Compact Framework - Get Storage Card Serial Number - encryption

Morning all,
How would I go about getting the serial number of the storage/sd card on my mobile device? I am using C#.Net 2.0 on the Compact Framework V2.0.

The Smart Device Framework provides a mechanism to get SD Card serial numbers and manufacturer IDs.

I'm not on a machine that I can get the syntax for you but I believe you can use the System.IO namespace to get IO based attributes.
First get a DirectoryInfo to the storage card. (I'm not 100% on the code here, you may need to test, I'll update it if I can get to my machine)
public DirectoryInfo GetStorageCard() {
DirectoryInfo deviceRoot = new DirectoryInfo("/");
foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in deviceRoot.GetDirectories())
if (dir.Attributes == FileAttributes.Directory & dir.Attributes = FileAttributes.Temporary)
return dir;
Then check all the properties on the DirectoryInfo that code returns. Thanks to the joys of debugging you should be able to see if the serial number is one of the available properties.
If not, you may need to look to something a bit more unmanaged.
Hope this helps.

You need to use some unmanaged APIs. Specifically, DeviceIoControl using a 'control code' of IOCT_DISK_GET_STORAGEID. This will, in turn, return a STORAGE_IDENTIFICATION structure.
Here's where it gets a bit tricky, as STORAGE_IDENTIFICATION uses a property (dwSerialNumOffset) to specify the (memory) offset from the beginning of the structure, which would be difficult to translate into interop calls.
Edit: Found a VB.NET implementation on the MSDN forums


setting CilBody.KeepOldMaxStack or MetadataOptions.Flags

While decompiling .net assembly using de4dot I am getting following message in console:
Error calculating max stack value. If the method's obfuscated, set CilBody.KeepOldMaxStack or MetadataOptions.Flags (KeepOldMaxStack, global option) to ignore this error
How do I set CilBody.KeepOldMaxStack or MetadataOptions.Flags?
Maybe a bit late, but I ran into the same problem today, finding your open question while looking for a solution, and this is how I solved it - I hope it works for you, too:
// Working with an assembly definition
var ass = AssemblyDef.Load("filename.dll");
// Do whatever you want to do with dnLib here
// Create global module writer options
var options = new ModuleWriterOptions(ass.Modules[0]);
options.MetadataOptions.Flags |= MetadataFlags.KeepOldMaxStack;
// Write the new assembly using the global writer options
ass.Write("newfilename.dll", options);
If you want to set the flag only for a selection of methods that produce the problem before writing, just for example:
// Find the type in the first module, then find the method to set the flag for
.Types.First((type) => type.Name == nameof(TypeToFind))
.KeepOldMaxStack = true;
CilBody is maybe a bit confusing, if you're not too deep into the internal .NET assembly structures: It simply means the body object of the method that produces the problem, when writing the modified assembly. Obfuscators often try to confuse disassemblers by producing invalid structures, what may cause a problem when calculating the maxstack value before writing the assembly with dnLib. By keeping the original maxstack value, you can step over those invalid method structures.
In the context of de4dot it seems to be a bug, or the application is simply not designed to solve invalid method structures of obfuscated assemblies - in this case there's no solution for you, if the de4net developer won't fix/implement it, and you don't want to write a patch using the source code from GitHub.

EVR equivalent to IVMRMonitorConfig or IVMRMonitorConfig9?

Using VMR7 and VMR9, I can query interface from renderer for IVMRMonitorConfig[9] to ask monitor related informations via IVMRMonitorConfig::GetAvailableMonitors(). My purpose is to check the what underlying VGA of renderer by checking the keyword in VMRMONITORINFO[9]::szDescription. ex: nvidia.
For EVR, everything is new and different. I try to find the interface providing monitor related or something with hardware information. Here is what I've looked up but not wanted.
IEVRFilterConfig provides static configuration
IMFVideoRenderer provides service that reset new presenter
IMFVideoDeviceID(RENDER_SERVICE) provides Device GUID. But it looks like generally gives IID_IDirect3DDevice9 as return.
IMFVideoDisplayControl provides output window control and query

Technology to send "real-time" console output to the client's browser

I have a .NET console application that I want to start on the server of an ASP.NET MVC application. It produces output continuously for a certain time and I want to intercept this output and show it to the client in his browser window.
From another console application, I can do it like this:
public static void Main(string[] args)
Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo.FileName = "RandomOutputCreator.exe";
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
process.OutputDataReceived += (sender, e) =>
The problem is that in the MVC application, I can't push the data I read to the client, but rather rely on requests to the controller to get my data.
Something like WebSockets could maybe help me here, but I'm new to this kind of thing and wonder if there might be a "built-in" way to accomplish this.
Then there's the Web API thing. Could this be of use perhaps, since it seems to go well with MVC?
(Since I do not know what a fitting technology might be, please excuse the lack of tags and feel free to fill some in that you think fit).
This topic typically reminds me of a tutorial I followed in order to allow real-time communication from my browser to an ASP.NET application.
In summary : What you're looking for are indeed WebSocket, and there is no standard built-in functions to handle that. But, in order to help you doing some stuff, you still have the library signalR!
Here's the link to the referenced tutorial :
You can try "print" console output in a separate frame (see iframe HTML tag).
You should set one of your actions as a source (URL) of the frame. You'll need to configure the IIS to run this action without execution time limit.
Next, your action should run an external program, intercept its output, and write it to HTTP output (see ContentResult).
I have a small project that does exactly that:
Give it a look, it may give you some ideas.

EXC_BAD_ACCESS on iOS 8.1 with Dictionary

I have an object accessible via a static var in a struct (workaround for the lack of class variable support in swift right now), structured like this:
struct Constants{
static var myObj = MyObject()
MyObject has a dictionary in it like so:
class MyObject{
private var params = Dictionary<String,AnyObject>()
func addParam(key:String, value:AnyObject){
params[key] = value
Now on the first call to this object for Contants.myObj.addParam("param", value:123) all is well and params has contents ["param":123]. On the second call for Contants.myObj.addParam("param", value:456), I get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
Here's the kicker though, this only occurs in iOS 8.1. Also, if I add the line let stupidHack = self.params as the first line of my addParam method, it works fine. My assumption is that it deals with mutability of dictionaries. The let may somehow trigger the dictionary to be mutable again after initialization.
Has anyone else run into this issue before? Any idea on how to fix it?
Looks like a compiler bug.
Have you tried switching between Release and Debug then rebuilding? If debug works but not release it can be an indication of a compiler/optimizer bug.
Does it happen in the simulator also?
Your code works for me on iOS 8.1 with XCode 6.1.
By chance, do you have an iPhone 6 with 64Gb ?
I have one and I had the same issue using Dictionaries twice.
In the news (well the tech news ...), I read that the defective memory modules delivered by Toshiba for precisely this iPhone model could cause incorrect allocations in memory.
Try adjusting the Swift compiler optimization level to "None" (Build Settings).
I had a similar issue with a class being deallocated for no apparent reason, it is mostly a compiler bug like Lee said.
Faced similar kind of issues with swift code and fixed such issues by disabling swift compiler optimisation in the build settings of the application target.

Flex Compile Time Constants - Timestamp

I'm trying to use Flex Compile Time Constants to include the date and time the SWF was built (source control revision/timestamp such as SVN:Keywords is not sufficient for our needs, we need to know the actual build time, not the commit time).
I've tried using actionscript (like the documentation suggests you should be able to):
-define+=COMPILE::Timestamp,"new Date()"
But this gives "The initializer for a configuration value must be a compile time constant"
I've tried getting it to drop to shell and use the date command (using various single and double quote configurations), for example:
-define+=COMPILE::Timestamp,`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
I can only get it to work with simple strings and simple constant expressions (eg, I can do 4-2 and it'll be 2 at runtime. But I can't get it to do anything whose value wouldn't be explicitly known at the time I declare the define.
Has anyone had any luck with something like this?
I had the same problem and ended up using this blog post as a starting point. Worked really well for me. Just had to update a few bits of the class to flex 4. Pulled the date right out of the complied swf.
The key to your problem is most likely in the following statement by Adobe referring to Compile Time Constants:
The constant can be a Boolean, String, or Number, or an expression that can be evaluated in ActionScript at compile time.
I would assume that the Timestamp is not available at compile time.
However, you may try using a string instead (something like this)
public function GetUnixTime():String{
var myDate:Date = new Date();
var unixTime:Number = Math.round(myDate.getTime()/1000);
return unixTime.toString();
Another thought is that you could get the information from the compiled file.
Hope this helps.
After extensive research, I've concluded that this simply isn't doable.
If you don't use FlexBuilder to do your builds you can do it quite easily.
I do something like this with FlexMojos in Maven.
In the relevant config section:
FlexBuilder pretty much sucks as a build environment for reasons like the one you mention
