How to pass multiple parameters to Eval()? -

i have a bit of aspx code that uses Eval to generate a call to a javascript function:
ASP.NET (wrapped for readability):
<asp:LinkButton runat="server"
OnClientClick='<%# Eval(
"return DoStuff(this, \"{0}\");") %>'
Text="Do stuff" />
this generates javascript similar to:
Javascript (wrapped for readability):
return DoStuff(this,
Note: i've converted the generated " entities references into quotes for readability.
i now need to add a 3nd parameter to the javascript function call, a caption:
Javascript (wrapped for readability)
return DoStuff(this,
Note: i've converted the generated " entities references into quotes for readability.
There already exists a function in the code-behind file that is used to return the caption for an item:
C# (code omitted for readability):
protected string GetItemText(MySomething item)
i know that the above function can be called from the aspx file using a syntax similar to:
ASP.NET (wrapped, code omitted, for readability):
<asp:LinkButton ... runat="server"
Text="<%# GetItemText((MySomething)Container.DataItem) %>"
... />
So now i want to use this function to include the 3rd parameter to the javascript function.
Starting from:
<asp:LinkButton runat="server"
OnClientClick='<%# Eval(
"return DoStuff(this, \"{0}\", \"Todo - Insert caption here\");") %>'
Text="Do stuff" />
i need to change: "Todo - Insert caption here"
into a call to: <%# GetItemText((MySomething)Container.DataItem) %>
Blindly trying the obvious:
ASP.NET (wrapped for readability):
<asp:LinkButton runat="server"
OnClientClick='<%# Eval(
"return DoStuff(this, \"{0}\", \"{1}\");") %>'
Text="Do stuff" />
But that complains, since Eval() only takes two parameters.
i tried the slightly less obivous:
ASP.NET (wrapped for readability)
<asp:LinkButton runat="server"
OnClientClick='<%# Eval(
"return DoStuff(this,
\""+GetItemText((MySomething)Container.DataItem)+"\");") %>'
Text="Do stuff" />
But that doesn't work either.
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asp.NET: How to access repeater generated elements?

The trick isn't to pass multiple items to an eval, but to pass multiple eval's to whatever you want to use to format the data. You could also have just done it this way - which would have kept the presentation in the aspx file like you wanted...
OnClientClick='<%# string.Format(
"return DoStuff(this, \"{0}\", \"{1}\");",
GetItemText((MySomething)Container.DataItem)) %>'
Text="Do stuff" />

My Trick
Eval("FLName", Eval("FLFDID","{0}")+"/{0}")
Eval inside Eval
It Work for me !!

Robert C. Barth gave me the idea that solves the problem:
<asp:LinkButton runat="server"
OnClientClick="<%# GetItemClientClick((MySomething)Container.DataItem) %>"
Text="Do stuff" />
and then the code-behind file contains:
protected string GetItemClientClick(MySomething item)
String szOnClientClick =
"return DeleteItem(this, "+
Toolkit.QuotedStr(item.NodeGUID.ToString()) + ", "+
return szOnClientClick;
i really would have preferred to keep presentation in the aspx, and business logic in the code-behind - but the real world often doesn't conform to that model.

If the LinkButton is not inside some other thing (like a grid), just set the OnClientClick attribute in the code-behind like normal, using string.Format.
If it IS in a grid (or repeater, or something of that nature), set it in the RowDataBound event using FindControl or e.Row.Cells[] and string.Format. If you use e.Row.Cells[], you can probably dump the LinkButton server control and just output a normal anchor tag.

Continued from Scott Ivey's solution, you can also use this to include if statements in your Eval statement:
For example the below will output an anchor tag if the property Url exists, otherwise it will output a span.
<%# string.Format(Eval("Url") != null ? "{1}" : "<span>{1}</span>", Eval("Url"), Eval("Text")) %>">

you can try this
'<'asp:HyperLink ID="hp" runat="server" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("SysID", "{0}")%>'
NavigateUrl='<%# String.Format("~/ReportViewer.aspx?RevID= {0}
& User={1}", Eval("ID"), Eval("USER")) %>' Target="_blank" %>'>


Difference between ' (single quote) and “ (double quote) in ASP.NET 4

I want to call MyMethod in code-behind from server control in aspx page like below.
<asp:Label ID="MyLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# MyMethod(Eval("MyColumn")) %>'>
protected void MyMethod(object obj) { ... }
If I use " instead ' in aspx page then it will give me a compilation error The server tag is not well formed. as below.
<asp:Label ID="MyLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# MyMethod(Eval("MyColumn")) %>'> // This line work
<asp:Label ID="MyLabel" runat="server" Text="<%# MyMethod(Eval("MyColumn")) %>"> // This line error
I want to know why I need to use single-quote, is it a rule? How can I use double-quote in my situation?
I want to know why I need to use single-quote, is it a rule? How can I
use double-quote in my situation?
The use of Single quote over Double quote is just to make it clear where the string is ending. You cannot use Text="MyMethod("123")" because the Text start with the M and may end with the ( or the 3 or the last ). By using single and double quote the compiler know when the string end.
Your example is about binding but let say that you would like to have a double quote while using a double quote for a non-binding situation. You could have use the HTML entity "
Text="This is my string with " inside "" //This will produce : This is my string with "inside"

GridView and Eval

I am trying to pass a value through Eval in my GridView, but instead of passing the actual value, it passes the string '<%# Eval etc...This is my code, can anybody advise?
enter code here<asp:TemplateField>
<asp:Button ID="btnUpload" OnClientClick="loadDialog('<%# Eval(PK_SpecialEvent).ToString() %>') " Text="Upload/Open Files" runat="server" />
Try this:
OnClientClick='<%# Eval("PK_SpecialEvent", "loadDialog(\"{0}\");") %>'
Another, more readable, way is to do this in codebehind. A good place would be in GridView's RowDataBound Event.
I've only done a GridView once before in my so-far beginners experience of ASP.NET, but should the:-
have quotes added in to become like:
At least - it does in my working code of a GridView.

Tuncate string in ASP.NET using VB.NET

I made a function to truncate a string in the code behind file. But how do i use it in the aspx file?
This is the textbox:
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="page" HeaderStyle-Wrap="true">
<a href='<%# makepageURL( Eval("page") )%> '>
<%# Eval("page")%>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtpage" TextMode="SingleLine" Rows="1" Width="100%" runat="server" Text='<% #Bind("page") %>' />
And this is my function:
Public Function TrimString(ByVal Value As String, ByVal Length As Integer) As String
If Value.Length > 20 Then
Return Value.Substring(Value.Length - (20 - 3)) + "..."
End If
Return Value
End Function
It's not an issue of how to use it, but actually when to use it?
If you had a regular span, you could do this:
<span><%: TrimString("somestring") %></span>
But this is a TextBox your dealing with (user input).
When should it truncate?
On Form Submit? (that would make sense).
As they type (well then you'd need to use JavaScript).
By the looks of your code snipper, your using a FormView.
So i wouldn't be calling it from the ASPX (which the equivalent of executing code during Page Render), i would be calling it during the Edit/Submit event, server-side event handler.
In other words, truncate the value the user put in, after they have submitted the form and before you persist to the database.

How do I concatenate 2 resource strings together in an aspx page

I have a localised application (.net 2.0). I wish to concatenate 2 strings retrieved from the resource file together into one element, something like this.
Text="<%$ Resources:Resource, lw_name %>" + <%$ Resources:Resource, lw_required %>"
I have tried using Eval without success. Is what I am trying to do the "correct" approach or can I store strings with placeholders in the resource file and interpolate them "on the fly".
I am trying to do this in the aspx file rather than in code-behind.
ASP.NET tag attribute values that use <%$ Something: Something Else %> are of a special syntax called ASP.NET Expressions. Using them as attribute values are pretty much all-or-nothing; there's no way to add any code into the ASPX file to manipulate what those expressions evaluate to. You'll have to do this in the code-behind.
I search for the solution so long
This code works for me:
ToolTip='<%# Resources.Global.Btn_Edit + "/" + Resources.Global.Btn_contact %>'
< asp:HyperLink ToolTip='<%# "Some Text :" + Eval("id").ToString() %>' ....../>
Do you mean something like this.... ToolTip='...' -> Convert your return values to STRING... ( xxxx.ToString() )
Like this it displays: Some Text: 1234 --> on Tooltip
so you should do something like this in your case:
Text="<%$ (Resources:Resource, lw_name).ToString() %>" + <%$ (Resources:Resource, lw_required).ToString() %>"
I don't know if it's going to work but try to conver to ToString().
I know you said you tried eval but what about something like this:
Text='<%# string.Format("{0}{1}",Eval("lw_name"),Eval("lw_required")) %>'
I was having the same issue, and I solved it by using this option instead:
Text="<%= HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject("Resource", "lw_name") %> <%= HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject("Resource", "lw_required") %>"
For local Resources, use the GetLocalResourceObject method instead of GetGlobalResourceObject
"#(Resources.ResourceString + Resources.ResourceString)"
Use this method to append 2 strings in ASPX.
Text='<%# String.Format("{0} {1}",
This Might Be of Help
<asp:Label ID="Mylabel" runat="server">
<%= "before Message String- "+ Resources.MyResources.Message +" -After Message String " %>
Note the concatenation is not on the Text attribute but between the label element
Full post can be found here

Can I negate the value in an attribute that uses an "Eval"?

I'd like to set a button's enabled state to be the negation of a value.
So given this code:
<asp:CheckBox ID="DefaultChecked"
Checked='<%# Bind("IsDefaultMessage") %>'
runat="server" />
<asp:LinkButton ID="MakeDefaultButton"
CommandArgument='<%# Bind("ResidentialInfoID") %>'
Text="Make Default" />
How can I make the LinkButton Enabled attribute false if IsDefaultMessage == true?
Use Eval instead of Bind. Bind is for two-way binding, i.e. for cases where you need to be able to save the data back to your data source.
When you use Bind, the compiled page will actually have generated code that uses Eval to set the value, plus some code to read out the value for saving. Because Bind is replaced with generated code, you can't use any extra logic with Bind.
<asp:CheckBox ID="DefaultChecked" Checked='<%# !(bool)Eval("IsDefaultMessage") %>' Enabled="false" runat="server" />
<asp:LinkButton ID="MakeDefaultButton" runat="server" CommandName="MakeDefault' CommandArgument='<%#Bind("ResidentialInfoID") %>' Text="Make Default"/>
If you can use Eval, it is just a method of the Control class. It's only special in that it needs to be in the context of a data bound block <%# ... %>. Other than that, you can basically treat the block like a regular <%= %> expression block:
<%# !(bool)Eval("IsDefaultMessage") %>
If you want to still Bind it (Eval isn't round-trip), than you'll need to negate it back and forth during databinding. You may not need to do this though, if you can just re-word the control. For example, if a check box, instead of labelling it "Is Not Default Message" to the user and negating it back and forth, than lable it "Is Default Message". Contrived example, but you get the idea.
In case someone is looking for an option with VB.Net
<asp:CheckBox ID="DefaultChecked" Checked='<%# NOT (Eval("IsDefaultMessage")) %>' Enabled="false" runat="server" />
I've never used Bind but my understanding is that it is similar to Databinder.Eval. Either way, both methods return objects so you need to cast it to a boolean before evaluating it.
<%# !Convert.ToBoolean(Bind("IsDefaultMessage") %>
Edit: Looks like this can't be done and using a SqlDataSource on the page would solve the problem.
As I recall (It's been a while), there's no particular magic in <%#Bind(. It's just #Bind( inside <%....%>. Which means you'd want:
<% ! #Bind("IsDefaultMessage") %>'
The code
Checked='<%# Eval("IsDefaultMessage").ToString().Length() > 4 %>'
will return true if IsDefaultMessage is false
Since "False".Length = 5 and "True".Length = 4
