How do I hide an element when printing a web page? - css

I have a link on my webpage to print the webpage. However, the link is also visible in the printout itself.
Is there javascript or HTML code which would hide the link button when I click the print link?
"Good Evening"
Print (click Here To Print)
I want to hide this "Print" label when it prints the text "Good Evening". The "Print" label should not show on the printout itself.

In your stylesheet add:
#media print
.no-print, .no-print *
display: none !important;
Then add class='no-print' (or add the no-print class to an existing class statement) in your HTML that you don't want to appear in the printed version, such as your button.

Bootstrap 3 has its own class for this called:
It is defined like this:
#media print {
.hidden-print {
display: none !important;
You do not have to define it on your own.
In Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap5 this has changed to:

The best practice is to use a style sheet specifically for printing, and set its media attribute to print.
In it, show/hide the elements that you want to be printed on paper.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="print.css" media="print" />

Here is a simple solution
put this CSS
#media print{
and here is the HTML
<div class="noprint">
element that need to be hidden when printing

#media print
display: none !important;
height: 0;
.no-print, .no-print *{
display: none !important;
height: 0;
<link href="/theme/css/ui/ui.print.css?version=x.x.x" media="print" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" >
<div class="no-print"></div>

You could place the link within a div, then use JavaScript on the anchor tag to hide the div when clicked. Example (not tested, may need to be tweaked but you get the idea):
<div id="printOption">
<a href="javascript:void();"
onclick="document.getElementById('printOption').style.visibility = 'hidden';
return true;">
The downside is that once clicked, the button disappears and they lose that option on the page (there's always Ctrl+P though).
The better solution would be to create a print stylesheet and within that stylesheet specify the hidden status of the printOption ID (or whatever you call it). You can do this in the head section of the HTML and specify a second stylesheet with a media attribute.

#media print {
.no-print {
visibility: hidden;
<div class="no-print">

The best thing to do is to create a "print-only" version of the page.
Oh, wait... this isn't 1999 anymore. Use a print CSS with "display: none".

The accepted answer by diodus is not working for some if not all of us.
I could not still hide my Print this button from going out on to paper.
The little adjustment by Clint Pachl of calling css file by adding on
media="screen, print"
and not just
is solving this problem. So for clarity and because it is not easy to see Clint Pachl hidden additional help in comments.
The user should include the ",print" in css file with the desired formating.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="my_cssfile.css" media="screen, print"type="text/css">
and not the default media = "screen" only.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="my_cssfile.css" media="screen" type="text/css">
That i think solves this problem for everyone.

If you have Javascript that interferes with the style property of individual elements, thus overriding !important, I suggest handling the events onbeforeprint and onafterprint.

As Elias Hasle said, JavaScript can override !important. So, I extended his answer with a theoretical implementation.
This code identifies all elements with the class no-print, hides them with CSS before printing, and restores the original style after printing:
var noPrintElements = [];
window.addEventListener("beforeprint", function(event) {
var hideMe = document.getElementsByClassName("no-print");
noPrintElements = [];, function(item, index) {
noPrintElements.push({"element": item, "display": }); = 'none'; // hide the element
window.addEventListener("afterprint", function(event) {, function(item, index) { = item.display; // restore the element
noPrintElements = []; // just to be on the safe side


Add Content To Dialog Box DOJO

writing an app for opensocial brings up the following problem:
I create a dialog box (css is tundra)
myDialog = new dijit.Dialog({
title: "My Dialog",
content: "test content",
style: "width: 300px"
How can I change the properties "overflow" and /or "height" of the
contained in myDialog after creating this object?
Thank you
There are several approaches you can use, depending on how generic the solution should be.
Apply to all dialogs
If you want to apply the same style to all dialogs, you can "extend" a theme, for example, normally you would use the tundra theme like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="location/to/tundra.css" />
<body class="tundra">
<!-- Your content comes here -->
If you're going to apply it to all dialogs, you could do the following:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="location/to/tundra.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="custom/style.css" />
<body class="tundra custom">
<!-- Your content comes here -->
And then write a custom stylesheet like this:
.custom .dijitDialogPaneContent {
overflow: hidden; /** Custom styles */
This will guarantee that it will override the general Tundra style for all dialogs. If you don't use a class like .custom, you cannot override the Tundra stylesheet because .tundra .dijitDialogPaneContent will be more specific (which means it has a higher priority).
Of course, you could write .tundra .dijitDialogPaneContent in your custom stylesheet as well.
Apply to a single dialog through stylesheet
If you want to apply it to a single dialog, then give an ID to the dialog, for example:
myDialog = new dijit.Dialog({
title: "My Dialog",
content: "test content",
style: "width: 300px",
id: "myDialogId"
Then you could write a stylesheet like this:
#myDialogId .dijitDialogPaneContent {
overflow: hidden; /** Custom styles */
Apply to a single dialog (using JavaScript)
Seperate stylesheets may improve readability because you seperate logic from design. If you don't need the seperate stylesheet you could do something like this:
require([ "dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom" ], function(query) {
// Your code
query(".dijitDialogPaneContent", myDialog.domNode).style("overflow", "hidden");
This will use the domNode property of the dialog to query the content pane and then apply the style.
Apply to multiple dialogs
If you want to apply the same style to multiple dialogs (but not all dialogs), then your best approach would be to create a custom dialog by extending the default dialog. Considering the length of my answer atm I'm not going to explain that into detail, but I recommend reading guides about writing your own widget.

Using an existing style for all buttons without specifying it in the class attribute

I am using ASP.NET MVC 3 with the Razor engine together with the newest version of the Telerik MVC controls.
In telerik.webblue.min.css there are 2 styles, namely t-button and t-state-default. It is implemented on a button element like this:
<button class="t-button t-state-default" type="submit">Apply</button>
I don't want to use a class attribute to specify which styles to use, I want to specify it in my own stylesheet that all button elements must use these 2 styles. I tried the folowing in my stylesheet but it doesn't work:
So all that I want to have in my markup is:
<button type="submit">Apply</button>
How would I do this?
When I view source this is what I see:
<link href="/Assets/yui_2.9.0/yui/build/reset-fonts-grids/reset-fonts-grids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="/Assets/telerikaspnetmvc/2011.2.712/Content/telerik.common.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="/Assets/telerikaspnetmvc/2011.2.712/Content/telerik.webblue.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="/Assets/Stylesheets/hbf.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
In Firebug when I select the button it shows the top most style for this button as:
button, .t-button, .t-state-default {
hbf.css (line 26)
This should work.
However, you could place all the styles from
.t-button,.t-state-default {}
into a single rule labeled
button {}
I think I see the problem, based on your update. (If I understand it correctly)
button, .t-button, .t-state-default {
appears in your hbf.css
However, it is styling nothing. button is not able to reference the other styles that way.
The .t-button, .t-state-default are still receiving styles from the telerik.webblue.min.css stylesheet.
In order to make it work, you need to add button to the telerik.webblue.min.css stylesheet.
.t-state-default {
border: 1px solid red;
background: #ccc;
width: 100px;
height: 25px;
See Demo:

How to print inline CSS styles?

is there a way to print css styles, that are inline?
I use this code to print part of the code:;
I could use external file and make it media=print, but part of the html are chars, that are generated by php and I could make it by making class for every posible outcome, but that would be pain.
Any ideas? Thanks.
See the Demo:
What do you think if you do like this:
<div id="printableDiv">
<style type="text/css">
#media print {
#printable {
color: red;
// Any Other style you want to add
<div id="printable">
This Text will print in red color.
Javascript/jQuery code:;
In this scenario while a popup opens and gets the HTML of printableDiv, the styles for printer will be included in that popup so the printer will read styles from popup and will print in that manner.
I had the same problem, because i use instyle style to dynamically change background-color, and then the color was not in the print.
styleSheets[3] is my print.css file.
This worked for me:
I uncluded it in the smarty foreach i use to give some elements a background color.
<script type='text/javascript'>
document.styleSheets[3].insertRule(" #caldiv_<?smarty $item.calendar_id ?> { border-color:<?smarty $item.color ?> }", 1);

Is it possible to change the width of a table with CSS while printing?

I need to change the width of the table while printing the page using
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/reportPrint.css" media="print" />
Can I change the width of the table while printing from the CSS file?
Any help would be appreciated.
You can use a print stylesheet to set additional CSS properties when printing, by adding into the head element:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="print.css" type="text/css" media="print" />
Then in the print.css file, set out your additional/different properties, e.g.:
table {
edit: original post had invisible code until edit after I posted, so I don't know if this answers your question.
Actually, if you want to override inline CSS in the HTML markup. Do this:
#divShowTable {
You can use print media query:
#media print {
.print-table {
width: 100% !important;

How can I customise the browser's output for print/print preview?

I'm trying to dynamically hide certain DIV's when a print (or print preview) occurs from the browser.
I can easily differentiate statically by having two style sheets, one for normal and one for print media:
But I need to go one step further and hide some elements dynamically when the print style sheet becomes active during a print based upon certain criteria
One way to easily solve it would be to handle a DOM event for handling print / printview, then I could just use jQuery to change the display:none on the classes that need to be hidden, but I can't find a DOM print event!!
Anyone know what the solution is?
Not all browsers allow you to capture the print event. I've seen this tackled by adding a 'print this page' link and then using that click event to accomplish what you need.
I don't think you need a print event. All you need to do is adjust your #media print styles based on your Javascript(?) criteria. When the user attempts to print the page, the #media print style will apply and your styles will be in effect:
<style id="styles" type="text/css">
#media print { .noprint { display:none; } }
<script type="text/javascript">
var x = Math.random();
if (x > .5) {
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = '#media print { .maybe_noprint { display:none; } }';
<div class="noprint">This will never print.</div>
<span class="maybe_noprint">This may print depending on the value of x.</span>
If you are using server-side criteria to determine what prints, then just have server-side code spit out #media print to decorate the classes as necessary. Also, you may want to consider modifying an existing class that's already inside #media print, or building up the new CSS using something other than innerHTML, which I'll admit smells awful to me, but seems to work in Opera 9.6, Safari for Windows 3.1.2, IE 6 and Firefox (I didn't test any other browsers).
Just tag those DIVs with a class that's hidden on the print stylesheet:
<div id='div19' class='noprint'>
.noprint {
display: none;
If you don't know in advance which elements you need to hide, you can use javascript to set the class for the given objects:
There's an onbeforeprint event in IE. It doesn't appear to be supported by other major browsers. (I tested Firefox 3.0.3 and Safari 3.1.2.)
