I am developing a dynamic mocking framework for Flex/AS3 and am having trouble with private/support types (ie. those declared outside the package {} in a class file).
In my ABC "file", I am declaring the instance with the PROTECTED_NAMESPACE class flag and with a PRIVATE_NS multiname. I have also experimented with giving it the same namespace as the class it is subclassing (eg. PRIVATE_NS("ContainerClass.as$123")).
No matter what I do, I always get the following error after loadBytes:
VerifyError: Error #1014: Class ContainerClass.as$123::PrivateClass could not be found.
I have experimented with loading the generated bytecode into the same ApplicationDomain as the private class (I use a child domain by default). I even tried registering a class alias before the load (though that was a bit of a stretch).
Am I forgetting anything or is it simply a restriction of the AVM?
Please note that I am fully aware that this is illegal in ActionScript 3.0, I am looking for whether this is actually possible in the AVM.
Edit: For those interested in the work so far, the project is asmock and is on sourceforge.
I'm no expert with ABC files but I just don't think this is possible in the AVM2. I did several tests a while ago with the AS3 Eval lib and they all failed.
Related to dynamic mocking, I have filed an issue in Adobe bugbase, asking for a dynamic proxy mechanism: http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/ASC-3136
I'm not sure what you mean by PRIVATE_NS("ContainerClass.as$123"), My reading of avm2overview.pdf 4.4.1 is that private namespaces are not permitted to have a name, hence that the "<class name>$<number>" namespace in debug output is generated for your convenience. I would assume that would mean you would have to hack your abc into the same abc tag in the source swf to access the namespace constant index (and that sounds too much like hard work to me!)
I haven't actually managed to generate a loading swf, though, so take this with a grain of salt.
Having gone back to look at this problem in ernest, I can definitively answer this question: private classes can only be referenced from the LoaderContext that loaded them
I have been able to add support for private interfaces by reproducing the interface in the loaded ABC 'file', but it cannot be coerced/cast back to the original private interface.
This is still useful for my requirements, as a private interface can be used to combine multiple interfaces.
I have a question that's nagging me.
Is it possible to use multiple methods of an
instance , without writing the name. I dont
mean static methods.
Language : java
For example: object name bibo of class manager
the class has three methods
- fire
- hiring
- raise
And what i want is like this:
I'm asking cause I saw this in another project, but cant recall how it was done or what project it was.
I'm interested in defining and inheriting from interfaces in R. By interface, I mean OOP interfaces. I know R supports class extension. This link http://adv-r.had.co.nz/OO-essentials.html gives an example of extending a reference class in R. It defines a NoOverdraftAccount reference class that extends an Account reference class.
Instead of extending the Account reference class, I'd like to be able to define an account interface, IAccount. I would like I'd like NoOverDraftAccount to implement IAccount, such that:
NoOverDraftAccount must implement all methods in IAccount.
NoOverDraftAccount cannot declare any new public methods not already declared in IAccount.
NoOverDraftAccountcan declare private methods and properties.
What's the best way to achieve this?
The closest I've come to an answer was from the question Multiple inheritance for R6 classes. But, the question wasn't focused on interfaces.
Thanks for your time.
I don't think "declarations" make much sense in an interpreted language like R. As there's no compile step there's no way to test if something actually conforms to a declared interface without running a function on the class, something like does_class_follow(class,interface), at some point.
So I think you have to start from scratch - you need to define an interface specification class and write the does_class_follow function.
My first thought was that a class would have to know what interface(s) it conformed to so that the test could introspect this, but perhaps that's wrong and you should have a file of interface definitions and pseudo-declarations that tested everything.
For example, have some file interfaces.R that looks like:
IAccount = Interface(
public = list("deposit","withdraw")
Implements(Account, IAccount)
Implements(Account, NoOverDraftAccount)
Then when the package is loaded those Implements functions would run and test the classes against that specification of what an Account interface is. Whether its better to test at load time or to put these sort of things in the ./test/ folder and test them at test time using test_that or another test system is a question...
As you may be aware you'll have to implement this separately for all the OO systems in R that you want to use - S3, S4, R5, ReferenceClasses, R6, proto, R.oo and all the other ones I've forgotten...
Flash builder lets me insert metadata for events fired by a class, example:
[Event("myEvent", "flash.events.Event")]
public class MyClass() {
Is there any way to do the same for Exceptions?
Currently I have checked here, and can't see it documented. Perhaps it's not even worthwhile, what are your thoughts.
There are ways to create your own metadata; and add that into your app at compile time. Use the keep-as3-metadata compiler argument.
It will be up to you to write code to do something with it at runtime; or to build IDE extensions to make use of the code while writing the code.
To access such metadata at runtime, you'll need to perform some type of introspection. Here are some docs and another StackOverflow Question about this.
Many Flex Frameworks make use of custom metadata.
According to the answers to this question here, the reason why I'm not seeing errors as I work in Flash Builder is that FB is "optimizing" them out because they aren't referenced at any point in the code execution. Is there an option to force Flash Builder to compile all files regardless of whether they're used in the software? This would make my development process a lot more intuitive.
The only way to do this is to actually reference the class somewhere in code that you know actually is being compiled, such as the Document Class in a .fla, or your Main.as file in a pure AS3 project. It can be as simple as declaring a variable of the given type, even if no value is ever assigned to it.
private var complieMe:OtherwiseUnreferencedClass;
// ^ This will cause your class to be compiled.
You need to reference each class somewhere in your project. The easiest/shortest way I've found to do this is to add an import followed by the class name in some common place, such as a script block in Main.mxml, although it really doesn't matter where:
import some.package.MyClass; MyClass;
Hope that helps.
I'm tasked with updating a Flex project created by an outside contractor and in the Actionscript is the following chunk:
//Some code here
I've never seen this type of structure before and I'm having a heck of a time trying to search for it on Google - I've found what it means in just about every programming language except AS3. Can anyone shed some light on this?
I'm pretty sure this relates to the conditional compilation features of the Flex compiler.
So, if you add a compiler argument, like this:
I bet that error will go away.
Although this is not the same context, to answer the question of what double colon "::" means in AS3...
It is a namespace accessor.
For example, the AS3 Vector.<T> type actually has a runtime type name of __AS3__.vec::Vector.<T>, where __AS3__.vec is the custom namespace. You can also use custom namespaces for members and access them on objects in AS3 using the syntax object.custom_namespace::membername. public and private are built in namespaces, so technically you could access public members like object.public::membername, as in:
var a:Array = [0,1];
trace(a.public::length); //prints 2
Not a flex / AS3 guru - this thread talks about the '::' being used as a "Namespace accessor":
Thread on Actionscript FAQs