Why is CSS height:100% not working in IE6? - css

I have an IE6 absolute position div that I want to be full screen (100% width and height). It's being used as a "loading, please wait" message while the data loads on the page.
It appears that ie6 does not recognize the css of "height:100%".
Any work arounds?

Also, in some older browsers you need to set the height of the html tag as well:
body, html {
height: 100%;

Height 100% on a div needs it's parent to also have a height defined in IE6. Try this:

Also, and this might have flaws of its own, you could do the following:
#fullScreenDiv {position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
It'll maybe screw with nested components and their floats and so forth, but it would definitely, with a doctype, make the div full screen.


Display inline-block element with responsive image inside gets incorrect width once placed inside a absolute/fixed container in firefox

The title says it all. I have an image with height: 100% inside each of a couple display: inline-block <li> elements. When their container is position: static. All is peachy. But when I change it to position: absolute/fixed, the <li> elements get width of the original image, not the scaled down width even though the image itself has correct dimensions.
This behaves as expected in Chrome, but breaks in Firefox.
Did anyone encounter this behaviour? More importantly, is it possible to fix it without JS?
Background: I am making a responsive position: fixed gallery that fits the screen with image thumbnails covering bottom 20% of the viewport.
Isolated Demo (click the button to toggle position: static/fixed ):
Whole gallery
I finally got it working. It seems that when you declare something with
Position:fixed, left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;
Only chrome recognizes that as "explicitly defined dimensions". Once I added height: 100%; Other browsers caught up. Fortunately the height 100% didn't break the layout even when the content underneath overflowed viewport.
It still breaks uniformily across all browsers when you try to resize the window. I guess, I'll have to calculate the widths by hand with JS
Check the demo, is that what you are looking for?
I have added these 2 lines of css to make it work like that:
/* Keep Position fixed at bottom */
#gallery:not(.toggle) { width: 100%; bottom: 0; top: auto; height: 20%; background: transparent; }
#gallery:not(.toggle) .gallery-thumbs{ height: 100%; }

setting div height to full display height

this is all over the stackoverflow,but it doesn't work for me.
using twitter bootstrap 3, i need to set the jumbotron class div to full display height.
this is my test site:
i read i shall include
html {
height: 100%;
body {
min-height: 100%;
padding-top: 50px;
but it still doesn't work. maybe i got some syntax error somewhere?
In order to apply 100% height property to inner divisions you need to mention the same property to all the parent divs. So add
body{height: 100%;min-height:100%;padding-top:50px;}
to your body as well as to jumbortron class
The height of your html / body will always only be the height of your content - those tags behave slightly different to standard div / block tags. To get something to be truly 100% high your best bet is to remove it from the standard flow of the page using position: absolute / fixed, then set your div to be 100% high. Something like this:
.fullheight {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
z-index: 2;
I think it's always worth setting a z-index on anything I position outside the normal page flow, allows you to control which parts appear on top of others.

IFRAME and conflicting absolute positions

I would like to have an IFRAME dynamically sized using the following CSS:
#myiframe {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
However, no browser seems to support this.
In good browsers I could wrap the IFRAME in a DIV with the quoted CSS style and set the height & width of the IFRAME to 100%. But this does not work in IE7. Short of using CSS expressions, has anyone managed to solve this?
MatTheCat answered with a scenario that works if the IFRAME is located directly under the body and the body/html tags have height: 100% set. In my original question I did not state where the IFRAME was and what styling applied to it's container. Hopefully the following addresses this:
<div id="container"><iframe id="myiframe"></iframe></div>
and let's assume the following container CSS:
#container {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
bottom: 10px;
left: 10px;
right: 10px;
if you now place height: 100% on the IFRAME it will not size correctly.
Use a div for the padding on all sides. Place the iframe in it using 100% of its parent div.
Now there are a few things you need to remember. An iframe is originally an inline-frame, so while modern browsers don't care, set display:block on it. By default it also has a border. Any stying we want to be done needs to be done on the iframe container instead or we'll break the 100% container boundry.
And this is how we would put an element above it:
http://jsfiddle.net/sg3s/j8sbX/25/ (edit: my bad, you actually need to set border=0 on the iframe for IE7)
Should work fine in IE7+ (IE6 doesn't like absolute positioning + using top/right/bottom/left to give it layout)
Edit Some extra explanation
We need to style the iframe container mainly because an iframe on itself doesn't let itself be sized with top/left/bottom/right. But what will work is setting its width and height to 100%. So starting from there we simply wrap the iframe in an element which we can reliably style to make less than the window 100%, the size which elements default to when none of their parents have a static height/width.
Thinking about it we can actually drop the absolute and block. http://jsfiddle.net/sg3s/j8sbX/26/ Might want to doublecheck IE7 on that though.
After we make the iframe 100% high and wide we cannot put any margin, padding, or border on it because that will be added to the already 100% height & width. Thus making it larger than its container, for divs that will result in an overflow:visible, simply showing everything going over the edges. But that in turn would mess up the margins, paddings and offsets we gave our elements.... In fact to make it be only the 100% height and width you have to make sure you removed the iframes default border.
Try it out by adding a larger border (like 3px) in my example to the iframe, you should easily be able to see how it's affecting the layout.
Why don't you use height & width? You'd still get an absolute position by setting top/bottom & left/right, as in the example below.
<style type="text/css">
html, body {
#container {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
bottom: 10px;
left: 10px;
right: 10px;
#myiframe {
position: absolute;
top: 0%;
left: 0%;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
<div id="container"><iframe id="myiframe"></iframe></div>
This works for me (Tested on IE9).
html,body {
#myiframe {
work fine for me even with IE7.
I would say take a look at this stack overflow question. It might help:
Make Iframe to fit 100% of container's remaining height
You can try to use this:
document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[1].style.borderWidth = '0px';
document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[1].style.backgroundColor = 'green';

Without javascript, can I style a div to cover up the current document including its margins?

it can be done using javascript, but with CSS alone, is it possible to style a div to overlap exactly any page's document content or viewport (to apply an opaque gray layer on the page)? since a page can have margin for it body element, so styling a div to the width of its body element won't do. (needs to work in IE 6 too)
IF you have a <div> like this:
<div id="cover"></div>
These styles should do it:
#cover {
background-color: #ccc;
opacity: 0.6;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
Tested on a page where the body has a margin and it covered the entire viewport for me on IE and FF.
height: 100% won't cover the viewport if document length is less than height of viewport. In this case you will have to use Javascript.
would it be cheating to use IE's ability to execute javascript in CSS?

Simulating position: fixed in IE6 with a div of 100% height?

I have a sidebar on my webpage that is supposed to span 100% of the page (vertically). It is then supposed to stay there, so when the rest of the content scrolls it does not. To do this, I used:
height: 100%;
height: 100%;
width: 120px;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
This works great in all modern browsers! Unfortunately, I have to code for IE6, which does not support position: fixed. Do you have any idea how I would do this?
This is the fix ยป
Me? I'd just as soon use a more common navigation method, or use (gasp) frames.
As stated here
First, put IE6 into "standards mode" by using a strict DOCTYPE. Note that IE6's standards mode is known for its extremely odd quirks. We are taking advantage of one now.
Use IE conditional comments to style the HTML and BODY tags like so:
html, body {height:100%; overflow:auto;}
Style anything you want to stay fixed as position:absolute.
