Add web part to sharepoint page in aspx markup -

I have an aspx page that get copied in the layouts directory of a Project Server instalation. The aspx is a web part page that has a web part zone. How can I add a web part in the markup of the page, within the web part zone?

You can use the SPLimitedWebPart manager to add an instance of a web part at runtime. I do this on our MySites to control adding, deleting and moving web parts that the organization requires. You can put the code in the aspx page.
SPFile thePage = currentWeb.RootFolder.Files["default.aspx"]
using (Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.SPLimitedWebPartManager spLimitedWPManager = thePage.GetLimitedWebPartManager(System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared))
Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load("WebPartAssemblyName");
WebPart webPart = (WebPart)assembly.CreateInstance("WebPartClassName");
spLimitedWPManager.AddWebPart(webPart, ZoneId, ZoneIndex);
You may need to do something different to gain access to the Web Part Manager for your layouts page. After this you need to redirect back to the page to display the changes. You'll also want to store a bit value to ensure that you do not perform the action on each subsequent visit.
If you only need to do this once then I might recommend PowerShell instead.
Otherwise you can add the web part directly in MarkUp by registering the tag:
<%# Register TagPrefix="ABC" Namespace="Namespace" Assembly="Assembly" %>
and directly adding the web part,
<ABC:ClassName ID="ControlID" FrameType="None" runat="server" __WebPartId="YouWebPartGUID" WebPart="true" />
but we didn't do it inside of a web zone because we did not want to allow it to be removed so I do not know if it works in that scenario. This is easiest but doesn't allow for any customization and SharePoint doesn't really "know" about the web part.

You cannot have customizable Web Part pages in the layouts directory! This is only supported on Web Part pages stored in a document library or other folder in an SPWeb, i.e. ASPX files that you can get an SPFile reference to. Web Parts on ASPX pages in the layouts directory must be added as Web controls in the ASPX source.


Hiding MVC pages in web.config

I am taking over an MVC project for which there is no source code. All I have to do is remove all the existing functionalities of the MVC based website leaving just one page alone. Right now, I have decompiled the dll from production and I have a 'not so useful' type of code in my system which needs to be wired up completely.
I am wondering if it's possible to hide all the pages and hyperlinks through web.config just leaving the required page as such? The website looks like below:
I want to keep only the "State Fact Sheets" page removing rest of the pages. is it possible at all to do this in web.config file?

Adding a Secure Matser page in Visual Studio

Good Day
How do you add a secure master page into the secure folder in Visual Studio? Is it a normal master page? How does it differ from the normal masterpage?
I have tried the following: Added a folder in my main root as: Secure. Inside that folder I have added a new master page and I named it Secure.Master. Now this will be the master page for any user that is logged...
It that all there is to it? Is a secure master page(logged in users) any different in Code Behind or anything than normal master pages for public users?
Thank you Membership seems like a place for you to start reading about. It will allow you to secure sections of your site:
You may also want to look at: for a more simplified implementation i.e. SimpleMemberhsip

Infragistics webpercenteditor control is not being consistent

Here's a code that I have in two different web applications:
<ig:WebPercentEditor MaxValue="100" ID="InterchangePlus"
runat="server" ValueText="0" MinDecimalPlaces="2" Width="85px">
They both save the data to the same place and retrieve it from the same place. The control in one web application shows the information as 1.75%, the other shows it as 175.00%. Again, the same markup is used in both web applications.
It seems that there was a theme being applied in the web.config setting the DisplayFactor="1" in one web app but the theme was not present in the other web app

Can I publish an ASPX page and its code-behind file from Tridion?

I have developed an ASP.NET chat application. Now I want some integration with my Tridion page. To do so I need some code behind file for the published page. And one more issue suppose I want to add a button in my page with its click event. How can I achieve that?
what I've done :
<%# Page language="c#" Inherits="SDLchat.ChatWin" CodeFile="ChatWin.aspx.cs" %>
<%# Register src="ChatLogin.ascx" TagName="c2" TagPrefix="uc2" %>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server">
<uc2:c2 ID="log2" runat="server" />
<asp:Panel ID="Panel2" runat="server" Visible="False">
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server"
onclick="LinkButton1_Click">Change Room</asp:LinkButton>
This is my ASP.NET web app that I want to migrate in Tridion. Please help
So you have two files for every page in this application:
the ASPX file that contains the markup
the CS file that contains the code
Since Tridion publishing is based on one-file-per-page, you can get both of these files published from Tridion by creating two separate pages for them. Alternatively you can choose to just publish the ASPX from Tridion and deploy the CS file when you deploy the web application to IIS.
I'd suggest putting the ASPX contents into a DWT Template Building Block in Tridion and then using that one as the only Building Block in a Compound Page Template.
If you decide to also publish the code-behind CS file from Tridion, create a separate DWT for it, paste the code in there and create a separate Compound Page Template for it.
On your second question about a PageLoad event: Tridion will just publish the files that you put in it in this case. It has nothing to do with the ASP.NET code you put in those files. If the ASP.NET page-load event works outside of Tridion, it'll work when you publish the same files from Tridion.
Frank has made an accurate answer, but I would consider it a very bad practice to publish any code from the CMS to the Web Application. Using that approach makes it impossible to test your entire application as CMS users can incrementally update the application.
I would strongly suggest putting all your code behinds into the web application and deploying those through your typical web application deployment process offered by tools such as Visual Studio, and only publishing the ASPX files which have references to the code which is already in your web application.
I agree with Chris here, just because it is possible to publish just about anything from SDL Tridion CMS (including dlls, .config files, uncompiled code etc. etc.) doesn't mean you should.
The lifecycle of application logic (or code) is very different to the Content life cycle. Typically code changes need to be carefully deployed, tested, fixed and redeployed throughout dev, test, acceptance environments before being deployed on production by technical users in a single action. Depending on your organization you may have monthly or shorter/longer development and deployment cycles.
On the other hand, your real life content typically lives the production environment only and is updated as often as required (perhaps hourly or even more frequently) by non-technical users.
If you confuse Content Management with Application deployment you will quickly get into a mess. Imagine someone accidentally unpublishing the App_Code structure group? What if an editor republishes an entire Structure Group but didnt realize that you were halfway through making some changes to the code behind? How are you going to ensure that the dll in the bin structure group gets published at exactly the same time as the web.config and the ascx controls registered in it which are somewhere else? Best case your application might not work, worst case you get compilation errors throughout your entire site.
Some guidelines that I have seen and used on various ASP.NET/SDL Tridion sites are as follows:
Use a standard base page (or limited set of base pages, perhaps determined by page template) as a common code behind for all your published aspx pages - put generic logic in here
For any specific functionality, encapsulate this in a control (ascx or web control) and put logic in the code for this
Have the .cs for the base page, code behind for controls and other logic in a compiled dll in the bin directory - App_Code is great for development, but can create deployment headaches with all those different files to manage

Load a Silverlight App from an ASPX loaded assembly

We're using an MVC-based plugin architecture using ASPX pages (because Razor ones need to be precompilated). Thus we're using a custom AssemblyResourceProvider to get the custom streams for the pages.
The problem comes when we try to load a Silverlight Application on the ASPX page that's on the same assembly as the page, as an embedded resource (because we want a full plugin architecture, a single dll should be enough for everything). Even with using a physical .XAP we can't get it to work, we suppose that as the path of the page is virtual, it won't be able to search the file thus generating a 2104 silverlight error.
We can use a http uri to get the .xap, and it'll be out last resort, but we'd like to do something similar as creating a custom AssemblyResourceProvider for ASPX pages and getting the stream from the assembly.
Is that even possible?
