reverse engineering or documentation tools for flex/actionscript - apache-flex

I have inherited a flex project which is sadly not documented. Im looking for a documentation generation tool / class diagram generater or something like that which works with actionscript. There are around a 1000 class files and I don't have the time to step through all the code in debug.
I have tried a few tools like Doxygen (set the language to java) and NaturalDocs but that didn't work out too well.

No idea for the document generation, BTW, would it really help with a huge bulk ASDoc ?
Regarding the diagram generation I posted an answer for the following question. Not sure the guy ever found out, I'm interested about the matter as well.
Static Actionscript code analysis?

Consider this just a pointer, but Enterprise Architect supports round-trip source code engineering for Actionscript (it's the only tool that can generate UML from AS source code, that I'm aware of).
I haven't used it much, just tried it some time ago, but perhaps it's worth a shot. I think it has a 30-day free trial.

If anybody else is looking for an answer, I would recommend using Crocus Modeller, UML modeling tool for AS3 & FLex with reverse engineering feature.


SOA: Use SDO (Service Data Object)? [duplicate]

I've been programming in Delphi with Midas/DataSnap for quite long time and quite happy with it. Moving to .NET I'm more than happy with the ADO.NET DataSet. For CRUD application, I'm highly uncomfortable with any kind of ORM. Generic data-structure with automatic diff/delta handling get my job done better for me, an average database application developer.
Tried to study Java years ago, and could not find similar idea implemented. The closest I could find is SDO (Service Data Object). I thought it should be widely adopted when I saw it, but I'm wrong. Even the spec is rather old now, I still hardly find many people discuss on it or use it extensively. Assuming from information I can find on the internet, SDO usage is highly passive.
Wondering if it's dying ? Any experience in SDO you want to share ? Manual DTO coding is always better ?
Ok. I see. The answer is "no"
Same for me when trying SDO first time. Old specs, passive feedback... Definitely NO.
I wouldn't recommend using SDO unless it's imposed on you by some other part of the project.
WebSphere process server uses SDO. It's not really a bad API once you learn it. But the spec and the documentation are vague. It doesn't spell out what happens if you ask for a field that doesn't exist, or whether it does type conversions while getting or setting fields, to name two gripes.
I don't think the API defines how to define new types, so that part will be implementation-specific. Type definitions are based on XSD, so you'll be working with those and all of the associated standards.
As others have implied, the API isn't widely used. This means it'll be hard to find people experienced with it, or help using it.

Open source lib for Audio based generative art (Flash/ActionScript )

I need Open source lib for Audio based generative art (Flash/Action Script)
Something like or easier than Very Interactive People example
Something more strictly formatted and more 2d than Mr.Doobs examples
Mr. Doob has the best and most detailed examples of that stuff indeed, but you can find a pretty simple and easy way of doing this with the HYPE framework, specifically the Sound Analyzer classes. Hype is a simple framework for doing all sorts of neat things in Flash and Flex and might be overkill if you want a simple sound component, but it will definitely get the job done.

Where can I find a thorough DirectShow tutorial?

I've read through the MSDN documentation on DirectShow and it's still confusing. I feel like I need more context for what the objects are: Graphs, Pins, Filters...etc. A Google search doesn't give me much to work with. What do I need to grok DirectShow?
EDIT: The wikipedia page on DirectShow does a pretty good job.
MSDN Magazine has a nice article in their July 2002 Issue: DirectShow: Core Media Technology in Windows XP Empowers You to Create Custom Audio/Video Processing Components
Pascal Mignot from Université de Reims has gathered information from MSDN documentation into a single document, which gives a nice overview.
Also, there is a very good book on
has some good links, as also I have some demo projects here:
The SDK has quite a few samples which may help. Fortunately I had some existing code to walk through, but it sure is lengthy and as often with MS, the interfaces don't really look like what they do, but instead focus more on juggling pointers, typecasting and COM trouble, instead of focusing on the intended functionality.

Open source non-trivial SOA examples

I've been looking for open source examples of SOA applications, but most of the times I find simple tutorial hello world style examples that introduce the tricks of the respective middleware.
Do you have any suggestion about any middle to big size example with multiple layers and/or governance ? Isn't it some kind of common example (a la Lena in image processing) for SOA ?
Any suggestions ?
What you may want to do is look at OpenESB:
Once you have a working example then you can look at extending it yourself, as you will have the tools to do that, and see how you can get applications to work together.
Are you trying to learn how to use SOA or do you want to look at an architectural diagram where it has been used in a complex system?
The introduction above is for learning to use it, via OpenESB, I don't know where you may find a diagram of a large example of SOA.
It may help if you could narrow your question down to what precisely are you looking for.
I do not know of a detailed example you seek. If you are taking an approach of learning how to use SOA by checking examples, it may be a bad approach. You need to first know what and how you are going to do your SOA and then see what features are are enough for your needs.

The Clean programming language in the real world?

Are there any real world applications written in the Clean programming language? Either open source or proprietary.
This is not a direct answer, but when I checked last time (and I find the language very interesting) I didn't find anything ready for real-world.
The idealist in myself always wants to try out new languagages, very hot on my list (apart from the aforementioned very cool Clean Language) is currently (random order) IO, Fan and Scala...
But in the meantime I then get my pragmatism out and check the Tiobe Index. I know you can discuss it, but still: It tells me what I will be able to use in a year from now and what I possibly won't be able to use...
No pun intended!
I am using Clean together with the iTasks library to build websites quite easy around workflows.
But I guess another problem with Clean is the lack of documentation and examples: "the Clean book" is from quite a few years back, and a lot of new features don't get documented except for the papers they publish. page doesn't look promising :) It looks like just another research project with no real-world use to date.
As one of my professors at college has been involved in the creation of Clean, it was no shock he'd created a real world application. The rostering-program of our university was created entirely in Clean.
The Clean IDE and the Clean compiler are written in Clean. (
Cloogle, a search engine for Clean libraries, syntax, etc. (like Hoogle for Haskell) is written in Clean. Its source is on Radboud University's GitLab instance (web frontend; engine).
