How can I fix the CSS on my website so large images don't overflow their container? - css

I have a really cool website that allows people to upload images. Sometimes there images are really large, as seen in the below div:
Is there a style that can I add to my DIVs to fix this?

Set your CSS overflow property on the div to one of these:
overflow: auto; /* Adds scrollbars only when necessary */
overflow: scroll; /* Adds inactive scrollbars until needed, then activates */
overflow: visible; /* Causes the div to expand to fit the content */
overflow: hidden; /* Hides any content that overflows */

You can use the CSS overflow property: set it to hidden or auto to either hide content or add scrollbars if necessary.

Generally speaking, with large images you want to thumbnail them and not automatically display them, particularly if they're over a certain size.
Using the height and width CSS attributes (or the height and width attributes) will scale the image but it'll still download the whole thing. If its large that could be a problem. It's best to generate a thumbnail on upload, display that and then allow the user to click on that to display the full-size image.

<style>img { max-width: 100% }</style>
This will make the browser resize images to fit inside their containing box. There's a few drawbacks, one being that it obviously won't work in IE6 (maybe 7?), and if the containing element has padding you'll need a wrapper around the image to make it fit.

Another great one although not fully supported would be adding max-width: 400px to your image.

Instead of using CSS, you should do a basic width & height check on your server side, and if it goes beyond a certain threshold use HTML/Javascript to resize the image. Many website forum applications do this and often allow you to click to expand the image.
Then make sure you use the Z-LAYER property to make sure the image floats above content blocks so when the image expands it's above everything.

Automatically resize each of the uploaded images, using a toolkit like ImageMagick. You'd also end up with better looking images, because it'll resample (rather than just resize).
You can then create good looking thumbnails, previews and other sizes of each images that'll fit nicely into your template designs.

If you don't want to go all the way to resizing the actual image file, and want to maintain the proportions of the image, then you can interrogate the image for its sizes (height and width) then multiply them by a required factor to fit into your div.
For example, if you have a 1024x768 image and want to put it in a div that is 800 wide, you know the width will be 800, and the height will be 768 x (800/1024) = 600. Then when displaying your image you can set the height and width properties as required.

or, with some little piece of javascript, you can check for an image width. if is larger than Xpx, then you scale to Ypx. Ofcourse, you will have a little "image flick" until the page is completly loaded.
You can inspire yourself from any IPB forum :)


Issue with CSS height of background image

The landing page image of my site keeps on getting trimmed on the top and bottom (height is limited somewhere). What I'd like is for the image to just display in aspect ratio, without height limited in normal browser.
I've wasted a good couple of hours trying changing tags in Chrome, debugging CSS, but I can not seem to get it to work.
The website is
The problem is, the background image doesn't command any height vs the width of the page. You can take advantage of the fact that percentage values for padding-bottom go off the width of the element. Try adding this to your CSS (you may need to add !important if the template overrides the CSS):
.wsite-background.wsite-custom-background {
padding-bottom: 33.33%;

Image link not clickable

Hello i have been working on this website for a while and i have been working on making it resizable when you adjust the window size (or resolution of screen) and when i finally got it to work now the links on the graphics are not clickable
Here is my website, all of the circles are coded to be links but only two of them work
Thank you very much, i would really appreciate your help
I know what your problem is: you have 100% width for all items in each line, but they have the same z-index, of course one will "cover" the others. The solution is change the width of them, give each of them a width let's say 250px, then adjust your "left" attribute. Probably you could see your site works in IE, because IE doesn't render your css the ORDINARY way.
Your div tags are not formatted with specific widths. Each div tag is taking up close to the whole width of the page. You need to give them specific widths. In the style tag at the top, add this CSS.
<style type="text/css">#arrieros{ width: 270px; }</style>
Just set the width to 270px for each div that you have and it should work fine.

"Gluing" HTML to an image

Here's my dilemma, I've got a background image that has a bar on it. I fit the background image by using
body {
background-image: url("foo");
background-size: 100%;
I also have some html that I want to be inside that bar. The problem is, when the user resizes the browser window, the image adjusts to fit it (which is what I want it to do) but the html stays in the same spot, so it gets put outside the bar. Is there a way I can make my html resizable like the image so that it appears that the html is glued to the image? Can somebody give me a css clip for this?
The biggest problem with using images to guide your layouts is exemplified by this issue. Unfortunately, Harrison, you there is no solution that will enable you to do what you want across browsers or browser sizes without changing the image. If you can, please post a screenshot of what it is supposed to look like so that we can help you modify your background to improve its compatibility
In the meantime, I suggest that you remove the bar from the image and continue to use the image as your background. Then use a div with display: block; and use the bar as its background.
If you want the bar to be resizable, set its height and width to percentage amounts of the container height and width. Of course, when the window is reduced in size to a large extent, the HTML would spill out, there's no remedy for that.

text fit inside the box in my web page

I have one big image as a background to my webpage. The image contains a box inside the image itself. How would I place text on that background image such that it should fit in the box, and shrink or resize accordingly (in other resolutions when the background resizes)?
If you're looking to resize the "box" containing the text, you should be able to set the dimensions of the element to percentage-based width and height values with CSS.
If you want to resize the text inside the element, then you might want to consider using JavaScript (perhaps jQuery) to poll the size of the window at set intervals and adjust the text size based on the new window dimensions.
Edit: To clarify, you should be able to set the dimensions of the text box (probably a div) to be a percentage of the page. For example, the div containing the text could be 80% of the window width and 80% of its height. You can then set the margin to be "auto". This should cause the margin around the box and the dimensions to be proportional to the window width.
<style type="text/css">
div#box {
height: 80%;
width: 80%;
margin: auto;
<div id="box">Text goes here.</div>
This will cause the "box" div to be centered horizontally on the page, but vertical centering is a bit trickier. You'll probably want to look at this page to figure out how to center it vertically to stay within the box in the background.
As suggested by the other individual, you could also make the box background just the background of the text's container and not the entire page background. This might be a bit easier, but I think you will still need to use the percentage-based width and height attributes and auto margin to center it nicely.
For starters, you can't resize a background image. Also, resizing text will need Javascript or a page refresh.
Try making an example at so people better see what you're describing.
Your question is still unclear and I strongly recommend jsfiddle. But if I've interpreted're using FancyBox, which suggests you've got some Javascript running your page. Javascript can be used to find if your text is overflowing the container, and can resize it accordingly.
To do this, get your <div> (or container element) and check its .scrollHeight and .clientHeight properties. If the scroll is less than the client, the text doesn't need to be resized. If scroll is larger than the client, you can resize with the .style.fontSize property.
An untested example of what I'm describing is like this:
myDiv = $('containerElement'); // Get container object using its ID
size = 50; // Start with 50px font size
while(myDiv.scrollHeight > myDiv.clientHeight) {
// Decrement font size until scroll is less than client = (size - 1) + 'px';
You'll have to do a little legwork on this to get it to work how you like. Things to note:
I used the dollar function to get an object, you can google it for more info
Your container must have defined dimensions for .clientHeight to find
You may need to try .offsetHeight instead of .clientHeight
If you're just looking to control overflow, you can use CSS:
overflow-x:hidden or scroll or auto, overflow-y is the same
white-space:nowrap will prevent auto text wrapping
But, once again, my answer is vague since it's not clear (with code) what you're asking.
The problem with your solution is that it is very unscalable, not friendly to different browsers and will cause more problems as your website expands.
Try separating the box from the other bg image and use the box image as a background for the div you have the text in.

How do I prevent my div layers from overlapping when the browser is resized?

I've just spent the last few weeks learning how to properly design a layout. I basically thought I had everything perfect with my website layout and was ready to go about transferring the coding to Wordpress... and then I accidentally resized my web browser and discovered that all of my div layers were overlapping each other.
Here's what it looks like:
Basically it looks as though it's mainly my center content div that is being squeezed out, as well as my header image and navigation witch are in the same top div. My footer is also squeezed down as well. I've searched the internet for a solution to this problem and can't seem to find a thing.
How do I fix it so that my divs stay in place when the browser is resized?
as Walter said your CSS would be helpful. But, the main problem is that the content in the div is overflowing to other divs because the the content's div cannot contain all the content.
In your css, try setting the div's overflow property to either auto (shows scrolls bars) or hidden (to just hide the content if it goes outside's the div)
Express your widths and font-sizes in ems.
Here's a good calculator:
Percentages will work, too.
Check the css in stackoverflow, and try resizing the zoom level in your browser here - you'll see everything resizes nicely at any zoom level.
I figured it out. Turns out that the width of my center content margin was dictated by margins instead of just a direct width (ie. 500px). So whenever the page was resized, the margins on the sides of the browser tried to stay as they were, thus making the entire column smaller. I just had to get rid of the margins and specify where I wanted the column to sit on the page and just justify a width for it.
you can also try the min-width. i am assuming the center div is fluid and sidebars are fixed-width.
Can you post some of your CSS?
The simplest way is to give all of your columns relatively sane width settings so that the size of the browser window doesn't affect the size of your layout. Getting fluid-width column(s) to behave is more complex and depends more on the specifics of your layout.
Check out the min-width property. Another option is applying another stylesheet when the viewport width is below x pixels with CSS3 Media Queries like so:
#media all and (max-width: 30em) {
/* Alternative narrow styles */
or so:
<link media="all and (max-width: 30em)"
rel="stylesheet" href="narrow.css" />
CSS3 Media Queries are still not widely supported, so you might want to look into a solution that applies the "narrow" style sheet with JavaScript through the window.onresize event. I'd recommend jQuery for such a solution.
I Had the same problem if you have a width and height in your DIV Container it wont change except the width unless you put a min-width. The problem I had was when I would make the browser window the divs would like go to the next line
so what I did was in the container I set a height and width. Before I didn't set a height I let the divs determine the heights.
