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Closed 12 years ago.
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Searched hard but all I found was a page listing "commercial open source" CRMs, i.e. what you have to pay for.
On the lookout for free CRMs so I don't have to build one!
Got a list of 10 free CRMs!
The Top 10 Open-Source CRM Solutions
Vtiger CRM
Cream CRM
Tustena CRM
Also got multi-purpose suites.
Compiere or Dolibarr
ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning
CRM - Customer Relationship Management
CRM - Customer Relationship Management
SFA - Sales Force Automation suite
BI - Business Intelligence tools
CTI - Computer Telephony Integration
Vtiger CRM
CRM - Customer Relationship Management
SFA - Sales Force Automation
IM - Inventory Management
I was looking the same in these days. Looks like SugarCRM being a great choice.
I played a lot yesterday with SugarCRM, Zoho CRM and Salesforce. Only SugarCRM, in its community edition, is open source and free. Zoho is nice (and free up to 3 users). Saleforce is more expensive.
Edit. I checked out vTiger crm, and it looks event better than SugarCRM, and there are also some plugins for integration in Outlook, Thunderbird and iPhone. I think I will try to install it ASAP.
I am developing some modules for Vtiger CRM tring to extend some existing modules(for ex: contacs,mail,calendar). My opinion is that Vtiger Crm covers 80% of the standar requirement. There are some limitation in extending the system. Hardcoded query and lots of magic numbers. (ex: if (a==5) else b(a==6) and so on). A new version 5.1 is coming out (is in rc1).
At an old job of mine we set up Sugar CRM for the sales guys, and it worked wonderfully. You should definitely check it out.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm an ambitious millennial who has chosen to self-teach myself a few things that could obtain me success. One of them is software development - with two possible avenues for success - create my own website, and be my own boss. The other is - to get certified through Microsoft in my area of expertise and work for a company. My area of expertise? Well, I'll try to be quick here, I started learning ASP a long time ago, and then I learned ASP.NET WebForms, and then, most recently, I've learned and have gotten a pretty good grasp of ASP.NET MVC. So, my issue is this:
I've had my eye on doing this for a while now, and I noticed how Microsoft modifies its Exam's every year, so, every so often, I check on the MCSD testing page to see what's currently offered. At the time of this writing, what I'm interested in is becoming what's now, in December 2016, known as a Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer for Web Applications (the MCSD: Web Applications certification branch), but I just found out the certification expires on March, 31 2017.
The exact page that made me feel alarmed on the topic is - - and, the exact quote was "Note This certification will retire on March 31, 2017. When the certification retires, all individuals whose transcripts list this certification as active on or after September 26, 2016, will retain the active status. Find out about the replacement certification, MCSD: App Builder."
As I said, I'm ambitious, and have a few avenues I can pursue. Although, as I said, I've been interested in getting this certification for some time now, but, it's just that I've been busy doing many things, and I'm unsure if I can complete the exam by that date, and the new replacement certification branch (MCSD: App Builder) doesn't make sense to me, I want to develop with C# and MVC, and I don't want to have anything to do with Azure - which is what that new replacement branch is focused on - while the current branch that's available till March, 31 2017 - has a specific exam for MVC developers (Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications). I don't understand why Microsoft feels this change is necessary, this is alienating developers like myself. I don't know what to do, I wish there was something I am unaware of here, and there still will be some kind of exam offered specifically for MVC (I mean, since MVC was introduced, there's been an exam specifically for it - and now, they want to get rid of the focus on it altogether when it comes to certification? Maybe it's because Microsoft just made ASP.NET and MVC (under the new "Core" Framework) to be open source...)
If anybody here has any reassuring information for me, or some kind of information that'd help in some way pertaining to this, I would really appreciate it.
I have both MSCD: Web Apps and MSCD: App Builder.
Web apps is based around the older .NET 4.5 and 4.6 framework of doing things, where as App Builder is geared towards the .NET Core and .NET Standard upcomings.
I believe you only need to do 2 exams for App Builder itself, but you need to hold a certification lower then it (which is 1 exam), instead of the 3 exams for the Web apps cert.
Basically they have just moved the structure around a little bit to better adapt to their newer technologies coming out and to make it a little easier for people to get certifications.
Technically the MCSD: Web applications certification is only valid for 2 years anyways once you've achieved it.
The current MSCD: Web apps exam has been around for about 3 years or so, expect that they will be making changes like this every 3-5 years.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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Having experience in java (awt and swing) and also in html and javascript I have moved and in my new country found a job in a consulting company as a developer.
I also had experience doing some stuff in c#, but never touched the GUI part.
I have seen that the most of our clients are using .net, so I have decided to update my knowledge in .net and also learn about the GUIs while I have no assigned client.
But my problem is that for the GUI part I can see there is:
Windows forms
Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)
Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
I understand all of those are not the same, some are compatible with each other (winform and WPF) and others are not. Syntaxis is different and also the elements available to create the GUI. I have searched and even coded some basic examples and found out even the way to program (events vs databinding) changes a lot. I also read several discussions about the pros and cons for each one.
Now, taking into account my context (big company, not a startup) which one of the above technologies should I focus into? and by this I mean: Which one has a bigger marketshare in 2016 or will have more action in the near future (I know it's impossibe to predict technology in 10 years but lets say 2-3 years). Is there any statistics or any official position from Microsoft about wich one will be the standard?
Thank you for taking the time to answer.
Edit: For those who didn't understand and are down voting my question saying is opinion based: I am not asking for which one you prefer. I am asking is there's some statistics or an official position from Microsoft about this.
Some of you say you cannot compare different technologies because it is like to compare programming languages. This has been done, because I am not asking to compare the technology itself but the marketshare. If you want to compare javascript with .net and abap MARKETSHARE you can use the tiobe index.
If you dont know the answer simply do not say anything, but not pretend people cannot ask things you don't know about.
Edit2: Finally I found what I was looking for.
For desktop application
42% use Windows Forms, 46% WPF and 8% UWP
More data available at
WinForms is very old technology, so better choose something new.
If talk about vacancies now, I think that ASP.Net is leader. What would be in future - have no idea. Azure? ASP.Net Core?
WinRT (Windows Store 8.1 Apps) and UWP are have much in common but not extermely popular yet. Advantage is that you can write your apps already for desktop, phone, XBox, raspberry pi and more devices.
WinRT Windows 8 Apps are depricated.
WPF is nice. Better start learn .Net Core Apps (they are crossplatform)
Xamarin crossplatform apps are also popular now. You can write C# apps for Windows, iOs and Android.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am making a Adobe Air software which needs to work on Windows, Mac and Linux. One of the issues that has confused me is the registration/licensing process.
Basically, I want users to try out the full version of software for a month and then buy if they find it useful. What I am not able to figure out is how the licensing would work on all these platforms.
There are no registries in Mac and Linux where I can store the trial information.
If I somehow maintain things locally in a db, post trial, if the user simply uninstalls and re-installs the software, the trial would start again for 30 days.
Don't want to store things in filesystem as that's not even close to actual authentication.
Doing an online activation of the software is a little resource consuming and has network dependency, so that option is also out of scope.
What way should I choose? what other options do I have? Does adobe provide any support for this... any 3rd party libraries that I can use for free?
I use LimeLM ( to do licensing for my Adobe Air app (Windows and Mac, no linux). Like you I have a 30 day trial, LimeLM has a trial feature which is tied to the hardware, so uninstalling/reinstalling won't give users another free trial.
LimeLM requires network activation BUT you can allow for grace periods, so someone must connect to the network, say, once in 30 days of use to activate.
I agree with the above post that EncryptedLocalStore is a good idea as well.
Unfortunately the licensing options for Adobe AIR is limited. LimeLM is functional and cheap (they don't take a cut of purchase price). I looked at NitroLM, which is very expensive (I think they take 30% of purchase price) and very complicated - I could never make sense of it. Zaqon also is out there. I didn't like the way their licensing interface looked to our users. LimeLM was the most flexible.
Have you tried EncryptedLocalStore? Data stored in ELS remains even after app uninstallation.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I know there are a million ASP.NET hosting options, but what are the premium options if you have some money to spend and want maximum performance and uptime? We currently use MaximumASP and they are generally great. I know another good option is Rackspace. Does anyone have any other suggestions? This is one of those things that is hard to Google, because everyone calls their hosting option premium or professional.
I'd say Rackspace is a good choice, but I use because I needed .NET 3.5 SP1 hosting with SQL 2008 and they delivered.
If you want something between shared hosting and Rackspace dedicated, check out their newly acquired cloud offering. I've been using it for a few months with a lot of success.
The obvious choice would be to get a dedicated server, other than that I love: as they always have the most up-to-date frameworks on their servers. Useful if your trying a new technology such as when MVC was in beta
I have used SoftSysHosting for a multitude of clients, and they have never let me, their Customer Support is excellent, accompanied with a Knowledge Base of FAQs.
I use ORCS Web for one of my sites. I've never had any problems with them in over 2 years. They asked me to fill in a survey a few months back asking what I thought of their support and I had to admit that I'd never really had to use them beyond the initial setup.
You should consider AppHarbor. AppHarbor provides sophisticated scaling and load balancing and a catalog of great add-ons. We also provide tools to make it easier for developers to move their code onto the platform using their favourite revision control tool (Git is supported and the platform is integrated with Github, Bitbucket and Codeplex). Here's a good overview of How AppHarbor Works.
(Disclaimer, I'm co-founder of AppHarbor)
Managed Hosting and Enterprise Cloud options.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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What are the best open source (open source and commercial) reporting tools for ASP.NET similar to Crystal Reports for ASP.NET?
Microsoft Reporting Services, free and included with SQL Server 2005 and 2008.
Of course, this is great if you need a separation of report design and application, which for Enterprise applications is a huge plus.
However, if what you want is to be able to create "in application" dashboards, where "you" design the reports and have limited parameters you expose to the user, then I suggest looking into "control" based charting vendors like TeeChart .
Pros/cons of each strategy:
Crystal/Microsoft Reporting services will give you out of the box handling of things like report scheduling, export to excel and pdf, and separation between application and report design.
The independent charting tools you can get give you better control, they render better on any size you need, easier to grammatically manipulate and can handle eye candy such as flash based (no flash charts in MS SSRS)
+1 SSRS and ActiveReports. ryw, use ActiveReports and close the gates of Crystal Hell behind you forever.
ActiveReports and DevExpress' reporting tools are both pretty good. The ReportViewer control works too (the price is right), but I find it more difficult to use. And SSRS reports can be embedded into your ASP.Net apps as well.
As much as I despise Crystal Reports (we describe digging deep into it the seven layers of Crystal hell) -- it seems to be the best/most-flexible tool for the job. I hope someone comes along and knocks them off the block though.
Microsoft Reporting Services is an alternative, but didn't have the features we needed.
I would suggest taking a look at MS SSRS (Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services).
I agree that SSRS is generally the right choice. But for flashy and embedded in an HTML page, I like Dundas. Their stuff looks good out of the box, has an easy-to-understand API, and is painless to get up and running.