Dynamically loading a flash movie from a flash movie - apache-flex

I have 2 mxml files, lets say main.mxml and child.mxml. Now lets say I want to load child.mxml inside main.mxml and pass it a complex object as a parameter. How would I go about doing this in AS3/Flex 3?
I have tried to search for this on Google and SO but either I am not searching with the right keywords or there is no info (unlikely).
EDIT: I am not looking for the mxml to be JIT compiled, loading the compiled mxml as swf is fine.

You want to do this using Modules. You can keep main.mxml as your root Application but child.mxml needs to be defined a Module component. You can then use ModuleLoader to load the child app. Here's a good place to get started:


parsley and swfloader: famous domain propagation

we've got two applications (not modules, two independent applications!): A and B. both are Parsley-managed and we'd like to embed B in A using SWFLoader (but, and i stress that, we don't want to "connect" these applications using Parsley, we just want to do normal Flash embedding) .
that's embed code:
private var childDomain:ApplicationDomain =
new ApplicationDomain(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain);
<mx:SWFLoader width="100%" height="100%" source="B.swf"
loaderContext="{new LoaderContext(false, childDomain, SecurityDomain.currentDomain)}"/>
and it works when i embed B in a dummy app without Parsley.
however, when i copy-paste that embed code in live application A, Parsley throws this famous error:
ReferenceError: Specified ApplicationDomain does not contain the class _B_mx_managers_SystemManager
even if the view that contains embedding code is not Parsley-configured (and doesn't have <Configure/> tag).
i can't post this on Parsley forums unfortunately and googling didn't help as it seems people don't do application embedding too often.
so the question is, why does this error happen (Parsley shouldn't care about stuff in embedded application, should it?) and how can tell Parsley to properly use my childDomain?
The problem is that Parsley is bubbling events up the display list so that a context can use them to inject properties etc.
Despite the fact your sub application is in a separate application domain, events can still bubble up from the swf loader's child to the parent and so on.
What is happening is that your sub application is bubbling events that are getting handled by your shells (or wrapper/loader applications) context, however when parsley then tries to reflect on this object it can't because the object doesn't exist in it's application domain.
The solution is to stop these events getting to your shell application's parsley context. You can do this a number of ways, for example you could just add listeners for the events and stop their propagation. However this would mean you would have to add listeners for all Parsley events, which could change in the future. A better solution is to create a new context in your SWFLoader’s parent that has an autowireFilter that returns ViewAutowireMode.NEVER for displayObjects passed to it.
This context will stop them bubbling any further and will stop parsley reflecting on them, and therefore stop the problem with them not being in the application domain.
See: org.spicefactory.parsley.core.view.impl.DefaultViewAutowireFilter
Hope this helps.
the above answer is correct.
in our case i solved the problem by writing a flex module and using ModuleLoader instead of SWFLoader, which is nicely integrated with Parsley.

Custome activity buid by an activity file

How can I use custom code (activity file not codeactivity neither activitydesginer ) as an Activity inside a Reshosted workflow designer?
I was doing the following for any activity, which I build for each ( codeactivity & activitydesginer) files, and wirte:
new ToolboxCategory("new Toolbox")
new ToolboxItemWrapper(typeof(Flowchart)),
new ToolboxItemWrapper(typeof(SimpleWebDesigner.TEST)),
If you're talking about loading an Activity loaded from a loose xaml file, you can do this.
You have to use the the ActivityXamlServices class to Load(filename) the file at runtime. When you do this, you get the deserialized Activity instance. Of course, you must have any relevant assemblies (any assembly referenced by Activities defined in the xaml file) either loaded in the AppDomain or available for loading where the Fusion loader can find them.
Once you do this, you can create a ToolboxItemWrapper passing in activityInstance.GetType().
One thing, since the Activity xaml file is an Activity which holds other Activities, you will get the default Designer, which only shows a blank header. There is no easy way* to expand the child Activities defined in the xaml file in the designer when you drop them on the design surface.
*I believe you can construct a class that implements IActivityTemplateFactory which you can pass to the ToolboxItemWrapper which can pass the root Activity defined within your xaml file, so that when you drag/drop the item from the toolbox it will automatically add all child Activities defined in the xaml file. But I've never done this and am not sure if you can.

AS2 .swf loadmovie() and unloadmovie() fail when nested inside an AS3 .swf container

I have an AS2 .swf being loaded as a child of a parent AS3 .swf. The AS2.swf calls loadmovie() and unloadmovie() to display 3 jpeg files. The images load the first time, but after that, a call to loadmovie() to replace the image, or a call to unloadmovie() fail. I found the following Adobe Bug report (https://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/ASC-3338?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel) that has said this has been resolved, and also said that child movieclips could be replaced without a problem. Here is the code I'm calling.
I'm not well versed in ActionScript, so I'm afraid I might not be referencing the movieclip in the correct way. The bug report said child swf's cannot replace themseleves, but if the AS2 swf is acting as the psuedo root, can I reference the movieclip through the AS2 swf?
AS2 doesn't work along-side AS3. Flash Player 9 and above have two different virtual machines - one for AS1, AS2 and the other for AS3 and only one of them is loaded at once, meaning that you can execute either AS3 or AS2 but not both.
In ActionScript 3 you load a movie like this:
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("first.jpg");

Which event in the app's startup sequence is appropriate to trigger loading a config file in AIR/Flex?

I am working on a small AIR desktop application and I have some configuration infos that I want to store in a little file that's loaded at some point when the application starts and will be used to set public properties on the root application object. This should work just as if I had public variables declared in an <mx:Script> block at the beginning of my main MXML file.
I seem to have the choice of three events that could be used to initiate loading the configuration file:
Did I overlook some more? Which one is appropriate and why? Does it matter at all?
Example issues that come to my mind are:
are all components already accessible or will I get NULL references?
will some of my settings be overwritten in a phase that's coming after the event?
There's probably more.
If your handler needs to access UI components directly, you should wait for creationComplete; otherwise you'll get NULL references.
If you simply want to set properties on the root Application object, initialize seems the best place to do this. If you wait until creationComplete, and if the properties that you set are bound to your controls, then you might get a run-time resize or flicker as those components are updated.

Flex application to component?

I have an application built in Flex Builder 3. It has a fair amount of mxml and as3 code which uses some other custom compenents. I have looked at the documentation on building components which shows how to make a simple mxml or action script component that extends something like a combobox, but I'm lost as to how to take a whole existing and independently functioning Application and turn it into a reusable component.
Basically, I'd just like to create multiple instances of this app inside of another flex project.
Anyone able to provide a little guidance?
The easy thing to do is to swap the Application mxml tag with a VBox tag...thus making it act like a component.
e.g. If this were your application:
<mx:Appliction xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
<mx:Label text = "foo" />
change it to:
<mx:Label text = "foo" />
and then you can do something like this:
<local:Foo />
You may have to make some public properties if you need to pass in any data to the component...
If you simply want some "parent" Flex application to embed several instances of this autonomous child application, then you should see Adobe's "Embedding Asset Types" documentation, which describes how to embed one SWF file in another.
From the documentation:
You typically embed a Flex application
when you do not require the embedding
application to interact with the
embedded application. If the embedding
application requires interactivity
with the embedded application, you
might consider implementing it as a
custom component, rather than as a
separate application.
If you do require interaction between the embedded application and the parent application, you can look into the SWFLoader control.
