Unlocking asp.net mvc templates in VS 2008 - asp.net

Ok so i downloaded the asp.net mvc through the web platform installer. Rebooted the machine and fired up VS 2008 express. Lo and behold there were no website/project templates that could setup an mvc project. I did a little research and found out they would not show up in the express version. No matter - i got team suite edition too so i installed that and hoped for the templates to show up. They did not, so i reinstalled the mvc and they still won't show up.
I hate this part of developing - i just want to dognammed tools to work - what am i doing wrong - why won't the templates show up? I can't seem to uninstall mvc now and reinstalling just tells me that it's already installed...

If you have asp.net mvc installed and don't see templates in visual studio, you should try to run administrative command prompt and run devenv - setup so that templates can be registered.
c:\Windows\system32>cd "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE"
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE>devenv - setup
this should help

If you installed Team Suite after mvc, it won't see the templates. Try reinstalling MVC, it's light and shouldn't take long.

Are you sure? I thought that but it HAS to be .NET 3.5 AND it's a Web Application from the New Project dialog and not through the New Website dialog. Annoying but alas!


How to fix my ASP.NET Core software development kit

I changed my Windows and when I installed Visual Studio 2017 again and opened my project, I realized I needed to install the ASP.NET Core 2.2 software development kit so that Visual Studio 2017 could read my ASP.NET Core code.
I installed the software development kit, but nothing changed at all - can anyone please help me?
I have installed all the software development kits of ASP.NET Core 2.2 and they can be seen on my C: drive.
this is what I get
Open visual studio installer and goto ASP.NET Web Development and check SDK core 2.2 for automatically install ASP .NET Core 2.2.
If you need to install manually than Click for ASP .NET Core Runtime and Click for ASP .NET Core SDK.
Go to this page https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/2.2 and download the version 2.2.7. It works with Visual Studio 2017. For some reason you need to click through the readmes and end up here https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/2.2/2.2.7/2.2.7-download.md. Then half-way down the page there is a link to the 64 bit (probably what you want) and 32 bit (probably not what you want ) Windows SDK installer. This seems a bit involved but they are all Microsoft sites. Remember to restart Visual Studio after installing.
In general, you can always find what you need to download by going to dot.net (clever, no?) and following the thread of information there.
Good luck.

ASP.net Core Web Application Template is missing

I am trying to follow this tutorial: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/razor-pages/razor-pages-start
However, when I get to the Create a Razor Web App section, there is no template in my install of VS2017.
I have both the .net core and asp.net and web dev workloads installed. Where have I gone wrong?
Open Visual Studio (assuming its 2017) and go to: Tools > Extensions and Updates
Click "ASP.Net and web development", then select the appropriate Individual Components in the right hand pane. You'll find components such as ".Net Core 2.0 Development tools" and ASP.Net web development tools"
Have you got the latest update for your Visual Studio installation?
Head to Add or Remove Programs
find Visual Studio
Click Modify
Allow the installer to update
Install any updates that are missing
On top of that, do you have the latest version of the .NET Core SDK?
It seems I had an OS issue that caused updates to fail. Have rebuilt the PC and all working as expected now. Very much a sledgehammer approach, but this was something fundamentally wrong with the installation.

Self-host WebForms project using Visual Studio Community for Mac

I'm working on my first ever .NET project. I'm using Visual Studio Community for Mac and I'm required to use a WebForms project.
I created the project using VS, the basic template, but I have no idea how to run it locally to get it to load in a browser.
Apparently most of the WebServer solutions (like Kestrel) require a Windows environment with IIS.
What are my options on the Mac?
To be clear, I'm constrained to use .NET with WebForms, I can't go with MVC for this project.

Visual Studio 2010 missing ASP.NET projects templates?

So brand new installation of .NET Framework 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010 on a brand new computer. Loading up Visual Studio 2010 and selecting New Project only lists the following project typess under "Web":
ASP.NET Server Control
All of the other project types are missing and I can't load existing .NET projects (gives me the "project type not supported" error. Any idea what happened or how I can reinstall the missing templates?
I've already tried running devenv.exe /installvstemplates with elevated privileges.
If you didn't install the Visual Web Developer component, the ASP.NET project templates won't be fully installed. Naturally, because the installer then thinks it doesn't need to put them there as ASP.NET is a web development framework.
In that case, just run the installer again and make sure Visual Web Developer is checked. The installer will then add the appropriate project templates.
Default Project Templates in Visual Studio
Available templates may vary according to Visual Studio version, SKU,
installation options, and other customizations. If you are missing a
template that comes with your installation, run devenv.exe with the
/installvstemplates switch. For more information, see How to:
Restore Default Project Templates.

Install mvc2 on a server

I'm on the microsoft download center to download mvc2.
But here I see three links and I have doubts what is what I need:
release notes
MV2 for visual studio 2008
A test project of MVC2
From which place i could download MVC2 to execute on my server? I dont have there any Visual Studio, etc...
You should simply deploy System.Web.Mvc.dll along with your project.
You don't need to install anything on the server.
Best way to do it, is use Microsoft's Web Platform Installer. It handles the deployment for you, and can be run straight from IIS.
