How to determine last deselected item in a TileList? - apache-flex

My TileList has allowMultipleSelection on. I am using itemClick to call a function. I can use listEvent.currentTarget.selectedItem to determine what object was just clicked on if I am selecting, but when I ctrl + click to deselect an item, it automatically selects something else in the TileList, thus changing the selectedItem. It seems like ctrl + clicking to deselect changes the target before the itemClick function is run. Is there a way to figure out what was just deselected?
I can use selectedItems to get the same end functionality I need. However, I am concerned about performance when the selectedItems collection gets really long. We are using blazeds to send the data back and forth and it would be much faster if we sent the one item that was added/removed then the whole thing each time.

I'm a bit surprised that you seem to be saying that "itemClick" isn't being dispatched in each case. I wonder if you should try listening to the "change" event instead?
What about adding a property called "previouslySelectedItems" and doing a comparison between that and "selectedItems" to figure out what changed? After the comparison is done, set previouslySelectedItems = selectedItems.


flex how to refresh already created view

How can I refresh view after a certain event?
I have a view which contains multiple groups. I want to show or hide some groups.
onCreationComplete() or initialize() method works only at the beginning of the view creation.
Try invalidateDisplayList() on the view
Let me know if that doesn't do the trick and we'll try some other tricks.
I personally don't like the answer that says to call invalidateDisplayList (sorry no offense Nate nothing personal). I feel it's too vague and doesn't explain what this does under the hood and furthermore you shouldn't have to call it directly in cases such as the one explained in the OPs question. You can simply create booleans that are bindable for each of the groups you'd like to show/hide then in the event handler set those booleans to the appropriate value and if they are bound to the visible and include in layout properties of the containers those containers will internally call invalidateDisplayList after calling set visible and consequently commitProperties.
This is basically what happens under the hood as I understand it: The way this works is values aren't committed or used to update the display until the next frame this way it doesn't get bogged down doing unnecessary layout calculations. So you update the bindable property which fires an event which triggers a notification in the listener (in this case a function that sets the property on your control), that in turn passes along the value to the control which sets an internal flag to update the property and calls invalidateProperties. When it hits the next frame redraw it sees that the properties flag is dirty (true) and then calls commitProperties, this computes/sets the appropriate values (possibly also invalidating then "fixing" the size using invalidateSize() and measure()) and calls invalidateDisplayList, then during the same frame it sees that the display list flag is dirty so it calls updateDisplayList, here it uses the values of the properties to draw appropriately.
You should also be able to achieve this using states, which add or remove children from the display list based on an array of "actions" for each state.

Flex: select tree node right after the dataProvider is been assigned / updated / replace

i have a Flex tree control and im trying to select a tree node 3 levels down right after the dataProvider is assigned with a collection object like the following.
basically treeItem1, treeItem2, treeItem3 are the nodes in the tree and treeitem3 is a child of treeItem2 which is a child of treeItem1. Assume these treeItem(1,2,3) are referenced correctly from the collection items.
my problem is that if i wait for the whole component to load completely then select the nodes, it open/select/scrolltoIndex correctly. However, if i were to select the node right after the dataProvider is assigned, then it doesn't even open or select (basically the this.treeService.selectedItem is always null).
can anyone point out what i did wrong? is there anything needs to happen after the dataProvider is assigned?
this.treeService.dataProvider = oPricingHelper.getCurrentPricingSercicesTreeSource();
this.treeService.expandItem(treeItem1, true);
this.treeService.expandItem(treeItem2, true);
this.treeService.selectedItem = treeItem3;
I have used the updateComplete event to know when a component (such as a DataGroup or List) has completed rendering after performing a simple task (such as updating the dataProvider reference). Of course, you have to be careful and remove listening to updateComplete because it can run a lot, unless you have a need for it to run.
Something like:
//...some function...
this.treeService.addEventListener(FlexEvent.UPDATE_COMPLETE, onTreeUpdateComplete);
this.treeService.dataProvider = oPricingHelper.getCurrentPricingSercicesTreeSource();
// of some function...
private function onTreeUpdateComplete(event:FlexEvent):void {
this.treeService.removeEventListener(FlexEvent.UPDATE_COMPLETE, onTreeUpdateComplete);
this.treeService.expandItem(treeItem1, true);
this.treeService.expandItem(treeItem2, true);
this.treeService.selectedItem = treeItem3;
I'm not positive your experiencing the same issue but I seem to have the same type of problem with using the advanced data grid, it appears in these cases where the dataprovider is acceptable as multiple types, the components do some extra work in the background to wrap things up into something Hierarchical (HierarchicalData or HierarchicalCollectionView) and in doing so the dataprovider setter call is not synchronous (so it will return before actually having assigned the internal property storing the dataprovider). I've used callLater in this case with moderate success, callLater is generally a bad practice but basically adds a function to a list of functions to call once background processing is done, so this is assuming that something in the dataprovider setter called UIComponent.suspendBackgroundProcessing() and that it will subsequently call UIComponent.resumeBackgroundProcessing() and then it will execute the list of functions added by using callLater. Alternatively you could use setTimeout(someFunction,1000).
These are both "hacks" the real solution is to dig into the framework code and see what it's really doing when you tell it to set the dataprovider. Wherever you see that it actually has set the dataprovider you could extend that class and dispatch an event that you could listen for to run the function to do the selections after this point.
If anyone has a better solution please by all means correct me (I would love to have a better answer than this)

PyQt (or just QT). How to get QComboBox to fire a signal whenever it is set to a value (even if unchanged)

I am using PyQt4, but this is general enough that it could just apply to QT.
I have a series of QComboBoxes that I fill from left to right (i.e. selecting an item in the leftmost will populate the next one. Selecting an item in that one will populate the next, and so on)
I am having difficulty getting my signals to fire under all situations (i.e. regardless of whether the current index changes or not AND regardless of whether the item is set by the user or set programatically).
More detail:
I rely on the signals of the first QCombox to fire whenever an item is selected so that I can populate the next QCombobox in the gui. I then rely on THAT QCombobox to emit a signal so that I can populate the next one. And so on.
I want to pre-select an item in each QCombobox based on the user's last interaction with the gui.
I have a unique function per QCombobox that is responsible for populating and pre-selecting just that QCombobox. The code looks something like this:
where intLastSavedState1 is an integer that is derived from the text that was last selected by the user the last time they had used the app. I had hoped that the last line of this function would fire a signal that would cause the next combo box's function to load and pre-select an item (comboBox2). And that action would then cause the next comboBox's function to activate and it would cascade to the next and the next. But it is not working across all cases.
I have tried two versions of the signals:
self.connect(comboBox1, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(const QString&)"), self.load_comboBox2)
self.connect(comboBox1, QtCore.SIGNAL("activated(const QString&)"), self.load_comboBox2)
In the first case, the signal will fire only if the intLastSavedState1 is different than whatever is currently selected in the combo box. This causes an issue if the user had last selected item 0 from that list. In this case QT does not recognize my script setting the the current index to 0 as being a change (since after loading the box it appears to think it is already on index 0), and so the signal does not fire.
In the second case, the signal will fire regardless of what is currently selected in the combo box... but only if activated by the user. It will not fire when my script tries to set the current index programatically.
These appear to be my only two options regarding the signals. So... is there another way of pre-selecting items in a QCombobox that will trigger a signal each and every time?
Well... sometimes just the act of asking a question can lead you to a (partial) answer.
I have a work-around but I am still interested in hearing if someone has a better idea.
I am now programatically setting the index of the QCombobox to -1 immediately after loading it up. Then, when I programatically set the actual index based on the user's history, it will always be considered a change (i.e. it will never be -1) and the signal will fire
using: currentIndexChanged(const QString&)
So my code looks like this now:
and my signal looks like this:
self.connect(comboBox1, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(const QString&)"), self.load_comboBox2)
This functions... does anyone have a better idea?
Thanks agian.
You can check current Index of your ComboBox and then either call your slot or do call setCurrentIndex().
if comboBox1.currentIndex() == index:
This way you will not end up calling slot twice.

stack overflow on XMLListCollection collectionEvent

I'm working on a Flex 3 project, and I'm using a pair of XMLListCollection(s) to manage a combobox and a data grid.
The combobox piece is working perfectly. The XMLListCollection for this is static. The user picks an item, and, on "change", it fires off an addItem() to the second collection. The second collection's datagrid then displays the updated list, and all is well.
The datagrid, however, is editable. A further complication is that I have another event handler bound to the second XMLLIstCollection's "change" event, and in that handler, I do make additional changes to the second list. This essentially causes an infinite loop (a stack overflow :D ), of the second lists "change" handler.
I'm not really sure how to handle this. Searching has brought up an idea or two regarding AutoUpdate functionality, but I wasn't able to get much out of them. In particular, the behavior persists, executing the 'updates' as soon as I re-enable, so I imagine I may be doing it wrong. I want the update to run, in general, just not DURING that code block.
Thanks for your help!
Trying to bind the behaviour to a custom event rather than the CHANGE event.
I.e. do what you are doing now, but dispatch and handle a custom event to do the work.
Have you considered using callLater?
Does direct manipulation of XMLListCollection's source XMLList have the same results?
Have you considered something like:
private function changeHandler( event:Event ):void
{ event.type, changeHandler );
// your code here. event.type, changeHandler );

Implementing Undo/Redo within a TextArea

Im wondering how to implement undo redo functionality with a TextArea. I already have an undoredo framework functionality working, now I have two questions.
When do I start/stop a new undo/redo command, eg when a user hits undo, how far back do I go.
How do I implement this(1.) in a normal TextArea
My thinking:
I thinking that I should create a new undo command, when anything but a alphanumber+space is hit. To do this I would use the keyDown event and test if the key is alpha num if it is not I will reset the command.
Sound good?
Listening for keydown events would miss any text editing that user does with the mouse (cut/copy/paste).
I think a better approach would be to listen for 'change' event on the control (which fires whenever the content changes through user input), and just push the full content of the control (its 'text' or 'htmlText' attribute) with every change event into a undo-buffer (an Array of Strings). I assume that the memory usage is not an issue (it probably isn't, depending on the expected size of the controls content and number of undo levels).
This way, you implement undo/redo just by copying the corresponding control state (moving up and down through array, basically) in the undo buffer back into the control.
The 'proper' approach would be to track the actual edits, and would be condsiderably more complicated.
1.When do I start/stop a new undo/redo command, eg when a user hits undo, how far back do I go.
Do you think your users will need to undo multiple steps? If so, then you may want to have a history (e.g. Paint .NET) and allow infinite undo-s. Otherwise, just remember the most recently performed action.
1.) You should listen for the Event.CHANGE event on the TextField and create a history step each time the event is fired. A history step consists in your case of two values: old and new.
Old is the value of the TextField before change, new is its value after the change.
2.) Your history is a sequence of actions or you can use the Memento Pattern. I think actions are much easier to use. A history action has two methods, undo() and redo(). So in undo() you have to say textField.text = oldContent and in the redo() method you say textField.text = newContent. Your history will also need a pointer to the current action.
3.) To make it a little bit better. You should not listen only for Event.CHANGE but instead listen for the first CHANGE and then the next FOCUS_OUT for that TextField. In that case, a history step is only created once I stop editing the TextField. But it depends on your TextField and how you want to distribute history steps. A multiline TextField should not create a history step only on FOCUS_OUT :)
