How to unit test server controls on postback? -

I am trying to create my own EasyBinderDropDown that currently looks like this:
public class EasyBinderDropDown : DropDownList, ICanBindToObjectsKeyValuePair {
public void BindToProperties<TYPE_TO_BIND_TO>(IEnumerable<TYPE_TO_BIND_TO>
Expression<Func<TYPE_TO_BIND_TO, object>> textProperty,
Expression<Func<TYPE_TO_BIND_TO, object>> valueProperty) {...}
public bool ShowSelectionPrompt { get; set; }
public string SelectionPromptText { get; set; }
public string SelectionPromptValue { get; set; }
Basically it is very helpful for easy binding to objects from inside code since you just do something like _dropDown.BindToProperties(myCustomers, c=>c.Name, c=>c.Id) and it works for you, also by setting ShowSelectionPrompt and SelectionPromptText I can easily have a "Select Customer" Line. I don't want to ask so much about my specific implementation, rather I am confused how to write unit tests for some scenarios.
For example my current tests cover the control being created properly during load and having its output render properly but I am lost as to how to test what happens when the control gets posted back. Can anyone give me some advice on how to test that? I would prefer to do this without having to mock an HTTPContext or anything like that, Is there a way I can simulate the control being rebuilt?

"I would prefer to do this without having to mock an HTTPContext or anything like that, Is there a way I can simulate the control being rebuilt."
By definition, you are not asking to "unit test"; you are looking for an "integration test". If you are not mocking the major dependencies, in this case, the ASP.NET runtime components, the what you are testing is the integration between your control and ASP.NET.
If you do not want to mock out the HttpContext and friends, then I would suggest an automated web testing framework such as Selenium or NUnitAsp.

Update: Based on the comment. Don't have the code access directly the IsPostback or other stuff. Wrap them with simple classes/interfaces. Once you have done that, send mocks that implement those interfaces. This way you don't have to mock the whole HttpContext, just the pieces that matter for the code (which are really clear based on the interfaces involved).
Also, given it is an custom control, you don't want to force requirements on external things like dependency injection. Have a default (no parameters) constructor, that sets up the control to use the stuff. Use a constructor with more parameters to send the mocked versions.
Initial answer:
It seems to me you are looking for a happy middle between unit tests and integration tests. You are working with a custom control, which can go wrong on different parts of the's page lifecycle.
I would:
Check if you can move parts of the code
out of the custom control to separate
classes, you can more easily unit test
For simple scenarios, rely on the functional tests of the rest of the project to catch any further issue with the control (use watin / selenium rc).
For more complex scenarios, as if the control will be used in different parallel projects or will be delivered to the public, set up some test pages and automate against it (again watin / selenium rc).
You write the tests in watin / selenium rc in c#, and run them in your "unit" test framework. Make sure to keep them separated from the unit tests, since they will clearly run slower.
Ps. I haven't used ms test support for, it might have some support for what you are looking for.


Getting IMetadataDetailsProviders to Run More than Once in ASP.NET Core

This is a tricky question which will require some deep knowledge of the ASP.NET Core framework. I'll first explain what is happening in our application in the MVC 3 implementation.
There was a complex requirement which needed to be solved involving the ModelMetaData for our ViewModels on a particular view. This is a highly configurable application. So, for one "Journal Type", a property may be mandatory, whereas for another, the exact same property may be non-mandatory. Moreover, it may be a radio-button for one "Journal Type" and a select list for another. As there was a huge number of combinations, mixing and matching for all these configuration options, it was not practical to create a separate ViewModel type for each and every possible permutation. So, there was one ViewModel type and the ModelMetaData was set on the properties of that type dynamically.
This was done by creating a custom ModelMetadataProvider (by inheriting DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider).
Smash-cut to now, where we are upgrading the application and writing the server stuff in ASP.NET Core. I have identified that implementing IDisplayMetadataProvider is the equivalent way of modifying Model Metadata in ASP.NET Core.
The problem is, the framework has caching built into it and any class which implements IDisplayMetadataProvider only runs once. I discovered this while debugging the ASP.NET Core framework and this comment confirms my finding. Our requirement will no longer be met with such caching, as the first time the ViewModel type is accessed, the MetadataDetailsProvider will run and the result will be cached. But, as mentioned above, owing to the highly dynamic configuration, I need it to run prior to every ModelBinding. Otherwise, we will not be able to take advantage of ModelState. The first time that endpoint is hit, the meta-data is set in stone for all future requests.
And we kinda need to leverage that recursive process of going through all the properties using reflection to set the meta-data, as we don't want to have to do that ourselves (a massive endeavour beyond my pay-scale).
So, if anyone thinks there's something in the new Core framework which I have missed, by all means let me know. Even if it is as simple as removing that caching feature of ModelBinders and IDisplayMetadataProviders (that is what I'll be looking into over the next couple of days by going through the ASP.NET source).
Model Metadata is cached due to performance considerations. Class DefaultModelMetadataProvider, which is default implementation of IModelMetadataProvider interface, is responsible for this caching. If your application logic requires that metadata is rebuilt on every request, you should substitute this implementation with your own.
You will make your life easier if you inherit your implementation from DefaultModelMetadataProvider and override bare minimum for achieving your goal. Seems like GetMetadataForType(Type modelType) should be enough:
public class CustomModelMetadataProvider : DefaultModelMetadataProvider
public CustomModelMetadataProvider(ICompositeMetadataDetailsProvider detailsProvider)
: base(detailsProvider)
public CustomModelMetadataProvider(ICompositeMetadataDetailsProvider detailsProvider, IOptions<MvcOptions> optionsAccessor)
: base(detailsProvider, optionsAccessor)
public override ModelMetadata GetMetadataForType(Type modelType)
// Optimization for intensively used System.Object
if (modelType == typeof(object))
return base.GetMetadataForType(modelType);
var identity = ModelMetadataIdentity.ForType(modelType);
DefaultMetadataDetails details = CreateTypeDetails(identity);
// This part contains the same logic as DefaultModelMetadata.DisplayMetadata property
// See
var context = new DisplayMetadataProviderContext(identity, details.ModelAttributes);
// Here your implementation of IDisplayMetadataProvider will be called
details.DisplayMetadata = context.DisplayMetadata;
return CreateModelMetadata(details);
To replace DefaultModelMetadataProvider with your CustomModelMetadataProvider add following in ConfigureServices():
services.AddSingleton<IModelMetadataProvider, CustomModelMetadataProvider>();

How to unit test for turning off request validation?

I'm new at this TDD thing but making a serious effort, so I'm hoping to get some feedback here.
I created a little web service to minify JavaScript, and everything was nice, with all my tests passing. Then I noticed a bug: if I tried to minify alert('<script>');, it would throw a HttpRequestValidationException.
So that's easy enough to fix. I'll just add [AllowHtml] to my controller. But what would be a good way to unit test that this doesn't happen in the future?
The following was my first thought:
public void Minify_DoesntChokeOnHtml()
using (var controller = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<MinifyController>())
return controller.Minify("alert('<script></script>');");
catch (HttpRequestValidationException)
Assert.Fail("Request validation prevented HTML from existing inside the JavaScript.");
However, this doesn't work since I am just getting a controller instance and running methods on it, instead of firing up the whole ASP.NET pipeline.
What would be a good unit test for this? Maybe reflector on the controller method to see if the [AllowHtml] attribute is present? That seems very structural, and unlikely to survive a refactoring; something functional might make more sense. Any ideas?
You have only two options:
Write integration test that hosts MVC in-proc or runs using browser (using Watin for instance) that will cover you scenario.
Write unit test that will check that method is marked with needed attribute.
I would go with the first option.

Setting up functional Tests in Flex

I'm setting up a functional test suite for an application that loads an external configuration file. Right now, I'm using flexunit's addAsync function to load it and then again to test if the contents point to services that exist and can be accessed.
The trouble with this is that having this kind of two (or more) stage method means that I'm running all of my tests in the context of one test with dozens of asserts, which seems like a kind of degenerate way to use the framework, and makes bugs harder to find. Is there a way to have something like an asynchronous setup? Is there another testing framework that handles this better?
It is pretty easy, but took me 2 days to figure it out.
The solution:
First you need to create a static var somewhere.
public static var stage:Stage
There is a created by the flexunit framework, and at the onCreationComplete() function, you can set the stage to the static reference created previously:
private function onCreationComplete():void
var testRunner:FlexUnitTestRunnerUIAS=new FlexUnitTestRunnerUIAS();
testStageRef.stage=stage //***this is what I've added
testRunner.runWithFlexUnit4Runner(currentRunTestSuite(), "testsuitename");
and when you would access the stage in the program, you should replace it to:
if(stage==null) stage=testStageRef.stage
Assuming you're using FlexUnit 4, addAsync can be called from a [BeforeClass] method:
public class TestFixture
public static function fixtureSetup() : void
// This static method will be called once for all the tests
// You can also use addAsync in here if your setup is asynchronous
// Any shared state should be stored in static members
public function particular_value_is_configured() : void
// Shared state can be accessed from any test
Assert.assertEquals(staticMember.particularValue, "value");
Having said that, testing code that accesses a file is really an integration test. I'm also hardly in a position to argue against using ASMock :)
Sounds like you need to remove the dependency of loading that external file. Pretty much all Aysnchronous tests can be removed through the use of a mocking frameworks. ASMock is an awesome choice for Flex. It will allow you to fake the URLoader object and return faked configurations to run your tests against. Mocking will help with you write much better unit tests as you can mock all dependencies synchronous or asynchronous.

How could Reflection not lead to code smells?

I come from low level languages - C++ is the highest level I program in.
Recently I came across Reflection, and I just cannot fathom how it could be used without code smells.
The idea of inspecting a class/method/function during runtime, in my opinion, points to a flaw in design - I think most problems Reflection (tries to) solve could be used with either Polymorphism or proper use of inheritance.
Am I wrong? Do I misunderstand the concept and utility of Reflection?
I am looking for a good explanation of when to utilize Reflection where other solutions will fail or be too cumbersome to implement as well as when NOT to use it.
Please enlighten this low-level lubber.
Reflection is most commonly used to circumvent the static type system, however it also has some interesting use cases:
Let's write an ORM!
If you're familiar with NHibernate or most other ORMs, you write classes which map to tables in your database, something like this:
// used to hook into the ORMs innards
public class ActiveRecordBase
public void Save();
public class User : ActiveRecordBase
public int ID { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
// ...
How do you think the Save() method is written? Well, in most ORMs, the Save method doesn't know what fields are in derived classes, but it can access them using reflection.
Its wholly possible to have the same functionality in a type-safe manner, simply by requiring a user to override a method to copy fields into a datarow object, but that would result in lots of boilerplate code and bloat.
Rhino Mocks is a mocking framework. You pass an interface type into a method, and behind the scenes the framework will dynamically construct and instantiate a mock object implementing the interface.
Sure, a programmer could write the boilerplate code for the mock object by hand, but why would she want to if the framework will do it for her?
We can decorate methods with attributes (metadata), which can serve a variety of purposes:
[FilePermission(Context.AllAccess)] // writes things to a file
[Logging(LogMethod.None)] // logger doesn't log this method
[MethodAccessSecurity(Role="Admin")] // user must be in "Admin" group to invoke method
[Validation(ValidationType.NotNull, "reportName")] // throws exception if reportName is null
public void RunDailyReports(string reportName) { ... }
You need to reflect over the method to inspect the attributes. Most AOP frameworks for .NET use attributes for policy injection.
Sure, you can write the same sort of code inline, but this style is more declarative.
Let's make a dependency framework!
Many IoC containers require some degree of reflection to run properly. For example:
public class FileValidator
public FileValidator(ILogger logger) { ... }
// client code
var validator = IoC.Resolve<FileValidator>();
Our IoC container will instantiate a file validator and pass an appropriate implementation of ILogger into the constructor. Which implementation? That depends on how its implemented.
Let's say that I gave the name of the assembly and class in a configuration file. The language needs to read name of the class as a string and use reflection to instantiate it.
Unless we know the implementation at compile time, there is no type-safe way to instantiate a class based on its name.
Late Binding / Duck Typing
There are all kinds of reasons why you'd want to read the properties of an object at runtime. I'd pick logging as the simplest use case -- let say you were writing a logger which accepts any object and spits out all of its properties to a file.
public static void Log(string msg, object state) { ... }
You could override the Log method for all possible static types, or you could just use reflection to read the properties instead.
Some languages like OCaml and Scala support statically-checked duck-typing (called structural typing), but sometimes you just don't have compile-time knowledge of an objects interface.
Or as Java programmers know, sometimes the type system will get your way and require you to write all kinds of boilerplate code. There's a well-known article which describes how many design patterns are simplified with dynamic typing.
Occasionally circumventing the type system allows you to refactor your code down much further than is possible with static types, resulting in a little bit cleaner code (preferably hidden behind a programmer friendly API :) ). Many modern static languages are adopting the golden rule "static typing where possible, dynamic typing where necessary", allowing users to switch between static and dynamic code.
Projects such as hibernate (O/R mapping) and StructureMap (dependency injection) would be impossible without Reflection. How would one solve these with polymorphism alone?
What makes these problems so difficult to solve any other way is that the libraries don't directly know anything about your class hierarchy - they can't. And yet they need to know the structure of your classes in order to - for example - map an arbitrary row of data from a database to a property in your class using only the name of the field and the name of your property.
Reflection is particularly useful for mapping problems. The idea of convention over code is becoming more and more popular and you need some type of Reflection to do it.
In .NET 3.5+ you have an alternative, which is to use expression trees. These are strongly-typed, and many problems that were classically solved using Reflection have been re-implemented using lambdas and expression trees (see Fluent NHibernate, Ninject). But keep in mind that not every language supports these kinds of constructs; when they're not available, you're basically stuck with Reflection.
In a way (and I hope I'm not ruffling too many feathers with this), Reflection is very often used as a workaround/hack in Object-Oriented languages for features that come for free in Functional languages. As functional languages become more popular, and/or more OO languages start implementing more functional features (like C#), we will most likely start to see Reflection used less and less. But I suspect it will always still be around, for more conventional applications like plugins (as one of the other responders helpfully pointed out).
Actually, you are already using a reflective system everyday: your computer.
Sure, instead of classes, methods and objects, it has programs and files. Programs create and modify files just like methods create and modify objects. But then programs are files themselves, and some programs even inspect or create other programs!
So, why is it so OK for a Linux install to be reflexive that nobody even thinks about it, and scary for OO programs?
I've seen good usages with custom attributes. Such as a database framework.
public Int32 UserID { get; set; }
Reflection can then be used to get further information about these fields. I'm pretty sure LINQ To SQL does something similar...
Other examples include test frameworks...
public void TestSomething()
Assert.AreEqual(5, 10);
Without reflection you often have to repeat yourself a lot.
Consider these scenarios:
Run a set of methods e.g. the testXXX() methods in a test case
Generate a list of properties in a gui builder
Make your classes scriptable
Implement a serialization scheme
You can't typically do these things in C/C++ without repeating the whole list of affected methods and properties somewhere else in the code.
In fact C/C++ programmers often use an Interface description language to expose interfaces at runtime (providing a form of reflection).
Judicious use of reflection and annotations combined with well defined coding conventions can avoids rampant code repetition and increase maintainability.
I think that reflection is one of these mechanisms that are powerful but can be easily abused. You're given the tools to become a "power user" for very specific purposes, but it is not meant to replace proper object oriented design (just as object oriented design is not a solution for everything) or to be used lightly.
Because of the way Java is structured, you are already paying the price of representing your class hierarchy in memory at runtime (compare to C++ where you don't pay any costs unless you use things like virtual methods). There is therefore no cost rationale for blocking it fully.
Reflection is useful for things like serialization - things like Hibernate or digester can use it to determine how to best store objects automatically. Similarly, the JavaBeans model is based on names of methods (a questionable decision, I admit), but you need to be able to inspect what properties are available to build things like visual editors. In more recent versions of Java, reflections is what makes annotations useful - you can write tools and do metaprogramming using these entities that exist in the source code but can be accessible at runtime.
It is possible to go through an entire career as a Java programmer and never have to use reflection because the problems that you deal with don't require it. On the other hand, for certain problems, it is quite necessary.
As mentioned above, reflection is mostly used to implement code that needs to deal with arbitrary objects. ORM mappers, for instance, need to instantiate objects from user-defined classes and fill them with values from database rows. The simplest way to achieve this is through reflection.
Actually, you are partially right, reflection is often a code smell. Most of the time you work with your classes and do not need reflection- if you know your types, you are probably sacrificing type safety, performance, readability and everything that's good in this world, needlessly. However, if you are writing libraries, frameworks or generic utilities, you will probably run into situations best handled with reflection.
This is in Java, which is what I'm familiar with. Other languages offer stuff that can be used to achieve the same goals, but in Java, reflection has clear applications for which it's the best (and sometimes, only) solution.
Unit testing software and frameworks like NUnit use reflection to get a list of tests to execute and executes them. They find all the test suites in a module/assembly/binary (in C# these are represented by classes) and all the tests in those suites (in C# these are methods in a class). NUnit also allows you to mark a test with an expected exception in case you're testing for exception contracts.
Without reflection, you'd need to specify somehow what test suites are available and what tests are available in each suite. Also, things like exceptions would need to be tested manually. C++ unit testing frameworks I've seen have used macros to do this, but some things are still manual and this design is restrictive.
Paul Graham has a great essay that may say it best:
Programs that write programs? When
would you ever want to do that? Not
very often, if you think in Cobol. All
the time, if you think in Lisp. It
would be convenient here if I could
give an example of a powerful macro,
and say there! how about that? But if
I did, it would just look like
gibberish to someone who didn't know
Lisp; there isn't room here to explain
everything you'd need to know to
understand what it meant. In Ansi
Common Lisp I tried to move things
along as fast as I could, and even so
I didn't get to macros until page 160.
concluding with . . .
During the years we worked on Viaweb I
read a lot of job descriptions. A new
competitor seemed to emerge out of the
woodwork every month or so. The first
thing I would do, after checking to
see if they had a live online demo,
was look at their job listings. After
a couple years of this I could tell
which companies to worry about and
which not to. The more of an IT flavor
the job descriptions had, the less
dangerous the company was. The safest
kind were the ones that wanted Oracle
experience. You never had to worry
about those. You were also safe if
they said they wanted C++ or Java
developers. If they wanted Perl or
Python programmers, that would be a
bit frightening-- that's starting to
sound like a company where the
technical side, at least, is run by
real hackers. If I had ever seen a job
posting looking for Lisp hackers, I
would have been really worried.
It is all about rapid development.
var myObject = // Something with quite a few properties.
var props = new Dictionary<string, object>();
foreach (var prop in myObject.GetType().GetProperties())
props.Add(prop.Name, prop.GetValue(myObject, null);
Plugins are a great example.
Tools are another example - inspector tools, build tools, etc.
I will give an example of a c# solution i was given when i started learning.
It contained classes marked with the [Exercise] attribute, each class contained methods which were not implemented (throwing NotImplementedException). The solution also had unit tests which all failed.
The goal was to implement all the methods and pass all the unit tests.
The solution also had a user interface which it would read all class marked with Excercise, and use reflection to generate a user interface.
We were later asked to implement our own methods, and later still to understand how the user interface 'magically' was changed to include all the new methods we implemented.
Extremely useful, but often not well understood.
The idea behind this was to be able to query any GUI objects properties, to provide them in a GUI to get customized and preconfigured. Now it's uses have been extended and proved to be feasible.
EDIT: spelling
It's very useful for dependency injection. You can explore loaded assemblies types implementing a given interface with a given attribute. Combined with proper configuration files, it proves to be a very powerful and clean way of adding new inherited classes without modifying the client code.
Also, if you are doing an editor that doesn't really care about the underlying model but rather on how the objects are structured directly, ala System.Forms.PropertyGrid)
Without reflection no plugin architecture will work!
Very simple example in Python. Suppose you have a class that have 3 methods:
class SomeClass(object):
def methodA(self):
# some code
def methodB(self):
# some code
def methodC(self):
# some code
Now, in some other class you want to decorate those methods with some additional behaviour (i.e. you want that class to mimic SomeClass, but with an additional functionality).
This is as simple as:
class SomeOtherClass(object):
def __getattr__(self, attr_name):
# do something nice and then call method that caller requested
getattr(self.someclass_instance, attr_name)()
With reflection, you can write a small amount of domain independent code that doesn't need to change often versus writing a lot more domain dependent code that needs to change more frequently (such as when properties are added/removed). With established conventions in your project, you can perform common functions based on the presence of certain properties, attributes, etc. Data transformation of objects between different domains is one example where reflection really comes in handy.
Or a more simple example within a domain, where you want to transform data from the database to data objects without needing to modify the transformation code when properties change, so long as conventions are maintained (in this case matching property names and a specific attribute):
/// <summary>Transform data from the input data reader into the output object. Each
/// element to be transformed must have the DataElement attribute associated with
/// it.</summary>
/// <param name="inputReader">The database reader with the input data.</param>
/// <param name="outputObject">The output object to be populated with the input data.</param>
/// <param name="filterElements">Data elements to filter out of the transformation.</param>
public static void TransformDataFromDbReader(DbDataReader inputReader, IDataObject outputObject, NameObjectCollection filterElements)
// add all public properties with the DataElement attribute to the output object
foreach (PropertyInfo loopInfo in outputObject.GetType().GetProperties())
foreach (object loopAttribute in loopInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true))
if (loopAttribute is DataElementAttribute)
// get name of property to transform
string transformName = DataHelper.GetString(((DataElementAttribute)loopAttribute).ElementName).Trim().ToLower();
if (transformName == String.Empty)
transformName = loopInfo.Name.Trim().ToLower();
// do transform if not in filter field list
if (filterElements == null || DataHelper.GetString(filterElements[transformName]) == String.Empty)
for (int i = 0; i < inputReader.FieldCount; i++)
if (inputReader.GetName(i).Trim().ToLower() == transformName)
// set value, based on system type
loopInfo.SetValue(outputObject, DataHelper.GetValueFromSystemType(inputReader[i], loopInfo.PropertyType.UnderlyingSystemType.FullName, false), null);
// add all fields with the DataElement attribute to the output object
foreach (FieldInfo loopInfo in outputObject.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.Instance))
foreach (object loopAttribute in loopInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true))
if (loopAttribute is DataElementAttribute)
// get name of field to transform
string transformName = DataHelper.GetString(((DataElementAttribute)loopAttribute).ElementName).Trim().ToLower();
if (transformName == String.Empty)
transformName = loopInfo.Name.Trim().ToLower();
// do transform if not in filter field list
if (filterElements == null || DataHelper.GetString(filterElements[transformName]) == String.Empty)
for (int i = 0; i < inputReader.FieldCount; i++)
if (inputReader.GetName(i).Trim().ToLower() == transformName)
// set value, based on system type
loopInfo.SetValue(outputObject, DataHelper.GetValueFromSystemType(inputReader[i], loopInfo.FieldType.UnderlyingSystemType.FullName, false));
catch (Exception ex)
bool reThrow = ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex);
if (reThrow) throw;
One usage not yet mentioned: while reflection is generally thought of as "slow", it's possible to use Reflection to improve the efficiency of code which uses interfaces like IEquatable<T> when they exist, and uses other means of checking equality when they do not. In the absence of reflection, code that wanted to test whether two objects were equal would have to either use Object.Equals(Object) or else check at run-time whether an object implemented IEquatable<T> and, if so, cast the object to that interface. In either case, if the type of thing being compared was a value type, at least one boxing operation would be required. Using Reflection makes it possible to have a class EqualityComparer<T> automatically construct a type-specific implementation of IEqualityComparer<T> for any particular type T, with that implementation using IEquatable<T> if it is defined, or using Object.Equals(Object) if it is not. The first time one uses EqualityComparer<T>.Default for any particular type T, the system will have to go through more work than would be required to test, once, whether a particular type implements IEquatable<T>. On the other hand, once that work is done, no more run-time type checking will be required since the system will have produced a custom-built implementation of EqualityComparer<T> for the type in question.

How to best create a test DB when doing TDD?

what's the best practice for creating test persistence layers when doing an ASP.NET site (eg. ASP.NET MVC site)?
Many examples I've seen use Moq (or another mocking framework) in the unit test project, but I want to, like .. moq out my persistence layer so that my website shows data and stuff, but it's not coming from a database. I want to do that last. All the mocking stuff I've seen only exists in unit tests.
What practices do people do when they want to (stub?) fake out a persistence layer for quick and fast development? I use Dependency Injection to handle it and have some hard coded results for my persistence layer (which is really manual and boring).
What are other people doing? Examples and links would be awesome :)
Just a little update: so far I'm getting a fair bit of mileage out of having a fake repository and a SQL repository - where each class implements an interface. Then, using DI (I'm using StructureMap), I can switch between my fake repository or the SQL repository. So far, it's working well :)
(also scary to think that I asked this question nearly 11 months ago, from when I'm editing this, right now!)
Assuming you're using the Repository pattern from Rob Conery's MVC Store Front:
I followed Rob Conery's tutorial but ran into the same want as you. Best thing to do is move the Mock Repositories you've created into a seperate project called Mocks then you can swap them out pretty easily with the real ones when you instantiate your service. If your feeling adventurous you could create a factory that takes a value from the config file to instantiate either a mock or a real repository,
public static ICatalogRepository GetCatalogRepository(bool useMock)
return new FakeCatalogRepository();
return new SqlCatalogRepository();
or use a dependency injection framework :)
Good luck!
EDIT: In response to your comments, sounds like you want to use a list and LINQ to emulate a db's operations e.g. GetProducts, StoreProduct. I've done this before. Here's an example:
public class Product
public int Identity { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public class FakeCatalogRepository()
private List<Product> _fakes;
public FakeCatalogCatalogRepository()
_fakes = new List<Product>();
//Set up some initial fake data
for(int i=0; i < 5; i++)
Product p = new Product
Identity = i,
Name = "product"+i,
Description = "description of product"+i
public void StoreProduct(Product p)
//Emulate insert/update functionality
public Product GetProductByIdentity(int id)
//emulate "SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = 1234
var aProduct = (from p in _fakes.AsQueryable()
where p.Identity = id
select p).SingleOrDefault();
return aProduct;
Does that make a bit more sense?
Boring or not, I think you're on the right track. I assume you're creating a fakeRepository that is a concrete implementation of your IRepository which in turn is injected into your service layer. This is nice because at some point in the future when you're happy with the shape of your entities and the behavior of your services, controllers, and views, you can then test drive your real Repositories that will use the database to persist those entities. Of course the nature of those tests will be integration tests, but just as important if not more so.
One thing that may be less boring for you when the time comes to create your real repositories is if you use nHibernate for your persistence you will be able let nhibernate generate your database after you create the nhibernate maps for your entities, assuming you don't have to use a legacy schema.
For instance, I have the following method that is called by my SetUpFixture to generate my db schema:
public class SchemaBuilder
public static void ExportSchema()
Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
new SchemaExport(configuration).Create(true, true);
and my SetUpFixture is as follows:
public class SetUpFixture
public void SetUp()
where DataLoader is responsible for creating all of my seed data and test data using the real respoitory.
This probably doesn't answer your questions but I hope it serves to reassure you in your approach.
Although I'm not using Asp.Net or the MVC framework I do have the need to test services without hitting the database. Your question triggered the writing up of a short (ok, maybe not so short) summary of how I do it. Not claiming it's the best or anything, but it works for us. We access data through a repository and when required we plug in an in-memory repository as explained in the post.
I am using a complete in memory database with SQLite and ActiveRecord. Basically we delete and re-create the database before every integration test is being run, so that the data is always in a known state. The contents of the database are inserted through code. So an example would be like this:
ActiveRecord.Initalize(lots of parameters)
and then we just add lots of customers or whatever, DDD style:
Another way to solve this could be using NDbUnit to maintain the state of the database.
I know this question is a bit old, but I've finally come up with an answer :)
Firstly, use RavenDb (Embedded). It's part of the RavenDb Document Database. Its a fully in memory database and works perfectly with unit tests :) I've done it with MSTest, NUnit and xUnit.
Secondly, you can use NHibernate with SqlLite if you don't want to use RavenDb. Ayende has a post about using this.
I've gone the route of creating tables and data during a setup method in a unit test class, running tests, then doing clean up during the teardown. Yes, this method works, but if you really end up using your unit tests for debugging purposes, invariably you will run the setup, debug something then stop in the middle without doing the teardown. It's very brittle and you will probably end up (in the long run) with bad data in your test database and/or unusable unit tests. I personally think its best to mock the database layer using a mocking framework. I do understand that sometimes it's best to do logic in the database. For these cases you can use a tool like DBFit to write tests for your database layer.
