Reimplement ASP.NET Membership and User Password Hashing in Ruby -

I have a large database of users (~200,000) that I'm transferring from a ASP.NET application to a Ruby on Rails application. I don't really want to ask every user to reset their password and so I'm trying to re-implement the C# password hashing function in Ruby.
The old function is this:
public string EncodePassword(string pass, string saltBase64)
byte[] bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(pass);
byte[] src = Convert.FromBase64String(saltBase64);
byte[] dst = new byte[src.Length + bytes.Length];
Buffer.BlockCopy(src, 0, dst, 0, src.Length);
Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, dst, src.Length, bytes.Length);
HashAlgorithm algorithm = HashAlgorithm.Create("SHA1");
byte[] inArray = algorithm.ComputeHash(dst);
return Convert.ToBase64String(inArray);
An example hashed password and salt is (and the password used was "password"):
Hashed password: "weEWx4rhyPtd3kec7usysxf7kpk="
Salt: "1ptFxHq7ALe7yXIQDdzQ9Q=="
Password: "password"
Now with the following Ruby code:
require "base64"
require "digest/sha1"
password = "password"
salt = "1ptFxHq7ALe7yXIQDdzQ9Q=="
concat = salt+password
sha1 = Digest::SHA1.digest(concat)
encoded = Base64.encode64(sha1)
puts encoded
I'm not getting the correct password hash (I'm getting "+BsdIOBN/Vh2U7qWG4e+O13h3iQ=" instead of "weEWx4rhyPtd3kec7usysxf7kpk="). Can anyone see what the problem might be?
Many thanks

Just a quick update, a colleague of mine has solved this:
require "base64"
require "digest"
require "jcode"
def encode_password(password, salt)
bytes = ""
password.each_char { |c| bytes += c + "\x00" }
salty = Base64.decode64(salt)
concat = salty+bytes
sha1 = Digest::SHA1.digest(concat)
encoded = Base64.encode64(sha1).strip()
puts encoded

I have been tasked with migrating an existing .NET app to Ruby on Rails. I am using the code below to mimic the .NET password hashing. I am very new to Ruby, and don't know .NET at all. The code may not be as clean as it could, but it's a start.
To test, save this as a Ruby script and run with:
ruby script plain_text_password salt_in_base64
ruby dotNetHash.rb password123 LU7hUk4MXAvlq6DksvP9SQ==
require "base64"
require "digest"
# Encode password as double-width characters
password_as_text = ARGV.first
double_width_password = []
double_width_password = password_as_text.encode("UTF-16LE").bytes.to_a
# Unencode the salt
salt = Base64.decode64(ARGV[1])
# Concatenate salt+pass
salt_pass_array = []
salt_pass_array = salt.bytes.to_a + double_width_password
# Repack array as string and hash it. Then encode.
salt_pass_str = salt_pass_array.pack('C*')
sha1_saltpass = Digest::SHA1.digest(salt_pass_str)
enc_sha1_saltpass = Base64.encode64(sha1_saltpass).strip()
puts "Encoded SHA1 saltpass is " + enc_sha1_saltpass

You are pretty close. Unfortunately Ruby has no built-in unicode support at the moment, and your hashing function relies on it. There are workarounds. Look around the site on how to do unicode in Ruby.
BTW, I think you forgot to base64 decode the salt, it looks like the function does that.

You need to unencode the salt to convert it back to it's byte representation and then concatenate that with the password to get the hashed password value. You're using the encoding salt string directly (which is a different salt) and thus it is hashing to something different.
require "base64"
require "digest/sha1"
password = "password"
salt = Base64.decode64("1ptFxHq7ALe7yXIQDdzQ9Q==")
concat = salt+password
sha1 = Digest::SHA1.digest(concat)
encoded = Base64.encode64(sha1)
puts encoded


Encryption with Crypto.js and pycrypto generates different encryption cipher text

I am trying to generate encrypted text in Node using Crypto.js using its AES algorithm. It works in Js for encryption and decryption both. Similarly I tried implementing same in Python using pycrypto and it does encryption and decryption both in python. But the problem arises when I want to use encrypted cipher text from JS to decrypt in Python. The problem is that the encrypted text generated in JS is different from what is generated in Python.
Here is the JS based usage of AES:
import CryptoJS from "crypto-js";
let str = "lol";
salt = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(salt);
key = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(key);
const options = {
iv: salt,
padding: CryptoJS.pad.ZeroPadding,
mode: CryptoJS.mode.CFB,
// function to encrypt the string
function encrypt(str, salt, key) {
const cipher = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(str, key, options);
console.log("cipher", CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(cipher.ciphertext));
return cipher.ciphertext.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
// function to decrypt the string
function decrypt(str, salt, key) {
const cipher = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(str, key, options);
return cipher.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
const encrypted = encrypt(str, salt, key);
console.log("encrypted", encrypted);
const decrypted = decrypt(encrypted, salt, key);
console.log("decrypted", decrypted);
// encrypted sd4Xpz/ws8x2j+cgF17t6A==
// decrypted lol
Here is the Python based usage of AES:
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
str = "lol";
enc_dec_method = 'utf-8'
def encrypt(str_to_enc, str_key, salt):
aes_obj ='utf-8'), AES.MODE_CFB, salt)
hx_enc = aes_obj.encrypt(str_to_enc.encode('utf8'))
df = b64encode(hx_enc)
mret = b64encode(hx_enc).decode(enc_dec_method)
return mret
def decrypt(str_to_dec, str_key, salt):
aes_obj ='utf-8'), AES.MODE_CFB, salt)
str_tmp = b64decode(str_to_dec.encode(enc_dec_method))
str_dec = aes_obj.decrypt(str_tmp)
mret = str_dec.decode(enc_dec_method)
return mret
test_enc_text = encrypt(str, key, salt)
test_dec_text = decrypt(test_enc_text, key, salt)
print(f"Encrypted Text: {test_enc_text}")
print(f"Decrypted Text: {test_dec_text}")
# Encrypted Text: o9XB
# Decrypted Text: lol
I tired encrypting and decrypting in both the languages and check the the documentation and source code on both the libraries.
Did also trying checking if I am missing encoding or decoding, but had no luck.
What key concept am I missing here which can help bridge the gap of compatibility here?
The codes are incompatible because:
Key and IV are not hex encoded, so the hex encoder must not be used in the CryptoJS code. If Utf-8 encoding is to be applied as in the Python code, the Utf-8 encoder must be used instead.
salt = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(salt);
key = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(key);
CFB is a stream cipher mode that does not require padding. However, in the current CryptoJS code, Zero padding is used (CryptoJS.pad.ZeroPadding). Instead, the padding has to be disabled (which does not happen implicitly, unlike in the Python code):
padding: CryptoJS.pad.NoPadding,
CFB is configured with an additional parameter, the segment size, which specifies the number of bits encrypted per encryption step. The CryptoJS code supports only one segment size, 128 bits. With PyCryptodome the segment size can be configured, by default 8 bits are used. For compatibility it must be changed to 128 bits:
aes_obj ='utf-8'), AES.MODE_CFB, salt, segment_size=128)
With these changes both codes are compatible.
Test: Both codes provide the following ciphertext for the following plaintext:
plaintext: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
ciphertext: m0T/7e04eV49RTcgd7KtwHxSOavNzHNwlrvjt1YmmHidBy4rHS0oovclKQ==
Note that what you call salt is actually the initialization vector (IV). The term salt is more commonly used in the context of key derivation functions (like PBKDF2).
Regarding security: The values used for salt and IV are OK for testing, but in a real world scenario a random byte sequence has to be applied for the IV for each encryption, which has to be passed along with the ciphertext to the decrypting side (generally concatenated).
Also, as key no passphrase has to be used, but a random byte sequence. A passphrase (a strong one of course) may only be applied in combination with a key derivation function.

AES encryption using CryptoJS

I have the following requirements regarding encryption of url parameters. As I am newly to CryptoJS I can not figure out how to perform all steps using CryptoJS. Can anybody help me with example code to perform this steps?
Encrypt Requirements
Generate a secret key from the given password.
Receive the password which is coupled with the system name. (This is already available)
Generate a random nonce in byte-array as the password’s salt which has a length 16-bytes.
Set the number of iterations for secret key as 65536.
Set the length of secret key as 256-bit (not bytes).
Set the algorithm name for key derivation using PBKDF2 with HMAC and SHA-2.
Set the algorithm name of key generation as “AES”.
Create a secret key with the function of library or tool with all sets above.
Encrypt the JSON-string with the above generated secret key.
Generate a random nonce in byte-array as the IV (initial vector) which has a length 12-bytes for encryption.
Select encrypt mode for the crypto in your function or tool for encryption.
Set the name of crypto algorithm which is for AES in GCM mode and without any padding.
Set the length of authentication tag for GCM as 128-bits (not bytes).
Convert your JSON-string which contains customer information to a byte-array(plainText) with character set UFT-8.
Encrypt the plainText with all sets and the secret key in last step to a new byte-array(cipherText)
Prefix the generated IV and password’s salt to the cipherText .
Create a new byte-array (cipherTextWithIvSalt).
Add the 12-bytes IV in cipherTextWithIvSalt at first.
Add the 16-bytes password’s salt in cipherTextWithIvSalt after that.
Add the cipherText in cipherTextWithIvSalt at last.
cipherTextWithIvSalt is now in form “IV + salt + cipherText”
Encode the cipherTextWithIvSalt.
Encode the cipherTextWithIvSalt to a new byte-array (encodedCipherTextWithIvSalt) by using Base64
Build a displayable encrypted string.
Build a new string from byte-array encodedCipherTextWithIvSalt with character set UTF-8.
I have tried to do it myself but it does not work here is the example of my js code:
<script src=""></script>
let secretKey = generateKey(salt);
let iv = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(96 / 8);
let JSON_String = "{"Name":"Max", "Firstname":"Mustermann"}";
let plainText = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(JSON_String);
let cipherText = encryptJSONString(plainText, secretKey, iv);
let cipherTextWithIvSalt = prefixCipherTextWithSaltAndIV(iv, secretKey, cipherText);
let encodedCipherTextWithIvSalt = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(cipherTextWithIvSalt);
let displayableText = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.stringify(encodedCipherTextWithIvSalt);
function generateKey(password) {
var salt = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(128 / 8);
return CryptoJS.PBKDF2(password, salt, { keySize: 256 / 32, iterations: 65536, hasher: CryptoJS.algo.SHA256 });
function encryptJSONString(plainText, secretKey, iv) {
//mode: CryptoJS.mode.GCM
return CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(plainText, secretKey, { iv: iv, padding: CryptoJS.pad.NoPadding });
function prefixCipherTextWithSaltAndIV(iv, secretKey, cipherText) {
let byteArray = [];
return byteArray;
Thank you very much in advance!

Difference between C# cryptoSha256 and HashLib Sha256

Good morning,
I need to Encryption a file in a Hash mode.
I look this library to use
My Test with local C# 256 Method and HashLib Method get Differents Results,
FileStream fileStream;
SHA256 sha256 = SHA256Managed.Create();
fileStream = new FileStream(localPath, FileMode.Open);
fileStream.Position = 0;
///using System.Security.Cryptography;
byte[] hashValue = sha256.ComputeHash(fileStream);
string hash = ByteArrayToString(hashValue);
#region using HashLib;
//Run Hash
IHash hash256 = HashFactory.Crypto.CreateSHA256();
HashResult result256 = hash256.ComputeStream(fileStream);
byte[] bytearray = result256.GetBytes();
string stringtest = result256.ToString();
stringtest = result256.ToString().Replace("-", "");
Result of First Method
byte[] hashValue = 94,171,27,169,32,82,120,2,177,84,58,6,216,77,110,239,85,282,75,159,183,85,70,208,22,146,201,22,47,122,153,74
string hash = 5EAB1BA920527802B1543A06D84D6EEF55FC4B9FB75546D01692C9162F7A994A
Result of Second Method with HashLib
var bytearray = 227,176,196,66,152,252,28,20,154,251,244,200,153,11,185,36,39,174,65,228,100,155,147,76,164,149,153,27,120,82,184,85
var stringtest = E3B0C442-98FC1C14-9AFBF4C8-996FB924-27AE41E4-649B934C-A495991B-7852B855
Someone can help me? i dont understand what is the problem, why result are differents?.
I start to use this library becouse i cant sha224, sha1 with System.Security.Cryptography
You already have read everything from the stream, so you're at the end of the stream. Recreate it to perform the testing. The second string is the well known hash over an empty array (aka nuthin').
Sometimes it is easy to check your output against well known tools such as sha256sum. For instance, the empty array can be tested like this, given a normal *nix shell (e.g. Cygwin or the Windows Subsystem for Linux I suppose):
$ dd count=0 status=none | sha256sum -b | awk '{print $1}'

How to generate MD5 using VBScript in classic ASP?

I need to generate an MD5 in my application.
I've tried google but only find PHP code for MD5. I need to connect to a client system that validates using MD5 hash but their code is in PHP, mine is in Classic ASP using VBScript.
My server is .Net supported so I cannot use the PHP script. Is there any such MD5 code for VBScript in Classic ASP?
Update 2017-02-21 - Now with added HMACSHA256 for JWTs
Update 2016-07-05 - Now with added SHA1 and SHA256
Right, for all of you who have been struggling with this (like myself) and want to know, it is possible!
The following code is split up into several functions so that you can either MD5/sha1/sha256 a string, or a file.
I borrowed the functions GetBytes and BytesToBase64 from another stackexchange, and the code within stringToUTFBytes is based on another stackexchange.
function md5hashBytes(aBytes)
Dim MD5
set MD5 = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider")
'Note you MUST use computehash_2 to get the correct version of this method, and the bytes MUST be double wrapped in brackets to ensure they get passed in correctly.
md5hashBytes = MD5.ComputeHash_2( (aBytes) )
end function
function sha1hashBytes(aBytes)
Dim sha1
set sha1 = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed")
'Note you MUST use computehash_2 to get the correct version of this method, and the bytes MUST be double wrapped in brackets to ensure they get passed in correctly.
sha1hashBytes = sha1.ComputeHash_2( (aBytes) )
end function
function sha256hashBytes(aBytes)
Dim sha256
set sha256 = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed")
'Note you MUST use computehash_2 to get the correct version of this method, and the bytes MUST be double wrapped in brackets to ensure they get passed in correctly.
sha256hashBytes = sha256.ComputeHash_2( (aBytes) )
end function
function sha256HMACBytes(aBytes, aKey)
Dim sha256
set sha256 = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256")
'Note you MUST use computehash_2 to get the correct version of this method, and the bytes MUST be double wrapped in brackets to ensure they get passed in correctly.
sha256HMACBytes = sha256.ComputeHash_2( (aBytes) )
end function
function stringToUTFBytes(aString)
Dim UTF8
Set UTF8 = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding")
stringToUTFBytes = UTF8.GetBytes_4(aString)
end function
function bytesToHex(aBytes)
dim hexStr, x
for x=1 to lenb(aBytes)
hexStr= hex(ascb(midb( (aBytes),x,1)))
if len(hexStr)=1 then hexStr="0" & hexStr
bytesToHex=bytesToHex & hexStr
end function
Function BytesToBase64(varBytes)
With CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument").CreateElement("b64")
.dataType = "bin.base64"
.nodeTypedValue = varBytes
BytesToBase64 = .Text
End With
End Function
'Special version that produces the URLEncoded variant of Base64 used in JWTs.
Function BytesToBase64UrlEncode(varBytes)
With CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument").CreateElement("b64")
.dataType = "bin.base64"
.nodeTypedValue = varBytes
BytesToBase64UrlEncode = replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(.Text,chr(13),""),chr(10),""),"+", "-"),"/", "_"),"=", "")
End With
End Function
Function GetBytes(sPath)
With CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
.Type = 1 ' adTypeBinary
.LoadFromFile sPath
.Position = 0
GetBytes = .Read
End With
End Function
These can be used as follows:
BytesToBase64(md5hashBytes(stringToUTFBytes("Hello World")))
Produces: sQqNsWTgdUEFt6mb5y4/5Q==
bytesToHex(md5hashBytes(stringToUTFBytes("Hello World")))
Produces: B10A8DB164E0754105B7A99BE72E3FE5
For SHA1:
bytesToHex(sha1hashBytes(stringToUTFBytes("Hello World")))
Produces: 0A4D55A8D778E5022FAB701977C5D840BBC486D0
For SHA256:
bytesToHex(sha256hashBytes(stringToUTFBytes("Hello World")))
Produces: A591A6D40BF420404A011733CFB7B190D62C65BF0BCDA32B57B277D9AD9F146E
To get the MD5 of a file (useful for Amazon S3 MD5 checking):
Where sPath is the path to the local file.
And finally, to create a JWT:
'define the JWT header, needs to be converted to UTF bytes:
'define the JWT payload, again needs to be converted to UTF Bytes.
aPayload=stringToUTFBytes("{""sub"":""1234567890"",""name"":""John Doe"",""admin"":true}")
'Your shared key.
aSigSource=stringToUTFBytes(BytesToBase64UrlEncode(aHead) & "." & BytesToBase64UrlEncode(aPayload))
'The full JWT correctly Base 64 URL encoded.
aJWT=BytesToBase64UrlEncode(aHead) & "." & BytesToBase64UrlEncode(aPayload) & "." & BytesToBase64UrlEncode(sha256HMACBytes(aSigSource,stringToUTFBytes(theKey)))
Which will produce the following valid JWT:
Here is a readable and downloadable version of MD5 as VBS script:
It's the code from (thank you for this unique piece of code).
Thanks for all the links provided above, they were useful but this one I found really did the job if anybody ever needs it.
I have no idea if this code even works, since I have no way of testing it. However, it seems to be what you are asking for.
Here is an interesting article by Jeff Attwood on hashes. He has some important things to say about MD5:
First of all, thank you SgtWilko! :)
Based on your collected information, I've done one function for all (not for base64/Files).
Your code was very useful for me, but I was searching for a more PHP alike (simple) Function to deal with plain text and with a more explicit code.
Based on the issue How to hash a UTF-8 string in Classic ASP, I come up with the ADODB.Stream solution. You can now use non-English characters.
Parameter PlainText was changed to Target.
You can now use the HMAC versions.
Just use the Target parameter as an array.
Target(0) = PlainText
Target(1) = SharedKey
Thank you again SgtWilko ;)
Announcing the first SHA1 collision (Google Security Blog) February 23, 2017.
With this function you can hash the plain text into:
If you need more you can find it in: System.Security.Cryptography Namespace
Function Hash(HashType, Target)
On Error Resume Next
Dim PlainText
If IsArray(Target) = True Then PlainText = Target(0) Else PlainText = Target End If
With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
.CharSet = "Windows-1252"
.WriteText PlainText
.Position = 0
.CharSet = "UTF-8"
PlainText = .ReadText
End With
Set UTF8Encoding = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding")
Dim PlainTextToBytes, BytesToHashedBytes, HashedBytesToHex
PlainTextToBytes = UTF8Encoding.GetBytes_4(PlainText)
Select Case HashType
Case "md5": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider") '< 64 (collisions found)
Case "ripemd160": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160Managed")
Case "sha1": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed") '< 80 (collision found)
Case "sha256": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed")
Case "sha384": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384Managed")
Case "sha512": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Managed")
Case "md5HMAC": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.HMACMD5")
Case "ripemd160HMAC": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.HMACRIPEMD160")
Case "sha1HMAC": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1")
Case "sha256HMAC": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256")
Case "sha384HMAC": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA384")
Case "sha512HMAC": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA512")
End Select
If IsArray(Target) = True Then Cryptography.Key = UTF8Encoding.GetBytes_4(Target(1))
BytesToHashedBytes = Cryptography.ComputeHash_2((PlainTextToBytes))
For x = 1 To LenB(BytesToHashedBytes)
HashedBytesToHex = HashedBytesToHex & Right("0" & Hex(AscB(MidB(BytesToHashedBytes, x, 1))), 2)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Response.Write(Err.Description) Else Hash = LCase(HashedBytesToHex)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
These can be used as follows:
Hash("sha512", "Hello World")
Hash("sha256", "Hello World")
Hash("md5", "muñeca")
Hash("sha512HMAC", Array("Hello World", "Shared Key"))
There is Javascript code that produces an MD5 checksum. One of them, derived from the Google closure library, is available here.
It's pretty easy to produce a Windows Script Component from the Javascript, then call that component from any COM-enabled language, including VB.
Here's a working example.

simple yet secure encrypt / decrypt asp to

I have a ASP/VB6 web-app that logs in a user. I want to encrypt the users identity field and pass(querystring) it to a app and then decrypt it to do a db lookup.
I've googled it and found rot13, albeit not secure enough. I've also found some hits on MD5 / RC4, but did not find any good examples of encrypt / decrypt.
Any ideas on how to implement secure encryption/description logic?
I agree with #Brian - don't go doing your own crypto, the crypto is easy until you start doing the key management. Do use SSL/TLS unless you have a very VERY V.E.R.Y. good reason not to do so.
It's generally conceded that you should never decrypt such information, but rather compare encrypted to encrypted.
MD5, for example, can be used in this 'trapdoor' fashion. Encode the information, then store the MD5 hash. When you need to authenticate, encode the new information and compare hashes. The unencrypted information is never exposed or available.
If this doesn't work for your situation, then look into the Windows Crypto API, which offers alternatives that allow full-cycle encrypt / decrypt.
Here is a basic encryption example. You'll want to figure out your own key. I did mine this way to just add one more level of complexity (I hope). As Jim points out you could use this to encrypt a new password, then store the results. After the password is created instead of ever trying to decrypt this value (which is just the reverse), you would encrypt the entered password and compare it against the stored value.
'combine these constants to build the encryption key'
Private Const KEY1 = "abcde"
Private Const KEY2 = "fghij"
Private Const KEY3 = "klmno"
Private Const KEY4 = "pqrst"
Private Const KEY5 = "uvwxy"
Private Function Encrypt(ByVal s As String, ByVal EncryptionType As CAPICOM.CAPICOM_ENCODING_TYPE) As String
Dim oEN As New CAPICOM.EncryptedData
Dim strSecret As String
Dim intTries As Integer
On Error GoTo errEncrypt
intENCType = CAPICOM_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_AES ' try this first and fall back if not supported'
With oEN
.Algorithm = intENCType
strSecret = KEY2 & KEY5 & KEY4 & KEY1 & KEY3
.SetSecret strSecret
strSecret = ""
.Content = s
' the first encryption type needs to be base64 as the .content property'
' can loose information if I try to manipulate a binary string'
.Content = StrReverse(.Encrypt(CAPICOM_ENCODE_BASE64))
strSecret = KEY1 & KEY4 & KEY3 & KEY2 & KEY5
.SetSecret strSecret
strSecret = ""
Encrypt = .Encrypt(EncryptionType)
End With
Set oEN = Nothing
Exit Function
If Err.Number = -2138568448 Then
' if this is the first time the step the encryption back and try again
If intTries < 1 Then
intTries = intTries + 1
Resume startEncryption
End If
End If
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source & ":Encrypt", Err.Description
strSecret = ""
Set oEN = Nothing
End Function
