ASP.NET AJAX No update of screen on partial postback -

We have an issue on our page whereby the first time a button posts back (we have ASP.NET ajax to enable partial updates) nothing happens, then on every subsequent click, the information is updated as if the previous event fired.
Here's the code for the page. The events are button clicks fired from within the table. Which is rerendered at the backend.
<asp:ScriptManager EnablePartialRendering="true" ID="scrptMgr1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="folderContainer">
<asp:Table id="FolderTable" CssClass="FolderTable" runat="server" CellSpacing="0"></asp:Table>
Any ideas?

Did you try an HTML table, with or without runat="server" ?
Do you add or remove controls inside the table in the postback?

Inspired by Robert's answer:
In which event handler do you build your table? If you build it in Page_Load without checking IsPostBack), then the button's click event has not been handled yet.
You need to build the table in the button click handler.

Your table is probably being populated too late in the page lifecycle. Try creating the table in PreInit.


Update Panel is not working for button click, it reload page when click on button in

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="updatePanel2" runat="server" ChildrenAsTriggers="true">
<asp:Button ID="btnBlock" Text="BlockCalls" runat="server"
OnClick="btnBlock_Click" Enabled="True" Width="100px" />
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="btnBlock" EventName="Click" />
When i click on btnBlock pageload even fires. I don't want page refresh when user clicks on button
So, If you put the trigger on button click it is normal when you click it to postback and refresh the page.
If you want to postback without page refresh you should have something like this:
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="updatePanel2" runat="server">
<asp:Button ID="btnBlock" Text="BlockCalls" runat="server"
OnClick="btnBlock_Click" Enabled="True" Width="100px" />
Either way your Page_Load event will be fired, but you can do this:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
//this is page load
//this is PostBack
You still ALWAYS get a partial page post-back, and the page load event DOES fire each time with update panel - just like it does for any button outside of the update panel.
So, your page load event should have IsPostBack = false for first page setup code.
So code inside IsPostBack=False code stub only runs first time.
So, while the whole page will not re-fresh, and whole page is NOT re-posted? You still get what is called a "partial" page post back - and while only stuff inside panel is posted back to the server? Standard form events STILL fire each time including page load.
You need to build that page to handle post backs, and introduction of a update panel does NOT fix this requirement.
If your page can't survive a post-back, then it will not handle a update panel. So, a update panel does NOT prevent a post-back, but results in what we call a partial post-back.
So, say if you pop up say a jQuery.UI (or bootstrap) dialog, and do a post-back? Then that dialog will get blown up and out due to the page post back. As noted, update panels STILL do a post-back, but not a full page, and hence the term partial post-back, and thus any server side button or whatever inside of that panel that does a post back? Well, the page load event still fires each time.
So, while some jQuery and some controls can (and will) go zonkey with a full page post back? And using a update panel can help? Keep in mind that server side events in that update panel still result in post-backs - just not full page ones.

ASP.NET webform Fileupload inside an ascx which is inside an updatepanel in the aspx

here is some code in my page :
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanelEQSelector" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<uc12:EQSelector ID="custEQSelector" OnEqChange="custEQSelector_OnEqChange" runat="server" />
Inside my user Control, I'm asked to add a fileuploader.
After coding it simply, I tested and my fileuploader is always empty.
I've searched a while and discovered that it was a normal behavior.
The solution to make it work is to add a PostBackTrigger for the updatePanel.
When I tested it in my aspx page, I achieved to do it and my fileUploader had the file.
Then I tried to add it dynamically (to finally do it in my control), it worked with that :
PostBackTrigger trigger = new PostBackTrigger();
trigger.ControlID = this.btnTest.ID;
But I can't manage to make this code work in my control (I passed my updatePanel as a parameter to my control set in Load, the fileUpload is always empty)
Do you see a solution ?
Does it postback, but leaves the control empty? or is it not posting back at all. If it's not posting back at all I'd add this
to the page_load of the user control.
If it is posting back, but the control is empty, then I'd wager there is probably some dodgy html somewhere on the page and the values are getting lost.

Postback in UpdatePanel

I have made a ToolBar usercontrol in a update panel. All buttons should work client side except a print button. I want to make this use the original postback.
However the button still doesn't refresh the page...
Any ideas?
You must set AutoPostBack to true? of the PrintButton that you have created
Rather than using the script manager to register a control as asynchronous, instead set the button as a trigger on the update panel itself, which you also can do via code.
When you use RegisterAsyncPostBackControl you must also manually refresh the update panel using the Update() method.
You can use the Triggers property of the UpdatePanel to register actions that trigger a full postback.
Add a PostBackTrigger object to that property, containig the ControlID of the control which needs to trigger a full postback.
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server">
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="myFullPostBackControlID" />

How can I refresh a dropdownlist during an event of another dropdownlist without refreshing whole web page?

I am developing my first website, my requirement is to refresh DropDownListB at SelectedIndexChanged event of DropDownListA, I have set AutoPostBack="True" for DropDownListA. Now the problem is whole web page gets refreshed, its unnecessary for me, is there any other technique that i can use to refresh only that control or only that panel rather than refreshing whole page?
Put the dropdowns inside
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="up1" runat="server">
// Dropdowns
and include <asp:ScriptManager ID="sm" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager> at the top
1- You can simply place the dropdown in an UpdatePanel, this will avoid a complete post back.
You can get more details on UpdatePanel here
2- You can use jQuery AJAX to fetch the data in JSON format and bind it to the dropdown list, this approach is more efficient but little complex in comparison to UpdatePanel
You can find so many articles on this if you search this on google , like
You can find a similar implementation here

An extender can't be in a different UpdatePanel than the control it extends

I am getting this error "An extender can't be in a different UpdatePanel than the control it extends". what could be the reason and how to tackle this problem.
You are using an AJAX ToolKit Extender Control to extend the functionality of one of your ASP.NET Controls. You have placed the Extender Control in a different UpdatePanel than the one the Extended Control resides in.
Both Extender and Extended controls must reside in the same UpdatePanel to avoid this exception.
Both Extender and Extended controls must reside in the same UpdatePanel to avoid the exception, this solved my problem.
I had an extra UpdatePanel that was giving this error, so I just had to remove the extra update panel lines of my aspx web page code.
What it says really - you've got an extender control that relates to a control that is in a different updatepanel. This means the extender is unable to act properly on the control it extends. You'll need to move your extender to be within the same updatepanel as the main control
In my case I was using button...outside the Update panel as below shown....
<asp:Button ID="btnClub" runat="server" Text="Club" OnClick="btnClub_Click" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
I just solved it by putting the <asp:Button ID="btnClub" runat="server" Text="Club" OnClick="btnClub_Click" /> inside the
update Panel
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:Button ID="btnClub" runat="server" Text="Club" OnClick="btnClub_Click" />
Here you make your panel code
Reason :Your iD is mis matching Ex:Text box id or dropdown id mismatch in Calender extender or RequiredFieldValidator
Hear Id Value And Target Control Id Must Match .....
Check for controls with extenders that are have the same ID especially if you copy pasted from another form
Hi I got the solution of my problem by myself. The problem occurred when the target
control id of the extender control was different from the control it
had extend inside update panel. I resolved this proble a long time
back and replying now.
