Silverlight in aspx page not loading -

I have developed a simple Silverlight control. I created this by using the Silverlight application project template in VS 2008, adding a test page to my existing website.
Now, my control works perfectly in the auto-generated aspx, where I have now got it functioning as required. However, when I try to put the control in a new page it does not load. Debugging suggests that the code is all executing, however the UI I expect to see simply isn't appearing.
I tried this initially in a content page using the correct master page for my site layout, and then just in a standard ASPX which doesn't use MPs...same problem.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Am I missing something simple!?
So frustrating, any help appreciated!

You can use Firebug or Internet Explorer's developer toolbar (and Fiddler) to see if the xap file is being requested and the rendered object tag has the proper size. If using the control check for any JavaScript errors.

Right-click the region where the Silverlight control should be to see if you get a Silverlight options prompt. That will tell you if the problem is in the loading of your Silverlight object into the page, or after the Silverlight plugin has loaded.


How to open specific web page in that I'm working on or find pages that referring it in Visual Studio 2017

I've edited an ascx.cs page which I thought was relevant. When I ran the service to debug that code it wasn't the right place - The breakpoint didn't stop the service.
I know how to find the right page to edit but now I want to see what did I edit.
How can I open the page or find which pages are referring to it so I could check it also?
Have you "set as startup" that project already ? then try setting that page aspx.cs as "startup page".
After setting above both , your project will start that same projects same page that you have set up as startup.
Alternatively you can type link to that manually in address bar to get there.
While trying to set it as startup page I've found out it ascx and not aspx file. So if You want I wanted to see the edits I would need to load that page as asp controller.

Update Panel in web part not working in Google Chrome

I have written a visual web part for SharePoint 2013 in VS2015. The web part contains a number of asp controls as well as a grid view. I implemented AJAX with using script manager proxy and update panel. The deployed web part works well in IE but in google chrome, it doesn't work. I have found the solution on the internet. I have put the code in js file in layout folder. In scriptmanager add reference to the file Path="/_layouts/15/prj/WebKit.js". However, it is not working in chrome. Could anyone please tell me how to solve this issue?
There seems to be an issue with SharePoint + UpdatePanel.
I've had the same problem and found the following article:
To be honest, I couldn't apply the proposed solution, because I couldn't find the requested dll.
So, to solve my postback problem, I saw two possibilities:
1. Use DevExpress
2. Change my code to client side.
I chose the second option.

.ASPX pages markups are opening in web browser

When I double click on .aspx pages in my web application project in VS2010, instead of showing the mark up in the ide the .aspx pages are opening in the web browser as shown below. The same is happening when I run my application it opens all the .aspx pages in the web browser along the application url i.e., http://localhost123456/default.aspx. I have to close all the other pages except the http://localhost123456/default.aspx to run/ test my application. Not sure what would cause this to happen. I am not able to find any solutions so far, any help is appreciated. I used the option View Markup (Rightclick on aspx page -> view Markup) to see the markup for now.
As per Mike's answer I checked the options under Open with... and I do have a Internet Explorer (Default) set as shown in the following image. Not sure how did it got there.
Deleting the Internet Explorer (Default) option might be cumbersome if I have lot of .aspx pages , if there is a way to remove this option at once for all .aspx pages rather than right clicking on each and every .aspx and remove it that would be great.
As per #JB King suggestion I did checked the file properties and all the .aspx files are set with Opens with: Microsoft Visual Studio option as shown it the image below.
Right-click any .aspx file in the project, select Open With...
In the screen that pops up, select Web Form Editor, then click the Set as Default button.
Not sure how you got Internet Explorer as an option here, but if it is there, you can just delete it. It's not applicable for loading the aspx from disk. Rather, to see the rendered page in IE, you'd do View in Browser or Browse With... (in which you can set your default browser, as well).
Your address bar shows you're loading files directly from disk. This won't work. ASP.NET is not lilke static HTML. ASP.NET applications must be run from within a webserver. Install IIS and ensure ASP.NET is installed and configured, or use the Debugging Webserver (IIS Express) in Visual Studio.
If you look at the properties of the file, there should be a line of Opens with: that is where you want to have Visual Studio rather than Internet Explorer as the issue is with which programs are mapped to what file extension. Microsoft instructions if you want those as specific steps to do.

Using devexpress HtmlEditor control has DXR.axd throwing 404

I am using a dev express control: ASPxHtmlEditor version 10.1. I am trying to create a simple that only has this control. Unfortunately the control does not render with any of its styles or images loaded. This happens over 20 times. The control does not have any of its styles and all of its images do not load on the control.
I am getting 404 exceptions similar to: "Failed to load source http://localhost:11238/DXR.axd?r=5_0"
The cause of this issue is that the web.config file did not contain our http handler registration. So, such requests were not properly handled and scripts and images did not come to the client. Once you open the page in the designer, the http handler was registered and the problem disappeared :)
The solution was to restart my machine and open the page the control was on in design mode to have it create all the controls it needs to render properly.

issues with activex and aspx pages

I am building a small web app that will include an activex control. So I've built the activex control, it works fine when I use it in an html page. From some reason it won't work when used in an aspx page. The authority popup that offers me to include the control won't appear when it's in the aspx page. The problem occurs both when I try using the page in debug mode throguh visual studio, as well when typing the page's url and entering it through iis.
Any ideas?
when I open the html file through iis the activex is again no recognized, it seems to work only when I open the file through file system
I suggest you compare the HTML from your test HTML page with the HTML generated by the ASPX page. The difference in behavior is likely to do with the difference in HTML.
My guess is that the ASPX page is being served from a different domain than the codebase for the ActiveX control.
ok, an evening after I found a solution:
apparently the activex control must implement the IObjectSafety interface. Hope this helps!
