Building the DropThings ASP.NET Solution -

I'm attempting to build a project called DropThings but I am getting all these errors and I'm not sure how to resolve them. Can anyone lend a helping hand? I'm wondering if anyone else can build the website and if so, what steps it took you. Thanks in advance!
Source Code:
My Configuration:
Visual Studio 2008 SP1
SQL 2005 (with the database loaded + Web.Config file configured)
Microsoft Silverlight Projects 2008
Error File
Metadata file '...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\DashboardDataAccess\bin\Debug\Dropthings.DataAccess.dll' could not be found. ...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\DashboardBusiness
Build failed due to validation errors in ...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\DashboardDataAccess\DropthingsDataContext.dbml. Open the file and resolve the issues in the Error List, then try rebuilding the project.
Metadata file '...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\DashboardBusiness\bin\Debug\Dropthings.Business.dll' could not be found. ...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\Dropthings.Business.Activities
Metadata file '...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\DashboardDataAccess\bin\Debug\Dropthings.DataAccess.dll' could not be found. ...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\Dropthings.Business.Activities
Metadata file '...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\Dropthings.Business.Activities\bin\Debug\Dropthings.Business.Activities.dll' could not be found. ...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\Dropthings.Business.Workflows
Metadata file '...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\DashboardBusiness\bin\Debug\Dropthings.Business.dll' could not be found. ...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\Dropthings.Business.Workflows
Metadata file '...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\DashboardDataAccess\bin\Debug\Dropthings.DataAccess.dll' could not be found. ...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\Dropthings.Business.Workflows
Metadata file '...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\DashboardDataAccess\bin\Debug\Dropthings.DataAccess.dll' could not be found Dropthings.Widget.Framework
Metadata file '...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\DashboardBusiness\bin\Debug\Dropthings.Business.dll' could not be found. ...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\Dropthings.Business.Facade
Metadata file '...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\DashboardDataAccess\bin\Debug\Dropthings.DataAccess.dll' could not be found. ...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\Dropthings.Business.Facade
Metadata file '...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\DashboardDataAccess\bin\Debug\Dropthings.DataAccess.dll' could not be found Dropthings.Web.Framework
Metadata file '...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\Dropthings.Business.Workflows\bin\Debug\Dropthings.Business.Workflows.dll' could not be found Dropthings.Web.Framework
Metadata file '...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\Dropthings.Business.Activities\bin\Debug\Dropthings.Business.Activities.dll' could not be found Dropthings.Web.Framework
Metadata file '...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\Dropthings.Widget.Framework\bin\Debug\Dropthings.Widget.Framework.dll' could not be found Dropthings.Web.Framework
Metadata file '...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\Dropthings.Business.Facade\bin\Debug\Dropthings.Business.Facade.dll' could not be found Dropthings.Web.Framework
Metadata file '...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\DashboardBusiness\bin\Debug\Dropthings.Business.dll' could not be found Dropthings.Web.Framework
The type or namespace name 'Framework' does not exist in the namespace 'Dropthings.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?) ...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\Dropthings\web.config

Check project's references.

It could possibly be the hardcoded connection string in the dbml file:
ConnectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="F:\Ilias Vai\Dropthings\trunk\src\Dropthings\App_Data\dropthings.mdf";Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
You're getting a build error on that:
..\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\DashboardBusiness Build failed due to validation errors in
...\Dropthings-v2.2.0\src\DashboardDataAccess\DropthingsDataContext.dbml. Open the file and resolve the issues in the Error List, then try rebuilding the project.
So you probably need to fix that connectionString to point your local MDF file (assuming you're using SQLEXPRESS) or a database.

Check that the .dll referenced by Dropthings are all present.
Take a look at the deploy version on GoogleCode which should work as-is.


ALINK : error AL1019: Metadata failure while creating assembly -- The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable

I have an webform project that build on system1 but not on system2 (they both are windows 10 and visual studio 2022 Version 17.4.3) and when I build visual studio show an error in error list window :
"Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Metadata failure while creating assembly -- The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable. Modabber D:\BehsamanCode\Modabber\Modabber.Web\ALINK"
Also it shows this error in the output window :
"ALINK : error AL1019: Metadata failure while creating assembly -- The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable"
I searched these errors and I enabled long path on windows10 and uncheck Sign the assembly but not work.
What should we do?
I don't know how but it resolved. I think system2 hard drive has a problem and after win10 repair it itself then restart windows the problem gone and project builded.

Alachisoft.NCache.Web.SessionState.NSessionStoreProvider can't find protobuf-net

I've downloaded the open source edition of ncache and i've followed the instructions at
to configure my website to put the session state in ncache.
However, i get this error hitting the site.
Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'protobuf-net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=257b51d87d2e4d67' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
Source Error:
Line 136:
Line 137:
Source File: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\xxxx\web.config Line: 138
Assembly Load Trace: The following information can be helpful to determine why the assembly 'protobuf-net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=257b51d87d2e4d67' could not be loaded
I'm not sure where to find that dll or why it can't be loaded? I tried using nuget to install protobuf-net but there is no 1.0.0 version and the recent version does not fix the problem when i copy it to the bin folder.
Turns out the issue was that you need NCache installed on the web servers too, in addition to the cache servers. This is a better page to follow if you are just starting out with NCache for sessionState.

Missing resource bundle com.adobe.flex.framework:playerglobal:rb.swc:ko_KR:

facing a issue while creating locale file with maven build for Korean locale.
rest of language resource bundle get created properly only Korean locale giving problem.
the following error occur.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.sonatype.flexmojos:flexmojos-maven-plugin:4.0-RC2:compile-swf (default-compile-swf) on project
---: Execution default-compile-swf of goal org.sonatype.flexmojos:flexmojos-maven-plugin:4.0-RC2:compile-swf failed: Missing
resource bundle 'com.adobe.flex.framework:flash-integration:rb.swc:ko_KR:
For this I have bundled required swc in my package and called same from maven build.

Type or namespace is not found Error when deploying the website

the website works nice on local system but when I deploy it , an exception throws that :
CS0234: The type or namespace name 'ISisoDatabase' does not exist in the namespace 'SisoDb' (are you missing an assembly reference?) ?
it's a shared host by the way .
any idea why this is happening ?
Edit : I used Web Project instead of WebSite and this error is gone but another exception is thrown :
Could not load file or assembly 'SisoDb, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.
solved : the problem was the ftp client I used to upload dlls . it sounds ftp corrupted the dlls. when I added assemblies using file manager , the problem was solved
the problem sometimes is the ftp client that is used to deploy files .they corrupt files when uploading them . try uploading files using file manager .

Web service Compilation Error

I have a problem with a web service. I add a web service reference to my project. I use this service in many pages. It is working correctly, no problems in VS but I copy App_WebReferences folder's files and Web.Config file to ISS path. But it is not working.
Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'InterkomLaboratuar' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Source Error:
Line 22: InterkomLaboratuar.Service1SoapClient _sistemTip = new InterkomLaboratuar.Service1SoapClient();
Source File: c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MedulaV3\diyaliz02\Istemler.aspx.cs Line: 22
How can i solve this problem please help..
Copy Bin folder to IIS. You are missing some assemblies.
