ASP.NET master pages order of adding scripts -

I have a master page that adds the jquery library via a registerclientscriptinclude:
In a page that uses that master page I want to include a script that depends on jquery:
This causes a problem because the page's client scripts are written first and then the master pages client scripts (causing the plugin to complain that "jquery" is undefined).
Is there anyway to control the ordering of client script includes? Alternatively any recommendation on how best to control this (temporarily the master page is just including everything... but that's not going to work long term).

since master page is like a control embedded in a page, you can add these scripts towards the end of the page cycle, the control would fire first and then page, so your page would be fine.

You could re-include the jQuery library in the page, if it's already there it will simply override it, if not it will be added.


Put Script Manager in master page

is it right to put script manager in master page ?
It isn't wrong, as such.
Really depends on your requirements.
If you need to use scripts in several pages that use the same master page, use ScriptManager in the master page.
Just keep in mind that you can only have one ScriptManager in the whole loaded page, so you can't add one in content pages as well.
See this article on MSDN for an example (Using the ASP.NET UpdatePanel Control with Master Pages).

Run a script inside a content page. ASP.NET

I have a masterpage and content page. And I'm trying to run a java script that needs to be executed on the page loading.
As I am using a master page do not have access to the field
My doubt is how to run the script within the content page? And where the script has to be? the head of the master page or inside the content page?
You can run C#/VB code on page load at any page or custom user control, so you will have access to whatever on the page.
I think you want to put that code in masterpage to standardize the procedure, one of the solutions (I don't know if you can accomblish this):
you can build your own "CustomPage" class by inheriting from "Page"
so, you can set the onLoadEvent to a preset action.
and inherit from it for all your pages.
You could put a ContentPlaceholder in the Head section of your master page. Thats if you want to put your script in the Head

Stop Master page refreshing while navigating between pages?

I'm using Master Page in my application, in the master page I put a ContentPlaceHolder in Update Panel to support AJAX in child pages, the question is how to stop Refreshing "master page controls" while navigating between pages?
For navigation between pages I tried to use Response.Redirect, windows.location java script with no success, shall I use the Frames or IFrames instead of Master Pages to stop Refreshing?
any suggestion to solve this issue will be highly appreciated, Thanks in advance...
If you don't want the page to refresh when switching between "pages", you will not have any good solution using master page. As others have said in different words, the master page is just a common "template" that is used by different pages. The navigation between is just like calling different pages, and of course will reload the entire page, including the master page content.
A sollution I have used with Ajax is
to have each "page" as a user
controls, and put them all in an
UpdatePanel with visible="false".
Then for navigation between "pages", switch
visibility for the user controls
to show the right "page" control.
The alternative is to use iframe.
Neither of these solutions use MasterPage.
The MasterPage concept was designed to simplify a common look before Ajax was introduced in ASP.NET. After Ajax became popular, the demand for not refreshing the entire page has been more common.
A masterpage is nothing more than extending your "normal" page with (most of the time) the default layout of your application. The master page and the contentplaceholders are rendered as a full html page. When you navigate between pages it is the normal behavior that your whole page refreshes. This is how the web works.
Working with an iframe could solve your problem. However that has some other side effects:
The whole masterpage isn't useful anymore. The content around your iframe is the "masterpage".
With a masterpage you actually browse to another url, you also see in the url bar of your browser. When you work with an iframe you navigate within the iframe to another page. The url in your browser will stay the same. When the user of your application hits the refresh button it always starts again at the default page you assigned to your iframe in the html. Of course there are some workarounds
Anyway. It really depends on your application. There are multiple solutions to work around the refresh behavior.
Having a structure like the one you've explained:
Child page 1
Child page 2
Then you cannot prevent the page from refreshing when you switch from page 1 to page 2 etc. for you have a single "page" entity (master content + selected page content) when it's rendered to the browser.
If you want to switch betweent different app views inside the very same page (so to prevent a complete page refresh) you could use a single page (the Master becomes quite useless) with an updatePanel in which you load the different views.
You can also use iFrames, but if you have to handle any type of communication between different parts of the page (some of which are inside iFrames) I would personally advice not to use them.

Invoking javascript in child page from master page

I have function established in child page, that is using in the childpages. I have to invoke the child page function from the master page. How it is possible in javascript
The master page concept only exists on the server side, when the page arrives at the browser it's just a single page.
So, you just call the function normally.
The two pages are merged into one at runtime, so you should have access to the Child page function from the Master page. Are you implementing the function differently depending on the child page? If not, the function might as well be included on the Matser Page.
You will have to make sure that each child page that uses this master page has this function. Otherwise the call from the master page will error. The easiest way to do that is to include a default ContentPlaceholder on the master page, with a version of the function that does nothing, and then override the contents in the child pages where appropriate. If a child page doesn't include a Content tag for that ComtentPlaceholder, the default script from the master page will be rendered.

Web User Controls, Javascript and Script Managers

Is there a way to only add a script manager to your Web User Control if there is not one already on the page (on the main page or if you are using the Web User Control multiple times)?
Same question about adding javascript files to the page, many times I have controls that add the javascript into the head of the page for the control.
Regarding ScriptManager:
I would use master pages, and include the script manager on your master page. Alternatively, if you have something like Header.ascx which you know is included on every page, you could put it there also.
Regarding javascript files:
Use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript method to include javascript on your page. It will not produce duplicates if they share the same key name parameter.
