Bad idea to alter mvc framework autogenerated database? -

Is it a bad idea (and if why?) to add a a column to the auto generated (ASPNETDB.MDF, visual studio 2008, mvc framework) "user roles - database"?
(E.g I want to add the columns RealName and LastName to the aspnet_Users table in the database.)
The reason I want to add a column instead of creating an entire new table is to avoid the doule maintenance issue and unnecessary redundancy

There are two generation schemes that are used (from Pragmatic Programmer):
Those that are used once to generate code
Those that are used all the time to have some code synced
The ones that are used for syncing, the results should not be modified, since they could be overridden at a later date when the generation gets done again.
In the case of your generated database, there is no reason for you to rerun the generation, so it would be OK to edit it.
The only scenario under which you would rerun the generation of the db is if microsoft releases a new version of the users database and you want to use the new one (in this case you might have to edit some parts of your application, so you could readd those two fields), or if you want to regenerate the database with different options. Both of these happen if you are not happy with your current db.

In my opinion that autogenerated database should be replaced by a normal table in application database or at least there should be an official solution to this problem.
I heard that this is quite good solution:

why dont you create a new table with a Foriegn Key restraint? It seems like a bad idea to add a column to the will be a nightmare if you ever need to recreate your db...

First, those tables aren't really anything specific to MVC: they're created by/for the default AspNetSqlMembershipProvider. (Also applies to other kinds of ASP.NET applications.)
You could probably add new columns safely, but the membership provider wouldn't "see" them. It does provide its profile mechanism to store extra information (which gets serialized, and stored in the aspnet_Profiles table).
If you need to store lots of additional information about the user, you might also check out this sample membership provider that stores profile information in first-class tables, rather that in profile blobs.


Custom user model (for custom fields, etc) with ASP.NET MVC

I'm working on a ASP.NET MVC 2 application and used the default project skeleton with forms authentication. I have two requirements, the first is that it has to work on a Mono environment (ex. to run it within Apache) and the second is that I need a custom user model or at least, append additional information to the user information so I can access such data during runtime/session-time.
I've been searching for existent answers covering this scenario and couldn't find anything final. I'm not sure if I will need to provide my own Membership provider or take a different route to solve the problem.
As far as I can tell, the aspnet_Profile table is supposed to be used for this. Take a look at this example of adding a pet to a user profile. You are of course free to add your own implementation for the custom data -- you could link it with a foreign key to the [aspnet_Users].[UserId] column and do whatever you like.

EF4 ASP.NET - Managing Entity Edits between HTTP Posts and Rollback

I am struggling with the following use-case:
User amends an existing order. The order is complex - lots of related 'entities' (addresses, post options, suppliers, makes, models, various items etc). Across multiple http posts.
User wants to discard the changes.
I have an order entity and as the user is editing this I am making various changes to the entity associations e.g changing order.address, order.items.add(item)...
In a single post this is fine, but across posts I don't know how best store state. If I store the entities then I cannot save the changes as they are across different data contexts. I have read that it is bad practice to store the data context in the session state i.e. long-lived context. I can't save changes after each edit/post because I cannot roll-back (?). I really would like to work with the entities during the editing process rather than one big save at the end (taking UI settings and applying these in one chunk).
This must be a pretty common problem - it's driving me mad. Any help really appreciated.
We have a similar problem where we are building a complex business object through a multi-page wizard.
Instead of creating a partially complete business object at each step of the wizard, we create a dedicated wizard object that looks pretty similar to the business object, populate that through the wizard. At each step in the wizard, the wizard object is saved into the database. At the end the user can accept it and it is converted to a real business object and then becomes visible to everyone else, or they can bin it and no-one else ever knows it existed.
If this kind of approach was not suitable, I suspect you're looking at some kind of difference tracking, either at the entity or database levels. Neither are simple to implement, work with or manage in a system. The former would be some kind of calculation and storage of n changes to the entities and developing an algorithm to undo them, the latter depends on your RDBMS, but might include versioned rows or similar.
Yes its pretty much common for us. In most scenarios we use the MVC approach. Even without the actual ASP .NET MVC Projects, we use similar ViewModel with our Views/Pages/Scenarios etc. where there is no direct/single entity mapping to the Business Layer (in other words, Business.Entities). This is pretty much similar to DTOs.
It is always easy to use Disconnected EF. We retrieve data and discard the context, then transform the Entities into ViewModels/DTOs if necessary. When you need to persist changes, all you have to do is to create a new context, find the latest entity instance do the changes.
The Views/Pages/Controllers will be managing these ViewModels/DTOs. Tracking Changed and Deleted content can be done by introducing a HistoryList<T> (you can extend a List<T> to implement this).
Once done, using a Controller/Workflow/Component you can observe the ViewModel/DTO and do the necessary changes to your Entities using a new Context to retrieve and persist.
It involves a bit of a coding and I would say its not a perfect solution since it has its own pros and cons.

Add columns to SqlWebEventProvider

In an ASP.NET application, we'd like to use the SqlWebEventProvider to log any Event that occurs during the application lifetime.
The problem is that we think that the table aspnet_WebEvent_Event doesn't provide enough columns and should log more information (we need to keep the Logged user).
I'm aware that this information could be stored in the "Details" column but it wouldn't then be really simple to filter the results and build reports.
So I'm searching for a simple solution to add a column. I wish I could derive SqlWebEventProvider but the methods used to build the stored procedure parameters are private (PrepareParams() and FillParams()).
Any simple solution that doesn't imply to rewrite the entire Provider class ?
Instead of adding columns to the SqlWebEventProvider and it's table default schema, you may consider creating your own WebEventProvider that logs events to a database of your own schema.
Here is an introductory reference on how to do so.
After a lot of searching it seems that it is not possible without inheriting from the existing SqlWebEventProvider and overriding the methods properly to insert the values.
You can look into the .NET Framework code to check for the current implementation with .Net Reflector Membership ProviderSql

I'm looking into Membership Providership Sql to determine if it fits my needs and have a few basic questions.
It seems to create a lot of tables, many of them I don't think I need. I only need one application and no role management. Can I remove the unused tables or should I just leave them alone?
I need another table where I can associate records with the users created with the Sql membership provider. Is it safe to use the "Membership.GetUser.ProviderUserKey.ToString()" as the primary key for this user. I guess so, but it feels a bit like I'm depending on something that's out of my control since it's Asp.Net that manage it.
Also I'm going to access the database directly, without logging in with a user to get statistics. Is it safe to make Sql queries against the database using the aspnet_Users.UserId (table.field).
I guess what I'm afraid of is that suddenly after an framework update, Asp.Net changes the table layout or something.
Obviously, you can do whatever you want to it once you've generated the tables, but I think you should consider the ramifications of that. The Membership Provider framework works very well and is widely implemented. If you use their implementation, just use it and use the pieces you want and leave the rest alone.
They will be very careful when/if they make changes to it to either tell us of the breaking changes or not make any breaking changes.
The framework allows for you to override many of the provided methods, or you can simply write you own custom provider and base it heavily on the out of the box implementation.
ProviderUserKey is meant to store anything you would need to reference, so you can store a key to a record in your own database to store additional user information. I think it's OK to delete unrelated tables, as long as the features you use don't touch it.
I know it touches aspnet_applications, aspnet_users...
As a last resort, you can always create your own custom membership provider by creating a class that inherits from MembershipProvider.

ASP.NET built in user profile vs. old style user class/tables

I am looking for guidance regarding the best practice around the use of the Profile feature in ASP.NET.
How do you decide what should be kept in the built-in user Profile, or if you should create your own database table and add a column for the desired fields? For example, a user has a zip code, should I save the zip code in my own table, or should I add it to the web.config xml profile and access it via the user profile ASP.NET mechanism?
The pros/cons I can think of right now are that since I don't know the profile very well (it is a bit of a Matrix right now), I probably can do whatever I want if I go the table route (e.g., SQL to get all the users in the same zip code as the current user). I don't know if I can do the same if I use the ASP.NET profile.
Ive only built 2 applications that used the profile provider. Since then I have stayed away from using it. For both of the apps I used it to store information about the user such as their company name, address and phone number.
This worked fine until our client wanted to be able to find a user by one of these fields.
Searching involved looping through every users profile and comparing the information to the search criteria. As the user base grew the search time became unacceptable to our client. The only solution was to create a table to store the users information. Search speed was increased immensely.
I would recommend storing this type of information in its own table.
user profile is a nice clean framework for individual customization(AKA. Profile Properties). (e.g. iGoogle)
the problem of it is its not designed for query and not ideal for data sharing to public user.(you still would be able to do it, with low performance)
so, if you want to enhance the customized user experience, user profile would be a good way to go. otherwise, use your own class and table would be a much better solution.
In my experience its best to keep an the info in the profile to a bare minimum, only put the essentials in there that are directly needed for authentication. Other information such as addresses should be saved in your own database by your own application logic, this approach is more extensible and maintainable.
I think that depends on how many fields you need. To my knowledge, Profiles are essentially a long string that gets split at the given field sizes, which means that they do not scale very well if you have many fields and users.
On the other hand, they are built in, so it's an easy and standardized way, which means there is not a big learning curve and you can use it in future apps as well without needing to tweak it to a new table structure.
Rolling your own thing allows you to put it in a properly normalized database, which drastically improves performance, but you have to write pretty much all the profile managing code yourself.
Edit: Also, Profiles are not cached, so every access to a profile goes to the database first (it's then cached for that request, but the next request will get it from the database again)
If you're thinking about writing your own thing, maybe a custom Profile Provider gives you the best of both worlds - seamless integration, yet the custom stuff you want to do.
I think it is better off using it for supplementary data that is not critical to the user that is only normally important when that user is logging in anyway. Think data that would not break anything important if it was all wiped.
of course thats personal preference but others have raised some other important issues.
Also very useful considering it can be used for an unauthenticated user whose profile is maintained with an anonymous cookie.
