessObject)" with a Sort Method that looks like this (performance wasn't an issue):
Public Overloads Sub Sort(ByVal strPropertyName As String, ByVal strDirection As String)
Dim arSortedList As New ArrayList
For Each item As MyBusinessObject In Me
arSortedList.Sort(New CaseInsensitiveComparer(Of MyBusinessObject)(strPropertyName, strDirection))
For intI As Integer = 0 To arSortedList.Count - 1
Item(intI) = arSortedList(intI)
End Sub
This seemed to work perfectly with the methodology used by the GridView for firing events.
