Open and Close Popup windows without Javascript in ASP.NET -

How can I Open and Close Popup windows without Javascript in ASP.NET?

What do you mean "Popup windows".
JavaScript allows you to manipulate the properties of a window object allowing you to remove the status bar, address bar, set the size and position of the new window and other things.
The only other way (short of using VB script :) is to have links with target set to _blank.
But then you can't customise the new window.

You can't.
Opening and closing popups implies javascript code execution on the client side.
You could eventually create an ASP.Net panel that looks like a popup and set it visible/invisible during the postback but it won't behave like a 'real' popup.

Unless otherwise but I conquer with #Olivier that you can't do that without using Javascript. Even with the solution given by #Avi, you are still using Javascript though it is kinda abstracted from you.
Maybe, you could explain why you don't want to use javascript because even without the AjaxControl, it is kinda pretty easy to open and specify other properties of pop up windows.


navigateToURL ... set modal property

When a user clicks a button, I need a separate browser window to popup. How can I set the modal property of the application? (ie, when a popup window opens, the main application is disabled until that popup is closed ... I need to use a browser window rather than a popup window, but can't figure out how to disable the main application)
PopUpManager.createPopUp (this, navigateToURL( url, "" ) , true );
[[Updated Answer]]
Ok, my modal dialog looks like so:
cg = mx.managers.PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, ChoiceGrid, true) as ChoiceGrid;
But, what I would do instead of what you're asking, is embed an IFrame in the modal popup. This is exactly what we're doing in our app to collect CC data (well, not the popup part, just the IFrame bit.
This way, you have the standard modal dialog you're looking for, AND an internally managed 'view' out to your checkout server. Something like this:
<code:IFrame id="iFrameWithJSfunctions"
src="{checkoutURL}" />
The flex-iframe is pretty easy to work with, for the most part. You shouldn't have many problems with it.
[[Original Answer]]
I'm not sure you need a PopUp to do this.
Why don't you simply do:
You should think of a Flex App as a self contained entity. The PopUpManager is designed to create Windows (Panels / any UIComponent) that reside over another component inside the SWF. It does not create items that pop up out of the SWF or in new browser windows.
navigateToURL could be used to create a HTML pop-up from your Flex application. However, there is very little--if any--communication between the SWF and the browser pop up. And there is no way to make a modal pop-up.
You might investigate performing an ExternalInterface call and creating your new pop up in JavaScript. Here is an article about creating modal windows in JavaScript. Before going too far down that road, I would think carefully about your requirements. How would feel if one browser window popped open another browser window and prevented you from doing any browsing until you addressed the issues in that window. Or to put it another way, how would you feel if Microsoft Word opened a word document and wouldn't let you edit any other document until you shut down the first one? I'd be pretty upset.
Modal application dialogs are one thing. And the PopUpManager allows you to create those. I would consider Model application windows a bad UI decision.

html checkbox with an 'x' instead of the traditional tick

is it possible display a 'x' for an html checkbox when we click on it. Traditionally on ie, (on winxp and greater) it appears as a 'tick' mark. Can we change this? Or else what is the alternative to this in
I guess you can hack something using images instead of a real checkbox, using javascript to change the image selection
I'm not sure if you are talking to Web Application or Windows application.
Let's assume that you meant Web application.
You can't change normal input, it's something in system settings.
However, you can put Javascript that will put CSS images instead.
Example: or
Check out the Ajax Control Toolkit's ToggleButton Control:
I think it might be what you're looking for.
there's fancy-forms to accomplish exactly this

popups in

i want to display the pop ups in page like how the stack over flow show the pop ups on the top of the site (you get the new answer for the question like that in a orange color) how can i write the code is there any free source code or any reference. thank you
Given below are the steps to achieve what you want.
Have a div (a container) to show your updates
Create a window.setTimeout to execute a JS function (AJAX)
In that function check for updates from server
Finally if there are any updates then show it in the div container
When there are updates then again setTimeout to make it invisible over a period of time (say 3 secs)
To achieve this in a very easy fashion use JS libraries like JQuery.
Thats not a 'popup', its probably just a standard DIV that has its height and content changed dynamically. You can do a "view source" on the page to locate the item, or use firebug (easier).
After looking, its a div called 'notify-container'.
These days, all that wizzery is generally done with jQuery
The ajax control toolkit has that. Check it out here.
I think you'll find that's done using a holding container at the top of the page, a timer to periodically query an AJAX enabled method for updates which replaces the content of the container based on the response.

Removing Warning Image

How to remove The warning image of the alert box in Javascript. I want to delete the warning image from the javascript alert window. Is it Possible?
Unfortunately, the look-and-feel of the result of an alert() call is browser dependent. Each browser implements it differently.
If you need to change the look of a browser dialog box, you'll have to implement your own. There's a lot of options out there. JQuery UI is a particularly popular one if you happen to be using JQuery.
You won't be able to change it. Better use a custom alert box.
jQuery Impromptu
is a nice one with a lot of options

How do I create a popup from Flex without a browser toolbar?

I'm trying to launch a popup window from Flex, but the popup window needs to have certain properties as one can usually specify with the JavaScript For example, the popup window should not have a browser toolbar or URL box.
I've tried using navigateToURL, which works fine, but I can't find a way to specify the popup window properties.
I've tried using, but the popup gets blocked when calling directly, or even creating a custom JS function that calls
I don't think it's even possible to disable the browser toolbar or URL box in a lot of browsers (I certainly do not allow it on any of the browsers I use).
If you're using navigateToURL, why can't the page you're opening run the JS to try to disable the toolbar and URL? I think you can also attach attributes to the URL if you wanted to send properties over.
You can use PopUpManager class of Flex for creating custom pop up box.
This example may help you. Custom PopUp
Check out AndrewT's blog about checking for popup blockers.
If not blocked, then use ExternalInterface; otherwise use the flex popup.
Detecting Popup Blockers
Or better yet, use SWFAddress v2.3 (javascript and AS3) modules. The AS3 has SWFAddress::popup() facade that proxies the poup call to the javascript. You can modify the SWFAdress.js popup function to use Andrew's logic and return a status. This would be a best practice: leveraging superlative SWFAddress library from flex for deeplinking, google analytics, and popups.
