flex 3 and autoComplete - apache-flex

im trying to getting auto complete working and i can do so fine when i just create an array in my mxml and then just initialize an arrayCollection at the top of the file in the initialize keyword.
However i want to populate the arraycollection from a webservice but i cant seem to get it;
im my application tag i have the following
initialize="data2 = new ArrayCollection(data1);"
then in my init method;
private function init():void
//this is called when i get a result from userRequest.getAllCountries();
private function getAllCountriesResult(e:ResultEvent):void
data1 = new Array(e.result);
however my text box is not getting any value.
Anyone with ideas?

first off, Array is not Bindable so changing the variable data1 will have no knock on effect.
The arrayCollection is bindable.
So presumming that the result (e.result) is actually an array (you should check this when debugging) then you could do the following
priavte var ac : ArrayCollection;
then inside you're getAllCountriesResult function.
ac = new ArrayCollection(e.result);
then anything that has is dataprovider set to the var ac will be updated.
If you wish to update a text value inside a textArea or similar then you should listen for the change event in the arrayCollection and take the appropriate action then.
from your additional points below (just edit your original question)
I take it the autocomplete your talking about is the autocomplete text input box from adobe exchange area as a normal text box doesn’t take an arrayCollection.
If you posted some code it may make it easier to help you.
Preinitialize, then initialize, then creationComplete, then applicationComplete (this is the order they get called in).
If your using the component I’m thinking of, check out http://www.websector.de/blog/2008/04/30/quick-tip-avoid-issues-using-adobes-autocomplete-input-component-using-flex-3/
It appears it may have some issues with flex 3, so check out http://blogs.adobe.com/flex/2006/09/component_autocomplete_text_in.html .

Try this:
private function getAllCountriesResult(e:ResultEvent):void
data2.source = new Array(e.result); // or data2.source = e.result as Array
Make sure data2 is already initialized as a ArrayCollection.
As for AutoComplete, I'm trying to work things out myself.


How to Clear Static array in Flex action Script

I am using Flex Action Script.I am facing issue with static array. I have one static array used by two tabs.First time when I login the data is coming fine but if I am going to another tab and coming back to first tab then data from 2nd tab is appended into it and displayed in first.How to get rid of this problem?
//I'm assuming you have a var like this:
public static var sharedArray:Array;
//Then, assuming you're using a Spark TabBar, make sure you have a "change" listener defined for it, and make sure it includes the following code:
public function onTabChange(event:IndexChangeEvent):void {
sharedArray = [];

Data binding across multiple objects in Flex 3

I am new to Flex (got assigned to maintain an old project at work) and am having some trouble getting data binding to work correctly. I have a popup form class, AddOffer.mxml which uses a model AddOfferModel.as. On my popup form, I have the following component:
<mx:FormItem label="{getResource('addOffer.form.OFFER_DATE')}:"
stop="{model.offerStopDate}" />
My AddForm.mxml file also has some embedded actionscript where I define my 'model' variable:
public var model:AddOfferModel;
The model variables I am trying to bind to are standard getters/setters and look like this inside AddOfferModel.as:
public function set offerStartDate(val:EditableInstant):void
_offerStartDate = val;
public function get offerStartDate():EditableInstant
return _offerStartDate;
private var _offerStartDate:EditableInstant;
public function set offerStopDate(val:EditableInstant):void
_offerStopDate = val;
public function get offerStopDate():EditableInstant
return _offerStopDate;
private var _offerStopDate:EditableInstant;
Inside the OfferWindowDatesFragment component class, the start and stop variables look like this:
public function set start(val:EditableInstant):void
_start = val;
public function get start():EditableInstant
return _start;
private var _start:EditableInstant;
public function set stop(val:EditableInstant):void
_stop = val;
public function get stop():EditableInstant
return _stop;
private var _stop:EditableInstant;
Basically, I just want to bind the start and stop variables in my OfferWindowDatesFragment class to the offerStartDate and offerStopDate variables in the AddOfferModel.as file. Whenever I access the start/stop variables in functions inside the OfferWindowDatesFragment class, they are null.
I have an event listener function that gets triggered in OfferWindowDatesFragment anytime a user selects a new date, it looks like this:
private function changeOfferDate():void
start.currentValue = offerDateEditor.start;
stop.currentValue = offerDateEditor.stop;
Every time I reach this function, it throws up an error because 'start' and 'stop' are both null ... but should have been initialized and bound already. If I look at the variables in the debugger, I can confirm that values on the right side of the assignment expression are valid, and not what is causing the error.
I am not real familiar with how initialization works in Flex, and I assumed as long as I instantiated the component as seen in the first code snippet at the top of my post, it would initialize all the class variables, and setup the bindings. Am I missing something? Perhaps I am not properly initializing the model or class data for AddForm.mxml or AddFormModel.as, thereby binding null references to the start/stop fields in my OfferWindowDatesFragment class?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I looked into this further and tried using Mate to inject the 'model' variable inside AddOffer.mxml with a valid AddOfferModel object:
<Injectors target="{AddOffer}" debug="{debug}">
<ObjectBuilder generator="{AddOfferModel}" constructorArguments="{scope.dispatcher}" cache="local"/>
<PropertyInjector targetKey="model" source="{lastReturn}" />
I load the AddOffer.mxml dialog as the result of a button click event on another form. The function that pops it up looks like this:
public function addOffer():void
var addOfferDialog:AddOffer = new AddOffer();
addOfferDialog.addEventListener("addOffer", addOfferFromDialog);
It doesn't seem to be assigning anything to the 'model' variable in AddOffer.mxml. Does loading a view/dialog this way not trigger an injection from Mate by chance? (I realize this last part might belong in the Mate forums, but I'm hoping somebody here might have some insight on all of this).
In AddOffer.mxml, you have this code:
public var model:AddOfferModel;
Is there something outside AddOffer.mxml that is setting this to a valid AddOfferModel? There should be. The nature of how the Flex component life cycle means that you can expect that things may be null at times as a View builds. So you should build your components to be able to "right themselves" after receiving bad data, if the data eventually comes good.
Data binding is one way to do this, but it may not paper over everything depending on what else is going on.
Have you verified that the model value you're getting is not null at the point where the user selects the date and that its offerStartDate and offerEndDate properties have been populated with valid EditableInstants? If both of those are correct, I'd start looking for pieces of the Views that expect to have stuff at a given instant and then don't recover if it is provided later.

Flex: Passing object to save back to server freezes application

I have a NavigatorContent which is displayed when the user selects an item in a DataGrid.
This NavigatorContent contains a form and an accordion displaying the related objects.
When the user presses the Save button in the NavigatorContent the form and the children should be saved to the database by calling the server through BlazeDS:
//Map the form values to the object
object.field1 = object_field1.text;
object.field2 = object_field2.selectedDate as Date;
object.relatedobject3 = comboBox.selectedItem as RelatedObject3;
//Loop through accordion to save the child objects
for(var i:int= 0; i < accordion.numChildren; i++ )
if(accordion.getChild(i) is RelatedObject1Form)
var formRelated1:RelatedObject1Form = accordion.getChild(i) as RelatedObject1Form;
//Map the form values to the related object
object.relatedobject1.field1 = formRelated1.relatedobject1_field1.selectedDate;
if(accordion.getChild(i) is RelatedObject2Grid)
var gridRelated2:RelatedObject2Grid = accordion.getChild(i) as RelatedObject2Grid;
//Get dataProvider for the datagrid of the relatedObject
object.relatedobject2 = gridRelated2.object.relatedobject2;
// Call the remoting object's saveObject method
var saveObjectOperation:Operation = new Operation();
saveObjectOperation.name = "saveObject";
ro.operations = [saveObjectOperation];
//dispatchEvent new object
//dispatchEvent object updated
My problem is as the question states that my application freezes for a few seconds when the user presses the save button that calls this method. I guess that is because Flex is single threaded, but still i dont quite get why this method would be so computational expensive? It doesnt seem to matter if i comment out the loop that loops over the accordion children.
I tried setting the objects related objects to null before calling the remote save method, and this seemed to speed up the save method, but it provided me with some troubles later.
My conclusion is that the remote call is whats freezing up the application, and if i set the related objects to null this seems to fix the issue. But is this really necessary? The related objects aren't really that big, so i don't quite get why the remote call should freeze the application for a few seconds.
This is how i create the accordion children when the NavaigatorContent is intialized:
var relatedObjectForm:RelatedObject1Form= new RelatedObject1Form();
relatedObjectForm.object= object;
relatedObjectForm.ro = this.ro;
The object that i pass to the accordion children is public and [Bindable] in the NavigatorContent and in the accordion children and is initially passed from the main DataGrid. May this be a problem relating to this issue?
Any help/comments is much appreciated. This issue is starting to affect my beauty sleep ;)
My guess would be that you're spending a lot of time in the serializer. Put a trace target in the app and watch the console when it runs to see what's being sent.
The most likely problems are from DisplayObjects - if they've been added to the application they will have a reference to the application itself, and will cause some serializers to start serializing the entire app. The bindable object might have some odd events attached that eventually attach to DisplayObjects - try copying the relevant values in it into your object instead of just taking a reference to the existing object.

Alternative to data binding

As an alternative to binding an array collection to a data grid's data provider, could I assign the array collection as the data provider to the data grid on it's creation and everytime the array collection is updated execute invalidateProperties(); invalidateList(); to re-render the data grid?
Does my described approach make sense?
Does my described approach make sense?
Sort of. If you have an arrayCollection ( ac) defined using a get/set method, there is no reason you can't set the dataPRovider on your DataGrid in the set method, every time the data is changed.
If you do that, then you most likely will not have to update the properties or displayList of the DatGrid, because the mere fact of replacing the dataProvider will do it for you.
Something like this:
private var _ac : ArrayCollection;
public function get ac():ArrayCollection){
return this._ac;
public function set ac(value:ArrayCollection){
this._ac = value;
this.dataGrid.dataProvider = this.ac;
Bingo, every time that the ac value is updated, so will the dataProvider on the DataGrid.

Having trouble with binding

I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding the binding in Flex. I'm using Cairngorm framework. I have the following component with code like:
var _model:LalModelLocator = LalModelLocator.getInstance();
<s:DataGroup dataProvider="{_model.friendsSearchResults}"
<s:TileLayout orientation="columns" requestedColumnCount="2" />
</s:layout> </s:DataGroup>
in the model locator:
public var friendsSearchResults:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
Inside the item renderer there is a button that calls a command and inside the command results there is a line like this:
model.friendsSearchResults = friendsSearchResults;
Putting break points and stepping through the code I confirmed that this like gets called and the friendsSearchResults gets updated.
To my understanding if I update a bindable variable it should automatically re-render the s:DataGroup which has a dataProvider of that variable.
There's nothing obviously wrong in the code sample. It should work so I think there's a problem elsewhere.
I would recommend setting a breakpoint where the dataProvider is assigned and also where model.friendsSearchResults is assigned. Make sure they're both pointing to the same object instance. Then step through the property assignment and corresponding event.
To make debugging easier you can switch to using a named event instead of the default. With a named event, only event listeners interested in your particular property are triggered instead of any listeners listening for any property change. This is easier to debug and will run faster. For example, change:
public var results:ArrayCollection;
private var _results:ArrayCollection;
public function get results():ArrayCollection {
return _results;
public function set results(value:ArrayCollection):Void {
_results = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("resultsChanged"));
Another thing to keep in mind is that bindings hide certain errors like null reference exceptions. They assume the value simply isn't available yet and suppress the error. Stepping through the assignment and related bindings will help find a problem like this.
