Changing the QTY label in Uber Cart? - drupal

How do you change the QTY (quantity) label in UberCart (in Drupal) without actually hacking the core components? I want the label to be be months, instead of qty.

You could use the String Overrides module. Here is an excerpt from its project page:
Provides a quick and easy way to replace any text on the site.
Easily replace anything that's passed through t()
Locale support, allowing you to override strings in any language
Ability to import/export *.po files, for easy migration from the Locale module
Note that this is not a replacement to Locale as having thousands of overrides can cause more pain then benefit. Use this only if you need a few easy text changes.
I once ran into a similar issue with Ubercart in another language (German), and we "solved" it by re-translating the string. The mentioned module should do the trick in your case.

I haven't used ubercarts, but I would guess there would be an admin section to do that. Else hook_form_alter() or hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() should be able to do the trick for you.

Unfortunately, there is no setting for this in ubercart.
Doing a search for 'Qty' (case sensitive, as there are numerous 'qty' in code) in the current ubercart-6.x-2.0-rc7 release gives seven matches:
3 in theme functions, which you'd need to override in your theme
1 in a form definition, which you'd need to change via hook_form_alter as googletorp suggested
3 in table definitions, which you'd need to change via hook_tapir_table_alter and/or hook_tapir_table_header_alter (see the hooks.php file in ubercarts doc directory for these)
So you should be able to implement your changes without changing the module itself, but given the amount of work involved, I'd try schnecks suggestion first ;)


how to write syntax for key value fair symfony console

I want to update inventory based on sku.
For example
php magento update_inventory --sku&quantity=array(1001,10) --sku&quantity=array(1002,20) --sku&quantity=array(1003,30)
But I’m not getting how to add options/arguments ?
here user at least need to provide one pair (sku& quantity).
for this i think i have to use ArrayInput class/InputArgument/InputOption.
Can you give some solution or reference to above requirement?
Have you looked at how Magento\Setup\Console\Command\AdminUserCreateCommand uses options? Take a look at how that code uses getOptionsList in the configure method. For your use case you may want to look into using InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY
A good reference will be
You may also want to consider a different input format. For example using arguments instead of options and specifying the format in documentation.
php magento update_inventory 1001:10 1002:20 1003:30

Drupal 6 --> Drupal 7 Migration field und's

In drupal 6 to get a node field's value you would do:
Now it is:
Is this just going to be a pain to migrate or is there a better way?
You can use echo render($content['field_ajax_override']); instead in Drupal 7 (amongst other ways)
The article Rendering Drupal 7 Fields the right way discusses why accessing variables through ['und'] is bad. See the below excerpt.
Firstly, the ['und'] element is part of the field localisation in
Drupal 7 (see this article from Gábor Hojtsy for more on that);
directly accessing that value will cause issues in any kind of
multi-lingual environment. Boo.
By accessing the field value directly you miss out on any theming that
might come courtesy of the normal field markup.
The [0][safe_value] explicitly accesses the first value of the field -
if you wanted every value from a multi-value field you'd need to do
some sort of loop.
Some fields (such as node references) won't have a safe_value element,
only a value - which can easily be printed without thought for
sanitisation. This is dangerous, not because node reference fields
contain dangerous data (they're just a nid), but because it's not a
helpful habit to get into, especially for new developers. Other fields
types 'value' may well be highly dangerous.
The article then goes on to advocate the use of field_view_field('node', $node, 'field_name'); but in most cases render($content['field']); will be sufficient, particularly if you already have access to the node you're rendering, for example in the node.tpl.php file or one of it's variations.

Drupal best way to change text

I'm using the module "simplenews" and during the registration process it reads "Select the newsletter(s) to which you wish to subscribe.".
I'd like to change this line and wanted to ask what the best way is to do so without hard coding it?
Thanks in advance!
I've also done this with the custom english version just so I could override a few strings. It works and is easier than hook_form_alter, but it also creates a bit of unnecessary overhead, especially if your site is otherwise not localized/multilingual.
There is nowadays a light and easy solution, that uses the same locale system, but you don't need to setup a custom english language or code anything: the "String Overrides"-module.
Surprisingly, it's one of the top rated modules, out of over 5000 module.
Since it's located in a form, an easy and quick solution would be to change it with hook_form_alter.
Another solution would be to create your own custom version of the language english in Drupal and then "translate" the string into something different.
You could also skip the translation part, and use your settings.php file. You can create some custom string override in it without enableling the locale module. From the default.settings.php file:
* String overrides:
* To override specific strings on your site with or without enabling locale
* module, add an entry to this list. This functionality allows you to change
* a small number of your site's default English language interface strings.
* Remove the leading hash signs to enable.
# $conf['locale_custom_strings_en'] = array(
# 'forum' => 'Discussion board',
# '#count min' => '#count minutes',
# );
Or you can use String Overrides. Some more details about this module (from its project page):
Provides a quick and easy way to replace any text on the site.
Easily replace anything that's passed through t()
Locale support, allowing you to override strings in any language
Ability to import/export *.po files, for easy migration from the Locale module
Note that this is not a replacement to Locale as having thousands of overrides can cause more pain then benefit. Use this only if you need a few easy text changes.

Where in code do I add taxonomy_save_vocabulary for drupal module

I know that in order to programmatically add my own taxonomy to a node I need to use the taxonomy_save_vocabulary function and pass it an array defining my vocabulary. But I need to know where does this code usually go in the module. I'm assuming the install file?
The install file is for initial set up of your module - setting up database tables and clearing up for uninstall, basically. So yes, if you're adding a taxonomy just once, and especially if it's indispensible to your module, this would be a good place to do it.
More ideas about this here:

Wordpress widget creation

%wordpress I've created to tool to turn php functions into Wordpress widgets. I use the register_sidebar_widget function but it seems like wp_register_sidebar_widget would give me more options. Is that legal?
P.S. I also generate widgets in the new 2.8 format.
register_sidebar_widget is deprecated--though it can still be used, but you could use wp_register_sidebar_widget. If you do use register_sidebar_widget might want to bracket it in an if ( function_exists('register_sidebar_widget') ) in case that function gets removed in subsequent versions.
Also, there is a plugin, Otto's PHP Code Widget, that allows PHP code in a widget.
Legal? Sure. WordPress is GPL, you can do anything you like as long as you follow the requirements of the license.
