aspnet_users: get user id and use id web page -

As I create user using built in sql tables and login controls, I would like to get to userid. How do I do that? Google is returning whole bunch of information but no where I could find an easy example to get UserID.
If user does exist, then I should get a userid, which I could store in my own custom tables for further user personal information management.
This whole membership and profile thing is very confusing to me. Google returned resuilts have all these pages with long explanation but it only confuses me. I can not even find the namespace in some of those dumb examples.
You can tell I am frustrated.
Please help !!!

This will give you the MembershipUser for the current logged in user
MembershipUser currentUser = Membership.GetUser(True)
From that you would use the ProviderUserKey property to get provider specific identifier. This is an object, so, assuming SqlMembershipProvider you need to cast it to a GUID. You can then use that in your tables.

You're looking for information on Forms Authentication.
The answer to your specific question is via HttpContext.Current.User. The Page class has a property named User which wraps HttpContext.
If HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then
Dim userName As String = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name
' ...
End If


avoid sql inject by query string in

I programed an application with and use "respons.redirect" in some pages, like this:
Response.Redirect(string.Format("~/*****/****.aspx?ID={0}", ID));
as user execute this cod he will redirect to correct page and every thing is fine .he can see this redirect link in his browser address :
Now if he changes the ID manually and the ID is correct he can access the other data without any permission. how can i avoid this problem?(I wont use session)
please help me
If the ID needs to be public and no access control can solve the problem.
then i would suggest that you add a second parameter that is a hash of that Id.
Tampering with the ID parameter will cause a missmatch between ID and hash
you cold also change your ID parameter to a less 'guessable' id, like a GUID
You need to use access control.
Whenever you display any data, you need to check whether the currently-logged-in user has access to that data.
Obviously, you also need to track the currently-logged-in user, in a way that will prevent attackers from being able to claim they are someone else..
To do that, use ASP.Net's built-in membership system. mvc 3 reset password by admin and force user to change it

I'm using Membership, I develop an admin page who can regenerate a temp password to send to the user, then when the user log on for first time, the password must be changed, but I cant figure out who to know if the password was reseted.
I tried something like in a base controller:
if (user.LastPasswordChangedDate >= user.LastLoginDate)
filterContext.Result = RedirectToAction("ChangePassword", "Account");
But, I already have updated the LastLoginDate because the ChangePassword Action need to be with a autenticated user.
I was thinking when reseting the password to lock/unlock the user to get updated the "LastLockoutDate" and do:
if (user.LastPasswordChangedDate >= user.LastLockoutDate)
filterContext.Result = RedirectToAction("ChangePassword", "Account");
But, I can't find a method to do manual lockout
There's a lot of things you could do, some would depend on how your system works. For instance, you could store a specific piece of data in the Comment field, if you're not using comments.
Or, if you don't use the "Approved" bit (that is, when you create new users you do not require them to validate an email or something, but instead create them with IsApproved set to true) then you can set IsApproved to False and force a password change if it's false.
There is no method to access much of this data in the Membership API, you just have to access it from you database.
You could also store this in the Personalization provider.
Another option is to simply avoid storing this in the Membership database, and instead just add a table or a field in your apps data to deal with this.

which database will I use with Sys.Services.AuthenticationService.get_isLoggedIn()

I read this article and examine source code. But I cant understand that which database have he used.
And I have a database and table named "users" and field of "username" and "password" and "roles". So I want to use Sys.Services.AuthenticationService.get_isLoggedIn().
And I cant understand how reach my database and query recorded user and return answer..
Can u give same example..
Sys.Services.AuthenticationService.get_isLoggedIn: The value of
this property is set by the ScriptManager object during a page
So, if my understanding is good, this value should be the same as HttpRequest.IsAuthenticated property. You just have to do normal authentication in server side code (using ASP.NET membership or FormsAuthentication) to automatically have this property set., where to store the username of logged in user?

When a user log into my site I use the following code:
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(userid, false);
As I often need to use the userid I can then later get the userid by:
string userid = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
Now I also want to show the logged in username on each page and my questions is therefore where do I place the username best if I need to use it on every page. User.Identity.Name is already taken by the userid so I can't use that one. Another solution would be to get the username from the database on each page, but that seems like a bad solution.
So: Is the best way to use Sessions to store the username?
There are essentially 6 different ways to store information, each with it's own benefits and drawbacks.
Class member variables. These are only good for the life of one page refresh.
HttpContext variables. Like class member variables, only good for one page refresh.
ViewState, these are passed from page to page to keep state, but increase the size of the downloaded data. Also, not good for sensitive information as it can be decoded.
Cookies. Sent on each page request. Also not good for sensitive information, even encrypted.
Session. Not passed to the end user, so good for sensitive information, but it increases the resource usage of the page, so minimizing usage for busy sites is important.
Authentication Cookie User Data - This is like like cookies, but can be decoded with the authentication data and used to create a custom IIdentity provider that implements your desired Identity information, such as Name or other profile information. The size is limited, however.
You can store just about anything in SessionState in Just be careful and store the right things in the right places (you can also use ViewState to store variables.
Check this out for how to use SessionState to store and retrieve variables across postbacks.
public string currentUser
get { return Session["currentUser"] as string; }
private set { Session["currentUser"] = value; }
Using sessions isn't a bad idea but make sure to check for NULL when retrieving the values for when the sessions time out.
Or you could pass the variable through in the URL e.g
Response.Redirect("Webform2.aspx?Username=" + this.txtUsername.Text);
this.txtBox1.Text = Request.QueryString["Username"];

Implementing Custom Membership Provider Membership User Issues

I am trying to implement a custom membership provider and want to change the GetUser method. The problem is that GetUser returns MembershipUser and I want to return MyMembershipUser which has two additional properties FirstName and LastName. I can create a new method in my membership provider which returns MyMembershipUser but then I think it won't make any sense.
How would I go about doing this?
That would defeat the purpose of the Membership classes. Do something like this if you need to access other properties:
var user = Membership.GetUser(userName, true) as MyMembershipUser;
Really you should have a separate Profile class that handles things that MembershipUser does not provide.
var profile = Profile.GetProfile(Membership.GetUser(userName, true));
You should go for Profile Provider.
check this link, you have either SqlStoredProcedureProfileProvider and SqlTableProfileProvider, this way you have ability to store Profile data “in the clear” in the database, letting you query the db whenever u want.
"you can implement whatever business logic you need in the stored procedures to map the Profile data to your own database schema and database logic."
If MembershipUser is the base class of MyMembershipUser then you can return instances of MyMembershipUser even though the return type of GetUser() is MembershipUser and then, if necessary, cast them back to MyMembershipUser (but do you really need to do that?)
BTW, this is an example of polymorphism.
