How to use QMake's subdirs template? - qt

I'm starting to learn Qt. I'm moving from the Visual Studio world and I am looking for a way to organize my project's structure using QMake. I've found the 'subdirs' template but I have quite a hard time understanding it.
My project structure looks like this:
some logic files
gui files
My looks like this
TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS = logic \
SOURCES += main.cpp
In the .pro files for the subdirectories I have appropriate SOURCES, HEADERS and RESOURCES variables set.
Please tell me what TARGET, TEMPLATE and other necessary values I should set in the .pro files.
Also, is there some good QMake tutorial other than the official one?

In addition to Troubadour's comment, I would note that the SUBDIRS target is only good for specifying subdirectories. Therefore, your extra line of
SOURCES += main.cpp
in your file is incorrect, and will likely fail to build your main.cpp file, at worst. At best, qmake will refuse to parse the file, since it has conflicting specifications in it.
I've used the SUBDIRS template a few times, and it does well if you can build parts into more-or-less independent libraries, apparently like you have with the logic and the gui separate. Here is one way to do this:
----some logic files
----gui files
TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS = logic \
# build must be last:
CONFIG += ordered
SUBDIRS += build
#Includes common configuration for all subdirectory .pro files.
# The following keeps the generated files at least somewhat separate
# from the source files.
UI_DIR = uics
MOC_DIR = mocs
# Check if the config file exists
! include( ../common.pri ) {
error( "Couldn't find the common.pri file!" )
HEADERS += logic.h
SOURCES += logic.cpp
# By default, TARGET is the same as the directory, so it will make
# liblogic.a (in linux). Uncomment to override.
# TARGET = target
! include( ../common.pri ) {
error( "Couldn't find the common.pri file!" )
FORMS += gui.ui
HEADERS += gui.h
SOURCES += gui.cpp
# By default, TARGET is the same as the directory, so it will make
# libgui.a (in linux). Uncomment to override.
# TARGET = target
SOURCES += main.cpp
LIBS += -L../logic -L../gui -llogic -lgui
# Will build the final executable in the main project directory.
TARGET = ../project

You use subdirs if the logic and gui folders actually repesent some sort of target, eg. a library, that can be built independently of anything else. If that's the case then just use
TARGET = logic
CONFIG += dll
If they are not independent targets but are just folders that exist to organise the sources files then you can just use a .pri file in each instead and include them within the .pro using
Just remember that the file paths in the .pri files are relative to the .pro file and not the .pri. BTW, the use of a .pri file is optional as you can still list the files in those folders directly in the .pro file. The .pri file just makes it that bit neater and helps keep the .pro file shorter.


Could not find .pro file for sub dir - when subdir contains relative path

I've got a top-level .pro file with subdirs template
TEMPLATE = subdirs
common/tests contains .pro file, but qmake couldn't find it:
Could not find .pro file for sub dir "common/tests" in "/home/o.antonyan/Documents/mt3/main/src/common/tests"
But it's there:
ls /home/o.antonyan/Documents/mt3/main/src/common/tests
api interfaces Makefile ui
dataformat.cpp local_enviroment.cpp types
If I move this pro file to parent directory and modify topp-level qmake SUBDIRS += common then it works. The problem is only when subdirs contain relative path more than 1 level deep.
QMake version 3.0 Using Qt version 5.4.1 on GNU/Linux x86, Qt compiled from sources
From the docs:
It is recommended that the project file in each subdirectory has the same base name as the subdirectory itself, because that makes it possible to omit the file name. For example, if the subdirectory is called myapp, the project file in that directory should be called
Try renaming to
I had the same problem and found this solution for the top level .pro file:
TEMPLATE = subdirs
tests_common.file = tests/
SUBDIRS += tests_common
But now I would prefere the answer of svlasov.

QtCreator tricky project

I have a project in Qt Creator which has several shared library projects and the main project which also contains the main function. What I want is to add a new project which shouldn't be a shared library but just a project with some header files where I keep definitions and error codes. What I wish is to be able to add the path of this project to other projects INCLUDEPATH in order to use those files in other projects.
To do so I created an empty project which .pro file looks like this:
but when I build the whole project it complains that it doesn't find the main in this project with only one header.
Is it possible in QtCreator to achieve this?
Create a .pri file which has your INCLUDEPATH, etc; and then refer to it in your other projects' .pro files:
# Common.pri
INCLUDEPATH += ../myPath
INCLUDE += myHeader.h
!include( ./Common.pri ) {
error( Could not find the Common.pri file. )
INCLUDEPATH += ../myOtherPath
Remember to use the += operator in your .pro files otherwise they will overwrite the .pri file variables.

Is it possible to add a dependency to your Makefile in qmake?

Currently, I have a file which contains some version tagging information which is used by the .pro file and parsed by qmake, but the problem is that when that file changes qmake is not re-run.
Is it possible to add something to the .pro file so that qmake will treat this file as a dependency for the Makefile?
Sometheing like this should work: = depend_on_file
depend_on_file.depends = path_to_your_txt_file
depend_on_file.CONFIG += recursive
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += depend_on_file
PRE_TARGETDEPS += depend_on_file
Rebuild will be triggered if file path_to_your_txt_file changes but keep in mind that if your qmake script that parses the file changes DEFINES variable then you out of luck. Defines are not listed in dependencies, you see. If defines are changed you have to do full rebuild by hand.

The right way to use a custom library in Qt?

I have a custom library to be included in Qt. Currently, it is included by adding the followings in .pro file.
LIB += ...
Since the library is used in most of my projects. I am wondering that if there is some way to make my custom library to be INTEGRATED with the QtSDK? Maybe it can be included by syntax like the build-in components
QT += my_custom_library
and everything (header file include path, lib file include, etc...) will be done.
Is the integration possible?
You are probably looking for to create a mkspec file which then used with CONFIG option. So create a file to $QT_HOME/mkspec/features/mycoollib.prf that contains your instructions. There should be plenty of examples in that directory. The name of the file declares it's usage, so the file mycoollib.prf would be used like:
CONFIG += mycoollib

Running a program/script from QMake

We have a fairly large code-base. The vast majority of the code is compiled using qmake to produce the makefiles. However, there are some sub-projects that get produced by running batch files or running other programs.
I'd like to be able to have everything compiled using qmake, but I can't figure out how to get qmake to simply run a script.
One thing that I've tried is using QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS in my pro file, like so:
SOURCES = placeholder.cpp
CONFIG += no_link staticlib = placeholder.cpp
batch_runner.commands = my_batch_file.bat
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS = batch_runner
I then have to have the batch file produce placeholder.cpp like so:
# do the real work here
# ...
# create placeholder.cpp so qmake and nmake are happy
echo // dummy >> placeholder.cpp
This seems to work fine. The trouble is that it is somewhat hokey. If I don't specify (i.e. I leave it blank) or don't put placeholder.cpp in SOURCES then the batch file never gets run. This is because qmake isn't making batch_runner.commands the action for any other dependency in the Makefile.
Is there any better way to get QMake to construct a Makefile such that a script is run when the Makefile executes?
It looks like QMAKE_POST_LINK works well for this sort of thing.
This seems to get the job done. my_batch_file.bat runs when nmake runs (rather than when qmake runs) and I don't need to do anything funny with placeholder targets or files.
It's quite likely that I don't need all of the items listed in 'CONFIG'.
CONFIG += no_link target_predeps staticlib
QMAKE_POST_LINK = my_batch_file.bat
QMAKE_CLEAN += batch_output.obj
Try the system() command. For example:
Here is another solution:
first.commands = my_batch_file.bat
QMAKE_CLEAN += batch_output.obj
The template aux basically produces a makefile which does nothing when run without specifying a target. The OBJECTS_DIR and DESTDIR variables are set to the current directory to prevent that qmake creates the debug and release directories (it's important to set them to ./ and not just to .; at least on Windows). Then, using QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS, we redefine the target first to run the custom command when the makefile is invoked without target.
It's a bit hacky but it gets the job done.
If you want to prevent the generation of three makefiles (Makefile, Makefile.Debug, Makefile.Release), you can add
CONFIG -= debug_and_release
However, if you use this and depending on how the makefile is invoked (always invoked manually, invoked by parent directory's "subdirs" *.pro file, ...), it might be necessary to create fake debug and release targets to avoid "no rule to make target..." errors. For example: = release = release-clean = release-install
[...] = debug = debug-clean = debug-install
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += release release-clean release-install [...]
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += debug debug-clean debug-install [...]
You could use the SUBDIRS configuration to run multiple different targets, even from the same makefile. This might work especially well with your extra targets, as a subdir configuration can specific a specific target in the makefile to run (see undocumented qmake for details). In this case, I would put all of the "regular" build commands in one .pro file, the external build commands in another, and a subdirs .pro file to build all of them. I haven't tested anything quite like this, but it should work.
SOURCES += main.cpp
TARGET = regular.exe
batch_runner.commands = my_batch_file.bat
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += batch_runner
other_runner.commands = other_batch_file.bat
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += other_runner
TEMPLATE = subdirs
CONFIG += ordered
regular.file =
SUBDIRS += regular
batch.file = = batch_runner
SUBDIRS += batch
other.file = = other_runner
SUBDIRS += other
