ASP.NET URL rewriting not working with folder URLs -

I wrote a custom URL rewriting module, to take certain paths and map them to our catalog out of the database.
I am using the technique outlined in the link at the bottom of my post.
I'm using .NET 3.5. The problem is that it only works when there is a page name on the end of the original URL, but if the page name is left off, then it never even calls my handler.
So for example, the URL works but does not.
The one with just the folder never gets into my handler class at all. Is there something you need to do to enable folders to work properly?

Is a know issue when using .NET rewriting. You need to correctly configure the wildcard mapping. Here is a good link:
Another option will be rewriting by IIS ISAPI with regular expressions.
In my company we actually use both.
Check out this link for references:

I'm not sure how to solve it but the reason is becaus IIS is treating it as a directory (which it is) and doesn't have any knowledge about how to pass the folder to the ASP.NET isapi filter and trigger the .Net handler.
You could try doing it with IIS7 and inserting the handler in the actuall IIS pipeline. Or check the bottom of the article you referenced below the heading "Using RewriteModule".

Related 2.0 Hide Default.aspx from Url

I have one issue with my site. I need to hide Default.aspx from Url. My web site project uses urlrewriter net and I tried using it to make this but no success.
I read lot of articles on net how to do this but nothings work.
Does this is only possible to set on IIS ?
I wont all ways to have instead of
Please for best solution ?
If you're using iis 7 or above, this might be a way of going about it.
The Microsoft URL Rewrite Module 2.0 for IIS 7 and above enables IIS administrators to create powerful customized rules to map request URLs to friendly URLs that are easier for users to remember and easier for search engines to find. You can use the URL Rewrite module to perform URL manipulation tasks.
And heres a link to see the module in action.
After reading tons of articles this is solution for my problem..
setting this javascript onto masterpage
var testremove = location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("default.aspx");
if (testremove != -1) {location.replace(location.href.substring(0,testremove))};

add new page to existing website without modifying the rest of the website

i have to add one page to an existing webforms website.
this will be added at runtime and i'm not allowed to redeploy the entire webapplication / website.
is the (recommended or only) solution to move the code behind code to the aspx file, or do i have other options?
i can't put code in the dll's, and dynamicly runned .cs files are only in the case of a website and not in the case of a webapplication, am i right?
and putting the code from my code behind in de aspx file will always work?
actually as long as their page link to yours via URL you web page doesn't necessary have to be in the same project, unless you're trying to reuse something.
Else technically your project is fine as a standalone and they can just link to yours.
Unless you're worried about the URL then you would have to either use an iframe or some other URL rewrite.
Just for reference: One solution would be to use a dynamic proxy and intercept and extend the existing webapp. Though this approach might be a little too involved for what you're trying to achieve.

Possible bug/issue in ASP.NET 3.5 related to Request.RawUrl property

I posted a query for 301-redirect using ASP.NET 3.5 here:
Redirecting default.aspx to root virtual directory
Based on the replies I got there, I realized there might be a bug in ASP.NET's Request.RawUrl method which is unable to return the actual raw url (without /default.aspx) when being used in a sub-directory, i.e. the /default.aspx page is inside a subdirectory.
Can someone please shed some light on this possible bug?
i found a good explanation here
If you suspect this is a bug, then the place to go is Microsoft Connect, where you can report and discuss the bug directly with Microsoft.
Edit: I was able to reproduce the look per your comments.
I was unable to reproduce the infinite loop, however. I injected code into the Global.asax Application_BeginRequest handler of a web application and got the expected behavior of a single redirect.
There are other, and IMO much better, options for handling global redirect rules. On IIS7, I use the URL Rewrite module to configure rewrite rules in IIS. You can read more about it and download it here: The appeal of a solution such as this is that you can customize and update your rewrite rules without recompiling the application.
Edit: I was able to retrieve the raw URL without the default.aspx (after the redirect) by using instead:
It's worth a shot.
Have you looked at the IIS settings for your virtual directory? If there is a default document set to default.aspx then this will explain the infinite loop that you are experiencing. You are telling the website to redirect to the virtual directory without the "default.aspx" and IIS is detecting this on the next request and putting it back in ad infinitum.
Right click your virtual directory, select Properties and then the Documents tab. If default.aspx is in the list then that is what you will get. The Url of the request will be passed to the ASP.NET worker process as /folder/default.aspx rather than /folder/
This is not a bug. If IIS didn't do this, you would get a page not found error.
Sounds to me like you need to investigate URL rewriting:

Web.Routing for the site root or homepage

I am doing some work with Web.Routing, using it to have friendly urls and nice Rest like interfaces to a site that is essentially rendered by a single IHttpHandler. There are no webforms, the handler generates all the html/json and writes it as part of process request.
This works well for things like /Sites/Accounting for example, but I can't get it to work for the site root, i.e. '/'.
I have tried registering a route with an empty string, with 'default.aspx' (which is the empty aspx file I keep in my root folder to play nice with cassini and iis). I set RouteExistingFiles to false explicitly, but whatever I do when hitting the root url it still opens default.axpx, which has no code it inherits from, and contains a simple h1 tag to show that I've hit it.
I don't want to change the default file to redirect to a desired route, I just want the equivalent of a 'default' route that is applied when no other routes are found, similar to MVC.
For reference, the previous version of the site didn't use Web.Routing, but had a handler referenced in the web.config that was perfectly capable of intercepting requests for the root or default.aspx.
Specs: ASP.NET 3.5sp1, C#, no webforms, MVC or openrasta. Plain old IHttpHandlers.
Fixed my own problem: the issue is the integrated web server, Cassini or some such. Seems that it doesnt play nice with routing, and will by default simply return the default.aspx file or, if it is missing, show a directory listing.
Using IIS with a virtual directory works fine, but is annoying (frustrates code sharers because they need to set up new virtual directories when they open my app, and pollutes my own IIS instance. Bah. Probably what I'll do for the moment however, or setup a new application manually so I can use the domain host only path like what will exist in live.
An alternative is to use the updated version of cassini, seen here, which works if the default.aspx file is missing, but I have not worked out how to integrate it with visual studio yet. Any help would be appreciated, but its not a big priority given I have workarounds.
I realise that this is a really old post, but I just ran into the same problem using VS2012, so I'm posting this here just in case.
I solved the problem by installing IIS Express and setting the project to use IIS Express in Visual Studio. Solved the problem.

ASP.NET Friendly URLs

In my research, I found 2 ways to do them.
Both required modifications to the Application_BeginRequest procedure in the Global.Asax, where you would run your code to do the actual URL mapping (mine was with a database view that contained all the friendly URLs and their mapped 'real' URLs). Now the trick is to get your requests run through the .NET engine without an aspx extension. The 2 ways I found are:
Run everything through the .NET engine with a wildcard application extension mapping.
Create a custom aspx error page and tell IIS to send 404's to it.
Now here's my question:
Is there any reason one of these are better to do than the other?
When playing around on my dev server, the first thing I noticed about #1 was it botched frontpage extensions, not a huge deal but that's how I'm used to connecting to my sites. Another issue I have with #1 is that even though my hosting company is lenient with me (as I'm their biggest client) and will consider doing things such as this, they are wary of any security risks it might present.
`#2 works great, but I just have this feeling it's not as efficient as #1. Am I just being delusional?
I've used #2 in the past too.
It's more efficient because unlike the wildcard mapping, the ASP.NET engine doesn't need to 'process' requests for all the additional resources like image files, static HTML, CSS, Javascript etc.
Alternatively if you don't mind .aspx extension in your URL's you could use: http://myweb/app/idx.aspx/products/1 - that works fine.
Having said that, the real solution is using IIS 7, where the ASP.NET runtime is a fully fledged part of the IIS HTTP module stack.
If you have the latest version of IIS there is rewrite module for it - see here. If not there are free third party binaries you can use with older IIS (i.e. version 6) - I have used one that reads the rewrite rules from an .ini file and supports regular expression but I cant remember its name sorry (its possibly this). I'd recommend this over cheaping it out with the 404 page.
You have to map all requests through the ASP.NET engine. The way IIS processes requests is by the file extension. By default it only processes the .aspx, .ashx, etc extensions that are meant to only be processed by ASP.NET. The reason is it adds overhead to the processing of the request.
I wrote how to do it with IIS 6 a while back,
You are right in doing your mapping from the database. RegEx rewriting, like is used out of the box in MVC. This is because it more or less forces you to put the primary key in the URL and does not have a good way to map characters that are not allowed in URLs, like '.
Did you checked the ASP .Net MVC Framework? Using that framework all your URLs are automatically mapped to Controllers which could perform any desired action (including redirecting to other URLs or controllers). You could also set custom routes with custom parameters. If you don't have seen it yet, maybe it will worth the look.
