Why is object returned from getDefinitionByName()? - apache-flex

In Actionscript 3, why does getDefinitionByName() return an Object when the docs say:
Returns a reference to the class object of the class specified by the name parameter.
Based on that, I would conclude that the returned object should be Class instead of Object. Can someone enlighten me why that is not the case?

getDefinitionByName can also return a Function, such as getDefinitionByName('flash.utils.getDefinitionByName').
This only works on namespace-level functions, though, not static class methods.

Despite the method signature, getDefinitionByName does return Class. I think the misleading signature is due to the method existing before the Class object (when it used to return an anonymous/extended object instance).

Perhaps Adobe considered that this function might return different values in a future version of Flash Player. For instance, ECMAScript, the standard on which ActionScript is based, has historically used Function objects with prototypes as the basis for class-like objects. During discussions of the newest versions of the ECMAScript standard, there has been sugestions for "freezing" function-based classes at run-time to make them into something like compile-time Class objects. What if you could also specify a definition name for them? Are they actually of type Class at this point, or are they still or type Function? Probably the later, in my opinion. Both 'Class' and 'Function' references can be generalized as Object, so that return type makes sense in this context.
Note: This explanation is purely speculation based on what I've read in the ECMAScript specification wiki and the blogs of various committee members.


System.Text.Json serialization not using derived classes

I have an abstract class named Extension which has several derived classes such as DerivedExtensionA, DerivedExtensionB, etc.
Now I have a list defined as List<Extension> which contains the derived classes instances.
Now if I serialize the above list, it only serializes the base class properties that are in Extension since the list has the base class Extension type. If I define the list as List<DerivedExtensionA> and then put only instances of DerivedExtensionA in it, then they are serialized fine. But my code is generic which is supposed to accept all types of Extensions, so this isn't a workable solution for me.
So question is ..
How do I keep the list defined as List<Extension> and still be able to fully serialize the contained derived class instances that contain ALL their properties ?
Here is a fiddle showing this behavior: https://dotnetfiddle.net/22mbwb
EDIT: Corrected the fiddle URL
From How to serialize properties of derived classes with System.Text.Json
Serialization of a polymorphic type hierarchy is not supported.
In your fiddle you can use an array of objects:
string allExtensionsSerialized =
This is the hack I used recently:
public record MyType(
// This nonsense is here because System.Text.Json does not support normal polymorphic serialisation
[property: JsonIgnore] List<X> Messages))
// This nonsense is here because System.Text.Json does not support normal polymorphic serialisation
public object[] MessagesTrick => Messages.ToArray();
For deserialisation, I decided used JsonDocument.Parse inside a dedicated FromJson(string json) method. This works OK, for me, in this specific case.
Actually I ended up changing the definition of the list from List<Extension> to List<object>, and the behavior was corrected. This might not be a workable solution for everyone reading this, but it's fine for me so that's why I'm adding my own answer.

How to convert vavr collection to Java array?

I know about https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.vavr/vavr/latest/io/vavr/Value.html#toJavaArray but it's deprecated. Is there a non-deprecated method that can be used?
Out of the three toJavaArray variants, only the toJavaArray(Class) variant is deprecated directly, the other two are marked as deprecated because the Value class itself is deprecated. The generated javadoc is not very helpful in distinguishing between the two, unfortunately, but you can check the source code directly. This picture is probably a more precise representation of the current state:
Value is deprecated in favor of io.vavr.Iterable. This new interface is an extension of the java.lang.Iterable type, that differs mainly in that it returns an io.vavr.collection.Iterator instead of a simple java.util.Iterator. io.vavr.collection.Iterator extends Value, and I expect that after the removal of the Value interface, all methods which are not explicitly deprecated in the Value interface will be moved to io.vavr.collection.Iterator.
Out of the two not explicitly deprecated toJavaArray methods I would use the T[] toJavaArray(IntFunction<T[]> arrayFactory) variant – which was one of my contributions to the vavr project –, as it returns a typed array of the correct type instead of an Object[].
To sum it up, instead of using vavrValue.toJavaArray(), I would use vavrValue.iterator().toJavaArray(SomeType[]::new).

OCMock 3 Partial Mock: Class methods and the objc runtime

I'm running into an interesting issue when using OCMock 3 when partially mocking an object that defines class methods. I'm not sure if this is an issue with the dynamic subclassing that takes part as partial mocking or my misunderstanding of the objc runtime. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As part of running tests and other debug builds we do some runtime verification of method declarations using OmniFoundations' OBRuntimeCheck. One of these checks, in short, attempts to use the runtime to verify that type signatures match for class methods across inheritance and protocol conformance. This happens by listing the classes registered in the runtime and for each class the instance methods of the metaClass are copied. For each Method from the metaClass if it exists on the metaClass's superclass the type signatures are compared.
The problem comes when calling class_getInstanceMethod on the metaClass's superclass for one of the ocmock replacement selectors, ocmock_replaced_*. The test crashes EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION code=EXC_i386_INVOP subcode=0x0 and no class for metaclass is logged in the console. Example given:
class_getInstanceMethod(metaSuperClass, NSSelectorFromString(#"ocmock_replaced_classMessage"))
When partial mocking an object that defines a class method, it appears that the OCMock 3 framework generates a dynamic subclass, does some isa swizzling of the mocked object and also some isa swizzling of the dynamically generated class' metaClass.
This behavior and crash is new in OCMock 3 and I'm really at a loss of where to look next. Any runtime gurus have any idea what may be going on here? When looking through the code it did surprise me that the dynamically generated class used for the mock was having it's meta class swizzled out, but I don't necessarily think that is wrong. For ease in debugging I have created a simplified test case in a fresh fork of OCMock. The crashing test can be found here. Any help for guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I may be way off here, but I thought the superclass of a metaClass is NSObject (which is why you can normally call NSObject instance methods on class objects). I'm not sure you should be doing anything, normally, with the superclass of a metaClass.
In general, the metaClass stores all of the information about class methods. Therefore, getting an "instance" method on a metaClass is the same as getting a class method on the associated regular Class. The runtime can simply dereference the "isa" pointer of an instance to find a method list to find instance methods; doing the same on a Class object gets the meta class (of the same structure) and therefore the same process results in finding the class methods.
OCMock will create a magic subclass for any partial mock, and change the class on that instance to the new subclass, so all the instance method swizzling will be specific to that instance. For class methods though, I thought it had to modify the original class itself -- otherwise, calls to the regular class method in regular code would not be intercepted. It keeps a copy of the original implementation so that when you call -stopMocking on the mock it can restore the original implementation (the added ocmock_replaced* impl will still be there but should no longer be called).
You could simply ignore any selector which starts with "ocmock_replaced" since that really is not related to your actual code you are presumably checking. You might also have better luck changing "class_getInstanceMethod(metaSuperClass, ..." to "class_getClassMethod(regularSuperClass, ..."). I'm not sure why you would be getting a crash though -- I would expect class_getInstanceMethod(metaSuperClass, ...) to just return NULL in most situations.

What are the uses of constructor reference in java 8

I was reading about Java 8 features, which lead me to this article and I was wondering about the actual uses of constructor reference, I mean why not just use new Obj ?
P.S, I tried googling, but I failed to find something meaningful, if someone has a code example, link or tut it will be great
First of all, you should understand that constructor references are just a special form of method references. The point about method references is that they do not invoke the referenced method but provide a way to define a function which will invoke the method when being evaluated.
The linked article’s examples might not look that useful but that’s the general problem of short self-contained example code. It’s just the same as with the “hello world” program. It’s not more useful than typing the text “hello world” directly into the console but it’s not meant to be anyway. It’s purpose is to demonstrate the programming language.
As assylias has shown, there are use cases involving already existing functional interfaces using the JFC API.
Regarding the usefulness of a custom functional interface that’ll be used together with a constructor reference, you have to think about the reason to use (functional) interface in general: abstraction.
Since the purpose of an interface is to abstract the underlying operation, the use cases are the places where you do not want to perform an unconditional new SomeType(…) operation.
So one example is the commonly known Factory pattern where you define an interface to construct an object and implementing the factory via constructor reference is only one option out of the infinite possibilities.
Another important point are all kinds of Generic methods where the possibility to construct instances of the type, that is not known due to type erasure, is needed. They can be implemented via a function which is passed as parameter and whether one of the existing functional interfaces fits or a custom one is needed simply depends on the required number and types of parameters.
It's useful when you need to provide a constructor as a supplier or a function. Examples:
List<String> filtered = stringList.stream()
.filter(s -> !s.isEmpty())
.collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); //() -> new ArrayList<> ()
Map<String, BigDecimal> numbersMap = new HashMap<>();
numbersMap.computeIfAbsent("2", BigDecimal::new); // s -> new BigDecimal(s)
someStream.toArray(Object[]::new); // i -> new Object[i]

How to correct the objection about dymanic Object type by FlexPMD?

I have the code in one of my flex file used as labelFunction in a DataGrid.
When I run the FlexPMD to do the code review, it generates an objection about the dynamic type object used in the following method signature and it suggests to use strongly type object.
public function getFormattedCreatedTime(item:Object, column:DataGridColumn):String {
var value:Date=item[column.dataField];
return dateFormatter.format(value);
Does anyone know how to rectify it?
You have the answer in your question - just use a strongly type object, or perhaps an interface if item can have various types.
But basically there's nothing wrong with using dynamic type objects as long as you know what you're doing. I'd say just ignore the error.
In this case it would be of course possible to type item to something less generic than Object, but some times you can't, or Object is exactly the right type, in this case you can use //NOPMD comment - it will instruct the PMD validator to skip the definition. Of course the good practice is to also explain the reason you used //NOPMD.
