Multi-column ComboBox -

Can somebody please recommend a good multi-column combobox control for use in a Web Form? I'm quite disappointed to not find any multi-column support on the DevExpress ASPxComboBox control, unless I'm missing something.

I've found better luck exploring javascript controls than controls; especially if 'free' is a requirement. I haven't evaluated this control but it's one built with jQuery:

I'm using the telerik RadComboBox control. You can see an online demo of the multi-column functionality here.

We used a control from this article. No longer use it, but it was part of an aspalliance article and came with source code (VB.NET).


Ajax enabled sorting and paging on grid in ASP.NET 3.5

Is there any good solution for ajax enabled Grid with pageing and sorting which only brings the required data from database? I mean it should only bring the data from the database which is to be displayed on the particular page number of the grid.
I looked at this. It looks good. But I just thought if anyone has created something better using Google's or Yahoo's javascript library or using any good features of 3.5.
I'm replying my own question.
I found Ajax Data Controls as updated version of what I had specified in my question. Still I will not mark it as answer and will wait for better answer.
If you are using a datasource control (SqlDataSource, LinqDataSource etc) this would be done automatically (retrieving only the current page of data). To make paging and sorting ajax-enabled wrap the grid inside an UpdatePanel control.
I used devexpress grid. It has sorting, grouping and paging. It is not perfect one but looks nice and easy to use.

How to create an ASP.NET Listview with draggable column widths?

In windows applications we can change the ListView's column width by just dragging the header of the column. How can I done that in a ASP.NET ListView?
ASP.NET listview does not support that feature. You can make your own implementation using a combination of ASP.NET and Javascript (or ASP.NET AJAX or JQuery).
I would recommend looking at the Telerik RadControls for ASP.NET.
Specifically check out the demos for:
DevExpress also makes some great control packages as well that might suit your needs. I haven't come across very many great 'free' ajax enabled grid controls that I would recommend unfortunately.
You can also look on the ASP.NET site for a list of controls.

Scrollable Grid (Yahoo email like)

I was wondering if anyone knew of a scrollable gridview control that works similar to the yahoo email gridview.
If I were to guess, I'd say it's a highly customized YUI DataTable, so that might be worth checking out.
If you are using jquery I recommend jqgrid.
There is a nice grid component in extjs too.
And if you are looking for ASP.NET AJAX grid solution with yahoo-like scrolling, the Telerik grid may give you Yahoo-like deferred scrolling. Check out this demo on their site.
DHX's dhtmlxGrid control will do that as well. The basic edition is free.
They've got examples with 50,000 records, with and without paging.

ASP.NET Repeater Paging/Sorting

So what's the real story on how to do this. All of the examples I find use Default Paging (HOW does anybody find that acceptable???) but I want to use custom paging. I can't use a GridView because I need more flexibility. The examples I see all use the PagedDataSource class but I can't find one that uses Custom Paging. Am I doomed to have to roll my own paging/sorting solution to avoid the bloatware of the other build-in methods?
A simple repeater used for paging where a few page numbers are rendered horizontally is pretty easy to code up and re-use.
I think most people who need this much custom work will reach for a third-party control toolkit, like Telerik, DevExpress, Infragistics, or ComponentOne.
If you want to do it once you'll probably want to do it again, and therefore it's worthwhile to have a quality, re-usable, generic, tested solution available.

Fixing a row and column excel style in

Is there a way to fix a column or row so when the user scrolls down or right, the first is always shown?
I'd need to replicate this excel feature in and am using a ListView control.
Is it at least doable in html? I'm open to any suggestion to accomplish this
This article explains how to do it using a Gridview and CSS only, but it does not appear to be compatible with Firefox.
This article explains how to do it with a GridView, a Control Adapter, and CSS.
This article explains how to do it by extending the GridView control. This one, to my eye, seems the best, simplest approach.
Telerik also has a GridView in their control toolkit that is capable of this. They have a demo here.
