.net webservice publishing process question - asp.net

I have a webservice that exists in an asp.net website. When I publish the site to a test server I have to go into the bin folder and into the .svc file for the service and manually change the URL to correctly reflect the test server URL. Is there a better way to handle something like this?

You could always run a build tool to automatically do this for you.


Download File from URL on ASP.net Server

I have a small file that I want to place on an asp.net server which can then be downloaded. The file is to be placed on an ASP.NET server.
My confusion is about where I can put a file in an ASP.net project to have it accessible by URL? I haven't written anything for ASP in several years and don't remember that much about it. I'd like to be able to ftp a new file to the server from time to time as required.
Can anyone point me in the right direction on this? Thanks..
When you say "ASP.Net", it sounds like what you really mean is "IIS on Windows". You don't even need to install ASP.Net on the server to make the file available. All you have to is install IIS and put the file somewhere in the wwwroot folder or another hand-configured location.

ASP.NET WEB API 2 Works Locally But Not On Production Web Server

I've developed a new WEB API 2 that works great locally, however when I upload the same code to my production server (Arvixe in this case) all I get is a 404 when I call it. I've spent HOURS searching the web, reading forums, etc.. and have been able to find no resolution, so I'm asking here as my last effort.
I'm currently only testing with the default project that gets created when you do New Project > ASP.NET Web API 2 Empty Project in Visual Studio. This creates an empty project with a single ValuesController. You should be able the JSON response by called /api/values, but this doesn't even work.
I'm using Fiddler to test the API locally and on the web server.
http://localhost:1993/api/values <--- works great
http://api.mydomain.com/api/values <--- returns 404
Note: I created a subdomain "api" in this case, but everything for the code for the API is unchanged from when it was created.
Why in the world does this work locally but not on the production web server?
That the server returns 404 (Not Found) may indicate a lot of things. However you can check using the following step:
Add a simple text document like readme.txt to your a folder sub-domain http://api.mydomain.com, and try to get access to that. If you can't access to that file, it means that the subdomain is not configured properly.
Publish the webservice using the "Publish" functionality, so that all DLLs will be copied.
After that,try to reach the Web ApI again.
Hope that help.
"Note: I created a subdomain 'api' in this case, but everything for the code for the API is unchanged from when it was created."
Above comment of your's is suspicious, you should publish your WEB API application in the root directory. Like if http://example.com is pointing to "MyExample" folder, then application should be published on "MyExample" folder.
After that you will be able access your api with http://example.com/api/{controller}/{action}
Just a simple suggestion which I'm sure you have already considered, but have you opened the http port 80 on the server's firewall?
Also stick a plain old html file in the root of your project and see if the server serves it up.
in your case, since you create a subdomain of 'api', you should try
note that if you're using database for the function, you should change the connectionString in your web config
Please verify the .net framework on you hosted domain that may be old one.
Web api 2 is supposed on 4.5 framework.
One reason for web api 2 method working OK on local machine but not on production server is that the method you are calling is working on local machine but not on remote server. In such a case you will receive message 404 or 500, and you would be lost why this routing is failing.
Why a method would fail on remote server, well there may be many reasons. For me, I was querying database in my method and my connectionString was not set for remote server.
One way of resolving it would be to put some very simple code in that particular method and test that routing is working. Then check your original code for errors reasons.

Hiding Sourcecode on IIS Server (ASP.net)

I have a question about hiding or encoding the source code on a server which runs IIS.
At the moment the source code is available and visible for all users who are logged into the server where the IIS Server is running.
Is there a way to hide the Code (encode) with Visual Studio or any other software?
I think the aspx (or *.html) web site code can not be encoded but (for example) the *.vb code sites should be able to encode.
You can simply Publish the website
Build Menu => Publish Web Site
So the code behind files (*.aspx.cs) will get converted to dll(Bin/*.dll) file.
Refer this: Walkthrough: Publishing a Web Site
When you are ready to put your project live make sure that you.
Publish it.
When you publish it that you tell it to compile your code into a single library or code behind files.
If you want to protect your html as well then you should not select to make the site updateable.
These steps will protect your code but as for your web.config file you will need to look at some other articles on securing its info.
If you can, I would recommend ensuring that only the authorized people have access to the server and/or the code base running on the server. If that is the case then you should be ok.
Go to Build menu---> Click on Publish the Website.
then a folder get created on the base folder. and the encoded files are available there. That can be upload to the FTP account, then third party can't see the source code with the browser.

WebService on IIS with IIS-Manager

I just created a simple test WebService with Asp.net called
I can't access it from exteriour, cause Visual Studio don't allow this..
So I wanted to make a own IIS Webserver to host my Webservice, but
how do I add my "MyWebService.asmx" to the IIS with the IIS-Manager?
Hope someone can help me.. Google didnt help me a lot
You have to publish this WebService (right click on the project -> Publish) and host it using IIS like a regular Web Application.
Just create a new application, as you would do if you create a "real" ASP application
put, for completeness and to be sure the app is running a default.aspx into the root dir, which says something like "app is running!"
put the ASMX file into the directory (i think it will be place in the APP_CODE directory, but i'm not sure 100%)
config your webservice in the global.asax, without it nothing will happen (hint: also configure the help page for webservices, otherwise users accessing it will get the interface description in the browser)
A longer description of that can be found here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8wbhsy70%28v=vs.80%29.aspx

ASP.NET ascx.cs via GET

Say I have this url:
In this folder I have these files: test.ascx.cs and test.ascx
Just to be clear, I am not a .NET developer.
From a security point of view - why can't I access http://site.example/dir/test.ascx.cs and how secure is it to keep those files there?
I assume IIS filters out request that query these kind of files, but can someone explain me this?
Thank you.
You just explained it yourself. IIS won't serve those files.
When you register ASP.NET with IIS (aspnet_regiis.exe) it will add common extensions and associate them with the ASP.NET handler. As far as the .cs extension is concerned it is filtered and not served by IIS. It is absolutely safe to have these files there, but I would recommend you to use an ASP.NET application project (in contrast to ASP.NET website) which is precompiled and you don't need to deploy source code files on your server.
(source: wewill.cn)
