Solaris. xterm display problem - unix

I connect to a solaris (10) server through SSH from my linux machine.
However, when I attempt to open another terminal using " xterm" , then it does not work.
I set the DISPLAY env variable to, but it gives the following error:xterm Xt
error: Can't open display:
Please suggest a solution to rectify this.

That's the address of the X server on the target machine. You need to address the X server on the client machine on which you're working. The easiest way is to just use ssh -X or -Y, (see man ssh(1)) as
client: ssh -Y solaris
in order to connect to the remote machine; you need login info too
This just sets up an X connection, tunneled through ssh.
Otherwise, you can do it by hand as
$ echo $DISPLAY
remember it's not *always* 0.0
$ xhost +solaris
You have to allow connections from the remote machine
$ ssh solaris
sets up a remote shell, you still need ssh login info
$ export DISPLAY client:3.4
make sure its the server on 'client' you're using
$ xterm
This should now give you a 'solaris' xterm window on 'client'

As Charlie mentioned, use ssh -X hostname when connecting.
If all else fails enter xhost + on your remote machine. Hope that helps.

Set the display to your linux IP address, not localhost. is localhost : therefore on the Solaris server, it's the server itself.


mount.nfs: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported

NFS Mount is not working in my RHEL 7 AWS instance.
When I do a
mount -o nfsvers=3 /root/mountme2/
I get the error:
mount.nfs: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported
Can anyone point me where I am wrong?
Check the nfs service is started or reboot the nfs service.
sudo systemctl status nfs-kernel-server
In my case this package was not running and the issue was in /etc/exports file where i was having same IP address for two machines.
So i commented one ip address for the machine and restarted nf-kernel-server using
sudo systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server and reload the machine.
It worked.
A precision which might be useful for the dump (like me): systemctl status nfs-server.service and systemctl start nfs-server.service must be executed on the server!
Some additional data
If, like me, you've deleted a VM without shutting it down right you might also need to manually edit the file /etc/exports because NFS is trying to connect to it and fails but doesn't continue with the next, it just dies.
After that you can manually restart as mentioned in other answers.
In my case, a simple reload didn't suffice. I had to perform a full restart:
sudo systemctl status nfs-kernel-server
In my case, it didn't work correctly with version NFS 4.1.
So in Vargantfile in each place where is type: 'nfs' I added coma and nfs_version: 4, nfs_udp: false
Here is more detailing explanation NFS
If you're giving a specific protocol to connect with, also check to make sure your NFS server has that protocol enabled.
I got this error when trying to start up a Vagrant box, and my nfs server was running. It turns out that the command Vagrant uses is:
mount -o vers=3,udp,rw,actimeo=1 /vagrant
Which specifically asks for UDP. My server was running but it was not configured to enable connecting over UDP. After consulting /etc/nfs.conf, I created /etc/nfs.conf.d/10-enable-udp.conf with the following contents to enable udp:
The name of the file doesn't matter, as long as it's in the conf.d directory and ends in .conf. Depending on your distribution it may be configured differently. You can directly edit nfs.conf, but using a conf.d file is more likely to preserve the changes after upgrading your system.
Try to ping IP address of the server "ping " from client "ping , if you get reply then install nfs server on the host. Then edit /etc/exports file don't forget to add port along with IP address
I got the solution: make an entry in nfs server /etc/nfsmount.conf with Defaultvers=3 .
There will # Defaultvers=3 just unhash it and then mount on nfs client.
Issue will be resolved!

Keepalived health check can't connect to

I've currently got a cluster of servers running Centos 7 and Docker, and I want to use Keepalived to allocate a floating IP between them. I've configured Keepalived to run a check command on each node which just does curl --silent --fail localhost:80 to ensure a HTTP server is listening.
The web app is running using a Docker container bound to port 80 and --net=host on Docker 1.10.3. Firewalld is also completely disabled.
The problem I'm having is that the curl never succeeds. If I change the check command to echo '' or anything else which exits 0 (without any network interaction) it works fine, but for some reason the curl doesn't work. When I run it from a normal bash terminal it is fine, and echo $? prints a 0.
I'm not even sure how to debug this as Keepalived doesn't provide any documentation on the matter and doesn't seem to log anything in relation to errors coming from the vrrp script.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Turns out I was using an ancient version of Keepalived. Compiling the latest version from source fixed the issue (rather than using the binary from Centos repos)

Stop sharing a port on Ngrok

The Ngrok documentation mentions this example to share a local port on Internet.
Example: Open port 80 on your local machine to the internet
$ ngrok 80
How do I stop sharing this port if I would not want it to be accessed on the internet any more>
On windows machine go to command prompt:
taskkill /f /im ngrok.exe
killall ngrok from a script or the command line will kill all running ngrok tunnels that are running.
This is what worked for me. Ty #kkron.
First, you have to find the ngrok process id by $ top command.
After that, just run $ kill -9 {ngrok_id}
That's all :)
Stopping the ngrok port/tunnel
Simple Solution
If you are running ngrok normally, then use Ctrl+C (On Windows) or Cmd+C (On Mac) in ngrok command line.
(Check below if issue still persist)
Extended Solution
If the port does not stop/close normally or there are active ngrok sessions that are not responding, then use: killall ngrok
If the above does not work or the port is still running,
Fix ngrok in your system by setting up your auth code again by logging into
Generate a new token on the dashboard (scroll down dashboard) to
Click on "reset authtoken", copy the auth-code, then go-to ngrok on command-line ngrok authtoken INSERT-YOUR-NEW-TOKEN-HERE
Then go to ngrok folder or use command line to delete the .ngrok configuration file and directory: ngrok.yml, to remove the old configuration effectively ending all the open ports, tunnels and sessions.
Simple as pressing ctrl+c. But I'm not sure if it closes any ports. The same happens as #user7032676 told.
You just have to stop ngrok for this.
Quick search process with grep
top | grep "ngrok"
My id was this, make sure to change with yours
kill -9 55636
If you like start again tunneling from working directory
ngrok http 3000
You should see (CTRL+C to quit) on the top right corner of your terminal, when you are running a ngrok session (Online).
Although in my case, CTRL+C wasn't working. Instead CTRL+ALT+C did the quitting for me.
Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04
For some reason whenever I launched the ngrok agent on windows, the terminal will shutdown and not stay open. I would have to go to the website to see the url for the website.
To shut it down I could not do ctrl-c. I simply went into task manager and deleted the process.
To access the task manager on windows do ctrl + alt + delete
Reboot the computer and all. Hope helped

Unable to execute MPICH2 on multiple machines on ubuntu 12.04 (HYDU_sock_connect issue)

I am facing difficulty in executing MPI program on two machines. The OS is Ubuntu 12.04. And the MPI implementation is MPICH2
ssh is working fine:
root#ubuntu:/home# ssh
root#gpuguy's password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.8.0-29-generic i686)
* Documentation:
131 packages can be updated.
67 updates are security updates.
Last login: Thu Oct 24 17:36:25 2013 from ubuntu.local
But when I run my MPI programs it fails:
root#ubuntu:/home# mpiexec -f hosts.cfg -n 4 hello
root#'s password:
[proxy:0:0#gpuguy] HYDU_sock_connect (./utils/sock/sock.c:171): unable to get host address for ubuntu (1)
[proxy:0:0#gpuguy] main (./pm/pmiserv/pmip.c:209): unable to connect to server ubuntu at port 42104 (check for firewalls!)
I have already disabled firewall on both machines that is the reason I can do ssh successfully. But how to solve this issue?
My MPI code runs successfully on single machine.
For MPICH (or any MPI implementation) to work, you need to have passwordless SSH set up. I should also mention that you really shouldn't have to be logged in as root to make this work. It's generally a very bad idea to be logged in as root all of the time.
In /etc/hosts file, add ip address of each server and its hostname.
You should do this for all the servers.
for example: server1 server2 server3
Just check in /etc/hosts file, not use tab (\t) instead of space to separate between ip address and hostname.
This is wrong: \t server1
This is true: server1
Be careful to not delete or modify existed lines in /etc/hosts file. only add new lines at end of file.
Also, you do not need to disable firewall to fix this issue.

Cannot connect to beaglebone.local

I need to know how to connect to a beaglebone (or beagleboard) with SSH when I plug it into a new network with an ethernet cable like this:
$ ssh root#beaglebone.local
So far I've only been able to access it like this, if I know the IP address:
$ ssh root#<ip_address>
But I don't always know the IP address of the board on new networks so I'm hoping to access it with with a name like: beaglebone.local.
Right now when I try to do this I get this error:
"ssh: Could not resolve hostname beaglebone.local: nodename nor servname provided, or not known"
I checked the hostname and hosts files, and added " beaglebone" to the hosts on the beaglebone, but not sure what else I can do?
# cat /etc/hostname
# cat /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost beaglebone
I had a similar issue running my beaglebone on Angstrom-Cloud9-IDE-GNOME-eglibc-ipk-v2012.05-beaglebone-2012.04.22.img.xz. In this distribution, "beaglebone.local" should appear on the network after the system boots.
About 50% of the time after reboot, "beaglebone.local" would not appear on the network (although the bone would be available by IP address). When this happened, "systemctl status avahi-daemon.service" showed that the avahi-daemon failed with "exit code 255". Interestingly, a subsequent "systemctl start avaihi-daemon.service" would always be successful and "beaglebone.local" would appear on the network.
Also "journalctl | grep avahi" returned a single message stating something like "Daemon already runnin gon PID NNN".
So, I "fixed" the problem by adding the line "ExecStartPre=/bin/rm -f /var/run/avahi-daemon/pid" to the [Service] section of /lib/systemd/system/avahi-daemon.service. With this addition, "beaglebone.local" now appears on the network 100% of reboots.
I say "fixed" (i.e., in quotes) because I have not been able to track down the root cause that is leaving around the stray avahi pid file(s) and thus don't have a true fix.
-- Frank
For 'beaglebone.local' to work, your host machine must recognize Zeroconf. The BeagleBone uses Avahi to tell other systems on the LAN that it is there and serving up applications and that it should be called a 'beaglebone'. If there are more than one, the second one is generally called 'beaglebone-2.local'.
I hate answering my own questions. The following hack will work until a better way emerges:
This shell script (where is the first three numbers in your computer's IP) will find your beaglebone or beagleboard (that is plugged-into ethernet on a new network with DHCP) by looping through all the ip address on the subnet and attempting to login to each as root. If it finds one then try your password. If it doesn't work just hit enter until the loop starts again. If it doesn't find the board then something else is probably wrong.
for ip in $(seq 1 254); do ssh$ip -o ConnectTimeout=5; [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "$ip UP" || : ; done
Today I plugged-in the beaglebone and saw Bonjour recognize that it joined the network. So I tried it and it worked. No idea why it decided to all of the sudden but it did. Strange, but true.
I had this issue quite often with Mac OS X 10.7. But unlike Frank Halasz "systemctl status avahi-daemon.service" shown no failure. And in fact the problem was on the Mac side. Restarting Bonjour with the following commands fixed the issue.
$ sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
$ sudo launchctl load -F /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
