FlashDevelop - Why does code-completion not work with mx.controls - apache-flex

Today's my first day with Flex and FlashDevelop. In my ActionScript file, I have this line.
import flash.display.SimpleButton;
FlashDevelop is aware about this and Code-completion works fine.
But, when I have this line.
import mx.controls.Button;
Then code-completion doesn't work.

Works perfectly well for me w/o doing anything special. But maybe your project's properties got borked. Do this:
Open Project Properties
Go to Compiler Options tab
In Advanced -> Intrinsic Libraries add the following

I had the same problem. Your AS3 class path is pointing at a directory to low in the flashdevelop library folder structure to pick the mx class prototypes.
1.) Within Flashdevelop press F10 to open the 'Settings' window.
2.) In the list on the left click on the 'AS3Context' option.
3.) Imediately Under the group title of 'Language' on the right hand side of the window, find the 'AS3 Classpath' option. Its value is typically set to 'Library\AS3\Intrinsic'. Change the the 'AS3 Classpath' value to read 'Library\AS3'.
4.) FIXED. Flashdevelop should now be aware of the mx libraries, thus autocomplete should now also work.

To include any swc to code complete, add it's parent folder to the swc libraries option. Some people claim that using intrinsic libraries works, but it didn't for me. Here's the paths to both settings:
ProjectSettings->CompilerOptions->SWCLibraries = {path to FOLDER containing swc's}
ProjectSettings->CompilerOptions->IntrinsicLibraries = {path to same FOLDER containing swc's}

It seems like you are missing the Flex framework in your build path. Have you looked at the libraries being included?


Best place for CSS and LESS external libs in PhpStorm or PyCharm project

I want my IDE to see Bootstrap files for CSS classes autocompletion and on-the-fly LESS compiling. But I don't want to store Bootstrap inside my project folder structure and copy libraries in each project. How can I make IDE know where is libs?
Some approaches I tried.
Using relative paths. #import '../../../../../Bootstrap 3/less/mixins'; does not look good. Moreover, despite import statement is correct (without red underlining), IDE does not "know" about imported mixins. When I just copy libraries, IDE "knows" about them.
Connect as JS libs. I see them in project files view. LESS syntax checker cannot locate them, no matter what path i specify. Import statement is underlined with red wavy line.
Now, I can use only copy and paste technique or use links (or directory junctions). I am not sure that this is correct way.
I tried this PhpStrom and PyCharm, but I suppose that WebStorm cannot resolve this problem too.
You can add a folder where your Bootstrap files are stored as additional content root to each of your projects (Settings/Directories, Add content root). See also WEB-7452

Flash Builder 4 code navigation disables for imported maven projects

has anyone encountered the following trouble with Flash Builder 4 Eclipse plugin: after I import some flash projects from poms (import -> existing maven projects) and set their type to flex library or flex project manually, flash builder code navigation stops working for these projects - you cant' click on method name to go to its definition, can't open a class using ctrl+shift+t and so forth. The projects compile and run fine and code navigation works for any projects created anew in the same workspace. Any ideas will be appreciated, thank you.
Not sure if this applies to you, but make sure all your .as files have spaces instead of tabs. Code navigation in FB doesn't like tabs.
This bug (defect or whatever you want to call it) is one of a few caused by the diminished cooperation between the vendors of the maven-eclipse-plugin and thus flexmojos-maven-plugin (indirectly) and M2Eclipse plugins (... without pointing the finger at any in particular).
You can however still get them all to work and get back the FlashBuilder/Eclipse goodness:

Force compile-time linking of all classes in a SWC

Using Flash CS4, I am making a game that has a dozen or so sounds and a couple of music tracks. To cut down on publish/compile time, I have moved the sounds and music into an (external) SWC, which is located in a "Library Path" for the project. This works, but with a caveat...
Until before I externalised the assets, I had been dynamically instantiating the Sound objects of the embedded sound by getting their classes with getDefinitionByName.
// something like...
var soundSubClass:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName(soundClassName));
var mySound:Sound = new soundSubClass();
But now that they're located in an external SWC, I need to have "concrete" references to the classes in order to load them like this, otherwise they are not included in the published SWF, and there is a runtime error when getDefinitionByName tries to get a class that doesn't exist.
So, my question: in Flash Professional CS4, is there any way to force a library's assets to be included, regardless of whether they are statically linked?
FlashDevelop has a compiler option "SWC Include Libraries", which is exactly what I want, and is distinct from the "SWC Libraries" option. The description of the "SWC Include Libraries" option is "Links all classes inside a SWC file to the resulting application SWF file, regardless of whether or not they are used."
(Also, it's important to me that all the assets are contained within the one compiled SWF. Linking at runtime isn't what I'm after.)
Unfortunately, I don't think so. I hope this is fixed in CS5, but I wouldn't bet on it...
The current (aggravating) standard is to have a manifest class in your SWC that references all the root classes in the rest of the library:
public class MyLibManifest {
public static function manifest():void {
var class1:Class = Class1;
var class2:Class = Class2;
// etc...
Then, somewhere in your main .fla...
import com.mylibrary.MyLibManifest;
var myLibrary:Class = MyLibManifest;
There's no way to pull in and embed every class in an SWC by default in Flash CS4/CS5, but you may be able to do this with:
As you already know, this program's project properties has compiler options that differentiate between:
SWC Libraries: "Links SWC files to the resultin gapplication SWF file. The compiler only links in those classes for the SWC file that are required."
SWC Include Libraries: "Links ALL classes inside a SWC file to the resulting application SWF file, regardless of whether or not they are used."
That second option "SWC Include Libraries" could be useful, because if you simply compile your FLA as-is into a SWC, then put that SWC and your other SWC into FlashDevelop as SWC Include Libraries, it should compile/merge them into a single SWF that will work like you want.
FlashDevelop could also simply help you build a hard-coded list of Classes in an SWC, because if you link in the SWC as a SWC Library, it will show up in the project explorer, and you can see a list of all the classes in the SWC. You can also right click each class and choose "Insert Into Document", and it will insert the full class name. If you do that, then press semi-colon enter, you will have your first class reference. Keep your mouse over the class list in the project settings and repeat this for every class in the list. It only takes a few minutes to do this for hundreds of classes, which makes creating such a list easier. It would be even faster if the thing would let you insert more than one at once, but it doesn't seem to.
Your only other option, which you said you weren't interested in for no given reason, is Runtime Shared Libraries (RSLs). It's really not that big a deal to load the file in separately, but only if you properly handle the load process and any errors that might occur. It will add some complexity to your project, and may require some extra thought, but I'd seriously consider it as an option. See the "Application Domain Inheritance" section at www.senocular.com/flash/tutorials/contentdomains/?page=2 for more information.
I am probably missing something but isn't it a case of using -include-libraries rather than library-path option of the compiler, this is what the adobe doc says about the option
Links all classes inside a SWC file to the resulting application SWF file, regardless of whether or not they are used.
Contrast this option with the library-path option that includes only those classes that are referenced at compile time.
Adobe Documentation
I am new to all this so be gentle when you shoot me down in flames :)
You can supply the path of your assets.swc file, in ActionScript Properties, and that should work and load assets at runtime.
in flex, and whenever you have access to compiler options, you can use: -include YourClass to force the linking of the class from swc even if its not referenced from the main swf.
but i dont know if you can change compiler options from flash cs4...

IDE does not treat mx:Module descendants as Modules?

I'm playing with Modules and they work as advertised: the module swf's ares
built and deployed in the output directories automatically.
My problem is that if I use descendants of mx:Module, the IDE does NOT do all
this nice work for me. I've listed the module in the Flex Modules section of the
project properties, but still nothing.
I'm going to end up repeating a lot of code in each module (to fulfill an
interface) if I cannot figure out how to make the IDE do its thing.
Any ideas?
Right click on your project, go to properties and there's a Modules sections. You can add any classes that extends Sprite.

How about using FLEX 3 component inside Flash file?

Is it possible to use Flex 3 component/code inside Flash (cs4) SWF file ?
I know its possible in the opposite direction.
With my minimal testing it seems you can't use Flex components when building a "pure AS3" project. (Can we start calling it PAS3 or something? Like "passé". Or "pastry". :)
I did this admittedly limited testing by creating a test project with one AS class as the "document class", which would instantiate and addChild one mx.controls.Button. I copied the whole mx package from the path mentioned by hasseg into the project source path.
This is what I found out:
By removing the use of mx_internal from a certain Version.as file, I got Flash IDE to compile my test project without warning. Nothing showed up on the stage though.
Using Flex Builder (and the flex compiler, obviously) I also managed to compile the project without errors. I put breakpoints in the code and watched it build itself in the debugger. The components were instantiated flawlessly, but still nothing showed up on the stage. This swf also crashed the browser numerous times.
I haven't used Flex code in a "pure AS3" project myself, but I don't see why you couldn't do that.
You can download the Flex SDK and get the Flex components from there, both as an swc file (under /frameworks/libs) and as AS3 source code (under /frameworks/projects/framework/src).
It looks like this can be done after all: http://labs.wichers.nu/2007/12/25/using-flex-compiled-code-within-flash/
In general you need to use MXML to initialise the Flex framework and use Flex components.
Mike Chambers from Adobe says:
There is not support for using the Flex Framework in an AS only project. While it is theoretically possible, you would have to manually bootstrap a lot of the application initialization code that Flex handles (something which would be rather complex). - Source
To see how complex, you can tell the compiler to keep the intermediate AS3 files that it generates from the MXML. Open your AS3 project properties and set -keep-generated-actionscript as an argument to the compiler. Compile your project then look in the obj/generated folder. Using Flex 4, I get 13 small files the main of which extends spark.components.Application and overrides a few methods.
So it's possible but you probably wouldn't want to do it. Flex is meant to make your life easier, not harder.
