Mocking a base class method call with Moq - moq

I am modifiying a class method which formats some input paramater dates which are subsequently used as params in a method call into the base class (which lives in another assembly).
I want to verify that the dates i pass in to my method are in the correct format when they are passed to the base class method so i would like to Moq the base class method call. Is this possible with Moq?

As of 2013 with latest Moq you can. Here is an example
public class ViewModelBase
public virtual bool IsValid(DateTime date)
//some complex shared stuff here
public class MyViewModel : ViewModelBase
public void Save(DateTime date)
if (IsValid(date))
//do something here
public void MyTest()
var mockMyViewModel = new Mock<MyViewModel>(){CallBase = true};
mockMyViewModel.Setup(x => x.IsValid(It.IsAny<DateTime>())).Returns(true);
//do your assertions here

If I understand your question correctly, you have a class A defined in some other assembly, and then an class B implemented more or less like this:
public class B : A
public override MyMethod(object input)
// Do something
And now you want to verify that base.MyMethod is called?
I don't see how you can do this with a dynamic mock library. All dynamic mock libraries (with the exception of TypeMock) work by dynamically emitting classes that derive from the type in question.
In your case, you can't very well ask Moq to derive from A, since you want to test B.
This means that you must ask Moq to give you a Mock<B>. However, this means that the emitted type derives from B, and while it can override MyMethod (which is still virtual) and call its base (B.MyMethod), it has no way of getting to the original class and verify that B calls base.MyMethod.
Imagine that you have to write a class (C) that derives from B. While you can override MyMethod, there's no way you can verify that B calls A:
public class C : B
public override MyMethod(object input)
// How to verify that base calls its base?
// base in this context means B, not A
Again with the possible exception of TypeMock, dynamic mock libraries cannot do anything that you cannot do manually.
However, I would assume that calling the base method you are trying to verify has some observable side effect, so if possible, can you use state-based testing instead of behaviour-based testing to verify the outcome of calling the method?
In any case, state-based testing ought to be your default approach in most cases.

Agree with Mark, it's not possible using Moq.
Depending on your situation you may consider swithcing from inheritance to composition. Then you'll be able to mock the dependency and verify your method. Of course in some cases it just might not worth it.

wrap the base class method in a method and setup that method
public class B : A
public virtual BaseMyMethod(object input)
// Do something
public override MyMethod(object input)
// Do something
and now Setup the BaseMyMethod

It is quite possible mocking base class. But you will have to modify target class.
For ex. DerivedClass extends BaseClass.
BaseClass has methods MethodA(), MethodB(), MethodC()...
The DerivedClass has this method:
void MyMethod() {
You want to mock base class in order to validate that all MethodA(), MethodB(), MethodC() are being called inside MyMethod().
You have to create a field in the DerivedClass:
class DerivedClass {
private BaseClass self = this;
And also You have to modify the MyMethod():
void MyMethod() {
Also add a method, which can inject the this.self field with Mock object
public void setMock(BaseClass mock) {
this.self = mock;
Now you can mock:
DerivedClass target = new DerivedClass ();
BaseClass mock = new Mock(typeof(BaseClass));
Using this technic, you can also mock nested method calls.

I found this solution - ugly but it could work.
var real = new SubCoreClass();
var mock = new Mock<SubCoreClass>();
mock.CallBase = true;
var obj = mock.Object;
.Setup(c => c.Execute())
.Callback(() =>
obj.CallBaseMember(typeof(Action), real, "Execute");
public static Delegate CreateBaseCallDelegate(object injectedInstance, Type templateDelegate, object instanceOfBase, string methodName)
var deleg = Delegate.CreateDelegate(templateDelegate, instanceOfBase, methodName);
deleg.GetType().BaseType.BaseType.GetField("_target", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(deleg, injectedInstance);
return deleg;
public static object CallBaseMember(this object injectedInstance, Type templateDelegate, object instanceOfBase, string methodName, params object[] arguments)
return CreateBaseCallDelegate(injectedInstance, templateDelegate, instanceOfBase, methodName).DynamicInvoke(arguments);


How to make a field set-able only inside extension method

Hello i want to be able to set the a of a field of an object only in an extension method. I would want that this field to either be completelely private , or be just get-able from outside:
public class Myclass
private int Value{get;set;}
public static class Ext
public Myclass SetValue(this Myclass obj,int val)
return obj;
As you can see in the above example , i have to declare Value public to be able to access it inside the extension , i would be ok with that if i could make the variable only get-ablefrom outside.
I need this functionality because i want to develop something like a fluent api , where you can only set some variables using the extension.
a=new Myclass();
a.SetValue1(1).SetValue2(2);//--some code //--a.SetValue3(3);
It sounds like you're using the wrong tool for the job, extension methods don't have access non-public members.
The behavior you want is restricted to instance methods or properties. My recommendation is to add an instance method to the class.
If that doesn't persuade you, then you can instead use reflection to update the private instance variable:
public static class Ext
public Myclass SetValue(this Myclass obj,int val)
var myType = typeof(Myclass);
var myField = myType.GetField("Value", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
myField.SetValue(obj, val);
return obj;
Please note that this has the following gotchas:
There are no compile time checks to save you if you decide to rename the field Value. (though unit tests can protect you)
Reflection is typically much slower than regular instance methods. (though performance may not matter if this method isn't called frequently)
you want it to do it with extension method but you cannot in this case.
Your best option is
public class Myclass
public int Value{get; private set;}
public Myclass SetValue(int val)
return obj;

Asp.Net Web Api - attribute for not binding/formatting a parameter?

I have a method on an ApiController that looks like this:
public IEnumerable<Items> GetSlideSets() {
IServiceClass serviceClass = new ServiceClass();
Yes, I am aware that this is not good design but I'm addressing this issue in a different iteration.
At a certain point in my application I need to call this functionality from within the project itself so I thought I could simply reuse the controller (and why not, I can pluck it out of my IoC container). The only problem is that in this case, I need to inject my own implementation of IServiceClass, easy enough:
public IEnumerable<Items> GetSlideSets(IServiceClass serviceClass = null) {
serviceClass = serviceClass ?? new ServiceClass();
Except now I am getting errors when calling this via a regular Api call Optionalparameter 'serviceClass' is not supported by FormatterParameterBinding.
I know that there are various attributes that control bindings. Is there one that I can put on the parameter to say it shouldn't bind.
Like others have mentioned, it's probably a better idea to inject the dependency in the constructor.
But if you really must avoid binding an action parameter, there isn't a built-in attribute but you can create one pretty easily. Here's what it could look like:
public class DontBindAttribute : ParameterBindingAttribute
public override HttpParameterBinding GetBinding(HttpParameterDescriptor parameter)
return new DontBindParameterBinding(parameter);
private class DontBindParameterBinding : HttpParameterBinding
public DontBindParameterBinding(HttpParameterDescriptor parameter) : base(parameter)
public override Task ExecuteBindingAsync(ModelMetadataProvider metadataProvider, HttpActionContext actionContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
actionContext.ActionArguments.Add(Descriptor.ParameterName, Descriptor.DefaultValue);
var completedTaskSource = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
return completedTaskSource.Task;
You just need to apply the attribute to the parameter afterwards:
public IEnumerable<Items> GetSlideSets([DontBind] IServiceClass serviceClass = null)

How to setup Moq to execute some methods of a Moq

I have a test where I pass in an object like so:
var repo = new ActualRepo();
var sut = new Sut(repo);
In my test, Repo has one method that I need to actually execute, whilst another method I want to mock out and not execute.
So for example, take this pseudocode:
var repo = new Mock<IRepo>();
repo.Setup(m => m.MethodIWantToCall()).WillBeExecuted();
repo.Setup(m => m.MethodIWantToMock()).Returns(false);
Using Moq, is this possible and how can it be done?
I've used TypeMock in the past and you can do something like.
Isolator.When(() => repo.MethodToIgnore()).WillBeIgnored();
Isolator.When(() => repo.MethodToActuallyRun()).WillBeExecuted();
Not too sure from the question if this is useful but it is possible to partially mock an object if the method that you want to mock is virtual.
public class Foo {
public string GetLive() {
return "Hello";
public virtual string GetMock() {
return "Hello";
public class Snafu {
private Foo _foo;
public Snafu(Foo foo) {
_foo = foo;
public string GetMessage() {
return string.Format("{0} {1}", _foo.GetLive(), _foo.GetMock());
public void NotMocked() {
var snafu = new Snafu(new Foo());
Assert.AreEqual("Hello Hello", snafu.GetMessage());
public void Mocked() {
var mockFoo = new Mock<Foo>();
mockFoo.Setup(mk => mk.GetMock()).Returns("World");
var snafu = new Snafu(mockFoo.Object);
Assert.AreEqual("Hello World", snafu.GetMessage());
You can't do this with Moq if you use the same object unless one of the method is virtual and you are basing your mock on a type rather than an interface.
That's because when you are passing a mock object based on an interface, you aren't passing a real object so it does not have access to the real methods of the object.
You are passing a dynamic proxy which will respond to methods it has been setup to respond to.
I believe TypeMock rewrites the assemblies at runtime to achieve this, something Moq definitively doesn't do.
If you want to achieve similar results with Moq:
You could mock both methods
You would have to extract both methods to different dependencies so as to mock one dependency and not the other.
You could have the method you need mocked be virtual, which would be the solution I would prefer.
EDIT : I edited my answer for correctness after reading AlanT's answer.

Moq a static method in static class

public Product GetbyID(int id)
//mycode Product p=..........
catch (DataAccessException ex)
throw new BusinessException(ex.ErrorCode);
catch (Exception ex)
return p;
Given above is a code snippet that i need to write test cases.
here LogException(ex); is a static method in static class BusinessExceptionHandler
I have reference to Moq frame work 2.6.1014.1
How can I Moq the method BusinessExceptionHandler.LogException
I do prefer a mocking mechanism that don't need any change in method GetbyID
Moq doesn't allow the mocking of static methods so you will probably need to change the working of the static method. One option is to have the static method call an instance method of a dependency. So you'll create a "Logger" class with a Log method and add a static Logger field / property (BusinessExceptionHandler.Logger) to your static class. In the real-world scenario you can populate BusinessExceptionHandler.Logger with a standard Logger instance, using it as a Singleton. For testing, inject a Mock into the BusinessExceptionHandler.Logger and set up your expectations and verify against the mock.
Moq (and NMock, RhinoMock) will not help you here. You will have to create a wrapper class ( and virtual method ) around the LogException and use it in production code and test using that.
Or you can use a tool like TypeMock, Microsoft.Fakes etc ( ) if you absolutely cannot change your existing code.
Here is how I get around the problem. Say this is the class you want to unit-test:
public static class TaskFactory
public static T CreateTask<T>(long workRequestId, ProcessTriggerType workRequestType)
var task = some code to do the work;
return (T)task;
Create an interface and a wrapper class implementing it:
public interface ITaskFactoryFacade
T CreateTask<T>(long workRequestId, ProcessTriggerType workRequestType);
public class TaskFactoryFacade : ITaskFactoryFacade
public T CreateTask<T>(long workRequestId, ProcessTriggerType workRequestType)
return TaskFactory.CreateTask<T>(workRequestId, workRequestType);
Now mock out this class:
var taskFactoryFacadeMock = new Mock<ITaskFactoryFacade>();
taskFactoryFacadeMock.Setup(t => t.CreateTask<SomeTask>(It.IsAny<long>(), It.IsAny<SomeType>())).Returns(new SomeTask());
Happy Moqing.

How to Verify another method in the class was called using Moq

This seems like something simple but I can't seem to get it to work.
I have a class with a Save method that simply calls another method ShouldBeCalled(). I want to verify that if I call Save() that the other method ShouldBeCalled() is executed at least once. I thought that I could do the following.
public class ClassA
public virtual void Save()
public virtual void ShouldBeCalled()
//This should get executed
public class ClassA_Test
public void Save_Should_Call_ShouldBeCalled()
var mockClassA = new Mock<ClassA>();
mockClassA.Verify(x => x.ShouldBeCalled(), Times.AtLeastOnce());
But I get the exception "Expected invocation on the mock at least once, but was never performed: x => x.ShouldBeCalled()"
It is just a guess but Is Moq overriding the Save() method with it's own version which ignores anything I have inside the real object's Save() method.
You are having this problem because you are mocking what you are testing. This doesn't make sense.
You are correct that Moq will replace the implementation of your method with its own. The reason is you are supposed to use Moq to mock things the class you are testing calls, not the class you are testing itself.
This test would be appropriate if your code were designed thusly:
public class ClassA
BusinessLogicClass bl;
public ClassA(BusinessLogicClass bl)
{ = bl;
public void Save()
public class BusinessLogicClass
public virtual void ShouldBeCalled()
//This should get executed
And here is the correct test of that method now:
public class ClassA_Test
public void Save_ShouldCallShouldBeCalled()
var mockBLClass = new Mock<BusinessLogicClass>();
mockBLClass.Setup(x => x.ShouldBeCalled()).Verifyable();
ClassA classA = new ClassA(mockBLClass.Object);
The key lesson here is that you mock/stub what your test needs to run, not what you are testing itself.
Hope this helps,
Try using the CallBase = true and then false. I ran your code and it works.
var mockClassA = new Mock<ClassA>();
mockClassA.CallBase = true;
mockClassA.CallBase = false;
mockClassA.Verify(x => x.ShouldBeCalled(), Times.AtLeastOnce());
Yes, this can be done. However, you need to add a line of code to have Moq track whether or not the ShouldBeCalled method was indeed called.
Something like the following will work:
var mockClassA = new Mock<ClassA>();
mockClassA.Setup(x => x.ShouldBeCalled()).Verifiable();
mockClassA.Verify(x => s.ShouldBeCalled(), Times.AtLeastOnce());
The Setup method sets up expectations. When you call Verify, you are asking Moq to verify these expectations. If you don't make a Setup call to create expectations for the ShouldBeCalled method, then Moq doesn't consider it to be trackable and will therefore fail hard when you try to Verify it.
You can stub methods in the system under test using CallBase.
public class ClassA_Test
public void Save_Should_Call_ShouldBeCalled()
// Arrange
var mockClassA = new Mock<ClassA>();
mockClassA.CallBase = true; // this will call real methods unless the method is mocked/stubbed.
mockClassA.Setup(a => a.ShouldBeCalled());
// Act
// Assert
mockClassA.Verify(a => a.ShouldBeCalled(), Times.Once());
