Title attribute - useful for making a web page accessible? - asp.net

The sources I've read on making web pages accessible provide conflicting information on whether the 'title' attribute is actually useful. Some claim that it's best practice to give a web control a title attribute containing a more detailed explanation than the visible text on the control provides. Others claim that the default for most screen-readers is to ignore title attributes, so the attribute is useless in practice (except for providing tooltips for sighted readers). So, what do you folks recommend?

Not all screen readers ignore titles but some do. This is one of those areas though where it is best for you to include it as those who can get that content will. Plus search engines love title tags.

I'm actually encountering this problem with another Stack Overflow user right now in this question. Specifically, the reasons for a verbose title are:
A good title communicates to your visitors a lot of information about what the page is about
Google places higher weight on text within the title tag
However, this is lost on the user when they get to your page and have no idea what's going on just because you decided to game a search engine. Take Stack Overflow, for instance. A 50 word title may be good for Google, but how would you feel as a user if this question had the following title:
Should I make the Title Attribute Longer In Order To Acheive a Higher Ranking on Google, or Should I Make it shorter to make it accessible and not drive my Users Crazy?
In the end, while Google does matter; it doesn't matter more than keeping your user on your site once they are there; not to mention the benefit of a verbose title tag is lost on accessibility.
This website has a great article on the subject, and they write:
[...] The second reason has to do with SEO. Search engines need different information to rank the results of a particular query. Page title is one of the more important pieces of information they use to gauge how relevant your page is to a particular search term. This doesn’t mean you should load as many keywords as possible into the title — that defeats the first benefit — but you should ensure that each title succinctly describes the content of the page, including a couple of words you think people will search for. (Emphasis Added)

I use title on any links from my website as it is recommeneded by WC3 as per accessibility guideline 13.1 See http://www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT-TECHS/#tech-meaningful-links
For a lot of these accessibility issues bear in mind that what is not used now by an application may be used in the future so it's best to err on the side of doing too much rather than the bare minimum.


Accessibility with Google Slides Embed on a webpage

Got a site with powerpoint presentations that the client wants embedded, the embedding is being done via google docs embed. I have been doing some accessibility testing, albeit not particularly in-depth but even with OS X screen reader it is not having any luck reading the slides. (I am aware slides are probably terrible for accessibility anyway). I can get the text content of the slides stripped out via the Google API, but I don't know if thats the best thing, to include it on the page below/above the iframe embed with one of the CSS tricks for hiding it from normal view?
I am aware of iframe title and aria-label but those seem to imply they are only to describe the contents of the iframe, which I am doing, but I need somewhere that can contain more text.
Has anyone got any good tips for the best way to deal with such things? Thanks!!
Embedding rich 3rd-party content in web pages poses many challenges.
When we put something like this in a web page, we typically think we're adding a bit of "content", but it often amounts to embedding a complex application; and the user interface, semantics, and presentation are outside of our control. In your case it's a presentation slide deck, but it could also be a Flash/Silverlight/Java applet, a slippy map, interactive SVG infographic, a 3D-panorama, virtual tour, zoomable image, chemical molecule viewer, or who-knows-what. (Note: I'm not familiar with the Google docs embed/API specifically, so most parts of my answer will address these rich content cases in general.)
Even if the embedded rich 3rd-party content/application is accessible today, there's no guarantee it will remain so after the 3rd-party system gets an update.
So what can you do? The safest thing might be to assume it's inaccessible, and consider the best way to provide an accessible alternative. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) calls this a "conforming alternate version", and it sounds like you're already thinking along these lines.
An important caveat to all of this, is that the use of "conforming alternate versions" isn't considered ideal by many accessibility specialists. It's greatly preferred to make your main content accessible as you can.
Some relevant parts of WCAG:
Understanding conformance, especially the section about "Understanding Conforming Alternate Versions".
Technique G190: Providing a link adjacent to or associated with a non-conforming object that links to a conforming alternate version.
F19: Failure of Conformance Requirement 1 due to not providing a method for the user to find the alternative conforming version of a non-conforming Web page.
It's worth mentioning the 3rd-party content in your website's accessibility statement. Statement of Partial Conformance - Third Party Content offers guidance about that.
The crucial thing about conforming alternate versions, is that it's no use at all if the user isn't made aware of it, or isn't able to reach it.
Implementation-wise, there are a variety of approaches you might take. In many ways, providing an alternative for embedded rich content is similar to providing a long description of a complex image, or a transcript of a video. Have a look at these WAI tutorials for some ideas.
Web Accessibility Tutorials: Complex Images
Making Audio and Video Media Accessible: Where to Put Transcripts
I can get the text content of the slides stripped out via the Google API
It sounds like you're trying to automate the process. That's fine, but it might not give satisfactory results. Some things you should consider:
Is the text content alone going to be enough? Presentations often have images too. Did the author provide text alternatives for these images, and are they present in the text extracted via the API? If the author hasn't provided text alternatives for images in the slide deck, the text you get from the API won't be telling the whole story.
Not all text in slides carries the same weight. Some slides serve to introduce sections, some slides have headings. Does the text obtained from the API convey these relationships?
Lists are very commonly found in presentation. Does the text obtained from the API preserve this structure?
Slides sometimes contain links. Are these included in the text obtained from the API, so the links are available to everybody using the alternative version?
Slides sometimes contain tables and charts. How will the information in these be conveyed in your alterative version? Is the information included in the text obtained from the API?
Sometimes, presentation decks also contain rich 3rd-party embedded content themselves! A slide containing a video, or an animated GIF are examples of this. If so, you can find yourself with a much more complex challenge.
... and many other meaningful info and relationships. Quotations, code samples, etc.
If any of the above points give cause for concern, you will need to consider managing your alternative version manually.
The "conforming alternative version" has to conform to WCAG; if you just offer a choice of two non-conforming version, that doesn't satisfy WCAG.
include it on the page below/above the iframe embed with one of the CSS tricks for hiding it from normal view?
No, I wouldn't recommend that. I assume you're refering to visually-hidden text, using CSS utility classes such as .visually-hidden or .sr-only. It sounds like you're only thinking about screen reader users.
You need to offer the alternative version available to everybody, not just one group of users who you think will need it.
Many groups of users may experience difficulty using the rich 3rd-party embedded content. This includes people using the keyboard only, screen readers, magnifiers, speech control, switch access, or other tools. The conforming alternative version can be navigated like a normal web page though.
The 3rd-party content likely has a different visual style, and it may not be adaptable in the same way as the page it is embedded in. That can frustrate people who make use of browser zooming, text resizing, font preferences, reader mode, Windows high-contrast themes, viewport resizing, and other user-applied presentation changes. The conforming alternate version should be as adaptable as the rest of your site.
Rather than hiding the alternative version in a visually-hidden container, here are some other ways to present it. The first two are the simplest and most reliable.
Put it on the same page, just after the original content, visible to everybody.
Put it in a collapsible disclosure element just after the embedded content. A <details> element is an easy way to achieve this. This is useful if the alternative version is quite long.
Put it elsewhere on the same page, and tell users where to find it. An internal link can help here.
Put it on a separate page, with a link next to the embedded content. I'm less keen on this approach. Only use it if you can commit to maintaining both pages.
Provide a way for users to switch between the two versions. For example some buttons, or a tabbed UI. However, you must also ensure that the switching mechanism is accessible. That might mean a full-blown ARIA tabs implementation.
I am aware of iframe title and aria-label but those seem to imply they are only to describe the contents of the iframe
Giving the iFrame a useful name is important. It's also a useful mechanism to inform screen reader users that an alternative version is available. The WAI Complex Images tutorial linked above has some similar approaches. Example: <iframe title="Google Slides Presentation of FOO BAR BAZ. Link to text version follows this frame.">. This only helps screen reader users though; you still need to make the availability of the alternative version clear to everyone.
How committed are you to using Google Docs for displaying these slides?
Any accessibility enhancements that you'll be able to implement on Google Slides won't be very good.
One way around this whole thing is to offer PDF versions of the slides that have been fully-remediated for accessibility instead of using Google Slides. That would potentially be a single solution that could be accessible to all visitors. Going this route means that you wouldn't have multiple copies of the same slides to update, which could lead to a split in content if one gets updated and the other is forgotten.
If you're really set on having the slides embedded in the page, then you could offer both formats by applying aria-hidden to the embedded iframe and then hiding the PDF links from sighted users using CSS clip, or by positioning content off-screen.

content type with a variable amount of elements

I have posted this question to the plone user mailing list as well, so I hope nobody minds that, especially since it is nothing I have hidden.
Since my question is hard to put into a generic question, I'll try to explain it with a (hopefully) illustrative example. Please bear with me on this one.
Content Type: Product
Each product shall have several explanatory sections with a title and a rich text as the section contents. Said title should be either taken from a listen of predefined titles (by the editor) or entered freely once (the exception).
Since the site will use Dexterity and requires a multilingual approach (plone.app.multilingual), centralizing the titles saves the translators some headaches and avoids unnecessary duplicates. Also in general, the styling is done through Diazo, so the sections will be mapped on a nice widget.
My problem is, how to map this onto Plone with usability for the editors and translators as well as efficiency for the software stack in mind.
Approach 1
Put the titles in a hidden folder and use a vocabulary in the Product content type. Also make the Product a folderish content type and require the editors to enter each section as a separate item into said folder (e.g. ProductSection non-folderish content type). Repeating that process for each product. But this seems not very user friendly and imho would not scale very well with the number of products and sections.
Approach 2
I could naturally also reduce the Product content type in general to just one single rich text field and have the user enter each section as a div block with a headline and a paragraph. Even though this is the easier way to implement this, it puts the burden on the translators (many duplicate translations) and on the editors (e.g. changing a title for marketing or whatever, requires changing it manually through all products etc.).
Again, please remember this is an illustrative example of my problem and here Product is really that, a product from a company's portfolio and not a Plone add-on. ;)
So my question basically boils down to this: Which approach sounds more reasonable? Or is there a more standard and/or creative way to solve this problem?
Thanks a lot for any suggestions and help in advance. It is very much appreciated...
After I received a very enlightening answer on the plone users list, my current thinking (untested, brainstorming) is as follows:
Product will be a custom form (due to MultiWidget, see below)
the section blocks will be saved in a list on the Product object (titles will be a choice field only)
the section titles will be saved elsewhere and manageable through different means (needs to be accessible by a Site Administrator, so anything ZMI is out of the question)
easy editing through z3c.form's MultiWidget (that's the key ingredient, actually)
If this works out and plays nicely with Dexterity and multilingual, I guess that's quite the optimal solution for everyone involved.
Naturally I'd appreciate any and all kinds of comments or suggestions. Maybe I am totally on the wrong track now but based on what I read up, this should actually work fine.

What simple steps can a web site take to improve accessibility for visitors with disabilities?

UPDATE 2: Edited again to more clearly focus on visitors with disabilities
Is applying ARIA landmark roles alone a major accessibility improvement, or a half-measure that doesn't accomplish very much? Are there other relatively easy things a site can do to significantly improve accessibility?
By accessibility, I mean usability by people with disabilities, for instance visual impairment, difficulty using a mouse, etc..
By simple, I mean large-scale changes to page structure on the site's main templates, rather than hand-tweaked changes to each page.
For example, the one step of applying ARIA landmark roles is in reach for many sites, just by updating their blog or content management software templates. Doing the whole nine yards to annotate every widget’s interaction state is much harder, unless the underlying platform already does it.
Here are some possible steps a site could take, all relatively low-hanging fruit:
Place all content within HTML5 semantic container tags, specifically article, aside ,nav, section, figure, figcaption, footer, header, and main
Assign ARIA landmark roles to content containers and HTML headings
Assign aria-labelledby and aria-describedby attributes to appropriate content containers
Set the title attribute for content containers (less desirable, since it's seen by all)
Which of those are worth doing? Taken together, would they make a real difference in accessibility for people with disabilities? Are there other simple things that improve accessibility?
(I'm specifically not talking about forms or interactivity, that's a whole other topic. I'm also not talking about making sure HTML and image colors have good contrast, not because it's unimportant, but because that has to be done on a case-by-case basic, rather than in global templates.)
You'll get the biggest accessibility impact focusing on strong keyboard navigation and thoughtful DOM structure including clear heading outline and semantic sectioning with HTML and ARIA. Keyboard navigation is the primary mode of navigation for screen reader users and many folks with mobility impairments, so a foundation there is a prerequisite to any actions or workflows in your site.
Do use HTML5 sectioning elements. Besides making your markup and CSS rules more elegant, it defines the page structure more clearly to screen readers and makes page navigation easier. The semantics of many elements are already supported - albeit inconsistently - in NVDA, JAWS and VoiceOver.
ARIA landmarks also have good support in these 3 screen readers, in particular as a way to skip redundant header content. Use role='main' on the containing element for your primary content.
aria-describedby and aria-labelledby are useful for complex forms and modals. Before relying on these attributes though, focus on creating coherent read order and clearly labeling and grouping form elements. Specifically, use the for attribute to associate <label>s with their controls, and use <fieldset>s with <legend> to group related controls.
Avoid using the title attribute in general. There is no way to display its content via keyboard focus so it is effectively useless for keyboard-only users who do not use screen readers, not to mention mobile devices.
Depending on the scope of your content, you'll need to go further than these recommendations for robust accessibility, but you've got the right idea in trying to address low hanging fruit first. It will go a long way.
By tagging this with section508*, it tells me the site you are making is for the US Federal Government, or a state that adopted the Standards. Section 508 has outlined Standards to be considered accessible to people with disabilities. Some agencies have developed their own checklist, which either extends the Standards, mimics them; such as HHS' checklists. I recommend you getting with the agency Section 508 Coordinator to see what they do for determining 508 compliance. However, if you are wanting your product to be used by a government agenncy, I recommend filling out a VPAT for it.
If you are wanting to build accessible sites, in general, I suggest following WCAG 2.0
Is applying ARIA landmark roles alone a major accessibility improvement, or a half-measure that doesn't accomplish very much?
ARIA helps accessibility somewhat. ARIA let's you mark certain areas of a page as hotspots per say. I suggest you look at my answers in accessibility or mine about ARIA
Are there other relatively easy things a site can do to significantly improve accessibility?
There are things that are pretty easy, I suggest checking out the links I posted above for a starting point, then ask questions regarding on implementation. WebAIM also has some resources on accessibility.
From comments
I'm looking for actions a site can take that will be of real practical benefit to users, even if they can't go as far as what Section 508 requires
I would recommend not moving forward with this mindset. All of the provisions of Section 508 or guidelines of WCAG have practical benefit, the question is which apply to your site/application. For example, if you have a table with one header row, and/or one column of headers, provision (g), would be applicable:
(g) Row and column headers shall be identified for data tables.
However, if you have a more complex table (g) would not be applicable, instead (h) would be:
(h) Markup shall be used to associate data cells and header cells for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers.
However in WCAG, there is no such guideline for tables, it is tucked under 1.3.1, info and relationships and detailed in WCAG 2.0 Technique H51. I can make the same argument for every provision of 508, or guideline of WCAG 2.0.
Headings are by far the most used in-page navigation, most reader users are now aware or ARIA landmarks but usage habits are quite varied.
Yes HTML headings are the most widely used navigation method around because they have been around since HTML 2.0 (Nov 1995). However they are only a navigational option for people who use screen readers, and people who use the Opera web browser. There is probably an add-on for Firefox, but didn't look it up. If you are going to be implementing headings in your site/app (which I recommend), be conscious about what headings you use. They should form a hierarchy of sorts, so don't jump from a <h1> to an <h4> because the look of the font; instead, use an <h2>, and restyle with CSS.
This also is the same for ARIA. ARIA navigation is only available for JAWS, NVDA, and I believe WindowEyes, but for all other assistive technology, nope. There is an add-on for Firefox for basic navigation of ARIA Landmarks(personally I don't like it). However, until browsers implement a built-in way to navigate ARIA landmarks, you cannot just pop them in and say your site is now fully accessible.
*- keeping the part about Section 508 in for reference since the question was originally tagged with it.
A couple of simple but effective steps:
Ensure non-mouse users can see which element is in focus. Many CSS reset styles remove the browser defaults. A dotted line is better than colour
button:focus {
outline: dotted 1px #000;
a:focus {
outline: dotted 1px #000;
But if colour is used it should meet colour contrast requirements. Check out https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/juicy-studio-accessibility-too/
Put a "skip to main context link" as the first tab item on the page. Have a look at http://www.anz.com.au for a great example. Just tab into it.
It's important to note that screen reader users can navigate just using the headers (H1, H2 etc) so this is particularly important. Also note that they also use the down arrow to navigate content and tab for when they get to a form or form element.
Hope this is helpful.
Reduce the amount of clicks it takes to get somewhere, which also goes hand-in-hand with making sure that the most used features on the site are easily accessible from your main page. Also, make sure those same "vital" uses of your site are easily found on every page in the entire site.
You may think it's easy to just click home, and then access the vitals from there, but users tend to really dislike this architecture. Although, that is for main-stream, common users. If you're catering to a certain type of user, then the entire architecture needs to be tweaked.
Analytics are key... Good luck!

Drupal 7: Site-wide Taxonomy restrictions--Enforcing 1:1 term:node relationships for specific terms

I'm developing an online magazine, and am using Views to generate blocks for the homepage.
I am using a slightly customized Article as the content type for most of my data, with Views providing blocks with the necessary fields from those Articles. For example: the Latest Blogs View shows the Short Headline and Teaser fields, but the Top Headline View provides a block with the Image and Full Headline fields.
Right now I'm using Views to filter Article by tag, so Articles need to be tagged to show up on the homepage. Most of my blocks are lists and don't need the tightest sorting flexibility. However, some blocks are not lists, or it's important for the end user to have control over the display order of Articles in certain blocks. Is there a way to enforce site-wide 1:1 tagging for term:article relationships. For example, I want to ensure that only one Article is tagged top.news.1 (the first Top News slot), and likewise only one article is tagged top.news.2. When someone wants to add top.news.2 to an Article, the one Article that already has that tag will lose it. Or something like that.
I have played around with Views enough to gather that it is really powerful, so this level of microcontrol might not be necessary with the right configuration, but I think restricting taxonomy versus configuring Views filtration would address the problem more directly.
I've looked around the web and haven't been able to find anything really relevant. Sorry if I missed something obvious.
Thank you!
Is it correct that you (or your site editor) want the ability to:
spotlight a certain nodes
arbitrarily change the order of the spotlighted nodes, or add/remove a node from the spotlight while keeping the position of the other nodes?
If so, your best bet is likely Nodequeue, which does exactly that, and allows you to restrict the number of nodes spotlighted. It's very easy to use and our non-technical clients have no problems with it.
If your use case is different from that or requires more flexibility, Nodequeue may not be the right fit, but it works great for the specific example you're describing.

Are CSS Generated Content acceptable in terms of SEO?

I run an online literary journal which leads to an indexing problem--our content is not "about" literature -- it is literature. As such, Google is really bad at identifying what's going on, and due to the very low keyword density we have to try and work with, I've been looking for ways to slash interface text and turn it into iconography where possible.
I've been looking for a way to do the same with our post dates, but it's been a long search. I stumbled across the idea of using CSS generated content content:attr(id) to substitute the ID attribute of an invisible image into the page itself.
This works on the display level, however, I haven't been able to track down anything conclusive on whether this interface-only text will still get indexed, or whether we'll be able to move away from months and days of the week being our most-frequent keywords. I know Google will still see it; anyone know if it'll "count"?
As far as I'm aware, the 'best' way to ensure something is hidden from a search engine is to either load it via AJAX or (shudder) include it with flash.
If you feel that the non-content aspects of your site are adversely affecting your site's standing in the various search engines, you could load these elements via AJAX.
Only if you really think these elements are seriously affecting your position.
Below is an image describing areas of this page that one could conceivably post-load via AJAX, if one was overly concerned about their impact on SEO:
I know this doesn't specifically answer your question, it's a suggestion for an alternative way to tackle your issue.
