Comparing and rationalizing CSS - not file or diff based - css

I'm in the process of taking a couple of separate applications, and combining them.
One problem is rationalizing the CSS between the two app - app1 has two css files, while app2 has about 8 of them. Much of the CSS between the two apps is the same, but there are some differences. I'm looking for a tool to compare all the elements of each app, and show what's missing, what's different, etc. Ideally the output would be 3 files: Common, app1 and app2, but I won't be that fussy if it can just show me the differences between the two apps.
Does such a tool exist?

If you hate downloading tools, there's an online version of css comparer here
It provides a comparison of css class files between two files

I don't know of a stand-alone tool tailored for this specific purpose. There's a PHP class called "CSS Comparer", but I have no idea how easy it is to use. The screenshot on that page looks promising though.
Personally, I would probably just concatenate all the files together, so that you have one file for each app, and then run a diff on them. To make it even easier, you could run both files through something like CSSTidy or do some imaginative file processing with search/replace and sorting. That could get all the declarations in the same order in both files, so the diff would be clearer.

Combine all of these files into a single file and give it a run through a CSS optimizer or compressor. An optimizer should see all of your duplicate selectors and weed them out.
I'd recommend YUI's compressor, but there are plenty of web-based compressors/optimizers available, too. Here's one and another. YMMV with them, but a good Google search can turn up a bunch more.

Normally I'd recommend diff. Since you explicitly write that you are looking for something "not diff based", maybe you could describe why diff does not help you.
Then others might be able to propose something different.


Unix app to write custom syntax to can check it

well the question is, exist some app or language/etc to write a custom syntax to can check files?
You know, when we works in different places, ppl and projects every one have differents rules to how write, code style and all that things, the idea its can check all this things because at least to me normally i forgot something.
Ideally some app without a heavy GUI, thinking maybe a terminal app, or editors like gedit, avoid plis apps like Eclipse and similars.
For now i need only check simple parts, if you can recommend both a simple/limited app and a complex/full app would be great.
Obvs, if exist a simple/full app, will be better.
If what you're looking for is a program that rewrites a source code given a specific coding style, I advise you to take a look at GNU Indent.
If you want to do more complex operations like build an AST and work on it to add things, edit, check for existing dependencies or whatever, you'll want to use a tool like Flex/Bison, Clang, Pyrser, etc.

CSS-precompiler LESS and/or SASS

Is there a way to avoid working with the command-line installing and using LESS??
There are several offers for GUIs for the compiling-phase, but I did not find a way for the Installation-Phase.
I have been working in the IT-business for so many decades (more in the mainframe and midrange area and as a project-manager and programmer in the application development) and could by now avoid to go as far down to the command-line-world.
I did develop quite fine Websites using HTML5 and CSS3 and doint this I felt a desire for all that, what LESS and/or SASS are offering and the Syntax and logics dont look difficult to handle. But I fail in the first step of just installing it.
The LESS-Website offers command-lines to key in. But I am not sure, if this will be all I have to key in, but only the significant line to be embedded in a sequence of other commands very familiar to all those working at this Level.
How do I e.g. define the place to store the Installation and to refer to in the href in the link-Statement of my html-file .... ??
Gerhard (from Vienna/Austria, living in Trier, Germany)
Less is a CSS pre-processor. if you are include less.js in you html page
You can use less directly in to your html page.
Other ways you can use less compiler
Kola this is an open source application it will help you to compile less to css
Your Topics are clear to me. I even downloaded Koala already and I have no Problem in including less.js in my html. And I have read Bass Jobsens book about the Syntax, which does not seem to raise great Problems to me.
But before working with it, I will have to download LESS -what I have done from the Less-Website to the Folder of my choice. My Problem is the next necessary step: To install this downloaded program. There is no install.exe or something like that. The book as well as the info in the less-Website tell me to key some crpytic commands into the command-line.

Documentation Generation - What boxes should I aim to tick?

I'm looking at requiring my team to document their code more thoroughly for some major upcoming projects and to make life a little less painful, I am steering towards XML documentation generators such as Sandcastle, Doxygen or Box Live Documenter.
What are the key considerations I should keep in mind when evaluating the best option and what experiences have led you to a particular decision?
For me the key considerations would be:
Fully automated: Can it be set up in such a way so that pretty much
no outside work is required to
create or edit the documentation.
Fully styled: Can the documentation be fully styled so
that it looks great in a wiki or pdf
after it’s generated. I should be
able to change colors, font sizes,
layouts, etc.
Good Filtering: Can I select only the items I want to be
generated. I should be able to
filter the namespaces, file types,
classes, etc.
Customization: Can I include headers, footers, custom elements,
I found Doxygen could do all of this. Our workflow is as follows:
Developer makes a change to the code
They update the documentation tags right above the code they just changed
We click a generate button
Doxygen will then extract all the XML documentation from the code, filter it to only include the classes and methods we want, and apply the CSS styling we’ve pre-made for it. Our end result is an internal wiki that looks the way we want, and doesn’t require editing.
Extra: We have all our projects in various git repositories. We pull all these down to one root folder and generate the docs form this root folder..
Would be interested to know how others are automating even further..?
Who is paying for the documentation and why? (is the system stable enough, does it add enough value)
Who is going to read it, and why is she not using a more effective communication channel?
(if correct mostly distance in time/place)
Who is going to keep it up to date.
When are you going to destroy it? (Automatically if it hasn't been read or updated in the past three months?)
I mostly prefer better code to make my life less painful, over more documentation, but I like scenario & unit tests and a high level architecture description.
[edit] Documentation costs time and money to write and keep up to date. JavaDoc style documentation has a serious detrimental effect on the amount of code simultaneously visible and might be a good idea for the developers using the code, but not for those writing it.

Using .ai (adobe illustrator) variables with Drupal variables

As we know that we can assign the variables to Adobe illustrator file. Is it possible to access these variables by using Drupal 7 variables feature?
Short answer: no.
Longer answer: This is theoretically possible, but.
What you're referring to really amounts to rewriting some of the fundamental underpinnings of the internet. This would require, at minimum, extremely innovative development and entirely recreating several major software components. For example:
1) Users' browsers read and render hypertext. They would need to be rewritten to understand AI equivalents of links, pages, and other internet standards.
2) Javacript, Jquery, and other client-side components would need to be rebuilt from scratch. You would also need to invent a new CSS and DOM that their replacements can understand.
3) Apache .... would be mostly okay with some minor tweaks. One or two new extensions at most.
4) PHP (which stands for "PHP hypertext preprocessor" and not "PHP advanced graphical tool") would need to be entirely redone, along with all of it's extensions, integrations, and fundamental concepts.
5) Drupal and all its modules (which are build on the assumption that the output will be hypertext) would need to be substantially retooled. In particular, you would need a replacement for PHPTemplate that accesses AI objects.
So: There's a lot to do. I would say "let's get started," except that 6) AI is a proprietary product and we don't have licenses to develop and extend it.
I think it depends on what you want to do with the resulting file. Are you thinking of a variable data Illustrator document that would be generated from the values in Drupal? If so, I think that is very possible. The Illustrator file format specification is somewhat available, you would just need to process the file without the help of Illustrator (which may present some challenges).
If you want to generate something that would be viewable in a browser you're better off using SVG with some sort of placeholder that you could replace with regular expressions or maybe some XPath queries to get the nodes you want to manipulate and then adding your values there.
As Dominic said, the end use isn't very clear here so the answers are really dependent on what you need to accomplish.

Tool to merge 3 CSS files

Merging huge CSS files is huge pain,
Hi i found some question asked on the same line. I tried some of the tools but they end up merging line by line rather than on the basis or CSS rules.
Now i thought i should right one good program to do following,
1. read CSS file convert in XML
2. sort it on the basis of CSS rule
Now write one more program to consume 3 XML files find different classes and merge the files nicely based on CSS rules.
How ever that turned out to be good amount of work and i hope there must be someone who must have faced this problem before me and solved it clean way.
Please add your thoughts and suggestions, I would love to know the tool for this however i would also love to know how to design/code for this kind of tool? Am i thinking on right track ?
Thanks All,
There is a free tool called CSS Merge. Have you tried it?
Since order is important in CSS, it is difficult to merge files more sensibly than simply concatenating them. Certainly, this can't be done in the general case. In a specific case you might be able to produce a tool that can do it.
