Disabling a module in a program by not shipping the .dll - asp.net

If you distribute a .net web application, and you want a certain module of the application to be disabled, AND you don't want to ship the source with it, is it a reasonable solution to just not include the necessary .dll for that module?
I know you can do things programatically, but as long as you don't ship the .dll things should be ok right?
Reason being some .dll's require you to sell the product commercially, and if I want to give it away for free or as a demo I am stuck.

You have to go for plugin architecture. There's plenty of questions here on SO, as well as MEF which will be used in Visual Studio 2010, plus loads of DI/IoC containters which can aid in creating plugin-based apps.

You should be okay as long as the binary image you do ship doesn't actually need anything in the dll you're not shipping. That includes "does not expose functionality provided by the missing dll's".
For example; don't expose the "download as pdf" button if your pdf tools aren't "installed".
I've done this before by having a sort of plugin system that scans a predefined directory for .dlls and building a list of all exposed classes implementing a certain interface. Might be overkill for what you want though, and it's kindof the other way around than you suggest.

One possible approach (assuming you don't want to or can't go the plugin route) would be to create a dummy DLL with all the same classes and methods in there but that actually doesn't do anything.
Depending on the size and complexity of your DLL this may or may not be a viable action.
The plugin route would be the way I'd approach it though, as whenever the "real" DLL changes you will need to update your dummy one.

You definitely need some kind of 'in code' element, because a lack of DLL will break things in a worse way than simply disabling the modules you had intended.

This will definitely break if you are using Web Site instead of Web Application Project, because the DLL reference must be in your web.config... which will throw an error when it's missing.
You could get away with it in a Web Application Project, but that's a pretty ugly method. Much better to use some sort of plugin architecture, as others suggest.


ASP.NET MVC WAP, SharePoint Designer and SVN

I'm starting a new ASP.NET MVC project which requires some content management capabilities.
The people who will be managing the content prefer to use SharePoint Designer (successor to FrontPage) to modify content. I'd like to allow them to keep doing that.
The issues are:
Since I'd like this to be a WAP, not a website project, how can I allow them to see their changes in action without requiring them to have Visual Studio on their local machines? Can I specify a "default" action for a controller so that given a url like
Can I let them save pages (views) and see them in the browser without having to go through the check-in/build/deploy process?
I'd like their changes to be stored in SVN; SharePoint designer seems to only support Visual SourceSafe (ugh) directly.
The ideas I've come up with so far are
Write an HTTP handler that implements the FrontPage Server Extensions protocol. This sounds time consuming, but I haven't yet looked at the protocol spec. However, it would allow me to perform whatever operations I want on the server side, including checking files into SVN.
Ditch the WAP in favor of a website project. I do not like having the source present on the server, however. Also, will MVC work in a website project?
Surely someone has tackled this problem before?
This seems to be pretty complex. If they are going to be making static html pages then another option besides Frontpage Extensions is to use FTP, as I recall Frontpage worked nicely over ftp. Then that would smooth over the editing portion of the problem.
I don't know what the exact technology would be but there are services that will monitor a file-system for changes, you could have it automatically commit to svn.
In this case I would have it commit to a branch, maybe for each designer, and then when they have completed some portion you, or some team member then merges their changes into the branch so that there's meaningful history other than, a series of mechanical commits that will be worthless to read.
Use FTP instead of Frontpage Extensions
Use a file system monitor to mechanically commit saves to an SVN branch
When milestones are reached manually merge those changes to the trunk.
Also if not FTP, then WebDAV may be a good option too. You may also need to extend the MVC framework to compile the template each pageview just for development purposes.
Good Luck!

How do you structure your ASP.net sources in Visual Studio?

Do you have one solution with the web application project, class libraries, database project and tests? Or, do you segment it into multiple solutions? Why?
I'm asking because we're trying to streamline this scenario for Visual Studio 2010 and I'd like to get input from the community on how you'd prefer to work.
I tend (but not always) to have one solution per job, but I import existings projects from other solutions, such as my WebControlLibrary where I keep common user controls and classes, etc.
My actual solution for the job I then tend to break down into the Web Application, Business Logic Layer, Data Access Layer and Entity Layer, i.e.:
If a project requires something such as a mobile device, I'll always put that in a new solution, but it may perhaps share some projects of the current solution, i.e.
The more 'stuff' you have combined, the slower Visual Studios becomes at building. You can obviously stop certain projects building by default, but that's when you have to start creating your own build configurations. If you are going to be creating large applications, I'd suggest breaking down into multiple solutions. I find it much easier to flick between solutions that to keep changing build configurations.
Another option is that when you build your projects you can reference their DLLs. I prefer to import said projects into my solution as you never have to worry about referencing the creating build configuration i.e. selecting the DLL from the Debug or Release folder.
Stand alone libraries can be their own solutions. References for those libraries can be made into the project that you're working with. Related items like the web application, the test setups, and specific libraries such as data access or business rules can be setup as projects within one solution. It really all comes down to how much you want to break things out for resuability.
This depends a little on the job the project performs.
For ease of use it's simple to have a solution that just contains all the projects required. If it's a large solution this can hamper you later on when the IDE starts to get slow and build times rocket through the roof.
Let's say one of the projects is a library used by your company to take card payments and interface with 3d secure. You present you're own GUI page to take the details etc.
If you had numerous sites that all take card payments you would greatly benefit by having this project in a separate solution and referencing the compiled dll. Any changes you require you would need to open up the solution, make the change, build it, go to the solution you're working in and test it. Sounds like a pita and you find it's just simpler to have it all in one big solution. But then if you have this library in every solution and make a generic change to it you need to repeat that change through out.
So you just need to make a decision on wether you're developing a separate project in the same solution or something that might be used elsewhere. If you needed more functionality than the library provides you could implement a partial class in your project and extend the library in that way. Or perhaps a wrapper class will suffice. But then you know you're not affecting the other sites that use this library and you are keeping your solution smaller and more manageable with a smaller memory print during development.

How do you centralize UI across multiple ASP.NET sites?

One of the projects I was in charge of as a JSP/Struts developer at my last employer was a themes tag library (present on every WebSphere server as a shared library) that let any Java web dev in the company pull in any of the standard themes like intranet, public, etc. with minimal effort. The themes included header, footer, navigation, and links to css & javascript, etc. They could even customize things a bit when we gave them the option, like choosing a selected tab.
This setup was ideal because we could make centralized change to any standard UI elements and they were automatically pulled in by all sites using themes without any effort by the site developer.
With the new job I started in December, I've switched to using ASP.NET. I'd like to propose something similar in spirit to the themes app here, since we're running a bunch of different sites that should have a unified look and feel.
What's the best way to accomplish this? I'd rather not have to recompile anything to update the theme to make this work.
Although I was hoping for a better answer, the .NET gods apparently don't approve of what I was trying to accomplish. Here are the three options that were found:
Compile a Master Page into a DLL and put it into the GAC:
This works in simple cases, but as a hack it's too brittle. I couldn't get it to work correctly with our site.
Create a virtual directory to the Master Page in each web app: This actually does work, although it doesn't make for a very comfortable development environment. However, one of the things we are trying to move away from is having to create virtual directories inside each web application. No dice.
Create a bunch of custom controls, compile them into a DLL, and put it into the GAC: This is the answer I selected. It's the least centralized option and requires more work for the developer of each site, but it seems to be the only Microsoft-blessed way.
In conclusion, I'm pretty frustrated with .NET over this. In the grand scheme of things Master pages are just code, and I don't see any reason why they couldn't be easily centralized for use in multiple web applications. This seems to be a major loss compared to JSP/Java.
You can put some UI into the form of custom controls or server controls (if not in MVC) and then place them in the GAC thereby distributing them. All references to the controls in that assembly will be pulled from the latest version in the gac. You can also do things via the Machine.config which is controlled at the server level rather than the app level.

ASP.NET website deployment best practices resource suggestions

I have looked through the related questions, and none of them have provided me the information I am looking for.
Currently the team I work on does deployments of individual .aspx (and .aspx.vb) files for bug fixes/enhancments. I am trying to affect change, as I really believe that deploying the "whole compiled site" is less error prone. As this is a significant change from the way things have been done, my suggestions have ben met with significant resistance.
As my google-fu has not been up to par lately, I was hoping the SO community could either tell me that I am off my rocker, and that there is nothing wrong with moving individual files, or point me to some really good resources which would allow me to make a stronger case.
This has all been great info, and reinforces the arguments that I have already been making, can anyone argue the other side?
Deploying individual files for bug fixes and deployment is not a wise strategy. It sounds like you need a comprehensive build and deployment process. That doesn't mean it has to be complicated as there are some good tools available nowadays.
Build and deployment can get detailed, so as a minimum start try taking a look at the Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (http://www.iis.net/extensions/WebDeploymentTool). Install the tool on your build server and install it on your deployment server. Stage your ASP.NET content locally using the Visual Studio Publish command, then use the above tool to synchronize the entire package on the deployment server. I like this approach because it can be completely automated. When doing builds and deployments, aim for complete automation to reduce potential errors.
This is the bare minimum, but you will at least be certain that when specific files are changed, they are ALL synchronized on the deployment server.
Personally to me rolling back immediately is most important. Again website projects are very hard when it comes to track the changes.
you can find a good detailed comparison here. I am reproducing the article here.
1) Deployment. If you need in-place deployment, this model is perfect. However, it's not recommended since you are exposing your logic in clear text. So, anybody who have access to physical server can mess with your code and you never going to notice this. You can try to make precompiled web site, but you going to end up with a lot of dll and almost untouchable aspx files. Microsoft recognized this limitation and released Web Deployment Project tool.
2) You need to keep track of what did you change locally and what did you upload to production server. There are no versioning control. Visual Studio has Web Copy tool, but this tool fails to help. I had to build my own tool, which kept track of changes based on Visual Source Safe.
3) When you hit F5 for debug execution it takes merely 2 minutes to compile and execute whole project. Of course you can attach debugger to existing thread, but this is not an obvious solution.
4) If you ever try to generate controls on a fly you will hit first unsolvable limitation. How to reference other pages and controls. Page and control compilation happens on a per directory basis. On best case you going to get assembly for each directory, in worst each page or control is going to get its own assembly. If you need to reference another page from a control or another page you need to explicitly import it with the #Reference directive.
So for,
customControl = this.LoadControl("~/Controls/CustomUserControl.ascx") as CustomUserControl;
You need,
But what if you want to add something really dynamically and can't put all appropriate #Reference directives? Or What if you are creating server control and it doesn't have ascx file, so you don't have a place for #Reference ? Since each control has it's own assembly, it's almost impossible to do reflection.
Web Application Projects which re-appeared in Visual Studio 2005 SP1. They solves all issues mentioned above.
1) Deployment. You get just one dll per project. You can created redistributable packages and repeatable builds.You can have versioning and build scripts.
2) If you did code behind change you can upload just one dll. If you did aspx change you can upload just aspx change.
3) Execution takes 2-3 sec maximum.
4) Whole project is in one assembly, which helps reference any page or control. Conclusion. For any kind of serious work you should use Web Application Projects. Special thanks to Rick Strahl for his amazing article Compilation and Deployment in ASP.NET 2.0.
I agree with Rich.
Further information:
Deploying your SOURCE code ala the .vb files to the server is a BAD idea. Compile it. Obfuscate if you can, just don't deploy straight source. Imagine an attacker which gains access to the system. They could easily change your code and you might not ever notice. Yes, you can use a tool like reflector to decompile. But it's really hard to decompile a full site, make the changes you want, and put them back into production.
Deploying a single file might very well cause some type of problem in a related module. I'm guessing you guys don't really do QA. Tell them it's time to grow up.
Compiling your site will reduce JIT (just in time) compilation. Think performance.
I'm also going to guess that pretty much everyone has production server access. This is bad from the company's perspective as you have no controls in place. What happens when an employee decides to cause some havoc before leaving?
What you are describing is inline with Cowboy coding. Sure, it's fun to ride to the rescue but this style frequently blows everything up.
It's bad for rolling back. If you deploy as a web site vs web app, yeah you can do quick patches of one or two files, but what if you ever need to roll back to a previous version? Good luck tracking down all the files that were updated to make the new version. I much prefer the concept of a "version" for organizational reasons, and the compiled web app is much more inline with this than a "website" project.
We had this dilemma and ended up going with the compiled version mainly for the security reasons. If your site is external facing you could be compromising your security by allowing the vb files to be out there in plain text. I realize one could still get your code if they really wanted to but it would be an additional hurdle they would need to go through. If you use Visual Studio as your development environment you can publish the site pre-compiled and check the named assemblies option when publishing and this will essentially create a dll for each aspx page so you can do the one off page changes if necessary. This was a great feature we found as we were constantly updating the whole site and there were times when things would get updated that shouldn't. After using that feature we no longer had updates getting pushed that shouldn't. As far as rolling back I hope your using some type of Source control / versioning system. Team Foundation Server is great for versioning/source control but it is quite pricey.
What is the best deployment strategy depends a lot on what kind of environment you are working in, and what kind of developers you are working with.
Visual artists that started with graphic layout and worked towards programming are much more in tune to individual page generation and release. Also the .aspx.vb files are simply server side scripting, not really programming.
Programmers usually start at the command line and branch out to environments such as the web and understandably feel that good programming practices should be applied too the web, including standard test and release cycles (and compiled code).
If the site is in constant flux the individual pages would make more sense, but if you are required to deliver an installation package to your production group msi files are the way to go, since they can be easily backed out if necessary.
If you evaluate what your groups needs are, which includes the varied experience of everyone in your group, you should be able to convince either yourself or the group. This is not a matter of which is better, but which provides the best business model.

Add ons in a compiled language

We are developing a CMS in ASP.NET. We love the idea of add-ons (like in Wordpress, where any developer can add a menu button or a widget) and would like to enable developers to do the same with our system.
However I think that the fact that C# is a compiled language is an obstacle in the way of add-ons.
Am I right? Or is there a way to create add-ons for a ASP.NET application?
The fact that C# is a compiled language isn't a problem at all. In fact the .NET framework should make it relatively easy to load other code (just as Java does, for the same reason). Look into the Managed Extensibility Framework, which is all about loading Add-Ons in managed code.
It's not an obstacle at all. MEF has already been mentioned, you could also use:
I'm not sure for ASP.NET specifically, but in the only compiled programming language I know (Objective-C/Cocoa), there's the concept of Bundles that can be loaded dynamically. I'm not sure how that works on the backend, but I'd guess that there is some similar system for C#/ASP.NET.
I don't know how it's done in Wordpress, but there should be many ways. You can allow developers to upload their assemblies with compiled code or you can allow them to upload code in C# or IronPython or anything that supported and compile it dynamically. Maybe you can use WebParts for your task.
Microsoft has created the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF), specifically for this problem: providing .NET plugins for .NET applications. It is the framework that (future versions of) Visual Studio use for writing managed plugins.
However, please consider using a dynamic scripting language for this! Problems like this are exactly what they are specifically designed for. If you host the Dynamic Language Runtime in your application, it not only means that your users can extend the application in a scripting language, but even in any dynamic language (scripting or otherwise) for which a DLR implementation exists: Ruby, Python, Smalltalk, Scheme, JavaScript, PHP, you name it. Biggest disadvantage: the DLR hasn't been released yet.
In C#, you can create any assemblies, link them as DLL files and then do whatever you want.
The usual case would be to define some kind of Plugin Interface which must be implemented by all the plugins.
Then you can load all plugins from the filesystem (by iterating over the plugin DLLs), find the class inside which implements the interface, instantiate it and work with it.
If you want to provide plugins with unloadability and security, you could create an application domain and load the plugins to that, increasing complexity, but also increasing stability (a bad plugin won't crash your app).
Please ask more specifically if you want a specific answer :-)
It's not too difficult to put hooks in place. You have to define in advance where the add-on features will appear. For example: when drawing a menu you can use reflection to search other dlls (with specific names and locations) for a "BuildMenu" function. You'll be defining the API for this function signature. It may have to return a list of items to be added to the base menu items collection.
