I'm using Office Automation in .NET. It is leaving behind the excel.exe program. I know the fix - it is all about explicitely defining the variables. Once defined, I can properly de-allocate the ram and the GC will clean them up.
The problem is, I have literally thousands of lines of code to go through. So I'm wondering: Is there some sort of a utility in .net (or 3rd party) that is capable of showing me a list of variables for which I have ram allocated still? If so, I would be able to target those items and specificially de-allocate them.
Just to be clear, you need to explicitly Quit Excel after you are done using it through automation. If you don't an instance will keep running, even if your variables go out of scope and garbage collection runs. I believe the command it Quit():
Excel.ApplicationClass excel = new Excel.ApplicationClass();
//do some work with Excel
I would recommend you do this with a try/catch/finally
Excel.ApplicationClass excel = null;
excel = new Excel.ApplicationClass();
//do some Excel work
catch(Exception ex)
//log exception
if(excel != null)
Each task has a reference to the goal it is assigned to. When I try and delete the tasks, and then the goal I get the error
"Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0). Entities may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. Refresh ObjectStateManager entries." on the line _goalRepository.Delete(goalId);
What am I doing wrong?
public void DeleteGoal(int goalId, bool deleteTasks)
if (deleteTasks)
Goal goalWithTasks = _goalRepository.GetWithTasks(goalId);
foreach (var task in goalWithTasks.Tasks)
goalWithTasks.Tasks = null;
catch (Exception ex)
Exception deleteException = ex;
Most likely the problem is because you're attempting to hold onto and reuse a context across page views. You should create a new context, do your work, and dispose of the context atomically. It's called the Unit Of Work pattern.
The main reason for this is that the context maintains some state information about the database rows it has seen, if that state information becomes stale or out of date then you get exceptions like this.
There are a lot of other reasons to use the Unit of Work pattern, I would suggest you do a web search and do a little reading as an educational exercise.
This may have nothing to do with data access though. You are removing items from a list as you are iterating it, which would cause problems if you were using a normal List. Without knowing much about the internals of EF, my guess is that your delete calls to the repository are changing the same list that you are iterating.
Try iterating the list in one pass and record the Task ids you want to delete in separate list. Then when you have finished iterating, call delete on the Task list. For example:
var tasksToDelete = new List<int>();
foreach (var task in goalWithTasks.Tasks)
foreach (var id in tasksToDelete)
This may not be the cause of your problem but it is good practice to never change the collection you are iterating.
I ran across this issue at work (I am an Intern), I was getting this error when trying to delete a piece of Equipment that was referenced in other data-tables.
I was deleting all references before attempting to delete the Equipment BUT the reference deletion was happening in another Model which had its own database context, the reference deletion would be saved within the Model's context.
But the Equipment Model's context would not know about the changes that just happened in another Model's context which is why when I was trying to delete the Equipment and then save the changes (eg: db.SaveChanges()) the error would happen (the Equipment context still thought there was references to that equipment in other tables).
My solution for this was to re-allocate the context before attempting to delete the Equipment:
db = new DatabaseContext();
Now the newly allocated context has the latest snapshot of the database and is aware of all changes made. Deletion happens without issues.
Hope my experience helps.
My Flex app uses local SharedObjects. There have been incidents of the Flash cookie getting corrupt, for example, due to a plugin crash. In this case SharedObjects.getLocal will throw an exception (#2006).
My client wants the app to recover gracefully: if the cookie is corrupt, I should replace it with an empty one.
The problem is, if SharedObject.getLocal doesn't return an instance of SharedObject, I've nothing to call clear() on.
How can I delete or replace such a cookie?
Many thanks!
There isn't much code to show - I access the local cookie, and I can easily catch the exception. But how can I create a fresh shared object at the same location once I caught the exception?
try {
localStorage = SharedObject.getLocal("heywoodsApp");
} catch (err:Error) {
// what do I do here?
The error is easily reproduced by damaging the binary content of a Flash cookie with an editor.
I'm not really sure why you'd be getting a range error - esp if you report that can find it. My only guess for something like this is there is a possibility of crossing boundries with respect to the cross-domain policy. Assuming IT has control over where the server is hosted, if the sub-domain ever changed or even access type (from standard to https) this can cause issues especially if the application is ongoing (having been through several releases). I would find it rather hard to believe that you are trying to retrieve a named SO that has already been named by another application - essentially a name collision. In this regard many of us still uses the reverse-dns style naming convention even on these things.
If you can catch the error it should be relatively trivial to recover from: - just declare the variable outside the scope of the try so it's accessible to catch as well. [edit]: Since it's a static method, you may need to create a postfix to essentially start over with a new identifier.
var mySO:SharedObject;
mySO = SharedObject.getLocal('my.reversedns.so_name_temp_name');
//might want to dispatch an error event or rethrow a specific exception
//to alert the user their "preferences" were reset.
You need to be testing for the length of SharedObject and recreate if it's 0. Also, always use flush to write to the object. Here's a function we use to count the number of times our software is launched:
private function usageNumber():void {
usage = SharedObject.getLocal("usage");
if (usage.size > 0) {
var usageStr:String = usage.data.usage;
var usageNum:Number = parseInt(usageStr);
usageNum = usageNum + 1;
usageStr = usageNum.toString();
usage.data.usage = usageStr;
} else {
usage.data.usage = "1";
It's important to note that if the object isn't available it will automatically be recreated. That's the confusing part about SharedObjects.
All we're doing is declaring the variable globally:
public var usage:SharedObject;
And then calling it in the init() function:
usage = SharedObject.getLocal("usage");
If it's not present, then it gets created.
For debugging purposes I store exception's stack trace to log file in my ASP.NET application. But in most of cases it contains a looot of redundant information: stack trace of ASP.NET's core before my routines and System calls after.
Is there any way to trim this unrelevant, not in my assembly information from StackTrace object I create from Exception? I'm interested only in chunk of frames inside of whole trace.
Thank you.
One way would be to create a StackTrace object, get the frames from it and loop through them, checking whether each frame was created for a method in one of your assemblies.
I don't think you really should do this though. You chould rather focus on getting less error messages in your logs than shortening them (which will likely make things more difficult to debug).
I ended up parsing ex.ToString() and removing unwanted entries with Regex. It's not a universal solution, you have to specify each excluded entry manually, but it helps reduce size of logs and improve log readability. It's also fairly maintainable. Something like this:
private static string TrimStackTrace(Exception ex)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
string[] lines = ex.ToString().Split(Environment.NewLine, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var excludeRegex = new Regex(#"^\s+at (Microsoft.AspNetCore|lambda_)");
foreach (string line in lines)
if (excludeRegex.IsMatch(line))
return sb.ToString();
You can of course make excluded entries part of your app config.
this is my first post here. I'm asking because I ran out of clues and I was unable to find anything about this specific issue.
My question is: In Adobe AIR, is there a way to do a synchronous usleep() equivalent (delay execution of 200ms), alternatively is there a way to specify the SQLite busy timeout somewhere?
I have an AIR application which uses the database in synchronous mode because the code cannot cope with the need of events/callbacks in SQL queries.
The database sometimes is accessed from another application, such that it is busy. Hence the execute() of a statement throws SQLerror 3119 detail 2206. In this case the command shall be retried after a short delay.
As there is another application running on the computer I want to try to avoid busy waiting, however I'm stuck with it because of three things:
First, I was unable to find a way to give the SQLConnection a busy timeout value, like it is possible in C with the function sqlite3_busy_timeout()
Second, I was unable to find the equivalent of the C usleep() command in Adobe AIR / Actionscript.
Third, I am unable to use events/timers/callbacks etc. at this location. The SQL execute() must be synchronous because it is called from deeply nested classes and functions in zillion of places all around in the application.
If the application could cope with events/callbacks while doing SQL I would use an asynchronous database anyway, so this problem cannot be solved using events. The retry must be done on the lowest level without using the AIR event processing facility.
The lowest level of code looks like:
private static function retried(fn:Function):void {
var loops:int = 0;
for (;;) {
try {
if (loops)
trace("database available again, "+loops+" loops");
} catch (e:Error) {
if (e is SQLError && e.errorID==3119) {
if (!loops)
trace("database locked, retrying");
// Braindead AIR does not provide a synchronous sleep
// so we busy loop here
throw e;
One sample use of this function is:
protected static function begin(conn:SQLConnection):void {
Output of this code is something like:
database locked, retrying
database available again, 5100 loops
Read: The application loops over 500 times a second. I would like to reduce this to 5 loops somehow to reduce CPU load while waiting, because the App shall run on Laptops while on battery.
in my project, I let users pick pictures using the FileReference class. I then load these pictures into their .data properties, using the load() function. After this I perform some local manipulation and send them to the server.
What I would like to do, is to be able to iterate over the picked FileReferences again, load them into .data properties, perform different manipulation and send them to the server once again. I know that I should be able to do this from user-invoked event, that is not an issue here.
Problem is, once the FileReference is loaded for the first time, I can not unload it in any way, and I can not keep the data for all the pictures in the memory because these are huge.
So I guess there is only one thing I can do, which is performing a DeepCopy on the FileReference... Then I could load the first version, scrap it and use the copy for the second 'run'.
I tried to use ObjectUtil.copy, but when I access e.g. .name property of the copy, it fails with:
Error #2037: Functions called in incorrect sequence, or earlier call was unsuccessful.
at flash.net::FileReference/get name()
the relevant snippet:
Is it true that there are some protected properties of FileReference class that prevent it from being copied? If it is so, can I sidestep this somehow? Or is there any other solution to my overall problem?
I appreciate any hints/ideas!
I was trying to do almost exactly what you were doing, and I almost gave up after reading some of the answers, but I think I found a way to do it. I've found that if you have a FileReference object and call load() multiple times, it will work, but the main problem is that you're keeping the high-res bytes in memory after the first load. As you've mentioned, for people who don't know image processing, this is a big no-no.
The way to get around this is that after your first load(), you need to call the cancel() method on FileReference. From my testing so far, it looks like that will clear out the bytes in the FileReference, and load() will still work if you call it a second time later. Just a word of caution, this isn't explicitly-defined behavior in the API, so it is definitely subject to change, but it may help get you where you need to go in the mean time.
Hope that helps.
you cant use a ObjectUtil.copy. This method is designed for copying only data objects (VO classes).
you should create a new FileReference and copy the porperties, one by one. Create a function to do this..
Would copying it to a temporary file and then uploading the temporary file work? For example
var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
var tmpFile:File = File.createTempFile();
try {
var tmpFileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
tmpFileStream.open(tmpFile, FileMode.WRITE);
trace("Opened file: " + tmpFile.nativePath);
trace("copied file");
} catch ( error:Error ) {
trace("Unable to open file " + tmpFile.nativePath + "\n");
throw error;
I'm thinking that the operation is completely disallowed, for good reasons. If you can duplicate a new FileReference through ActionScript code, then you'd also be able to manufacture a FileReference object through ActionScript code. Of course, that'd be a pretty bad security hole if you could force the upload of an arbitrary file.
Keeping a copy of the data in memory really isn't that bad of a solution. After all, it's temporary. The typical client computer should be able to manage a few hundred extra MB of data with no problem. It's certainly a better option than having their browser do two separate uploads, which is what your attempted solution would end up doing.
A completely different potential solution to this problem is to avoid image manipulation by Flex altogether. Flex could post the uploaded file directly to the server, and the server could do the image manipulation itself. Of course, if the manipulation is driven through user interactions, then that wouldn't work at all.