How to make visual studio 2008 ASP.NET designer faster? -

Visual studio designer for applications is generally very slow and i would like to know if there are any tips or guidelines for settings in order to get better.
The problem is usually noticed when i try to make a change in design or source view, especially in source view it may get non-responding for a couple of seconds.

I experienced a very similar issue when I first installed Visual Studio Team System 2008 Development Edition. I have issues with VS design view and could not switch to "Split View"
Reference the following ASP.NET thread link to see if any of this information helps..(Warning: It is quite long).

Do you notice any difference when starting in Safe Mode?
devenv.exe /SafeMode

I assume that you have already installed the hotfix for VS2008 ASP.Net Designer performance issues? Link


Import existing website on Visual Studio for mac

I'm working as frontend developer in a company which uses for its website. I usually work on mac and I need to setup my localhost to work on the website, but something's wrong with the project. They provided me the folder with all the files (aspx, aspx.cs, dll etc), and I'm supposed to build my own solution file. Visual Studio for macOS doesn't give me the possibility to create an empty website project (VS for pc does), or maybe I'm selecting the wrong entry. What am I supposed to do?
I tried to select Empty ASP.NET Web project, but It doesn't work, all the vars and methods from aspx pages are not detected in aspx.cs. Same with Web Form. I can't set up anything and the solution is not working.
Everyone at the company uses Windows and they can't help me.
What I have to do to import it in the right way?
I'd like to use VS Code if it's possible. This is the first time with
Thanks in advance
The main thing is that ASP.NET Web Forms is obsolete. I guess they stopped to support such type of solution a long time ago, only critical crushes. If you really want to use mac for ASP.NET Web Forms you should install Parallels VM with Windows 10 and Visual Studio on board.

Cannot load on Visual Studio. "URI formats are not supported"

When I try to open a class diagram for my webforms project I get the following error. The Class Diagram (.cd) files get generated but I can't open them.
I do have some classes that use the URI class but i don't really think that could be the issue. Right? Why would a class diagram care about one of my classes using a URI datatype?
I'm using Visual Studio 2012 and the project is targeting .net 4.0. I'm aware there is another question in stack overflow asked about the same issue, however there were no answers posted to it and it's close to a year old.
Help will be greatly appreciated, thank you.
I had the same problem and was able to fix it in Visual Studio 2012 Professional just now for a website I am working on with my team.
This is not about one of your classes using the URI data type.
My setting under "WEBSITE" in Visual Studio was previously set to "Use IIS Express". When it is set this way, you can select the alternative option, again under "WEBSITE" which is "Use Visual Studio Development Server". I'm not certain, but I think this is what the other posters describe above when they say "open web site in file system mode". When I am not using IIS Express, the class diagram generates, is not blank, and opens fine for viewing in the IDE.
Please open web site in file system mode (and not in IIS express ) and it will work.
when you load the website, visual studio will tell you that it is already using IIS Express to serve websites do you want to continue using it or not, select no so that you can use visual studio and bot the IIS. my things worked after that

Can't find ASP.NET Design View for MonoDevelop

I installed MonoDevelop and want to use its design view editor. After a bit of browsing I came accross ASP.NET Visual Designer which is supposed to be a part of the IDE. I used the Ubuntu Software Center to install the MonoDevelop application, so I guess it should have downloaded the latest version.
Here is the extract from the mono develop website.
AspNetEdit does not aim to be a complete IDE. After being developed as
a proof-of-concept standalone editor, it now has been integrated into
How can I switch to the designer view?
After opening the IDE I am unable to find the designer view anywhere. Do I need to install some kind of a add-in for this?
Monodevelop lacks a lot on this area. A lot of developers, like me, don't use visual designer a lot but I consider important for some people. MD don't have it and also html/css editor is very limited right now but improvements are planned (a lot of cool stuff).
MD as been evolving fast these days but more focused on MonoTouch.
For now you could use and external html/css editor for now. I still use Visual Studio 2010 for this.
AspNetEdit can install by Add-ins from

If I build a web application in ASP.NET, am I married to Visual Studio?

Doesn't Visual Studio generate all kinds of things when you build websites? I haven't used it in a while but back in webforms with a the dal and a bll, VS generated xml files and other things (don't remember what). And, while I technically could use notepad to fix it, VS seemed to be the only way to make sure things worked right.
How about today with MVC or something else Am I tied to Visual Studio forever if I want to build websites? I liked in PHP that I can open up a file and it be simple to change things and it just works.
I am not knocking Visual Studio. It is a great product, but for those in my group that do not use it, it is a learning curve. Not asking for why is better than php or vice versa, just about visual studio.
EDIT: Is Visual Studio the BEST way to build projects?
You can use MonoDevelop, Webmatrix, Visual Studio Express but i suggest SharpDevelop, its open source.
sharpDevelop (short for SharpDevelop) is a free IDE for C#, VB.NET and Boo projects on Microsoft's .NET platform. It is open-source, and you can download both sourcecode and executables from this site. In addition, you can find the latest information and changes on #develop, as well as get in touch with the team in the forum.
More Information
SharpDevelop Website
Visual Studio Express
No, you can build with MSBuild from command line, just simple msbuild.exe app.sln
You can also use MonoDevelop, which will run on Windows/Mac/Linux.
You could use Microsoft WebMatrix, which is free and aims to simplify the web development process. Another alternative is MonoDevelop, which is an open source IDE for multiple platforms.

The custom tool 'msdiscocodegenerator' failed

I get this error when attempting to reference a Web Service in my Compact Framework application. Hunting through Google seems to indicate it's a common occurance, but there's been no useful suggestions as to what causes it, and how to fix it. I can successfully access the web service from a WinForms application by adding a Service Reference but the CF project only has the Web Reference option.
I am running Visual Studio 2008 on Vista.
Has anybody actually solved this problem after encountering it?
Maybe yes... I forget as it was over a year ago. I needed to use a WCF service (presented as a web service) on CF 2.0 device. But I had issues with generating the wrapper.
What I think I did in the end was do it on the desktop and then copy that generated code into the device project. I had to remove a few bits to get CF compatability but it worked in the end.
Sorry for being so vague but my memory is like that sometimes. :)
This issue has been identified as BUG from Microsoft and fixed in latest version of visual studio. you can install VS 2013 and try. It was working properly after I upgrade my Visual Studio to 2013 version.
