Use HTTP Keep-Alive for server to communicate to client - http

Recently in an interview I was asked how I would approach an online chat client application. I went through the standard "polling" solution but was cut off because the interviewer was looking for the "HTTP 1.1 keep-alive" method. Having used HTTP for quite a while and remembering that the whole point was to be "stateless", this never occurred to me (also, not to mention that the keep-alive is not consistently implemented).
My question is, is it possible for a web server to broadcast and/or send information to a client when the "keep-alive" header has been set?

With HTTP 1.1, keep-alive is the default behavior. (In HTTP 1.0, the default behavior was to close the connection.) The server must send the 'Connection: close" header to terminate the connection with the first response. So there is still a TCP socket available to push data through, but just pushing data from the server would violate the HTTP protocol in a major way. Even using keep-alive, the client would still have to poll the server.
It is important to distinguish between HTTP Keepalive and TCP Keepalive. HTTP keepalive prevents the connection from being closed by the server or client. TCP keepalive is used when the connection might be idle for an extended period of time and might be dropped by a NAT proxy or firewall. TCP keepalive is activated on a per-socket basis by setsockopt() calls.
When doing a 'long poll' to eliminate the need to re-poll, TCP keepalive might be needed.

Keep-alive simply holds a TCP socket open, so each time you poll, you save the overhead of the TCP setup/teardown packets--but you still have to poll.
However, "long polling" is a strategy for the web server to broadcast notifications to the client. Essentially, the client issues a GET request, but instead of immediately responding, the web server waits until they have a notification to send, at which point they respond to the GET request. This eliminates any need for packets to go across the wire for polling purposes, and keeps the connection stateless, which as you correctly mention is one of the purposes of the protocol.

You might read more about Comet servers. That sounds basically like the approach that the interviewer was asking about. Their effectiveness is disputed by some, but it has been used in several similar situations.
For example, I believe gmail uses comet technologies for some things (but don't quote me on it).
Another example that seems relevant is BOSH, which is a protocol for transmitting chat information using HTTP and XMPP. But I don't believe that using keep-alive is involved in that.


How is a TCP "Connection" maintained, and how does HTTP Keep-Alive affect it?

I'm an application developer looking to learn more about the transport layer of my requests that I've been making all these years. I've also been learning more of the backend and am building my own live data service with websockets, which has me curious about how data actually moves around.
As such I've learned about TCP, and I understand how it works, but there's still one term that confuses me-- a "TCP Connection". I have seen it everywhere, and actually there was a thread opened with the exact same question... but as the OP said in the comments, nobody actually answered the question:
TCP vs UDP - What is a TCP connection?
"when we say that there is a connection established between two hosts,
what does that mean? If I could get a magic microscope and inspect the
server or the client, and - a-ha! - find the connection, what would I
be looking at? Some variable allocated by the OS code? Some entry in
some kind of table? How and when does that gets there, and how and
when it is removed from there"
I've been reading to try to figure this out on my own,
Here is a nice resource that details HTTP flow, also mentions "TCP Connection"
Here is another thread about HTTP Keep-alive, same "TCP Connection":
HTTP Keep Alive and TCP keep alive
My understanding:
When a client wants data from server, SYN/ACK handshake happens, this "connection" is established, and both parties agree on the starting sequence number, maximum packet size, etc.
as long as this "connection" is still open, client can request/receive data without doing another handshake. TCP Keep-alive sends a heartbeat to keep this "connection" open
1) Somehow a HTTP Header "Keep-alive" also keeps this TCP "connection" open, even though HTTP headers are part of the packet payload and it doesn't seem to make sense that the TCP layer would parse the HTTP headers?
To me it seems like a "connection" between two machines in the literal sense can never be closed, because a client is always free to hit a server with packets (like the first SYN packet, for example)
2) Is a TCP "connection" just the client and server saving the sequence number from the other's IP address? maybe it's just a flag that's saying "hey this client is cool, accept messages from them without a handshake"? So would closing a connection just be wiping that data out from memory?
... both parties agree on the starting sequence number
No, they don't "agree" one a number. Each direction has their own sequence numbering. So the client sends in the SYN to the server the initial sequence number (ISN) for the data from client to server, the server sends in its SYN the ISN for the data from server to client.
Somehow a HTTP Header "Keep-alive" also keeps this TCP "connection" open ...
Not really. With HTTP keep-alive the client just asks a server nicely to not close the connection after the HTTP response was sent so that another HTTP request can be sent using the same TCP connection. The server might decide to follow the clients wish or not.
To me it seems like a "connection" between two machines in the literal sense can never be closed,
Each side can send a packet with a FIN flag to signal that it will no longer send any data. If both sides has send the FIN the the connection is considered close since no one will send anything and thus nothing can be received. If one side decides that it does not want to receive any more data it can send a packet with a RST flag.
Is a TCP "connection" just the client and server saving the sequence number from the other's IP address?
Kind of. Each side saves the current state of the connection, i.e. IP's and ports involved, currently expected sequence number for receiving, current sequence number for sending, outstanding bytes which were not ACKed yet ... If no such state is there (for example one site crashed) then there is no connection.
... maybe it's just a flag that's saying "hey this client is cool, accept messages from them without a handshake"
If a packet got received which fits an existing state then it is considered part of the connection, i.e. it will be processed and the state will be updated.
So would closing a connection just be wiping that data out from memory?
Closing is telling the other that no more data will be send (using FIN) and if both side have done it both can basically remove the state and then there is no connection anymore.

HTTP-Long Polling keep-alive and handshakes

I'm doing a test where I examine how much HTTP-long polling compared to Websockets is affecting the battery performance on my iPhone. Basically what I have is a Node.js with express server that sends out a random string every 0.5 or 10th second to the iPhone. I've inspected the messages in Chrome and I can see the keep-alive header is present. I know keep-alive is a default feature since HTTP/1.1. From what I've understood the TCP-connection will be held open and can be used for pipelining, and this is certainly the case when I'm sending out pings from the server every 0.5 seconds. But when I send out every 10 seconds, will the connection be closed during that time?
How do I know how long the connection is open? This seems to be a crucial part to have in mind when doing the tests.
Will the HTTP-handshake still be made when the TCP-connection is open?
AFAIK, in HTTP 1, the server cannot send a response back to the client if that client didn't send a request first. That might sound irrelevant to your question but bear with me.
The Connection: keep-alive header tells the client that it can reuse the connection if he want to, not that it must. The client can decide to close it any time, it all depends on the client library implementation and you don't have any guarantee.
The only way to force the client to not close the connection is to not finish the response. The only way to do that is to send a response with a Transfer-Encoding: chunked, and never send the final chunk (this has some serious caveats, like a buffer overrun on the client...).
So to answer your 2 points:
You can't, this low-level detail is totally hidden (for good reasons) from the client.
There is no HTTP handshake, there is a TCP handshake which is made when the client socket connects to the server socket. There is the TLS handshake which is made after the TCP connection and before any request is made. Once the connection is open, http requests are sent by the client and the server responds with resources.

Is HTTP 1.1 Full duplex?

wondering whether any one can provide a convincing explanation about the whether HTTP 1.1 is half duplex or full duplex in the context of pipelining? As far as I understand,multiple requests can be send over the same persistent connection before the client gets the response. So does that mean that server can respond for the previous request while client sends a new request?
HTTP is request-response protocol. The client sends request. The server waits till the complete request is received. Then sends a response. The client and server cannot send simultaneously.
Full Duplex channel implies that client and server can send data simultaneously. Phone lines are example of Full Duplex. To achieve full duplex in Web, Web sockets is the recommended standard. Once a Web socket connection is established, both parties can exchange messages simultaneously. Web sockets work on top of TCP and does not use the HTTP protocol.
Let's have a look at the standard, in this case RFC-2616. There we find in paragraph 8.1.1, Persistent connections:
- HTTP requests and responses can be pipelined on a connection.
Pipelining allows a client to make multiple requests without
waiting for each response, allowing a single TCP connection to
be used much more efficiently, with much lower elapsed time.
and a bit later in the document: Pipelining
A client that supports persistent connections MAY "pipeline" its
requests (i.e., send multiple requests without waiting for each
response). A server MUST send its responses to those requests in the
same order that the requests were received.
As in both cases it's clearly stated that the client can send requests without waiting for a response, I think it's safe to state that HTTP 1.1 supports full-duplex.
EDIT: in RFC-7230, part of the RFC set that replaces RFC-2616, this statement becomes:
A client that supports persistent connections MAY "pipeline" its
requests (i.e., send multiple requests without waiting for each
response). A server MAY process a sequence of pipelined requests in
parallel if they all have safe methods (Section 4.2.1 of [RFC7231]),
but it MUST send the corresponding responses in the same order that
the requests were received.
Most implementations do allow full-duplex HTTP (for 2xx responses).
A formal discussion can be found at
As it is using tcp, that doesn't mean every application protocol on tcp is a full duplex.
HTTP uses a request-response paradigm, not a full-duplex streaming paradigm. Let me repeat it: HTTP is a request-response protocol! This means that the client sends a request, and when the complete request has been sent then the server sends the response. This is the case even if so-called keep-alive is used, i.e. multiple requests are sent over the same TCP connection. Because this behaviour is fundamental to the protocol most implementations make certain (valid) assumptions which make it difficult to create a full-duplex connection.
If you want a full duplex go for websockets, which are designed for an entirely different purpose.

What's the behavioral difference between HTTP Keep-Alive and Websockets?

I've been working with websockets lately in detail. Created my own server and there's a public demo. I don't have such detailed experience or knowledge re: http. (Although since websocket requests are upgraded http requests, I have some.)
On my end, the server reports details of each hit. Among them are a bunch of http keep-alive requests. My server doesn't handle them because they're not websocket requests. But it got my curiosity up.
The whole big thing about websockets is that the connection stays alive. Then you can pass messages in both directions (simultaneously even). I've read that the Keep-Alive HTTP connection is a relatively new development (I don't know how many years in people time, just that it's only included in the latest standard - 1.1 - is that actually old now?)
I guess I can assume that there's a behavioral difference between the two or there would have been no reason for a websocket standard? What's the difference?
A Keep Alive HTTP header since HTTP 1.0, which is used to indicate a HTTP client would like to maintain a persistent connection with HTTP server. The main objects is to eliminate the needs for opening TCP connection for each HTTP request. However, while there is a persistent connection open, the protocol for communication between client and server is still following the basic HTTP request/response pattern. In other word, server side can't push data to client.
WebSocket is completely different mechanism, which is used to setup a persistent, full-duplex connection. With this full-duplex connection, server side can push data to client and client should be expected to process data from server side at any time.
Quoting corresponding entries on Wikipedia for reference:
You should read up on COMET, a design pattern which shows the limits of HTTP Keep-Alive. Keep-Alive is over 12 years old now, so it's not a new feature of HTTP. The problem is that it's not sufficient; the client and server cannot communicate in a truly asynchronous manner. The client must always use a "hanging" request in order to get a message back from the server; the server may not just send a message to the client at any time it wants.
HTTP vs Websockets
Resources benefit from caching when the representation of a resource changes rarely or multiple clients are expected to retrieve the resource.
HTTP methods have well-known idempotency and safety properties. A request is “idempotent” if it can be issued multiple times without resulting in unique outcomes.
The HTTP design allows for responses to describe errors with the request, with the resource, or to provide nuanced status information to differentiate between success scenarios.
Have request and response functionality.
HTTP v1.1 may allow multiple requests to reuse a single connection, there will generally be small timeout periods intended to control resource consumption.
You might be using HTTP incorrectly if…
Your design relies on a client polling the service often, without the user taking action.
Your design requires frequent service calls to send small messages.
The client needs to quickly react to a change to a resource, and it cannot predict when the change will occur.
The resulting design is cost-prohibitive. Ask yourself: Is a WebSocket solution substantially less effort to design, implement, test, and operate?
WebSocket design does not allow explicit or transparent proxies to cache messages, which can degrade client performance.
WebSocket protocol offers support only for error scenarios affecting the establishment of the connection. Once the connection is established and messages are exchanged, any additional error scenarios must be addressed in the messaging layer design, but WebSockets allow for a higher amount of efficiency compared to REST because they do not require the HTTP request/response overhead for each message sent and received.
When a client needs to react quickly to a change (especially one it cannot predict), a WebSocket may be best.
This makes the protocol well suited to “fire and forget” messaging scenarios and poorly suited for transactional requirements.
WebSockets were designed specifically for long-lived connection scenarios, they avoid the overhead of establishing connections and sending HTTP request/response headers, resulting in a significant performance boost
You might be using WebSockets incorrectly if..
The connection is used only for a very small number of events, or a very small amount of time, and the client does not - need to quickly react to the events.
Your feature requires multiple WebSockets to be open to the same service at once.
Your feature opens a WebSocket, sends messages, then closes it—then repeats the process later.
You’re re-implementing a request/response pattern within the messaging layer.
The resulting design is cost-prohibitive. Ask yourself: Is a HTTP solution substantially less effort to design, implement, test, and operate?

Detecting missing responses to long running HTTP (SOAP) requests

I need a way to detect a missing response to a long running HTTP POST request. This problem arises when the network infrastructure (firewalls, proxies, unplugged cables, etc.) drops the response packets. The server may detect this failure, but the client cannot send additional bytes after the POST to probe the state of the TCP connection. The failure may be limited to a single TCP connection. For example I may be able to subsequently open a new TCP connection to the server.
I'm looking for a solution that still uses HTTP POST and does not change the duration of the server side processing.
Some solutions that I can think of are:
Provide a side channel interface to retrieve request & response history. If the history lists the response as having been send (presumably resulting in a TCP error) but I have not yet received it within a reasonable time I can generate a local error.
Use an X header to request that the server deliver "spurious" 100 Continue provisional responses on a regular interval. If I fail to see an expected 100 Continue or a non-provisional response I can generate a local error.
Is there a state of the art solution for this problem?
It sounds to me like you are using Soap for something that would be much better done using a stateful connection, or a server side push technology.
